phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
Avoiding Ripping the Contact Lens
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The material of contact lens is fragile and might tear off easily upon any external effect. Some tips to take care of that are:
1. Keep Fingernails Away – Contacts tear off if disrupted by nails. While removing lens it’s always best to use thumb and forefinger for sliding in the lens. Nails should never be used to pinch from the center.
2. Unfolding in Solution – If, by accident, the lens purchased from the optical store in Mauritius folds up then unfold it by placing it in a pool of saline solution in the palm of the hands.
3. Lens Case should be Filled with Solution – If the case is filled partially then the lens can stick to the dry walls. Upon trying to take it out, there can be a tear.
Small steps taken carefully go a long way in securing the contacts for its entire lifespan.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
Looking Out for your Eyes
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Eye health can never be taken for granted. A few tips for taking care of eyes are:
Healthy Diet
Foods with nutrients like omega-3, fatty acids, zinc, vitamin C are helpful in fighting various age-related eye problems, says the experts at the optical shop in Port Louis. A diet should be filled with good nutrients.
Say No to Smoking
Smoking damages the eye in ways which are not reversible. The sooner you quit, the better.
Using shades help in fighting the harmful UVA and UVB rays. Using the appropriate ones is very helpful in the long run.
For more such tips, get in touch with us and keep your eyes healthy always.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
Exercises Beneficial to Fight Astigmatism
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Undue stress on the cornea leads to astigmatism. Choosing an optical lens in Mauritius is not the only option. A few simple eye exercises can be done regularly to ensure there is no stress on the eye muscles. Some of those are:
> Rectus Muscle Relaxation
> Gentle Massage to the Eyes
> Focusing Exercise while Reading a Book
> Breaks in Vision while Looking Constantly at Anything
> Alternate Head Tilting
> Conscious Blinking
> Eye Yoga
There are many forms of simple eye activity which can be undertaken to relieve the stress on them. Do get in touch with experts to get a thorough understanding of the simple exercises which can be done multiple times on a daily basis.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
An Overview about Ocular Hypertension
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It is a condition where the pressure in the eyes gets higher than the normal limit. Under lack of treatment it might lead to glaucoma and vision loss too. The experts at the best optical shop in Curepipe state the reason which might cause this condition are some medicines which contain steroids. Those are used in certain eye drops, asthma medication or other severe conditions in the body might lead to this.
Detection of Eye Pressure Imbalance
Using the tests like visual field testing, optic nerve check, pachymetry, visual acuity, gonioscopy etc. are some ways in which pressure fluctuations in the eyes can be detected.
The sooner it is detected, the better it is for the appropriate treatment to begin.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
The Proper Frequency of Eye Check-Ups
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We should make it a habit to go for our scheduled eye examinations. It serves as a preventive measure and keeps causes of worries away.
Age as a Factor
The optometrist at the optical store in Mauritius explains that age six is the first time when a child should have the first exam. The next should be at age three or as per the doctor’s recommendation. For people who are older, they are advised to get their eyes checked once every two years till they reach 60.
In case anybody feels any different situation like increased sensitivity towards light or diminished night vision or frequent headaches or something else then also there is a need to visit an eye specialist.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
Signs Indicating Your Need for Corrective Eyewear
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There are some direct signs which point at some obvious conditions requiring you to start using glasses or other corrective eye wear.
When it becomes harder to view people or objects placed near or far away, then it is the most common sign. However, there are some not-so-common signs as well, as explained by the optometrist in Port Louis. It can range from an unusually increased burning sensation which leads to constant rubbing of the eyes or to regular headaches which become a constant reason for discomfort. Other signs also include a difficulty in keeping track of the lines while reading. This also happens when working on digital screens and then it is always better to use blue light lens glasses to protect the eyes.  
Going for scheduled eye examination is the best defense for all these problems to be detected on time.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
3-D Movies’ Impact on your Eyes
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3-D movies have come a long way since they first appeared. Their popularity is rising still. There are many people who have concerns about its effect on the eyes.
As per the professionals at the best optical shop in Port Louis, there is hard evidence about any negative effect it has on your eyes. However, there are no conclusive studies as well till now to prove otherwise.
In some people, there have been instances of slight discomfort while viewing those images. The whole process of 3-D viewing can cause eyestrain and headaches in some. But also, it has been seen that 3-D teaching sessions have been very productive for students. So, in conclusion, it might be safe to say that in controlled quantity, 3-D viewing is definitely fun and not harmful in any way to the eyes.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
The Interior of the Human Eye
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The human eye is the most complex camera in the world. It is a very tiny organ but is an extremely significant one.
The optician of Mauritians explained further:
Cornea – It is responsible for the entry of light into the eyes.
Iris – It’s the muscle which helps in controlling the amount of light which passes through.
Lens – It can change its shape to change the level of focus on any object, near or far.
Retina – The rod and cone cells are located near this. It’s a layer of tissues.
Optic Nerve – The visual information is collected by this nerve for further processing.
For any queries regarding any vision issue in any parts mentioned above, you can get in touch with us.  
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
Treating Sunburn in the Eyes
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Sunburn does occur in the eyes and it passes off without any medication, under normal circumstances. Some of the ways suggested by the optometrist in Port Louis are:
> Using cold compress to soothe the burnt eyes
> Making use of artificial tears for a cooling effect
> Keeping the room of the patient dark as much as possible. Light becomes slightly heavy to handle
> Taking paracetamol also helps
> Avoiding any kind of touching or rubbing the eyes
It is always a good option to carry sunglasses, hats and umbrellas along at all times, whenever out. These help in protecting the eyes against the harsh rays of the sun.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
Tips to Protect Eyes during the Summer Season
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The experts at the sunglasses shop in Mauritius state that being outdoors during the summer season means taking extra care of your eyes. Some essential tips for the same are:
Wear Sunglasses – The cornea gets affected if you do not wear sunglasses in the Sun, just as is the case with using sunscreens.
Use Sunglasses even with Contact Lens – Wearing contact lens might lead to a certain feeling of dryness and irritation if those are not accompanied by sunglasses.
Wear Hats – Using a hat with a wide brim reduces many risks associated with the eyes and face too. The effects of it can be seen and felt in the long run.      
We must be extremely cautious while travelling out in the heat of the merciless Sun. Protecting the face and eyes become very critical.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
Eye Diseases which are Rare
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Common eye diseases include the likes of glaucoma, cataracts etc. There are a few rare ones, state the experts at the optical store in Curepipe which are as follows:
Retinitis Pigmentosa
It is an inherited condition and leads a slow loss of eyesight. The retinal rods and cones slowly lose their ability to function. Problems in night vision, losing side vision and losing vision of colours are the symptoms.
It is a birth condition. The tissues go missing in the eyelids, lens or any other parts of the eyes. Surgery might be helpful in some cases.
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
This condition causes visual hallucinations when the eyes lose their ability to see. Mostly all people who go through it are aware that those are not real.
If you have queries regarding eye conditions, get in touch with us now.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
The Condition of Heterochromia
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A striking pair of colours in both eyes can cause quite the stir, in terms of your personality. This condition is extremely rare but much more common in dogs and cats.
It can be two totally different colours in two eyes or a patch of different colour in either or both. The professionals at the sunglasses shop in Mauritius states that it is mostly a completely harmless condition to occur in some individuals. However, it might also be caused due to some injury to the eyes. Diabetes, tumour and glaucoma can also sometimes lead to this condition. Some get it from prolonged inflammation to the eyes as well.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 3 years
How are COVID – 19 and Vision Co – Related?
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Doctors, even before the pandemic hit humanity, always warned us to not touch our eyes or nose or mouth with our hands. Covid – 19 gets transmitted through water droplets which are released in the air. Upon being released by an infected person, it remains suspended in the air and when it comes in contact with any inlet of a human body, the virus enters the system.
Eyes are also one of the inlets and thus using bare hands to touch the mouth, nose and even the eyes is not suggested. Professionals at the best optical shop in Mauritius are directing the patrons on a regular basis to follow the hygiene protocols thoroughly and are doing the same at their end too.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 4 years
Tips on Proper Eyewear for Using Outdoors
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While being on mountain hikes or swimming in the outdoor pool, it becomes necessary to use the correct eye protection gear for the safety of the eyes. Some such tips shared by the best optical store in Mauritius are:
Wide Hats – The wide brimmed hats are highly useful while being out in the Sun. Those restrict direct light hitting the eyes.
Sunglasses with UV Protection – While picking sunglasses, it is highly crucial to choose the ones which come with UV protection for the eyes.
Material of the Lens – It is better to go for lens which last long, if those can be afforded.
Swimming Gear – Using proper eyewear while swimming in the chemically treated water helps in protecting the eyes.
Eyes are one of the most important parts of the body. Utmost precaution should be taken for its safety.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 4 years
Is Pre – Presbyopia Real?
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Millennials are currently in this category. Many face the situation where the vision is fine for the first few hours but then it gets blurry. Eyes also feel dry and sore. These are indications that presbyopia might hit later.
The most important advice from the optometrist at the best optical shop in Port Louis is to blink more often. Less blinking leads to the eyes getting dry and thus the vision becomes blurry. It hampers the ability to focus on any particular task. A few suggestions in this regard are:
> Using glasses with anti – reflective coating
> Using glasses which have tinted lens
> Using prescription reading glasses for work on the computer
The benefit of going to the scheduled doctor’s appointment can’t be stressed upon enough. Any problem can be detected at the correct time.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 4 years
How do Standard and Premium AR Coatings Differ?
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There are a few options when it comes to prescription glasses. Some of the options are:
1.       High index materials which reduces the lens thickness
2.       Alternative to photochromatic lens
3.       The anti – reflective coating to reduce reflections
The options are available in the best optical shop in Port Louis but the problem arises while choosing one among the many choices.
Features Include:
> Smudge reduction
> Preventing scratches
> Easily gets cleaned
The layers of AR coating are:
> Colourless
> Water repellent
> Reduction of finger prints
> Repulsive of dust
> UV protection
The optometrists mostly recommend the premium ones. It would prove to be a sizeable investment and would provide the best protection to the eyes.
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phoebeworldlythoughts · 4 years
LASIK as a Graduation Gift
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A great graduation gift for teenagers would be a LASIK surgery from parents. It is a gift which would allow your child to live life freely and it will last a lifetime. Graduates lead very active lives and glasses or lens might always not be the most convenient option.
Opticians in Mauritius have met many students for whom the regular expense of maintaining a set of lens is not very affordable. A LASIK procedure is an one – time expense and if it’s a gift from the parents then their expenses go down further.  
It is always a better option if the student is brought along to the optician in Mauritius for a consultation session along with the parents. That way there can be an absolute clarity about the entire process among all the parties involved.
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