polaringcircus · 7 hours
Its ironic that the person who would keep you alive for 3 years will make you want to end it now
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polaringcircus · 14 days
All of my goals and plans that I looked forward too were set on fire and now burnt into ashes.
The things that kept me going from 2020 are gone. I can’t keep going
Nothing will get better, and I still want to die
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polaringcircus · 1 month
Ough … I hate when like one of the cons of liking ‘underground’ artists is that they’ll have the most catchy chords + tabs but you cannot find them anywhere and you do not want to guess it by ear because its just like GYAAAH!!!
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polaringcircus · 1 month
blue brunswick means so much to me like the song itself just makes me feel comfort . The song is just so good please… the piano and soft vocals…the repeated bass. I’m LOSING IT!!
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polaringcircus · 2 months
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when the music doesnt have captions
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polaringcircus · 2 months
I need new music that I already know
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polaringcircus · 2 months
it is IMPERATIVE that you listen to weird niche music of some kind. you MUST be a total freak about one artist that no one you meet irl will possibly have heard of
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polaringcircus · 6 months
I remembered that when I met Robert Schneider he asked me if I was a musician and of course I said no. But, I’m glad he asked me either way because if it wasn’t for him asking I wouldn’t have had the courage to pick up guitar again and ACTUALLY spend my time learning chords and finger styling.
Because of him I can play tunes now! Sadly, theres a con to this. A part of me feels guilty that I shyly said no instead of saying something like “I’m learning” or whatever.
(EDIT:) Another thing is he told me about the marbles because we talked about Robbert Bobbert and he told me he was gonna reissue it or something with BONUS TRACKS!! and I didn’t ask him whenever he was gonna do that…and I’m so sad that I missed the opportunity :(
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polaringcircus · 7 months
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Now playing : Chocolate USA’s albums All Jets Are Gonna Fall Today and Smoke Machine
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polaringcircus · 7 months
I like having music in a physical form like vinyl or CD, so that in the case of an apocalypse-like event where the internet stops working and the data on it can never be recovered, future generations can find my bunker filled with random physical media and listen to the same things that I enjoyed many years prior. (Assuming that people in this hypothetical post-apocalypse world still know what a record or CD player is).
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polaringcircus · 7 months
CDs thoughe. :}
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polaringcircus · 7 months
cd care tips because no one asked
only wipe ur cds when u need to + wipe them across, not in a circle its cleaning time when ur cds are dirty, scratched, have fingerprints on them or wont read. cleaning them with soapy water works well enough dont do the thing where u breathe on them and wipe just use water
dont touch the reflective side even if ur held at gunpoint dont u want them to look brand new ??? like tgey are straugt from the womb ???? also touching the shiny side makes it more likely that it cant be read by the computer from the greasy ass fingerprints
keep the creature in the case keep him in containment
try to store them horizontally instead of vertically on top of eachother it can damage the case and maybe the cd especially if its a paper case
the creatures are like vampires. dont store them in light they melt
hold the men by the edge of the cd or by the edge and the hole refer to point 2 for why
dont bend them (obviously) self explanatory u dont want them to break unless ur sadistic
check them for scratches and dents and dirt regularly scratches and dents can happen from normal use
paper cases are more likely to scratch ur cd jewel cases are better and can be bought off amazon for like 50p each if ur worried about scratching them
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polaringcircus · 7 months
the desire to pronounce words as they are said in their source language for the sake of accuracy vs the desire to not sound like a complete tool
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polaringcircus · 7 months
Something that took me a long time to learn as a former people pleaser, is that avoiding difficult conversations does not keep the peace. It keeps the tension.
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polaringcircus · 7 months
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Orbiting Human Circus Album’s Quartet Plus Two CD along with the fall sampler
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polaringcircus · 7 months
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More stickers I got from here :)
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