pharflux · 3 years
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Some pretty locations of Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP) 💛
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pharflux · 3 years
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emil 🌝
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pharflux · 3 years
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couldnt find a gif of emil's cute swayng animation so i made one myself
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pharflux · 3 years
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The crew, together :D
this took a stupidly long time
A print for SMASH! 2018
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pharflux · 4 years
please get a life margaret. the extreme distances you will take to not only harass but stalk minors 24/7 is getting pretty fucking old.
and before you mention that you were doxxed, or that you are autistic (we are too), or that someone stalked you, or that goro is your special interest, or the countless other useless excuses you say each and every time someone tries to tell you that this is beyond outrageous and idiotic, guess what? we’ve heard it before and that isn’t what this conversation is about. you have dodged countless suspensions on twitter (which in itself is a reason to be suspended!) and continued to be racist, ableist, and just an overall disgusting human being for years. this isn’t about a ship anymore and you know it. this is about your desire to paint an entire group of people as evil, even the ones you have never even interacted before.
please get some serious mental help. your autism is not an excuse for this disgusting behavior. posting constantly about how much you hate people who ship two fictional characters together and hoping someone will go and harass the people who have already blocked you is not normal. i have not seen a single person that agrees with your actions and has decided that everyone who even vaguely thinks shuake isn’t bad is evil. people who do not even like shuake even think your actions are reprehensible. honestly, i cannot even laugh anymore at how despicable you are. it is disgusting. i cannot bring myself to give you a shard of sympathy. but i do seriously hope you seek mental help and think about why you think these actions are perfectly fine.
i already know you won’t actually read any of this and will just tell me and fanta to go fuck ourselves and that we’re pathetic. that is how your song and game goes every time. it is pointless to try and get through to you. but on the off-chance that you do read this, @featherrwbyrnjr, i hope you one day realize you have spent years seeking out and attacking people who have never interacted with you before and telling them that they are worthless for liking a fictional ship. i hope you reflect on the fact that your relentless harassment has drove people back to self-harming. i hope you think about how you have driven people to attempt suicide just because you think they are evil for liking a character you like in a relationship with another fictional character.
shuake is not the issue here. you can block the tag and block the users that draw it and talk about it, even if “they are the only ones who draw good art of goro” (and maybe you should think about why that is?). you are the issue. you are the issue that is seeking out shuake content to harass it. it is not in your face. you are looking for it.
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I never said didn’t. I said stop talking and acting like it’s canon when it’s not. I said stop making gatekeeping statements and phrases in intimidating ways to keep non-Shuakes out. I said get back into your fucking lane and stop talking like you’re headcanons are actually canon. They’re not.
i’m sorry you’re bitter about the implied canoninity of shuake. if people wish to interpret it as being romantic in nature, then i see no problem with that. the fact that they are canonically compared to two lovers is one prime example of this. if that were a straight ship, nobody would disagree on the canoninity of shuake.
and since when do people make “gatekeeping statements” about keeping non-shuakes out? like yes, people do make statements that may be “against” non-shuakes but it’s exclusively for people who like the ship. 
you literally call out people for liking shuake in general. people are in their lane. you just choose to swerve in that lane and complain about it, even though you’re the one who’s in the wrong lane to begin with.
This fandom and Goro is for everyone. Not just you sick fucks. Now learn to share Goro and his fandom or deal with myself and many others hating the guts of Shuakes like yourself because you people have superiority complexes.
nobody said it was exclusively for shuakes. and if people do, that is a minority. i used to hate shuake too at one point and i literally never felt like shuakes were “taking over”. furthermore, you’re generalizing an entire group of people merely for liking a ship. why can’t you understand that it’s wrong to generalize people simply for enjoying a ship? you seem to have a superiority complex yourself since you seem to think that shuake is objectively bad and that anybody who thinks otherwise is wrong for thinking that.
Stop lying to yourselves about the canoninity of Shuake and expecting the rest of us to play along and let you have whatever you want, even at the cost of our own sanity.
“at the cost of our own sanity” seriously? it’s literally just a fandom ship that’s popular. you can very easily block tags and avoid it. i did it myself when i disliked shuake just fine and never had any problems with it. you act like all shuakes have some hidden evil agenda to convert the non-shuakes when we’re literally just trying to have a good time. last time i checked, you’re the one trying to spoil that because you somehow feel personally attacked by people enjoying themselves.
you’re taking this too seriously. it’s just a ship. even beyond that, you’re actively antagonizing people just for liking something you don’t like. i have personally felt that certain ships i dislike are popular and it’s annoying, but it has never once inspired me to create an account dedicated to hating it and antagonizing other people. and yes, including ships that aren’t canon but people say they are. it’s not a big deal and you’re truly blowing it out of proportion.
please. just get a fucking hobby. stop attacking people (mostly minors, which makes it even worse) for their interests.
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pharflux · 4 years
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(Sorry about the ugly watermark. I’ve learned the hard way since I made the original one that this stuff does get reposted without credit…)
I’m seeing more “Goro is a mass murderer” discourse so I replayed P5R three times and checked my Goro Kill Count infographic. Turns out I did miss one associated with Kayo Murakami, but the method is not confirmed. It is heavily implied to have been a metaverse hit, however (and it did happen on the same day as Murakami’s mental shutdown), so I have put it in there.
That brings the total number of deaths for which Goro Akechi is responsible up to nine if you get the good ending. If you get the bad ending, it goes up to 11.
I’m not going to opine on this post about if they would be considered murders of any degree, manslaughter, etc. This is just my attempt at giving an objective record based on the facts provided in canon for anyone who wants to have a discussion about him, like him or hate him.
Pinging @lokiarsene for being a big help with this, and @nyakira1412 as well for cross-checking and adding information.
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pharflux · 4 years
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Ancient battle.
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pharflux · 4 years
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King Khalid 🌙✨
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pharflux · 4 years
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Persona 5 the Animation | OVA | After my mother died, I was passed around my relatives.
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pharflux · 4 years
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pharflux · 4 years
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doodles 🌸
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pharflux · 4 years
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pharflux · 4 years
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♧ authorized reprint for tumblr // artist:     火鴇   /   Ⓐlog①
✿ please do not remove source link// edit  illustration // change caption // upload to other websites!
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pharflux · 4 years
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Thank you for the food Feh
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pharflux · 4 years
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Some drawings from the last couple of weeks
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pharflux · 4 years
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Pt 3, ouughhgg I love them they’re fun to draw, also watch me give every dr character freckles 🥺
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pharflux · 4 years
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The Evil Within 
my favorite game for this year, I love horror games & this will be epic. :3 
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