personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
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Hi babyboy! You’re sleeping right now & I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for always sticking by me through everything i’ve done and said. You truly are different and an amazing person and now I can’t imagine my life without you because you make me so happy. Just know that I will always love you! 93S252 to ∞ & →
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
I'm glad I made the choice to wait for you, it was worth the wait.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
I'm not even your priority, why should you be mine?
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
You treat me just like how you treat your friend, nothing more.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
Sometimes you care about your friends more than you care about me.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
Viet/rap; Khep Lai (drifting away)
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
Honestly, I'm trying.
I don't know what else you want from me. I try to give you the attention you deserve. I'm trying to talk to you like nothing is wrong but you're just not seeing it.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
And, let the countdown for Summer '14 begin.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
If you're not here during my struggles, don't bother being there during my successes.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
I fall hard for a girl with a genuine smile.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
There are only 2 types of people, the ones behind the gun or the ones between you and the gun.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
The ones I once cared for are long gone now.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
When I was younger I was actually skinny. As I got into high school, I began to eat and couldn’t control myself. Throughout my high school years I gained, on average, 30 pounds per grade. By grade 10, I was at 210 lbs, with pure gut with at least 30-40% body fat. Imagine an old man on beer belly. I was exactly the same but instead, just straight fat. I had no muscles, no strength, nothing at all. I was 5”6’ at 210 lbs. I was considered obese by friends. High school is known for the bullying, and I was a victim. Always getting called fat and chubby, not only by school friends but by family friends and even my own family. I dealt with all the jokes and bullying for a good 5 years. Everyone saying that I’m going to be the the shortest person in the group of friends and family. I began excluding myself from a lot of people because I did not want people bullying me anymore. I started to eat lunch by myself so no one knew what I was eating so they couldn’t make fun of me. During lunch time while everyone was playing on the field, I would be in a classroom on a computer. I didn’t want to deal with all the jokes and bullying anymore. So by grade 12, I decided to enter a new school. I came into the new school with a plan. Not to make friends and just focus strictly on school. I didn’t want anyone to make fun of me anymore, I didn’t want people to bully me anymore. Again, lunch I would drive home to eat. I excluded all my friends, from past to present. I came into the new school with not knowing a single person. I came into the school with zero friends. It was a fresh new beginning and it was great. I could finally live the life I wanted, no jokes, no bullying. But I couldn’t hide away from the bullying at home. It got to a point where I got fed up and actually wanted to do something about it instead of dreaming about it. I went gym shopping. I searched around my city for a gym that I could go to. From rec centres, to Steve Nash, to Gold’s. I would work out at different gyms to get to know what kind of exercises to do, how to work out, what the machines did, what I am capable of. When I started to get the hang of things, Trevor Linden Club 16 opened. I was thrilled because of the price and location. I signed up right away and since then I started to work out on the daily. I began having slow progress, but slow progress is still progress.
Now I’m 5”11’, 195 lbs with 16% body fat, not the best but I’m glad with the results. I took all the negativity from everyone I know and turned it into something motivational and positive. I am now the tallest person, from all my relatives and family friends, and the strongest. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to be where I am today without all the negativity from everyone, all the bullying I took for 5 years, all the jokes and teasing. Without any of those, I wouldn’t be able to say I look happy and feel happy. That was the first step into a new life for myself. Now the next step is to find friends that are loyal to me.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 11 years
Its great being alone and all but sometimes I just wish I had someone by my side.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 12 years
I don't know what to say anymore, I'm speechless. Not from excitement but from disappointment.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 12 years
A couple of days could change everything between us.
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personal-2fcuk3d · 12 years
Everyone is drifting away from me again, now I'm alone.
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