She frowned at him, "Dont'chu stick your tongue out at me mister."
"Going to make me stop?" he teased.
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He rolled over, smiling softly as she left him. "Thank you dear..."
“Could give me a very tight, very loving hug,” he whispered. “And maybe some tea? Please?”
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She jumped a bit, turning to look at him. "Hi, welcome back."
"Hey Thir." He stuck his tongue out at her.
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She waited patiently, pulling out a pen and doodling on her hand for a bit. She rearranged her legs and leaned back, humming under her breath.
He snuck up behind her fifteen minutes later, "Hey kid."
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He sat up and kissed her, "Nope. Enough sugar there."
“Could give me a very tight, very loving hug,” he whispered. “And maybe some tea? Please?”
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She nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine."
"Wonderful..." Eldian hopped up and trotted up the stairs.
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She grinned a bit, "But I'll probably just call you Eldian. Old Man feels a little too mean for me." She shrugged. "Besides, I like your name."
"Darn. I tried..." Eldian chuckled and rubbed his face. "Ugh...lemme go shower and brush my teeth. I'll be back in a few. Will you be okay?"
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"Tea? That way I can cuddle you, uninterrupted..."
“Could give me a very tight, very loving hug,” he whispered. “And maybe some tea? Please?”
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"I could always call you 'old man' or 'Gramps'."
"Old Man? Heh I like it." Eldian playfully shoved her arm. "Thanks Thir."
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"Could give me a very tight, very loving hug," he whispered. "And maybe some tea? Please?"
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"I will find a way..." Eldian wrapped an arm over her, scooting closer. He nuzzled her shoulder and smiled softly, "Have to say that this is the best way to recover..."
Willing himself to change back, Eldian pulled closer, kissing her repeatedly. “Please…run next…time.”
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So I sort of passed out from exhaustion last night.
Sorry about that.
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Once he'd hobbled into his room, he all but collapsed onto his bed, spent. "Thank you darling. I owe you." Eldian patted the bed next to him, wanting to hold her for a while.
Willing himself to change back, Eldian pulled closer, kissing her repeatedly. “Please…run next…time.”
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She grins. "Yup. Makes my heart go all a flutter. Like, "Hey, that's my name. They took the few extra seconds to say my name rather than just 'you' or 'her'. That's nice; I'm happy." I think everyone kind of gets that feeling sometimes. Especially if they see their name mentioned and they weren't even talking to the person or anything." She looked over at him, "Hm, but, just so long as its not some sort of mean, teasing name, I don't mind."
"My dear friend, I would never call you Small Fry out of meanness..." he said with a wink. "Hmmm lessee, for me it's either Eldian or some silly title. I'm so old now though that someone being sentimental with me just doesn't do much. I've grown a bit callous..."
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"I don't know. It was only in the past couple years that a few people started giving me nicknames. I just... really like it." She rubs the back of her neck, "I mean, if someone does it to tease me or something, then, yeah, I'd get bothered. But who doesnt?" She shrugs, "I like it when people even just say my name. Makes me feel like I'm more /there/."
"So by saying "Thirrin", you're happier than a clam? Heh" Eldian smiled and pulled his legs up, snickering. "What else could I call you...hmmmm"
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She sat up a bit more and crossed her legs, "I mean it; I really don't mind petnames or nicknames or whatever." She shrugged, "I honestly find it really flattering."
"Not used to them or what? Why do you feel that way?" He leaned back, watching her.
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"Yes love." He pecked her cheek before sitting up carefully, groaning. "Heavens. Heh m-might need help to bed..." Eldian slowly stood and offered her a hand, "C-can you believe...th-that was my first fight..."
Willing himself to change back, Eldian pulled closer, kissing her repeatedly. “Please…run next…time.”
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