This was such a cool self- introduction. You hit it on the nail! I am excited to start this polyglot adventure with you and learn more about Japanese culture. Arigato gozaimas.
Friend of The People
Hi everyone,
My name is Elhadj-Oumar Tall. I am the co-founder of the website Polyglots Around The World. My dream is to live long enough to see 120 years old. I love life too much. Everyday is a new battle and adventure. Learning languages brings me joy. I love how communication can be written, verbal, physical, spiritual, and mental. It is a form of art that needs appreciation.
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私の名前はエルハジ・ウマル・トールです。私はウェブサイト Polyglots Around The World の共同創設者です。私の夢は120歳まで長生きすることです。私は人生を愛しすぎています。毎日が新たな戦いと冒険です。言語を学ぶことは私に喜びをもたらします。私は、口頭、身体的、精神的、精神的なコミュニケーションを文字で表現する方法が大好きです。それは鑑賞が必要な芸術形式です。
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Friend of The People
Hi everyone,
My name is Elhadj-Oumar Tall. I am the co-founder of the website Polyglots Around The World. My dream is to live long enough to see 120 years old. I love life too much. Everyday is a new battle and adventure. Learning languages brings me joy. I love how communication can be written, verbal, physical, spiritual, and mental. It is a form of art that needs appreciation.
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