Illuso X death
Meanie :'(
Oh btw I'm on mobile so weird formatting.
Illuso x Death
Warnings: death, blood, cioccolata
Illuso shuddered in fear as the man with green hair approached him. He was sniffing out the boss's identity like Sorbet and Gelato did just a year ago. The rest of La Squadra slowly was killed off via the boss, and it was Illuso's turn.
Formaggio was one of the last ones to go. Illuso had mourned his partner's death on many occasions, staying in the mirror world at all times.
The man approached Illuso, a gun in his hand. "The boss told me to give you a quick death, so I will. Say hi to your boyfriend for me." Cioccolata muttered.
"H-Hey! It wasn't like tha-" before he could defend himself, he was shot in the head. When the life dwindled from his eyes, Cioccolata knew that he died. Illuso met a quick end, unlike his teammates, but now, they're all together.
Aaaaa I'm sad :( but I really hope you like it!
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cioccolata x death please
I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.
warnings: gore, descriptions of violence, torture, slight cannibalism, spoilers for jojo : golden wind,  giorno kills cioccolata
Cioccolata x Death
Cioccolata woke up, he was tied to something, it seemed like a wall. Once his head started pounding it became painfully clear. That brat Giorno had tied him to a fence of sorts, but he was comfortable on the slab, so he was fine. Giorno then approached him, Mista by his side. Cioccolata was visibly annoyed by their presence, mainly because he grumbled about how they survived Green Day’s mold.
Giorno glared at the older man. “You piece of filth, Bucciarati has told me, that he defeated your friend.”
Cioccolata’s eyes widened at that. Bucciarati killed Secco? Cioccolata fought back tears, Secco was all he had. Cioccolata tried to summon Green Day to break the ties, but that was ruined because Mista shot his wrist. Cioccolata bit his lip, refusing to scream. Giorno grabbed the gun from Mista, asking if he had a pen. Mista nodded, reaching into his boot, and grabbing a pen. Giorno raised the pen high, then planted it in Cioccolata’s abdomen. Cioccolata shed a tear, the pain was starting to become unbearable. Giorno prodded into the opening with his fingers, stretching it open. Giorno grabbed Cioccolata’s pancreas, even Cioccolata didn’t know how he did it.
To Mista and Cioccolata’s horror, Giorno glared at the organ, before taking a large bite out of it. He chewed a few times, his face contorting in disgust. “Gross” he commented, blood and what looked like veins or pus dripping out of his mouth, before swallowing.
Giorno wiped his mouth, glaring at Cioccolata. He picked up the pen again, jamming it into Cioccolata’s eye socket, eliciting a scream. Giorno was starting to get bored, so he grabbed Mista’s gun, and pointed it to Cioccolata’s head. “Say hi to Secco.” The boy coldly said as he pulled the trigger, the bullet drifting through Cioccolata’s brain as if it were butter. Giorno pulled the gun back, handing it to Mista. “Let’s go” The blonde ordered. Mista, in pure terror, followed the younger man.
Sorry it’s short! I really hope it fit what you wanted!
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Hello, Bruno X Mista please and thank you.
Alright then!
Bruno x Mista
Mista lied awake next to his sleeping partner, unable to rest. The past week had been so hectic and he was stressed. Dating someone in the mafia was hard, Bruno had a large target on his back, aswell as Mista. They had been attacked twice already today. Mista turned to face Bruno’s back. He wrapped an arm around Bruno, waking up the other man. Bruno turned around in his boyfriend's embrace, facing the gunslinger. “What’s the matter, Mista?” The raven-haired man cooed.
Mista sighed, shaking his head before pushing it into the crook of Bruno’s neck. Mista sighed in relief when he felt his boyfriend’s warmth cover him. “I’m just tired” Mista muttered.
Bruno sighed, before holding Mista even closer than before. Bruno rested his head atop Mista’s. Mista enjoyed the embrace, even if he was half asleep. Bruno was slightly relieved to hear quiet snores from the slightly taller man.
Bruno cuddled the taller man until he started to feel drowsy. Bruno fell asleep, cuddled with Mista.
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can you match me up? I love sweets, I like music, I also enjoy reading, I love volleyball and basketball, I read alot of fanfiction and I like anime. hope I get someone gud :D
Okay! I match you up with
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Jonathan Joestar!
He’ll get along with you for the most part. He doesn’t know what anime is but he’d be willing to watch it! He would probably play volleyball or basketball with you! He’s a sweetheart and will treat you like a queen. Prepare for a very noble and pure man!
I hope you liked it!
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Hello, Formaggio x Illuso regular fluff.
Formaggio x Illuso
   Illuso huffed, this meeting was extremely boring. All it was is just Risotto talking about a new meeting. Risotto looked annoyed for a second. “Illuso. You and Formaggio will have a meeting this evening in Venice.”
  Ghiaccio immediately started a rant about how it’s Venezia, not Venice. Illuso rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. There were rumors going around the team was head over heels for Formaggio, which he was, but he never admitted to liking him.
   Hours later, Illuso was in the passenger seat of the rental they had. The silence between them was deafening. As Illuso’s ears started to ring, Formaggio spoke up. “So...Illu, I kinda wanna talk about something.”
   Illuso’s abdomen filled with anxiety that crept up his body. He knew what Formaggio needed to talk about. “Um, what is it?” Illuso said, staring out the window of the car.
   Formaggio continued driving, actually stopping at a light. “Do you like me? Like as in love me.” The young man asked.
   Illuso’s face flushed immediately. He managed to mutter out a small ‘yes’ before covering his face with his hands. Formaggio pulled over at their destination in an alleyway. Formaggio kept the doors locked, and turned to Illuso. Formaggio rested a hand on Illuso’s shoulder, making him jump. “Illu, it’s okay, I won’t hate or hurt you for anything.” Formaggio rubbed circles onto the tense shoulder with his thumb.
   Illuso nodded, moving his hands and turning away. “I do like you Formi. I-I was worried you’d never speak to me again if you found out I liked you.” The brunette said, embarrassed.
  Formaggio chuckled, not only at Illuso being embarrassed but the fact that Illuso was showing a form of vulnerability around him. Formaggio put an arm around Illuso’s shoulder, rubbing at the muscled flesh. Illuso removed his hands, slightly leaning into Formaggio’s embrace. Formaggio leaned against the taller, kissing his cheek. Formaggio put a finger under Illuso’s chin, making him to look Formaggio in the eyes.
  Formaggio leaned in a little closer, whispering into Illuso’s ear “I love you too, Illuso”.
  Formaggio, hearing Illuso lightly gasp, took that opportunity to kiss him. Their teeth clashed, and their lips connected hungrily. Illuso crawled over the seat, still kissing Formaggio, to sit in his lap. Illuso’s hands clasped around Formaggio’s neck, while Formaggio’s rested on Illuso’s hips, short fingernails digging into the soft flesh. Illuso squirmed slightly under Formaggio’s grip.
  They only separated for air when their lungs demanded it. They rested their foreheads together, hearing the other breathe heavily. Illuso hugged Formaggio tightly, wrapping his legs around Formaggio’s waist, pulling them closer together. “I love you so much, Formi” The brunette cooed into his lover’s shoulder.
  “I love you too, Illu” Formaggio said, rubbing Illuso’s back.
  The two passed the mission with flying colors, watching each other’s back and eliminating the target. That night, they couldn’t separate. But the moment they entered the house, hands wandering each other, the entire table of mafioso groaned, throwing stacks of money on the table, to which Sorbet collected with a grin. “See, told you they would get together.” Gelato laughed.
  Illuso and Formaggio laughed while rolling their eyes at the other seven men. They both slept in Formaggio’s room, and had the night of their lives. 
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hi owo , can you make a giorno x reader? idk uwu please!!
 Hi! I’m like, super late, but here ya are!
Giorno x Reader
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     You sat in the silence of the base, it was dead of night. Everyone was asleep, or so you thought. You sat on the couch in the living room of the house Bucciarati was given to protect Trish. Nothing had really happened, but you still found yourself lying awake at night. You had liked Giorno from the start, ever since Bucciarati had introduced him to your team.
     You worried for the boy, he was just 15 years old. He had helped Bucciarati and Abbacchio defeat Zucchero. You had started to think that you love him. He was unbelievably courageous and kind, on the outside, he was extremely handsome. You were contemplating how to at least show your feelings to him. A light shown brightly from the stairway. Snapping your head in that direction, you saw Giorno. His hair, now unruly and splayed on his shoulders. “Y/N?” Giorno called out.
     You jumped. “Yeah, Giorno?”
     The young man approached you and set a soft hand on your shoulder. His face showed concern, for you. “Why are you up so late?” his brows furrowed in concern.
     “I just couldn’t sleep Giorno, nothing special.”
     Giorno took a seat by you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you to his much larger form. His warmth surrounded you in a comforting way. You gripped his shirt, feeling tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You quietly sobbed into his chest. “I-It’s okay if you don’t - feel the same Giorno”
     Giorno looked at you confused. “What ever do you mean, Y/N?”
     You sniffled, basking in his warmth, prepared for the worst “I-I love you, Giorno Giovanna”
     Giorno put his index finger under your chin, making you look at him. “I love you too, Y/N L/N” He cooed, it put a shiver down your spine.
     You slightly leaned in, and Giorno closed the gap. His lips were pleasantly soft, pressing against yours sweetly. The kiss was pure and full of love, saying things that you couldn’t. His grabbed his shoulder in one hand, the other tangled in his hair. His hands stayed on your back. You only separated for air. “Y/N, would you join me to rest?” The blonde cooed.
    “Of course, Giorno” You said, walking up the stairs with him, seeing a traumatized Narancia as you went into his room.
Woo! I really hope you like it! So sorry I’m late!
Sorbet out!
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yoyo, you think we could get a mista x reader?
Of course! Let’s do this!
Mista x Reader
Mista was somewhere around here, you searched high and low for the gun-using stand user. You needed to find the man to ask him a simple question. If he liked you, you needed to know. Abbacchio wouldn’t tell you where he was, neither would Giorno, or Narancia, even Fugo wouldn’t spill, and you couldn’t find Bruno anywhere.
You decided to just go to bed, it was late anyway. You stepped into your bedroom to see someone sleeping in your bed. You were shocked to say the least, but, a part of you hoped it was Mista.
You snuck into bed with the mystery person recogizing their hat. You curled up into Mista’s body heat. He might not know that you love him, but this was good enough for now.
aaa this sucked lol, i’m so sorry i hope you like it tho :]
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Hi I would like a Match-up, I like Watermelon, and I like videogames, mostly puzzle game's, those are fun. I am happy most of the time, I am funny, I like writing stories, I do sports for fun.
Awesome! I match you up with
Noriaki Kakyoin!
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Kakyoin would get along with you mainly because you like video games, he enjoys playing games with you, since it passes the time. He wouldn’t favor sports but would tolerate it somewhat for you. He loves reading the stories that you write, and laughing at the jokes you tell.
He would joke with you a-lot, but he’d love hearing what you come up with. He loves hearing your ideas and going out to picnics with you, he’d pack extra watermelon with him so you can enjoy it. This boy will match your mood most of the time, smiling constantly when you’re around.
aaaaa I really hope you like this :D
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fugo x narancia head cannon please ( anything )
Okay! Fugo x Narancia Headcanons ---------------------------------------------------------
=Fugo really REALLY likes indoor dates, whether that's doing simple math or watching a new movie that comes out
=Narancia likes messing with Fugo, poking him or scaring him (which never turns out great) he loves to mess with Fugo
=Fugo only cuddles with Narancia or shows affection when their alone, he doesn't trust the public in Italy 2001
=Narancia is ALWAYS clinging to Fugo, he always gives the excuse that he's cold, but he just wants some love.
=Narancia started to try learning more when him and Fugo started dating.
=Mista was the first to find out about their relationship, because Narancia got a little too comfy
=Fugo prefers to be the big spoon. He likes petting Narancia's head and stroking his hair.
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abbachio x bruno, please 🥺👉👈 🥺👉👈!!!
um, you didn’t give any specifics sooo, I’ll do regular fluff!
Abbacchio x Bruno
Bruno laid inside the turtle, unsure of what to do. The fight had knocked a-lot out of him, he didn’t know what was going on, all he cared about was if Abbacchio was okay.
Abbacchio was placed into the turtle by Mista, since he has refused to be put in by Giorno. Abbacchio stumbled over by Bruno, plopping down next to him. “Abbacchio, are you alright?” The black-haired male questioned.
“Alright? Bruno you were bleeding out of everywhere during that fight. I’m surprised that you can talk right now!” Abbacchio grunted, not from annoyance, but from concern.
Bruno yawned and laid his head on Leone’s lap, shocking Leone. Abbacchio gawked in awe at his capo laying calmly in his lap, asleep. Bruno had definitely passed out from the physically draining fight. Leone sighed before lightly stroking his capo’s hair, Leone now started to realize how tired he was from the fight, so he kept his large hand stroking Bruno’s hair, and he laid his head back and fell asleep.
Both men awoke to light snickering, when they opened their eyes they saw Mista and Narancia laughing at both Leone and Bruno. Bruno chuckled as Leone’s face turned beet red. “GET OUT OF HERE!” The angered male yelled. After the teens scrambled out of the room, Leone felt someone rubbing circles on his shoulder, it was Bruno. Leone felt a smile tugging at his lips, so he complied. Bruno leaned in but suddenly felt a pair of soft lips meet his own, even though Leone wore lipstick, he had never imagined that Leone’s lips would be this soft. Mista and Narancia watched from the other room, as Leone and Bruno made out.
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Hi! I’m Sorbet, and I’ll write any JJBA headcanon, fanfiction, or matchup! I’ll do ship stuff but please keep it all sfw. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
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