plutonianrose · 5 years
sex appeal
• water risings (bonus if in scorpio decan) or aries, taurus, capricorn, libra rising
• chart ruler in the 8th or 12th
• any personal planets in the 8th house
• moon in 12th
• pluto or scorpio in 5th/7th house
• venus, moon, mars, pluto in 1st house
• venus in 5th, 7th, 10th house
• personal planets in scorpio
• personal planets in pisces
• personal planets in taurus or libra
• personal placements in capricorn
• venus in fire signs (especially aries)
• mars in 10th house
• lilith in 1st or 10th house
• lilith in aspect to sun, mars, pluto, ascendant, mc (especially hard)
• venus in aspect to sun, mars, pluto, asc, mc
• mars in aspect to sun, pluto, asc, mc
• mars square pluto!!
• pluto in aspect to asc or mc
• 8th house stellium
• 1st house stellium
• neptune in the 1st or 8th
• water dominance
• scorpio or pisces dominance
• moon, neptune, mars, pluto dominance
feel free to add to this!!
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plutonianrose · 5 years
Astro Bullets 🔫 Pt 1.
I thought i’d join in on this trend and offer you guys some things i’ve found in my journey through learning astrology, Enjoy! 
Part Two
Libra Sun/Moon can be very unpredictable and hectic until they find a balance between active and passive, feminine and masculine etc energies within them. 
There is 2 kinds of Sun conjunct Venus, first is the combust version which happens when the aspect is 8 degrees or closer. In this case, the sun will “burn up” Venus and cause the native to crave and need attention almost constantly but it will never be enough. Second is anything beyond 8 degrees these people are more charming and less likely to have such a large ego. 
Sun in 1st natives have the ability to cast a spell over others, often causing envy or obsessive behaviours in those around them (and they love it!) They have a certain light that shines from within that puts people in awe. 
Pluto-Sun/Asc easy aspects can expect to have comfortable relationships with authority figures. 
Scorpio Sun/Moon/Asc placements have intense eyes that are hard to look away from. 
The 5th house represents many things, including your hobbies; any planets/signs in this house shows you things you are interested in or can become obsessed with. The line between hobby and obsession can become blurred here. 
Uranus or Pluto in the 5th house can mean that such a person enjoys watching documentaries, learning about conspiracy theories or just taboo things in general. (though Pluto will lean more towards the darker versions of the things mentioned above) 
Pluto in the 1st can also cast a spell over others and draw people to them much like Sun in the first, however, Pluto in the 1st draws people in because of the mystery surrounding them rather than the obvious light radiating from Sun in the 1st. 
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plutonianrose · 6 years
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R E B L O G   T H E   P I G E O N .
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plutonianrose · 6 years
Rattlesnake 😈
Combine your chinese zodiac and astrology sign to make your true fursona
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plutonianrose · 6 years
this is a pineapple cleanse reblog to be charged with the sweetness of a pineapple also don’t forget to drink your almighty pineapple juice💛🍍💛🍍💛🍍💛🍍💛🍍💛🍍💛🍍💛🍍💛
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plutonianrose · 6 years
the best men have a sagittarius moon
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plutonianrose · 6 years
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Halley’s Comet, March 8, 1986, observed from Easter Island by W. Liller.
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plutonianrose · 6 years
The Newest & Clearest photo of Pluto.
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plutonianrose · 6 years
moon-mars aspects🌙🔥
moon conjunct mars: emotions are animated and expressive. hot-blooded, sexual and sensual people. brave and spontaneous. a defensive nature that doesn’t easily relax. ease in connecting with younger people. put a lot of energy into other people, and home environment. 
moon opposed mars: trouble with gaining support as there is an aura of drive that is overwhelming. a drive that is passionate and lively. tend to push people away. often seen as threatening. project a tough and brave image, but are not really so thickskinned. not sentimental and choose to ignore the sentiment of others. 
moon sextile/trine mars: an ease with working with others. love to pour a lot of energy, time and passion into those around. natural with young people. powerful spirit, strong emotions and an active social life. a great love for life.
moon square mars: a forcefulness and drive that makes it difficult for others to offer nourishment and support. sometimes too harsh for any feeling or real sentiment to flourish. strong defenses due to emotional vulnerability. bored by routine. little regard for others feelings.
interested? more aspect posts here.
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plutonianrose · 7 years
the signs about sex
aries: "i can't wait to get home to i can FUCK the shit out of you holy shit......"
taurus: "yaaa this is cool. i can dig it, chill af. -grinding on your like a pro- am i doin' all right"
gemini: "-talking the entire time- dude oral is so disgusting wtf..... -giving intense oral to their partner-"
cancer: "yeah i'm into that !! LOL..... no not right now"
leo: "DUDE YAASS SEX IS SO FUN hahaha ew stop talking about it. wtf that's so gross"
virgo: "-to a stranger- um, i don't really want to talk about that with you. -to a friend .3 secs later- yeah i was like, sucking him off and it got in my EYE"
libra: "touch my butt and buy me pizza"
scorpio: "idk. do i like you enough for that? lemme think about it. ....... i didn't say you couldn't get naked though... where are you going ?!"
sagittarius: "OH DUDE. yeah. i'll do that. no problem! i love this. i love hanging out with you. -riding your dicc-"
capricorn: "i don't know about this. are they good enough for that side of me?? are they worth it?? will they praise me the way that i deserve after and during?? -fucks the shit out of u- yeah i'm afraid this isn't gonna work"
aquarius: "o dude yeah sex this sex that blah blah kinky blah -getting down to it:- we are wearing a condom, we are doing it missionary, we shall not sin"
pisces: "idk lemme think about it -later- I'M NOT DONE THINKING ABOUT IT! -later later- would you leave me alone?? i'll come when i'm ready! -17 days later- hey babe... you wanna do it?"
**look at moon & mars, too!
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plutonianrose · 7 years
“We need to realize that our path to transformation is through our mistakes. We’re meant to make mistakes, recognize them, and move on to become unlimited.”
Pluto dominant☠️ people have been growing up,facing with their deepest fears.They are introduced early in life with death and the darkest side of people.Plutonians know what others are capable of doing. They can sense demons miles away and that’s one reason why they are so secretive and defensive,trying to keep their life as private as it’s possible.
Being a Plutonian means to pass through many betrayals.They are people that have to deal with the ugliest and the cruelties side of humans,but that’s what makes them who they are.Topics like death and sex aren’t considered taboo.Plutonians are aware about their desires and they love to feed their darkness with erotic fantasies that can be even scary for the faint heart.
They consider sex as a little death(La petite mort) more than just a physical need.Sex is like rebirth for them, similar with their life.That’s because transformation is always waiting for them.Life “kills” a Plutonian so many times,but they know how to rise again,stronger and completely transformed.
There are many fascinating things about Plutonians.One of them is their intensity.Their soul is deep and it takes a lifetime for someone else to go right to the bottom of their souls,because Plutonians don’t believe easily.
Suspicion is their best friend and they think that a dose of doubt is never bad to have.
Sadness and anger for these people can even feel like physical pain sometimes, that’s because they feel everything so deeply.They can never love or hate something half way.A Plutonian will love you or hate you with all their being or not at all,there is no middle way.Sometimes even them can be afraid and confused from their feelings, that’s because they can seem uncontrollable from time to time.They are also in a constant war with the need of getting revenge to people that used to hurt them,because they never forget.
Besides that Plutonians have a great sense about people and their intuition is amazing.They smell danger and they hate liars.Investigative skills can be a main part of their personality.They are calculative and they analyze details and think about all the possible outcomes of a situation.
There is no perfect crime you can do to a Plutonian.Also they know how to control situations perfectly to get the outcome they want from it and many under developed Plutonians can be very manipulative and controlling.
But being a Plutonian has its dark side too (actually they are all made of darkness).These people can feel like they don’t belong to the place where they are growing up,or even worse,like they don’t belong to this world and these people at all.
Since they’re pretty young they begin to feel different and people will notice this,but they won’t understand them.That’s the point where the lonely journey through an unknown inner world begins.
Different from other people Plutonians want to touch the untouchable, outwordly things that can come out of their soul or from strange events during their life.
Almost all of them keep wondering about life after death,God,existence,fear,desires, destruction.
Their life is a long and tough mission, trying to find out the highest truths of others dimensions and their inner selves.Many of them are into occult, trying to understand everything in a deeper level.
Traumatic events can happen to them too,that leave marks on them during their whole life,but they know how to live with them, using pain as a source of courage.
Quotes related with Plutonians:
❌"The only way you survive is you continuously transform into something else. It’s this idea of continuous transformation that makes you an innovation company.“
❌”Life and death are illusions. We are in a constant state of transformation.“
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plutonianrose · 7 years
💫Uranus in the 1st house:
Highly independent souls who strive for freedom over their personal behavior and actions. They often hold little regard for others’ opinions as they simply want to do their own thing. This can be evident in how they come across to others, how they dress, and how they regularly approach life. Desire for personal freedom could prompt them to seek unusual activities and meet unusual people. There can also be an indifference to personal appearance and in how they dress, or they could even be eccentric and unconventional in dress. There’s usually one thing about these persons that stand out to people whether it’s in how they dress, how they look, or how they approach situations. There can be sudden changes to the appearance and style. Their strong self will can manifest as leadership qualities or rebellious tendencies.
💫Uranus in the 2nd house:
Priorities and personal values may be considered strange or unusual in the eyes of other people. These persons attain money and possessions in sudden and peculiar ways. Can treat personal items with indifference and are likely to lose things often due to this attitude. Money is often earned through ones’ ingenuity and intuition and comes and goes on impulse, sudden gains followed by sudden loss.
💫Uranus in the 3rd house:
Despite strange and unusual thinking patterns, natives display speed and genius in thought and speech. Personal experience as well as empirical and scientific evidence is how you generally arrive at conclusions as you neglect the opinions and beliefs of others. Interests usually lie in science,technology, and even mystical subjects like astrology. Relationships with neighbors and siblings are usually friendly and often have some unusual quality to them but these relationships can also be prone to sudden changes. Objective and unbiased in thought. Definition of thinking outside the box.
💫Uranus in the 4th house:
Likely to be pretty rebellious at home. The home life is often prone to many changes, some unsettling. There can be sudden changes of residence, especially in early years. You’re likely to feel like the odd one out in the house, if not then your family itself could be described as odd or unusual in some fashion (maybe in relation to societal conventions). Some with this placement could be indifferent to family members. Some unusual quality about a parent (usually the mother figure). The house itself is also likely to be unusual in some fashion maybe in its structure or where it’s located. This placement can also bring friends into the home somehow, may live with a friend for some time, or the house could be a meeting place for ones friends.
💫Uranus in the 5th house:
Wants freedom in pursuit of pleasure. This could cause these people to disregard accepted norms in the realm of sex/romance, games, and partying. They are also likely to have strange hobbies for this reason as well (think of things related to technology, or peculiar subjects like astrology). The love and sex life is often considered unusual. Experimental attitudes towards love and sex. Romances are electric; often sudden and very alive but tend to end as fast as they begin and there’s often an unusual quality to their lovers. Lovers can be considered weird, eccentric, or stand out in some way. Genius and innovation is shown in art and creative expression. If these people have kids, there is likely to be some unusual situation in connection to them. Some with this placement are indifferent to children and see them as a burden when it comes to their personal freedom. It is said that Women with Uranus in the 5th house can have sudden and unexpected pregnancies if not careful.
💫Uranus in the 6th house:
Strange approach towards work and health. Could experiment with dieting and health. Can be somewhat scattered in approach to work and getting things done, however they can find new and innovative approaches to getting the job done. You need work that promises variety and much mental stimulation. Good for jobs related to science, technology, and possibly even metaphysical subjects. Could encounter issues of instability in the realm of work and health. Could be friendly and aloof in the eyes of coworkers or could come off as rebellious and indifferent to coworkers.
💫Uranus in the 7th house:
Highly independent persons, however this could cause problems in relationships and bring sudden changes. Close relationships have an element of instability to them. Partnerships with unusual, eccentric individuals. There can be an element of distance (mainly in an emotional sense) between the native and their partners in close relationships. You have an intuitive awareness of where you stand with others and what’s on others’ minds.
💫Uranus in the 8th house:
Naturally have the urge to explore the unusual and the unknown usually in topics relating to science or the occult. Prone to have many strange dreams. Powerful intuition. In sex, you need variety and experimentation to stay stimulated. You may have some pretty unusual ideas or interests that you most likely keep to yourself when it comes to sex. Sudden changes in finances can bring major life changes.
💫Uranus in the 9th house:
Beliefs and philosophies oppose the typical. Opportunities for travel are often sudden and for peculiar reasons. Religious/Philosophical beliefs could be considered strange or one may show indifferent attitudes towards religion. Philosophical beliefs based on scientific principles maybe. Occult philosophy. Science and technology in college. Study of metaphysical subjects. Could be indifferent to higher education and neglect it altogether. Scientific knowledge. Wisdom and intuition.
💫Uranus in the 10th house:
Career differs from the norm. Recognition could come suddenly. Sudden changes to reputation and/or career. Career in scientific,occult, or some unusual field. Highly independent and could even become leaders in their chosen career. A highly independent parent (usually father figure) with some unusual quality. May stand out, may have some unusual connection to their name. Not for the average job.
💫Uranus in the 11th House:
Many friends but don’t tend to identify too closely with one group. Attracts many friends, many of these friends are peculiar in some way. Humanitarian and scientific concerns and goals. Friends come and go suddenly. Friends over lovers. Aptitude for science and/or tech possibly.
💫Uranus in the 12th House:
Freedom seems elusive. Always feels caged in some how. Maybe fear standing out, could feel inclined to hide their unusual sides. Fears loss of freedom through large institutions like prisons, hospitals and others facilities which could make them feel inclined to rebel against them in some way. This placement often deals with handling private info in some fashion. Dreams are often strange but carry psychic information. Many ideas from dreams. Secret activities. Irregular sleeping patterns.
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plutonianrose · 7 years
sex and the planets of the 5th and 8th houses
the 5th house
sexual attraction is often indicated in the 5th house, but depending on the signs and aspects involved, this can manifest in many different ways. since the facets of one’s personality are most immediately expressed through the personal planets (sun, moon, mercury, venus and mars), links are provided for further insight. however, the outer planets (jupiter through pluto) and major points/asteroids can provide other meaningful nuances of sexual expression. here’s a quick list of how all the planets manifest their sexual energies/performance in the house of fun:
sun - sexual love is expressed wholeheartedly and unabashedly; truly knows the joys of sex
moon - your playful and free sexuality brings you a lot of attention which is often an emotional balm to your soul; may fall in and out of love regularly
mercury - sexual thinking is more straightforward and may be a bit restless in your love life
venus - you often confuse sex with love and will need that connection to another to feel fulfilled
mars - aggressive, passionate and emotional when it comes to sexual performance and expression of love;
jupiter - immense appetite for pleasure, the riskier the better and sexual fulfillment is often never too much, if in a hard aspect, you might very well be licentious; if well aspected, you’re more free with your sexual expression
saturn - sex is often work, either literally or figuratively. if in a hard aspect, you could very well be sexually inhibited; if well aspected, you channel your sexuality carefully. at any rate, you take your pleasures seriously
uranus - sex life may be highly original and unusual; you may use sex as a form of self-expression which is often unorthodox and shocking to others
neptune - the search for pleasure through sex or other indulgences may be ephemeral and elusive
pluto - you’re drawn to extremely strong and dramatic sexual situations which, unchecked, may rule your life
north node - you need to connect to others with the heart involved rather than a more cerebral ideal of sex; need to love more intimately rather than universally
part of fortune - your destiny lies in your ability to have fun with others and sex is one of the ways in which to do this
the 8th house
the eighth house shows how an individual handles sexuality. because this house is rather secretive, it often has an obscuring effect on sexuality. the hidden nature of the eighth house makes the energies of any of the planets that are in it a bit more difficult to understand. at any rate, here’s a quick list of how the planets’ sexual energies/performance are magnified and enhanced in the house of sex:
sun - the physicality of sexuality is emphasized; sexual intensity is paramount and will prove very significant to you in your life
moon - very secretive about powerful emotional and sexual needs, your sexuality is deep and mysterious and plays a big role in your emotional wellbeing
mercury - you have a passionate nature with deep-rooted emotions in general; talking and thinking about sex gets you off
venus - sexual experience is important and sexual performance will be very rooted in a desire for love and companionship
mars - for you, sex is a contest and defines your identity as a winner; more than likely will be sexually aggressive and will exert control using your sexuality
jupiter - when it comes to sex, you can be a little self-centered and self-indulgent, unless you consciously develop more self-discipline and responsibility towards your partner
saturn - sex may be physically satisfying but emotionally unsatisfying; this is a tricky placement since you fear losing emotional control which is otherwise essential to an authentic sexual experience
uranus - your sexuality may put you in dangerous and extraordinary situations; unorthodox sex positions such as orgies may appeal to you
neptune - sexual relationships may be coloured by fantasies and unreal expectations; more likely to use sex to escape from reality
pluto - sex will be intense and dramatically alter the lives of those you’re intimately involved with
north node - actively undertakes responsibility for a fated sexual connection with another; your life task may involve work related to sexuality, growth through deeply intimate relationships highlighted by sexual intensity
part of fortune - your destiny lies in the need to reconcile your deeply hidden emotions and sexuality
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plutonianrose · 7 years
Signs as Greek “love” deities
Aries: Pothos, god of sexual longing, yearning and desire
Taurus: Anteros, god of requited love
Gemini: Peitho, goddess of persuasion and seduction
Cancer: Hera, goddess of marriage 
Leo: Priapus, god of male genitalia 
Virgo: Hymen, god of marriage, weddings
Libra: Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love 
Scorpio: Eros, god of love, sex
Sagittarius: Himeros, god of sexual desire, unrequited love
Capricorn: Pan, god of male sexuality
Aquarius: Philotes, goddess of affection, friendship and sex
Pisces: Hedylogos, god of sweet talk and flattery
*Some of these gods have other areas they are in charge of but I only focused on the love, romance, sex part
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plutonianrose · 7 years
signs sexual style
aries: assertive, aggressive, dominant
taurus: sensual, crave simulation more than arousal
gemini: comfortable and easy-going, dirty talk, like to experiment
cancer: creative, loving and lustful, prefer oral
leo: pleasurable, passionate, attentive, lots of foreplay
virgo: heaps of foreplay, honest love-making
libra: mental stimulation, verbal foreplay, you like setting the scene (lingerie, music)
scorpio: you like drama and excitement, passionate, lustful
sagittarius: charming, affectionate, you usually become bored so you like spontaneity
capricorn: not very complicated, sensual, you like being seduced and have a great sexual stamina
aquarius: you like being seduced but you don’t give up your power completely, enthusiastic, imaginative, a lot of people don’t know this but you tend to be passionate when connected to the mind with your partner
pisces: romantic, sensual, playful
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plutonianrose · 7 years
MTL Submissive Mars Signs
Libra Cancer Pisces Virgo Gemini Sagittarius Taurus Leo Aquarius Scorpio Capricorn Aries
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plutonianrose · 7 years
The Signs & Their Kinks
Aries: Likes hair pulling, spanking, angry sex, likes to dominate and being dominated, enjoys being slapped, and roughness.
Taurus: Likes being tied up, spanked, usually submissive, into BDSM, exhibitionism, and lowkey daddy kink.
Gemini: Likes shoulder and neck kisses, public sex, shower sex, enjoys stroking of the inner thigh, also into bondage and choking.
Cancer: Likes thigh grabbing, body stroking, neck and collarbone kisses, being choked, soft moans, and wandering hands.
Leo: Enjoys being teased, thigh and neck kisses, is usually submissive but likes to take control once in a while, likes ass grabbing, and likes teasing.
Virgo: Is submissive, likes being held down, neck kisses, likes being pushed against a wall, also likes hickeys and shoulder kisses.
Libra: Likes spanking, choking, biting, bondage, hickeys, roleplaying, BDSM, pet names, also likes to dominate on occasions.
Scorpio: Likes soft kissing, light skin touches, is usually submissive, probably has a daddy kink, likes being taken care of and enjoys shower sex.
Sagittarius: Enjoys the moaning of their partners, being pushed against a wall, likes biting and spanking, enjoys being dominated but casually likes to switch it up.
Capricorn: Likes to dominate, enjoys being choked, is into foreplay, BDSM, biting, likes being chased, and may also, on some occasions, want to be dominated.
Aquarius: Enjoys bondage, likes biting and marking, spanking, BDSM, neck kisses, ass grabbing, and rough sex.
Pisces: Likes having their throat held, loves lip biting and being bitten, sometimes likes to be dominant, likes exhibitionism, foreplay, and BDSM.
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