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                                              Rumor has it,
                                if you say her name three times
                          She’ll punch you in the face and exclaim…
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//So, I'm not sure if this is where I send this, but I'm a new Sho account!! c:
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I might have to open admin apps soon.
Going to be redoing a lot on this blog, since I've been gone for so long.
Keep tuned!
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I love all the Adachi role-players. LOVE. I personally think they are the most adorable muns and among the most interesting and well-written characters I have seen! They are super sweet, really approachable, and their writing is amazing! I love being able to talk to them a lot and really hear how they feel about plot points! Image Source
Admin Note: As you can see, I am not nearly as good at photoshop as the admin who made all those pretty pictures--but she seems to have disappeared while I was on hiatus, so this is the best I can do for now!
- Yu
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Hey everyone! This is much of an overdue update. I'm just here to say that this blog is still alive, and I'm planning on adding many new things, some new admins, and to help keep it rolling! If you have any suggestions, like events we could hold, etc, feel free to pop into our ask box!
-Yu Admin
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((I'm surprised I have yet to see anyone RP as any characters from the original Persona.))
Yeah, it really seems that the entire original persona fanbase is pretty small. It would be pretty cool to see some though!
-Yu Admin
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abrokenjester confessed:
Rottenmiso does such a good job as Yu Narukami that I'm constantly blown away by their responses! I really hope that they continue innovating and role playing!
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Submitted by Anonymous
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{{ It surprises me to know that there were never as many Persona(e) Roleplayers around. I feel that many thought that it would be much of a task to roleplay as them,in all honesty.}}
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Anonymous said:
I'm really glad some things have changed in the Persona rp world, or at least I've seen a change. I used to get pushed behind the scenes a lot and treated like I was a bad guy for not wanting to smut this or write smut with someone underage. That hasn't happened since my return, and I'm so happy it's a change for the better.
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There haven't been any confessions as of late...
Aww, what's up? 
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Holy smokes! I just realized you have my VERY old Shuji blog on here- SEES Chairman. It's inactive and serving as an archive of literary progress, so you can remove it -- and add this blog instead! I'm active here!
>> Oh, alright. Our mistake! I will change it as soon as possible.
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>> Thank you for the heads up.
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;; hello! i used to be konishi-liquor but i changed my url to tsunawtarihime! just wanted to let you know! :3
>> Thank you for the update!
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Hey, can I be added to the P3/P4 protagonist sections in the masterlist?
>> Sure!
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((Hello--I was known as 'superhackerpriestess', but I have changed my URL to 'taciturnxtactician'. Wanted to pass this along to you. :) ))
>> Thank you for the update!
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[[Hello! I am a new Persona blog whereas I RP as the male SEES members. I was wondering if you can add me? Thank you~ :) ]]
>> On it!
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Due to being more active on my Makoto RP blog. Naoto MOD is now Makoto MOD.
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