phonetographycit · 2 years
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There are several aspects in photography that work together to create a "great" image. Lighting, the rule of thirds, lines, forms, texture, patterns, and color all work well together in images to offer interest and a great deal of composition. Photo filters are used to adjust colors, saturation, light exposure, or to mimic a change in focus. Each filter introduces a separate set of use cases. Filters can be used to age a photograph, make colors more bright, or reduce the color temperature of a photograph. Filters are an important component of photography because they may help you get a look for your photographs that you would not be able to achieve without them. So, to choose the proper filter for your photo, I recommend that you first examine the color palette because colors can stimulate distinct emotions and impact us in a variety of ways because they can produce specific moods and then you can try the filters one by one until you find the right filter for your specific shot.
- Athena P. Pestaño
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phonetographycit · 2 years
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Taking photos from a unique, unexpected angle can make them more memorable. It tends to create an illusion of depth or height with the subjects. It also makes the image stand out, since most mobile photos are taken either straight -on or from a bird's eye view.
Try taking a photo directly upward and playing with the sky as negative space. Or, you can try taking it at a slight downward angle. You can also try the leading line composition technique by crouching lower, sometimes near ground level and allowing the leading lines you are focusing on to guide the viewer to your subject in the foreground. A great leading line would be something like a road, wooden dock, trail, or bridge, which draws people in and literally leads them to the subject of the image.
-Eliad Jose Niñofranco
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phonetographycit · 2 years
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In photography, focus is the sharpest area of the image. It is the area where the lens of a camera phone works to highlight an object, a person, or a situation, for instance, the crescent moon in the picture. Focus is one of the pillars of photography, along with ISO, aperture, and shutter speed or whatever specs your phone have to capture a desirable photo.
How to achieve focus in a desirable picture with high quality and clarity?
You can either use automatic or manual focus. In automatic mode, the camera adjusts the focus in response to incoming light so that the subject appears sharpest. In manual mode, the photographer has to change the phone’s focus stabilized until the desired part of the image is in focus.
What is Focus lock?
Remember that the camera does not always focus on the desired object when using automatic mode, in which case you can use a technique called focus lock. This allows you to focus on the desired object fast and achieve accuracy using manual focus.
Written by Charizanne M. Rizon
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phonetographycit · 2 years
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When it comes to phone photography, Adobe Lightroom is an essential tool that can help take your mobile photos to the next level. With its advanced editing capabilities, Lightroom allows you to transform your phone photography into stunning, professional-looking images. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out in the world of phone photography, Lightroom's features and tools can help you achieve the perfect shot every time.
In addition to its powerful editing capabilities, Lightroom is also a great tool for organizing your phone photography. With the ability to sort your photos by date, location, or any other criteria you choose, Lightroom makes it easy to keep track of all your mobile photos. You can also use Lightroom to tag and categorize your phone photography, making it easy to find the perfect photo for any project.
Of course, one of the biggest advantages of using Lightroom for your phone photography is the ability to use presets. These pre-made settings allow you to quickly and easily apply a certain look or feel to your photos, without having to spend hours tweaking individual settings. With a wide range of presets available, you can experiment with different styles and find the perfect look for your phone photography.
In summary, if you're serious about your phone photography, Adobe Lightroom is an essential tool that can help take your mobile photos to the next level. With its advanced editing capabilities, organizational features, and preset options, Lightroom is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to create stunning, professional-looking images with their phone camera. So why wait? Start using Lightroom for your phone photography today and see the difference it can make!
- Clint Cyrus Cobar
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phonetographycit · 2 years
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The rule of thirds is a crucial concept that can greatly improve the composition of your phone photography. By dividing your phone photography image into thirds both vertically and horizontally, and placing your subject at the intersection of those lines, you can create a more visually appealing image. This technique helps to balance the elements of your phone photography image and make it more interesting to the viewer's eye.
When you apply the rule of thirds in phone photography, you can create a more dynamic composition that draws the viewer's attention to the subject. This technique can be particularly useful when taking portrait or landscape photos with your phone, as it allows you to place the subject in an aesthetically pleasing position within the frame. By using the rule of thirds in phone photography, you can create a more engaging and professional-looking image that stands out from the crowd.
Overall, the rule of thirds is an essential tool for anyone looking to improve their phone photography skills. By utilizing this technique, you can create more visually compelling images that are sure to impress your audience. So, if you want to take your phone photography to the next level, be sure to keep the rule of thirds in mind and experiment with different compositions to find what works best for you.
Justin Ace B. Perez
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