pestplay · 5 years
How to Get Rid of Palm Rats: Step by Step Guide
Palm rats or known as roof rats, black rats, and house rats are the leading rodent pest in our everyday life especially around tropical climates. These rats are professional climbers and usually nest off the ground in trees such as palms. They are also quite active around spring and summer but around fall and winter these little troubles are off the track, but with troubles they can make, they are still need to be hunted. Below, we have a guide on how to get rid of palm rats from your home.
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Clean up your property and its surrounding
Palm rats need food, water, and an easy access to their comfy nest. To make your property ended up as one of those place for their nest, you need to get rid of anything will make them flourishing in your place. You can do that by cleaning up your yard. Check on some woodpiles, palm trees and dense vegetation that could be one of their nesting places.
Do pick up all of the fallen fruits from the ground, especially if it’s a citrus tree and pick up all of the citrus crops as well. Citrus is known for the water sources of palm rats to survive. If you have pet, make sure to not leave any pet foods outside, because surprisingly, palm rats can easily adapt to any food they can get. Make sure all your garbage containers tightly covered, and store bulk food in a sealed containers.
You must be asking why I should do that but believe it or not by cutting all of the things they are needed or attracted to, your rates to catch them on any trap you put on with bait will be higher than the time when you just leave your property the way it should be.
Seal any possible hole access to your house
Look around your house and find if there is any hole that you unaware of. If you find some, time to start cover it with cement or anything that is strong enough to block any way those rats can access. Check the air ventilation as well as the attic and make sure no dead rats found anywhere because the dead rat can smell up the entire house.
Time to hunt them down
Now that you are already blocked their way in and out as well as get rid the possible nest, the next step is to put a trap. There are many types of rat traps you can use. If you want to want to use it indoor with pets and children in the area, a live rat trap would be a great choice since it won’t harm anyone. You can also use rat poison, glue trap for rats and many other choices depends on your surrounding and what you need the most. If you already decided on which trap you will use, you just only need to wait for 6-8 hours (if you put it around nighttime) to know if one of those little trouble tempted and finally got caught on the trap.
Rat repellents are also best option to keep them away from your properties. After eliminating them properly, you can use a rat repellent.
That is all about hot to get rid of palm rats. Thank you for reading and see you on the next post.
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pestplay · 6 years
What You Can Use To Get Rid Of Mice
If you ask people what is the most hate animal in the world? Maybe most of them will answer Mice! The fact is, it’s not that easy to get rid of mice from your home. Mice can bring so many diseases as they like to live in a dirty area. Some people take a simple way by calling a pest control professional but if you decide to face it by yourself, here are some ways to get rid of mice away from home:
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Mouse Trap
This is a classic method. It’s better if you use many kinds of trap such as bait traps, multiple-capture live traps, and glue traps in conjunction with the wooden traps.
Eliminating Access
Actually, it’s not so easy as mice’s ability to squeeze itself into the even smallest opening. Avoid using plastic, rubber, wood or anything else mice can easily gnaw to seal cracks.
Use The Best Bait For Mouse Trap
You can use some most effective mouse trap bait like peanut, chocolate or dried fruit as the best bait for a mouse trap. Tie the bait to the trigger with fishing line or dental floss. Try to secure bait with hot glue.
Bait Packages
Bait packages or bait stations are sealed packages containing meal or pellets. They made from plastic, paper or wrapping that mice easily can gnaw. Hopefully, after eating the mail, the mice will die. Be careful with the product, they are best handled by a trained pest management professional to ensure the safety of your family. Bait packages also known as rat poisons bait. 
Important to Place The Trap Properly
Usually, mice can’t travel 10 or 20 feet from food sources and nesting areas. Place the traps somewhere that you see mice or signs of mice. Change trap locations every two days or so. Naturally, mice are curious they won’t avoid traps.
Handling The Mouse In and Out The House
Mice love to hide in debris. You’d better get rid of it around your house. When you find burrows and nesting areas, just destroy them. It helps you to easily find some spot signs of rodent activity.
Related: Essential Oils to Get Rid of Mice
Keep a Good Sanitation
A few crumbs here and there are really needed by mice. Vacuum your floors and make sure to eliminate any access to food sources.
Cats as A Hunter
Naturally, cats love to hunt mice. It might be the best way to catch the mouse. Many farmer use barn cats to control the attack of mice. Cats usually have a great sense of smell. They will easily notice where the mice are.
There are still many ways to get rid of mice from your home. You can also try using some herbal like coffee, pieces of unions, pepper powder or even baby powder! Spread that around the mice spot. They actually don’t really like the smell. They can make them bothered and go away. But the most important thing is still keep your environment clean.
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pestplay · 6 years
How Does Mouse Poison Work: Know The Truth to Eliminate Them Easily
Mouse poison is one of the most widely used methods of eradicating rats. But how does mouse poison work? Rats are very disturbing animals. Rats can cause serious health problems and cause damage. This is because rats are rodent species that will eat everything in front of them. Rats will damage things in your house quickly without you knowing it. Rats also have a deadly virus when we are exposed to saliva. Rats saliva is a major cause of plague. Plague is a disease that can cause death in a short time. You should think of a way to eradicate rats.
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Tips for Choosing Mouse Poison
You can think of various alternatives to eradicate rats in your home. One alternative that you can use is the use of mouse poison to eradicate rats in your home. Mouse poison is one of the best ways you can use them. There are different types mouse poison available in the market that you can use to eradicate rats that interfere with your life and your family. 
If you are looking for the most effective mouse poisons, then you need to consider poisons containing anticoagulants, cholecalciferol, or bromethalin. These three types of poisons are available in several different brands and are usually sold on the market. Anticoagulant toxins, cholecalciferol, and bromethalin are usually very effective for eradicating all types of rodents such as rats. 
How Does It Work?
Most mouse poisons contain Coumarinic rodenticide. These substances contain anticoagulants agents. The effect of poisoning depends on the amount of substance consumed. These substances inhibit vitamin K which is very important in the process of blood clotting, causing damage to blood vessels and bleeding. Rats will experience hemorrhagic shock due to severe bleeding and anemia. 
Rats usually die shortly after eating the poison, but some toxin brands containing larger amounts of Coumarinic rodenticide can cause rats to die on the spot. Besides Coumarinic rodenticide, poisons are also made using potassium cyanide which can interfere with their breathing apparatus. This will cause them to suffocate and die within minutes and will only die around the bait placed. This type of poison is usually only used by professional pest controllers. 
Anticoagulant rats poisons are the most commonly used types of poisons. This toxin works by removing vitamin K in the bloodstream. After a day or two, rats that have swallowed anticoagulants will run out of blood due to the absence of vitamin K in the bloodstream so that the blood will freeze and eventually die. 
Rodent cholecalciferol is another type of poison which is generally considered very effective for eradicating mouse pests. Actually, this type of poison is a type of vitamin D. When rodents swallow cholecalciferol, basically the rats will experience calcium overdose. Calcium overdose will cause heart failure, seizures, and death, usually within 36 hours after consuming this poison. 
Bromethalin is a very deadly type of mouse poison and works by interfering with the central nervous system, including the brain and spine. Generally, bromethalin requires only one dose to kill rodents. The majority of rats that consumed bromethalin died in less than 24 hours.
You can also try natural mouse repellent or mouse trap with the best bait to get rid of them.
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pestplay · 6 years
Most Effective Essential Oils to Get Rid of Mice
Essential oils are always a great choice to get rid of rats from your living area. Essential oils are safe to use inside the home. If you have kids or pets in your home apply essential oils instead of the toxins or traps. There are some most effective and useful to repel the mouse and insects without harming humans and animals. You can apply these essential oils to get rid of mice inside your home.
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Some Most Effective Essential Oils to Getting Rid Of Mice
Apply essential oil to get rid of rats from the home is a natural solution. There are some most effective essential oils, which will help you to deter the mouse away from your house.
Peppermint Oil to Repel the Rodents
One of the most useful essential oils to prevent the mouse is peppermint oil. This oil is made from the mint plants. Applying peppermint oil is the most reliable ways to repel the mouse. But you need to purchase 100% pure peppermint oil. Otherwise, it wouldn’t work to control the problem of the mice. This oil has an extreme flavour which works as a rat repellent.
The Process to Apply the Peppermint Essential Oil
You can use peppermint spray inside your home. To make peppermint spray put two tablespoons of peppermint essential oil and one tablespoon of the dishwasher with a cup of water. Blend them together very well in a spray bottle. Sprinkle the mixture the areas the rodents are likely to enter your house. Or you can apply this oil on the cotton balls. Put on 3 or 4 drops of mint oil in the cotton ball and spread them in the effective area. Change these balls at least after a week and set new balls with the same method.
Lavender Oil the Natural Rat Revolting
Lavender oil is the most effective essential oil. It works as the repellent to the rodents. The mouse doesn’t like the smell of this oil. If you don’t want to use poison or traps you can use lavender oil to control the rats. It has no harmful sides to humans and animals.
Method to use Lavender Oil
Take some cotton balls to apply lavender essential oil solution. Place 8 to 10 drops of lavender oil on per cotton ball. Put this ball where you find the spot of the rats. Change the balls after several days. And set new cotton on the same way with lavender essential oil. This process will help you to deter the mouse out from your home. Keep applying this method until you no longer spot the mice or any sign they are in your area.
Eucalyptus Oil Natural Mice Repellent
Eucalyptus essential oil works not only to deter the rodents but also destroy the insects inside the home. It is safe to use inside the home. You can use eucalyptus oil instead of chemical poison or traps. This oil will help you to keep the rodents away from your side.
Ways to apply eucalyptus Essential Oil
You can sprinkle eucalyptus oil every corner of your house or you can apply this oil with the cotton balls. Just put several drops of eucalyptus oil on the cotton balls and place them on the area where you think the rats are frequently run. And the entry points which the mouse use to get into your home. Keep changing the balls within some days to have the best result.
You can also use clove oil and Castrol oil as a rat repellent to repel the mouse. These oils also work on removing destructive pests like the mice from the house. You can apply these essential oils to get rid of mice from your side.
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pestplay · 6 years
What are Some Best Food for Mouse Trap?
Mice eat almost all type of foods but there are some foods they like very much. You can use these foods against them as bait of the traps. Most of the foods available in our home you can find these foods easily. In this post I’ve listed some best food for mouse trap, apply these foods as bait for catching the rats.
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Some Best Foods for Mouse Trap
If you want to catch mice easily, you need the right bait as well as best mice trap. There are some foods which are very useful for the bait of the mice trap. Here you will find out these foods name which is very useful for rats bait.
Peanut Butter (Rats Love it Most)
You can use peanut butter as a bait for mice trap. It has a significant impact so that rats like it so much. Peanut butter is made by nut and mice love nut most. Peanut butter is considered as the best food for rat trap than the other foods. You can use a little nut to make your bait more attractive to rats.  
Pet Foods (Dog Foods or Cats Dry Foods)
Rats attack pet foods because they love it very much. One of the best foods for mice trap is pet foods as like dog foods or cat foods. Rats like dry cat foods most, it likes delicious to them. Tie these foods with the trigger of the traps it will easy to catch rats.
Cheese (They Like its Smell Very Much)
Cheese has an excellent fragrance and rats like it very much. They can pick its smell from a long distance. So that you can take cheese as bait for mousetrap. A little bit cheese is enough for a bait.
Soft Chocolates (Mice Love Sugary Foods Also)
Rats also like sugary food and it is a weakness of them. You can choose soft chocolates as bait for catching them. It is most delicious for rats so that chocolates also best foods among all of the baits.
Bird Seeds (Sunflower Seeds or Pumpkin Seeds)
Bird seeds as like sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds are also one of the best foods for the bait for mice trap. If you have birds then you may notice it rats eat your bird’s seeds. You keep your birds food into a safe place to avoid the attack of the mouse. So you can use your bird seeds as a bit for catching mice. Just knot the seeds with the trigger of the traps.
Honey or Molasses
Honey or molasses also one of the best foods for the bait for mice. It’s also one type of sugary food rats like it very much. Just 2 or 3 drop of honey is enough for the bait at once. Or you can use honey with any other foods as a bait.
Cookies (Sugary or None Sugary)
Almost we all have faced this problem is that rats eat cookies inside of our home. It is most common food uses as a bait for the mice trap. Rats love to eat cookies so you can use both of sugary or none sugary cookies as a bait. Just break the cookies up into small crumbs and tie them into the traps.
Most Important Tips about Baiting Mouse Trap
Use hand gloves during set up the trap it will protect your skin of hand from all kind of germ. Gloves are essential to prevent your smell from leaving on the trap because rats can pick smell very easily.
Use enough food for the bait. If you use many foods as bait, it would create an overloading problem. So that you have to use a tiny piece of food as a bait for the trap.
Change the baits around a few hours. The bait of the mice must always be fresh because fresh foods attract mice very much.
After setting the traps just wait with patience. Don’t expect satisfactory result instantly. It’s could take time to catch the rats.
One final tip for you is, try to use sticky foods as bait of the rat traps. Sticky foods are easy to set into the traps and rats like it so much. All of the foods in this post are figure out as the best food for mouse trap you would use these foods as a bait.
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