pinwheelbee · 5 years
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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KATSUO  -  https://twitter.com/KATSUO_D  -  https://kumano-katsuo.booth.pm/items/710445  -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNnzZ07FnSY  -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxTjf28Gccs  -   http://31style.moo.jp/tukineko_lute
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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sulli locks—
"My name is Sulli. Sul means snow and Li means a pear flower. So I'll probably be reborn as a flower that is small but full of strong vitality."
you were never a bad person. you didn't deserve the hate you got at all. people are so cruel, and we all admire how long youve delt with it and how strong youve been. you managed to keep a smile though youve been through so much. we love you. fly high flower
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
A beautiful, bubbly, lively kid full of innocent passion who grew up too fast in the harsh lights of the Korean pop industry.
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I still can recall her wide eyed, definitely nervous look during their debut stage. Her sweet live vocals coupled with powerful dancing and charming cheek whiskers whenever she smiles made her easily one of the most beloved maknae of her generation.
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Others will say she messed up as a grown woman while others will argue that she showed the conservative SK audience that women can do whatever they want and sexism doesn't have a place in society.
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Others will accuse her of being an attention wh*re while others will say the admire her for her strength, confidence and candor.
However you feel about her, let's remember her with respect and treat everyone who is mourning for her passing with care and civility.
May her soul rest in peace and may those who mourn for her find comfort with one another.
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
me, a lesbian:
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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I could seriously do this all day
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
is that *goes to IMDB page* I KNEW IT
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
Don’t forget that you are human. It’s okay to have a meltdown, just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you’re headed.
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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Sorry I haven't been active 🤠
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
Can these directors please learn to use dark palettes without making all the details in the shots imperceiveable? I can’t fucking see!!!
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
Hello Zendaya is my ultimate girl crush I love her
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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395 notes · View notes
pinwheelbee · 5 years
When you text someone and immediately put your phone on do not disturb, turn off the ringer, and refuse to look at it for an extended amount of time.
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pinwheelbee · 5 years
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