polywander 4 years
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Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. And so it is. (at Ross Lake Dam Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKna2FgYWT/?igshid=1nmxx4jr4ashd
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polywander 4 years
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You are the final destination that takes no effort to reach. From here everything manifesting is a mirror to your own source. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOhjAjA_fd/?igshid=ar2oy5a02hoz
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polywander 4 years
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"Who am I?" Is the only question one needs to ask. We think I am "this", but it always changes so we cannot be that. "I am." Rightly so, we are here. Being. Existing. No doubt about it. "I". Even without stating our existence, we are the same as before. But now this is where we come into attachment with the world in identity. For who are we before "I" comes into play? You are here before the "I" arises. So who are you but not prior to all phenomena? Don't think about it because you already know: it's you as your true nature. Knowing this is freedom and love, as you are never your thinking mind, feeling body, or pains and desires. What can bother you here? Only false attachments. Because you are not chained to anything and always in liberation. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJS5SvgAGd/?igshid=895gutt8wcev
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polywander 4 years
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Patience is a virtue without any doership. Letting expectations go along with fear based control we see what's here with an untainted eye. How else do you see beyond your own beliefs? (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFaapzA5Xm/?igshid=14lv8qt4jait6
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polywander 4 years
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On an infinite walk why carry that which burdens? Release everything and you alone remain. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEMfDag6qJ/?igshid=1qv4b59hh85ir
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polywander 4 years
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Slow down. Reality isn't going anywhere, because you are reality itself. All that goes was never you, and all that comes will never be you. Else how can you be where you aren't? So you are not in time but time is seen by you. And if you are always here to see time come and go, you must then be eternal. Yes or no? https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCvFI5gXSI/?igshid=1ki2efj075olf
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polywander 4 years
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We never capture ourselves in a photo, video or other object because our nature is forever beyond form. We can put on display an archetype of ourselves, but it will only be an aspect of what we are eternally. Every photo and form is a limitation. But we come in all colors, varieties and shapes with no limitations. So we are never any one. Likewise we are never one emotion, thought or expression. The only videographer is the one watching all shows, but no title is needed. As we are always there as the peceiving one, what need do we have to capture our Self? Who would capture us when we see everything from the world stage to our own seeing? It is who we already are and so there is no need to be or do anything. As we go out looking for ourselves, we delve into a game of hide and seek. But we're not the seeker, hidden nor seen. So who plays but all that you are not? We are the witness to this play upholding no role or performance and unbound to any shape or size. We may put on any costume but we are never it. So take photos and videos, but do not lose sight of your true power. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCB5SpmAN51/?igshid=1sxmzh6ref62n
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polywander 4 years
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Simply being in the moment without your history reveals the power to write it. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB__4iRAVQ8/?igshid=13mg3o102r2m0
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polywander 4 years
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"The Self is the flower that no one can hold. It knows itself by recognizing what is not itself. Though the mirror gives you a perfect reflection, dont look for yourself there. The power is not in the mirror. Stay as the witness only." - Mooji (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_RsEhgp1C/?igshid=o1zggxojy7vv
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polywander 4 years
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We are the greatest wonder. Beneath all the fluff and stories, no matter how enticing they seem, cannot measure up to our immeasurable being. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB9iXvogJ0g/?igshid=qj5u09rufffg
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polywander 4 years
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Our identity is as shaky as our unattended step. When unconscious, we label ourselves according to the world. But doing so we forget who we truly are. Because ultimately there is nothing outside of you that can be you. We might say we're a hiker, but after the hike what are we? You see that we've been here before, during, and after identity in each part. So you're not the location you go to, nor can you ever take anything with you. Otherwise, you would dissapear with it. We needn't label anything we do, as we simply are before all doing occurs in us. Let go of the labels and see what happens, or doesn't happen. Will you vanish? Or the trouble mind brings? This is what you really want, to distinguish the fire of suffering and remain as you are, peaceful, joyous and in harmony always. And it's done without any doing, as being is enough. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB8e28uAtBT/?igshid=1m37ml03068uj
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polywander 4 years
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The journey ahead of you is the same no matter where you are, because it is all that is here now. And now never departs from you. Your Self cannot be left behind, nor taken anywhere. You are the only constant. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6o7n9gg86/?igshid=1wpwgf4enxiu5
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polywander 4 years
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Who is here but you? The you of our shared being. There is no other here, only that we are and have always been. What trouble comes but imagination? Mind will drift, let it go. (at Tamanawas Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5vgzaAijc/?igshid=hclmz871r7cd
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polywander 4 years
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Even with perceived chaos and motion, we are always still. This power of yours will never leave you, because it is the essense of your true Self. Don't look for it, simply be as you are. (at Green Lakes Trailhead) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4O8nuguZ8/?igshid=dwfxx4au6hrm
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polywander 4 years
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"Avoid desire and aversion. Do not engage the mind much in the affairs of the world. As far as possible do not get entangled in the affairs of others. Giving to others is really giving to oneself. If one knows this truth, would one ever remain without giving?" ~ SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI (at Tumalo Mountain Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1c42vAOWy/?igshid=a5t19kc07zr5
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polywander 4 years
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"The state we call realization is simply being oneself, not knowing anything or becoming anything. If one has realized, he is That which alone is, and which alone has always been. He cannot describe that state. He can only be That. Of course we loosely talk of Self-realization for want of a better term. That which is, is peace. All that we need do is to keep quiet. Peace is our real nature. We spoil it. What is required is that we cease to spoil it. For instance, there is space in a hall (room). We are not going to create space anew. We fill up the place with various articles. If we want space, all that we need do is to remove all those articles and we get space. Similarly, if we remove all the rubbish from the mind the peace will become manifest. That which is obstructing the peace must be removed. Peace is the only Reality." 馃晧 Ramana Maharshi (at Tumalo Mountain Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/CByIQepAg-D/?igshid=1p2tecypu8dc0
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polywander 4 years
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Our worldly habits and actions constrain us to a view that is unlike our true nature. By removing all that is not authentic to us, we cleanse the landscape of our intrinsic being and reclaim that which naturally belongs in solitude. Yet that which remains never left and has always been the YOU that you've been searching for. The difference is resting within versus looking outside. Are you diving in or out? (at Paulina Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBveqWxgqSF/?igshid=1d0fyotwmcnkp
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