photolovecrash7 · 7 years
My favorite song.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
So I totaly just thought I heared a zombie outside my door. It's 3 am ugh. I know I know they aren't real but it was that sound, not sure how to describe it. Anyway my dumb ass opens the door and right out side of my door is this lady with her dog just clearing her throught, but she was making a weird face. She saw that I saw and was about to say something and I slammed the door and locked it. No zombie but that's enough scares for a night.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
How reading books be.
When you get so Into your book that your forget that break is over and you are sitting alone in the break room because everyone already went back to work.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
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– born disasters by k.a.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
Am I the only one part 2
Soo I've been wondering. You know in the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey starts out with a snowflake falling and then it zooms into the snowflake further and further until we are so far inside it we find a small who town. Okay so when that snowflake melts do they die? I just always wonder. So do they only live the winter and then that's their whole life span?
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
The magicians
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
Uhhh my favorite show.
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« Two years »  October 25, 2015
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
Hahha this is me. Love this show.
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every tamsin moment: 030
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
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December blues  
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
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Pisces on New Years Eve
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
I love this show
Reign is probably my new favorite show right now.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
Lol Omg
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Drake & Josh :p
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
Am I the only one
Am I the only one who gets attached to tv characters and then cries when they die, or laughs when they laugh, feels whole when they find true love.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
Just like my mother
Just Like My Mother
“You’re going to be just like your mother,” You said
And I could smell the liquor on your breath.
I know you told me not to pay attention to your words in this state,
But I could not help it.
My heart dropped down to the pits below,
Refusing to believe that I could ever be like her.
We are as different as angels and demons,
Even though we look alike.
A single tear runs down my face,
But I refuse to cry.
I’ve been trying so hard to change your mind,
But every day your words haunt me.
And your eyes whenever they meet mine,
Seem so sure of my future.
How were you to know,
That while I was with you, she dared to dream.
While I was with you,
She crossed the seas searching for me,
When my own flesh and blood could care less for me.
How were you to know,
That she pleaded and asked God for me.
Not knowing my age or my height,
If I was disabled, shy or blind.
She wanted me!
And how were you to know,
That my mother would be a kind, giving person.
That she would be a Godly woman,
Who would teach me to love the Lord.
When only God new my dreams,
She loved me and cared for me.
She prayed and she cried for me.
She taught me to give,
And to praise and thank God.
She taught me to love and not to judge,
And most of all,
She taught me to forgive you.
And now as I follow in her steps,
I look back to those nights,
And even in your drunken state,
Your hurtful words were right.
Dad, I wonder,
How could you have known,
that I would be just like my mother?
By Vika Pashby
To the best mom anyone could ask for.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
Stranger things 2
Omg I just got home from work and school all day. Watching the first episode only 15 minutes into it but it's FREAKING AWESOME.
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photolovecrash7 · 7 years
My world
I met a women today, strong, independent type but also a caring, giving, kind, a sort of charm was around her. She was nobody to me, just another driver. I got into her car in hopes of nice silent trip to school. My day hadn’t started out as I have planned already so I wasn’t in the greatest mood. She asked how my morning went and so on, the usual pleasantries people say. I sat there quietly. “ Where are you from” she asked and this is how the conversation started. I told her that I’m originally from Russia. She replied with that my named being spelled with a K kind of gave that away. Continued to talk about adoption and how that’s an awesome thing. She is In her mid 20s has two little girls of her own but she is also a foster mom. She told me the struggles and the joys of being one. She told me about the little boy she’s adopting, he’s three now but she has had him since he was 10 months old. Then we got into the root of why she loves helping and being a foster mom. We both realized we aren’t that much different the only thing that stood out was that her adoption wasn’t to a family as great as mine. Looking at that I realized I have lost touch with my love for helping people. That was my goal in life, I wanted to make a difference in someone’s life. It didn’t have to be big, it didn’t have to be something that would change the world but I wanted to make someone’s day or make someone smile. Talking to this women today made me realize how far off the path I was. I guess to conclude my rambling, I have been having moments of realization lately of who I am, who I have become, who I’m meant to be. Im not saying my path is viable yet but I see where the thorn bushes are and I have the tools to remove them.
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