phlnthrpcgrl · 7 years
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What a way To start your day It’s Rick and Daryl Hey, hey, hey!!!
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
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#normanreedus from the man himself
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
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#normanreedus credit on the picture
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
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People! Flandus is confirmed!
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
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What a way To start your day It’s Rick and Daryl Hey, hey, hey!!!
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
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Daryl Dixon meme | seven scenes [3/7] → Conquer
No, you didn’t.
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
Look at this I found...
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
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No more Game of Thrones!
I ran really fast through the house…got stuck in the curtains and pulled them out of the wall sending the curtain rod flying through Mom & Dad’s flatscreen TV. I couldn’t care less.
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
love it!
As they drew closer and closer, it loomed large in Daryl’s mind.
The rain never seemed to stop. It poured over his face—made his clothes cleave to his skin. Left his hands cold and clammy. And he’d do his best to ignore all that, and tug the body forward. The solid weight of it pulled hard against his back and shoulders. The thing was heavy, and over and over, it’d get bogged down in the mud. But Daryl forced it along, no matter what. And he ached, by now—deep in his bones.
With every step forward, a series of little pains creaked through his joints, and reminded him he was an old man.
Over time, Daryl started to feel like the body was fighting against him. Resisting the effort to drag it closer and closer to home.
Merle was like that, of course. He’d always make everything as difficult as he possibly could.
But regardless of how hard it was, they were always moving forward. They’d get to the house, soon. And it started sending a weird, twisting feeling through Daryl’s stomach—knowing he’d see it again.
He’d forgotten most of the details, over the years… hadn’t even thought of the place, really, for the most part. In the woods, it was easy to let it all go.
But out here, in the dead streets of these abandoned cities… he was starting to remember.
He’d see the broken windows on the houses they passed, and remember the windows back home. The narrow ones that never let in air. The damp, stale smell that got into your clothes—so it followed you even when you went outside. Mold crept up on everything, in that house. You left something put—a belt, or a pair of winter boots, and it’d start getting soft with the stuff. It’d work its way into the fibers, and pull slowly pull them apart.
That mold painted patterns on the ceiling in Daryl’s childhood bedroom. As a little kid, he’d look up at those dark stains, at night—in the yellow glow of the streetlamp that stood outside his window. And he’d try to pick out animals, and other shapes. As if those stains were clouds.
Daryl could only imagine what the place would look like now, in there. If the building was standing at all, it had to be shrouded in that mold.
But he didn’t know for sure–not for the time being. It was still hidden in the foggy distance—miles away, still. Waiting to be revealed. Those miles hid it like the tarp hid Merle—hid his rotting face from view.
And like Merle, Daryl knew that if you looked at it… it wouldn’t seem at all the way it used to.
The entire time, Daryl was painfully aware of Carol—following behind him without a word.
He never turned to look—didn’t have the guts to acknowledge her in any way. But he could feel her presence. The sound of her feet. A flicker of her shape, just on the edge of his vision. He’d drag Merle on and on… and Carol—she’d follow. He didn’t do anything to make that happen. She did it effortlessly. A weightless shape at the corner of Daryl’s eye.
He felt like she’d disappear, sometimes. Like a bird, back at the dugout. One that’d light down in the dark little hole they called a window, in the morning. It’d rest its wings, a moment, in Daryl’s little world—then suddenly flutter away.
But somehow, she was still there—days after he first found her. And every night, she’d sit with him, in his camp. Quietly. She didn’t overwhelm him with questions and conversation. She was just there.
And that amazed him. He’d look at her, and hardly believe she was still there.
Then morning would come, and he’d wake up knowing Merle was waiting. So he’d drag himself upright on his tired, aching legs. Take up the rope with his bloody hands, and take the next steps of the long journey.
Days passed by, and Daryl didn’t think of anything else. And all he knew was that he was getting closer. Closer to the end.
Closer to home.
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phlnthrpcgrl · 9 years
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Daryl Dixon in every episode | Alone - 4.13
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phlnthrpcgrl · 10 years
yummy. love mushrooms!
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Garlic and Lemon Sauteed Enoki and Hen of the Woods Mushrooms
*Annoying Health Post Alert*
Mushrooms offer a MULTITUDE of health benefits. Without going into too much detail here are some of their superpowers: high in cancer and illness fighting antioxidants, high in fiber (helps satisfy you sooner, keeps your toilet time regular), and low in calories. Mushrooms are rich in B vitamins such as riboflavin, folate, thiamine, pantothenic acid, and niacin. They are also the only vegan, non-fortified dietary source of vitamin D. Mushrooms also provide several minerals that may be difficult to obtain in the diet, such as selenium, potassium, copper, iron, and phosphorus.
Anyway. Here is a poem about how much I love them:
I love how you’ve forgiven me for once thinking you were gross For stuffing ravioli, I love you the most SHITake,I thank you for being the segue to cursing when I was younger Enoki, you sound like a DJ name blunder On one end we have Truffle, the Posh Spice of the crew While Button sits inconspicuously at the heart of a stew Who knows what I’m exposed to on the rails of the subway, you make me feel safe You help keep me lean, you help reduce the chafe Sometimes you’re masked in chocolate, consumed at a rave Resulting in a trip of enlightenment, a path that you pave In omelettes, quiches and on pizza’s you go You’re a trusty good friend, that’s something I know Sometimes you look like a sponge, sometimes a wart Sometimes a penis, I say with a chort Morels have holes, they have a nice chew While Hen of the Woods travel in a crew Till the end we’ll be friends In salads you hide To eat you is something I do with pride
Love, me.
Here is one of many, quick and easy ways to prepare:
1/3 cup of lemon juice 2 gloves of garlic, thinly sliced 1/4 cup soy sauce 1 bunch of parsley, chopped 1 tbsp EVOO 1 pound of mushrooms
Step 1: mix lemon and soy sauce. Take a break, that was hard.
Step 2: heat pan with EVOO. Add garlic, brown for 1 minute. Add mushrooms and sautee for 5 minutes. Add sauce, turn down heat. Cook until sauce is absorbed/evaporates, about 10 minutes. Add parsley, black pepper if desired.
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phlnthrpcgrl · 10 years
she cracks me up!
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Cheese and Charcuterie Board - perfect for gathered guests on Super Bowl Sunday
Probably should have posted this a day sooner oops but cheese and charcuterie boards aren’t football specific — any and all gatherings call for some death cheese and super old meat. But I apologize for my poor timing, I guess I really dropped the ball on this one! Punny ole lady jokes are the best. So, how bout them Saints winning the Super Bowl? 2010 was a great year. Woohooo sweet victory! And that is the extent of football knowledge.
No, I did not milk cows and goats and curdle their milk in a dark moist cave until it achieved rotten perfection. I did not slaughter some oinkers and cure their meat with salts and time. Technically I cooked nothing seen here, BUT that doesn’t mean it isn’t an important thing to know how to put together! Forget Cheese-Whiz® and Ritz® crackers (THO I DO LOVE THOSE LIL BUTTERY DISKS OF FLAKEY HEAVEN) and processed pepperoni straight out of a bag. It’s all about balance and having an open mind when it comes to these things (and food in general), but I do understand that not all grocery stores can provide this stuff but more and more are beginning to. Also, periodically making a trip to a specialty food store is often 100% worth it.
A quick lesson. 1. STINKY CHEESE: Just because a cheese smells like death doesn’t mean it tastes like death. A real camembert cheese smells like you just touched a place where the sun don’t shine (GROSS CECILIA!?), but tastes like creamy, rich heaven. That odorless, flavorless, pasteurized crap sold in the cheese section in the good ole safe US of A doesn’t quite cut it, take a leap of faith into your local cheesemonger’s hands and ask to sample some stankyass stuff. Go with a triple cream if you want something really milky and soft and approachable. Remove the rind as you eat it and 80% of the odor is gone.
2. BLUES - Blue cheeses range from hard to soft to crumbly, spicy to sour to sweet to creamy to mild. Try them all, pair with red wine, serve with good french bread. Yes it is a giant chunk of mold but just spray it down with some anti-mold cleaning spray and you’ll be good to go. For Christ’s sake don’t do that and go back to Babybels, no one is judging you.
3. DRY AND HARD - A dry, hard cheese is always a nice character foil to the Triple Cream Beauty Queen of the board. Some of these stink some of them are mild and some of them are a blend. Though they don’t ooze and melt and spread beautifully over toasted baguette they are often the real show stoppers. Sheep’s milk is common within this category. A little TINY drizzle of honey can be a nice touch.
4. MILD - Ok, not everyone is into experimenting with robust cheeses that literally make guests run out of the room as soon as the cheese container is open and that’s fine I just won’t have you over for dinner parties. Kidding. Mild cheeses are good to have just like quiet friends. They blend into the background and don’t demand your attention and then suddenly you go in for a taste and are pleasantly reminded of the beauty of subtlety and the break they offer your tongue. BURRATA Mozzarella is both mild and creamy and LIFE CHANGING, everyone will love it just eat it with a drizzle of EVOO and salt and pepper (maybe fresh tomatoes maybe bread) and write me a thank you note.
5. CURED MEATS - Prosciutto has been having a big moment. I think it deserves it, prosciutto is my favorite salty fatty cured meat. Paper thin, it makes beautiful lace-like folds on your board. Speck, soppressata, salami. Maybe with pepper or fennel or spice. Dried sausage (saucisson), chorizo, pepperoni etc. Once again, there are a million different options in the world of cured meats, go to a higher end grocery and ask to sample to your hearts desire before asking for a half pound of see-through salty goodness.
6. FRUITS, NUTS, and OLIVES - For fruits and nuts (not pictured) I stick with common berries and nuts you’d only find at breakfast — raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, figs and dates, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans etc. As for olives, I like to keep it simple but get yourself over to an olive bar and sample-steal one of everything until you’ve found what you like most. Note: Don’t overdo it though because the olives always seem to go last :( also don’t overdo the sample-stealing because that ain’t right.
7. BREAD - I’m French so my answer to all of life’s problems = une baguette. Good french bread should be crispy on the outside but soft on the inside, you should be able to squeeze into the bread and it should expand back when you release your judgmental pinch. Warmed or not. Also, get whatever damn bread suits your fancy there is no wrong answer with bread.
So….how’d that seven layer dip turn out?
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phlnthrpcgrl · 10 years
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phlnthrpcgrl · 10 years
Introducing Layout from Instagram
Today we’re announcing Layout from Instagram, a new app that lets you easily combine multiple photos into a single image. It’s fun, it’s simple and it gives you a new way to flex your creativity.
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When you open Layout, we automatically show you previews of custom layouts as you choose photos from your camera roll. To make it easier to find the photos you want, we’ve also added a Faces option that shows you all the photos in your camera roll that feature people.
From there, you have complete artistic control. Drag and drop photos to rearrange them, pinch to zoom or pull the sides of each photo to adjust its size and get your layout just right. Then flip and rotate your photos to create cool arrangements and mirror effects.
For spontaneous moments, we’ve also added Photo Booth. Tap it to start a countdown and capture photos that you’ll instantly see in a layout.
From imagining mirrored landscapes to sharing multiple moments from an entire adventure, we’ve seen these kinds of visual storytelling happening on Instagram and we’re inspired by it. With Layout, it’s easier than ever to unlock your creativity — and we can’t wait to see what you’ll make next.
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To learn more about Layout from Instagram, visit the Instagram Help Center.
Layout from Instagram is available today for iOS devices in Apple’s App Store. It’s currently only available for iOS. Layout from Instagram will be available for Android in the coming months.
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phlnthrpcgrl · 10 years
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Baxter VS The Vet
My name is Baxter. I pooped on the vet. I’m not a gentleman. =(
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phlnthrpcgrl · 10 years
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I’m not even mad!
While in the basement putting away Christmas decorations, my 4 year old beagle helped himself to an entire pizza.
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phlnthrpcgrl · 10 years
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You want to know what I was before all this?
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