pomie-fruitshake · 8 months
Thinking about Culinary Wizard MC who basically the reverse of Solomon.
They emphatically do not know Devildom any cuisine in any way, but whenever they step into the kitchen they can throw whatever together and it all just works.
Levi says that they just cook on vibes alone. Half the time they don't even know what they're using. They'll sniff at things in the fridge, then pour a random sauce they find onto their dish that miraculously makes it delicious.
Any demon watching them would have a heart attack after seeing them pour what could be the Devildom equivalent of marshmallow fluff on a sirloin, but it somehow, it turns into a 5-star meal once they're done. It should never work as well as it does.
Solomon can even join them in the kitchen because their good cooking is so powerful it cancels out his bad cooking.
Barbatos wants to study them in a lab. He's brought them to the Castle numerous times and each ends in frustration...
MC: *stirring a pot on one of the several stove-tops in the Castle*
MC: Okay, Barbs. Hand me that purple thing!
Barbatos: *trying not to die inside as he has already watched them drop 3 random fruits and 12 roots into whatever concoction they have cooking up*
Barbatos: MC, are you sure this... dish would benefit from fresh midnightroot? It's so savory that it might-
MC: Barbs.
MC: What did I tell you? When I'm in the kitchen...
Barbatos: ... We must trust the process...
MC: Exactly. Now that purple thing, please.
*One increasingly concerning cooking demonstration later*
MC: *sniffs at the pot and nods approvingly before handing Barbatos a spoon to taste*
MC: Done!
Barbatos: *looks at the pot warily but dips the spoon into the, now purple, creation that has about the consistency of a pie filling*
Barbatos: *tastes the spoon*
Barbatos: ......
Barbatos: *holds his head in his hands, awash with frustration and defeat*
Barbatos: It's... delectable....
They cannot keep getting away with this...
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pomie-fruitshake · 8 months
When The Flowers Bloom: Chapter 2 - A Normal Day?
wordcount: 1,113
This is NOT a normal day, our Barb is suffering way too much in this chapter 😭
Barbatos lays in his bed, it's already midnight and everyone is sound asleep. Meanwhile the butler lays awake, unable to sleep as his thoughts keep racing. He thinks to himself "This can't continue.. it's worsening the more I try to ignore it.." He sighs in frustration at his own feelings. ".. but how could I dare to confess.. they're our honoured exchange student. I shouldn't trouble them with my trivial…" He trails off before coughing a bit again. As he looks at his hand, he sees a few acacia and dahlia petals. Even a few whole flowers, blooming beautifully. And he chuckles to himself "Now now.. I could form a beautiful bouquet with these.."
The next morning he's standing by his lord's side, making sure he's not trying to escape work again. He watches him work quite diligently, the only sound being the scribbling of the pen. Diavolo groans and stretches, the butler understands that that's his que to give him a break, it's been hours after all. He bows to Diavolo. "I shall bring you some refreshments for a little break, my lord."
"Ah yes, thank you Barbatos!" At this Diavolo looks relieved and leans back in his chair, going to text his 'right hand man and not only in name' while he waits.
When Barbatos arrives at the kitchen he has to lean on the doorframe, his coughing worsening again. "Just.. why .." he says, breathing heavily and trying to compose himself. He's thankful he's alone in the kitchen.
Sighing, he starts making the Caramel Shadow Tart his lord recently requested. The suffocating feeling in his chest not leaving him as he works. Sometimes he has to lean on the counter for a bit, as he tries swallowing the flowers threatening to spill all over the pastry, and he can't have that. This causes him to feel worse though, as his head starts spinning, the burning in his lungs increasing. But he keeps his breathing even, as much as he can at least. He can't rest yet, it would be unbecoming of him to make his young master wait longer. After he finally sets them to bake he has a chance to sit down and gather himself, he can't show himself in this state after all. As a butler he shouldn't look so haggard. So he needs to get a hold of himself.
He feels the burning, suffocating flowers in his throat again. But now he can cough a bit. Cough everything he's held in since he woke up. He looks at his white gloves, noticing the flowers he's coughed up are gardenias this time and.. they're covered in bits of blood. "This.. is a first…" He sighs, he'll have to change gloves now. Though he doesn't bother to clean them up yet, opting to lean against a cabinet and ease his shallow breaths. The metallic taste lingering on his tongue. He feels weak and dizzy, how unbecoming of a butler he thinks to himself. This can't do, this absolutely can't- He stops this train of thought. He should be calm, calm as always. He takes deep breaths, causing him to shudder all the little scrapes in his throat and lungs to sting.
After a bit he gets up, making himself some tea to ease his throat. The hot tea thankfully has a calming effect on the wounds, making him breathe out shakily.
Diavolo looks at the clock, "Barbatos is sure taking his time.." He mumbles, thinking about what kind of sweets he's making this time. This makes his stomach grumble and he reaches into his secret snack drawer. Hoping Barnatos doesn't catch him, he giggles in excitement at this secret little mission of his.
Some time later, just as Diavolo beats a Ruri-Tunes level. Barbatos knocks and opens the door. "Ooh Barbatos! You took a while, is everything okay?" Diavolo looks at his butler concerned, but doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
"I had a little.. Intervention… I apologize for keeping you waiting, young master." He bows and sets the tray with sweets and tea at Diavolo's coffee table. While Diavolo takes a seat at the couch.
He looks at the food like Beel and smiles happy. "I see you made the Caramel Shadow Tarts?? I only mentioned them yesterday!" He smiles delighted. "Now come, sit down with me and let's enjoy them together! Maybe I should call Lucifer over too.. he has been wanting to try these too ever since Simeon praised them." He texts Luci but already starts eating one.
And Barbatos first pours the tea into 2 cups. His hands tremble a bit as he pours it, unnoticeable to the human eye. Unfortunately for Barbatos, the demon prince is no human. And unfortunately for him, he noticed.
Barbatos sighs and sits down across from the prince. Looking calm and collected as always, maybe a bit pale.. but that's all. "Barbatos.. are you tired? ..have I been too demanding?.." Diavolo says like a sad puppy, Barbatos is his dear friend besides being his butler. And he doesn't want to overburden him.
"No, my lord. It is just that I have not been able to sleep the last few days. But please.. don't let this concern you." He gives Diavolo a soft smile, and Diavolo understands to not push further. Soon Lucifer joins them, and pleasant chatting is heard from the room. Mainly from the two other demons, as Barbatos doesn't participate as much. He has other things on his mind after all.
The rest of the day is a haze. Barbatos does his usual rounds on the little D's work and catches Diavolo trying to sneak out a few times. But ultimately Diavolo manages to finish everything and so after dinner the butler has time to himself again.
He lays down on his bed, feeling dizzy and nauseous. Even breathing is painful. But.. he's held out well today, he thinks as he closes his eyes. He rests like this for a while, and as he finally coughs again it sends shivers down his spine. His mouth getting that metallic taste again. He grimaces at this and then frowns even more as he sees his bed having flower pieces and blood splatters, another thing he'll have to clean up. He's trembling a bit, tears prickling at his eyes. "This is unbearable.. to think I'd get to this state because of love…" He thinks, but he steadies his breathing and slowly gets up. Going to make himself some tea.
A small smile forms as the tea soothes him, he would've gone to sleep now but.. the butler sighs, he can't rest yet. There's one more important task left to do today.
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pomie-fruitshake · 9 months
Fun fact: In Barbatos's intimacy storyline in Nightbringer he ends up living with Solomon and MC at Cocytus Hall temporarily. Here's a highlight from his 40 intimacy call:
The way he makes Solomon sit in the corner. 😭 You cannot convince me he didn't raise this man.
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pomie-fruitshake · 9 months
You, Over the World (Solomon)
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So, I wasn't satisfied with the “snow” entry in the 9days of Solomon challenge and always intended to write another fic in the challenge outside of the continuing narrative I was working on, but life had plans and I ran out of time so I dedicate this oneshot to its wonderful organiser @impish-ivy. I switched out “humanity” for “the world” in the repeating dialogues cause it sounded more dramatic lol but this should have been an entry for ‘humanity’.  If the vibes are familiar, I was thinking a lot about Frieren while writing this. :))
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“Would you choose the world over me?”
He mutters a yes over the verdant foliage, amongst the spring flowers that bloomed over melted snow. He says it again as he traced the petals with his fingers, his memories simmering in the past—your understanding eyes, smiling and unwavering, as if he were waiting for you to say something else. 
He held his breath,
“Would you choose the world over me?”
…and he says yes again under the shade of an umbrella overlooking the horizon. He squints his eyes against the hot air blowing on his face. The unchanging view he once saw with you became unrecognisable. The sky was blue as always; the summer sun, hot and cruel as he buried his feet under the warm sand—he strained his ears to listen to your stories, but even a whisper of them had been lost in time—the weight of his choice carried away by the thrashing waves. The world over you. “The greater good”. The “logical” choice that even you understood that he had to make. He thinks this over and over until the cicadas had stopped crying, and the punishing heat of the sun hid itself away to welcome a cool, moonless sky. 
With nothing but his thoughts to occupy him, he walks towards the ocean again. Aimlessly, almost dragging his feet, until he heard the currents, the salty air welcoming him as his feet touched the seawater. He hated everything about it, but he couldn't get you it off his mind–he should not even care anymore. He never cared. Everything that carried a piece of you is seafoam dissolving in the tides, and your memories were nothing but a ghost haunting him in the night.
“Would you choose the world over me?”
He was at a loss for words as he remembered the question again when a leaf fell on his face, waking him up from an unplanned nap. He was never the earliest riser. Mornings to him were nothing but extra hours of sleep, but he found himself there again despite the absence of…everything. The busy crowds haggling for bargains—cinnamon and nutmeg and the falling leaves. Your hands were on his face, slapping him gently on his cheeks to rouse him from his slumber. Your voice was admonishing yet sweet.
It's gone too, I suppose. 
He thought to himself as he waited for a flea market in the forgotten park, with nothing but the dents on the pavement and fading paint telling him that it was actually there. Years ago, maybe. Relocated somewhere else. Why didn't he bother to know? He did remember a stall there that he frequented with you. A kind stranger told him they have a whole chain of restaurants now; sold to a big company after the original owner’s passing. The orange leaves crunched beneath him as he left to take another train, waiting for hours on the queue to be seated.
He ordered your favourite.
But it didn't taste anything like it. 
The texture was off. Something was wrong with the taste. It was too hot and too cold at the same time. That couldn't be right, so he tried again and ordered his usual but it tasted even weirder: an amalgamation of textures and flavours that barely paid homage to its humble roots. And he wasn't even much of a gourmet. 
He left, letting his eyes linger on the seated crowd: their blissful faces obviously enjoying their meal. He sighs.
“Would you choose the world over me?”
Everything was grey; the orange and yellows and reds were being buried in the cold drafts. He asks you to close the door, only to be reminded that Cocytus Hall was nothing but ruins now; earth and dust. Rotting foundations and leaking ceilings. Seen better days. 
“Why have you chosen the world over me?”
He didn't know. What should he have answered you? The more time passed, the more it felt as if the hours had gotten slower and slower. His youthful face was a painful reminder of an eternity waiting for him. There was an aching that lingered in his chest that never went away. The view from outside was pure white. A light fog formed on the window as he breathed out and drew faces. He had many thoughts, but most were barely comprehensible, mangling into static noise. He stared into the distance. 
It must be a beautiful day. It was warmer than a usual December, and the view from outside was breathtaking. Didn't he just  make a breakthrough in his research? The Demon Prince and his butler are set to arrive in a day to honour his contributions…or something like that. He wasn't sure. It was a feat that his academic peers envied greatly, for he had yet again proven why he was called “The Wise”. 
Never “The Heartful.” Not even discerning. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. There, he saw you. 
“Cheer up, Solomon!”
A gloved hand that took his own. There was a question lingering in his mind as you walked through the thick snow. 
“Would you let me choose the world over you?”
He couldn't remember your face. He had imagined the scenes in his head so many times, and it only worsened every cold winter he had to spend on his own.
But he had no choice.
Company was all but warm bodies that didn't seep into his soul. They laced fingers with him and whispered sweet words, but he was a phantom whose presence they couldn't even touch. 
He was barely there or anywhere. See-through and paper-thin; deaf to kindness even in the face of sincerity. He remembered caring more, maybe a century ago, when he could still count the numbers of your fading presence with his fingers. But now…
…he saw you walking away again, so he pulled you back into his arms where you fit perfectly.
Where dreams were his only comfort. Where centuries and aeons felt like minutes ago, and the entire world that remained at your loss had any semblance of meaning. He held your face and pressed your lips on his, hoping all of what he couldn't say would reach you, 
“I wish I didn't.”
…even if it's too late.
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pomie-fruitshake · 9 months
Yandere and vampire!Solomon
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pomie-fruitshake · 9 months
Solomon: wow MC, that outfit looks really good on you
MC: thanks!
Asmodeus: it would look even better on his bedroom floor
Solomon: did you just flirt with MC? for me?
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pomie-fruitshake · 9 months
When the flowers bloom - chapter 1: Tea Time!
So... I decided I wanted Barbatos angst, so that's what we got here! All feedback is appreciated!
This will be like 3 chapters? And there will be a chapter a week!
This chapter: 998 words
Barbatos swallows back a cough as he greets MC. His usual smile is not even faltering, that sneaky butler.
"Welcome, MC. Lord Diavolo is waiting for you in the garden."
"Good afternoon, Barbatos!" They go quietly to where Diavolo is waiting for them. He's sitting at a nice tea table, with intricate spiral decorations but most importantly there were Barb's famous macarons on the table. And of course tea that is the most perfect combination to have with macarons. Diavolo has already drank some of his tea, but not eaten anything yet out of politeness.
Diavolo smiles brightly as he notices them approaching. "Barbatos! MC! I'm glad you could make it!" He gets up and spreads his arms. And MC happily hugs him.
Barbatos feels a pang in his heart, as he looks on by the side, watching them with a polite professional smile.
"I called you here to discuss how the exchange program is treating you." He smiles and sits back down, MC does the same. "After all.. already half has already passed ha ha ha!"
MC looks content as they, after some hesitation, do eat a macaron. Enjoying it and savouring it. "It's been good.. not what you'd expect from 'hell' but I like it here!" They chuckle.
The butler is standing by Diavolo's side, his expression not betraying his growing happiness. Seeing MC enjoy his sweets always makes his heart flutter just a bit more. He swallows down a cough and pours them more tea as their conversation continues. His Young Master nods in thanks and MC thanks him verbally as they continue telling Diavolo how they feel comfortable around the demon brothers now. MC even gives some pointers to Diavolo on what could be improved if next year another human exchange student comes. How cute, Barbatos thinks to himself before quickly surpressing the thought. He's a mere servant of Lord Diavolo, he should not covet what is not his.
Diavolo is very enthusiastic and keeps asking MC questions, curious about how a human experiences the Devildom. And what accommodations still need to be put in place. He laughs again. "Ha ha! To think the doors are too heavy for humans!"
"Yeah.." MC grumbles. "I couldn't get out of my room because the door is so damn heavy! I thought I was locked in or something-"
"But then an angry Lucifer opened it easily and lectured you for being late for breakfast?" Diavolo says, clearly amused.
"Yes! Wait how do you..-"
"Lucifer wrote about it in his report. Oh to see his face when he realised it was the door!" He laughs wholeheartedly.
And so the two continue chatting happily, Barbatos standing not too far from them. Refilling tea and smiling politely. Yes, this is his place, on the sidelines watching everyone. His heart does grow heavy with this thought, but he ignores it. He even rejects MC's attempts to include him in the conversation. MC.. this is enough… he is content with just watching.. He thinks to himself and smiles a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
"That is quite alright MC, this is your conversation with Lord Diavolo. I am merely here to see to your and his needs." He answers MC and bows slightly, covering his mouth for a bit and then going back to his perfect butler stance.
MC sighs, feeling uncomfortable leaving the butler out.. but he is not easy to convince, especially when Diavolo is involved. MC doesn't want to press and so they continue talking to Diavolo. As he has a waterfall of questions anyway.
Evening comes and Barbatos whispers something into Diavolo's ear. "Yes.. that's right, Barbatos. We should let our guest go. Lucifer wouldn't be happy if you missed dinner with them, hm?" He grins imagining Lucifer's 'angy' face.
"Yeah probably haha" MC gets up, gathering their things.
"You could always stay here though~ you could stay the night too!" Diavolo looks at Barbatos. "Indeed, if you so wish I will make the necessary arrangements."
"Ah no, thank you! I should go home and not bother you more." Barbatos smiles bitterly for a split second. Of course they wouldn't stay.. this is not their home… The butler clears his throat quietly. Not even Diavolo notices.
"You're no bother at all, dear MC!" Diavolo smiles charmingly. "Still…" MC is hesitant, suddenly staying at the castle will definitely be met with lots of protest from the brothers. And they already had plans with Levi to game tonight too..
"Well, you're always welcome to come visit, MC!" The two demons escort them back to the palace doors. And Barbatos steps forward.
"I shall bring you back to the House of Lamentation." Barbatos bows and now they're walking back in silence again. MC cannot bear this, even though they've talked way too much with Diavolo. They barely got to talk to Barbatos!
"You know Barbatos? The tea and macarons were super delicious! You're truly the best cook in all three worlds!"
"You praise me too much, MC" He chuckles.. and is that a little blush on his cheeks?
"No! You're really THAT good!!" MC defends. "You should really teach me.. or at least try to- I want to bake with you!" They sound very determined. To spend time with Barbatos or to learn how to bake.. it is not clear to the butler.
He clears his throat, his hand covering his mouth for a bit. "I shall arrange for that, may I have your schedule?" He says politely smiling again, something to his smile feels distant though.
"Of course! Once I'm in my room I'll send it to you." MC says, just as they're about to arrive at the gates for the House of Lamentation.
"Have a pleasant evening, MC" Barbatos bows as MC is entering. And MC waves and shouts a "good evening to you too, Barbatos!" Then they're gone. Barbatos sighs, his chest tightening. "This isn't good.." He mumbles to himself and opens a portal back to Diavolo.
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
Barbatos: Giving me the eighth placement on your list symbolised how you thought I was not worthy of a higher rank, did it not?
Solomon: I actually just wrote the names in the order in which they came to mind.
Barbatos: Why, that's even worse, as it would mean that your subconscious itself had numbered me eighth, since you secretly believed — and still believe — that I deserve no better.
Solomon: Not really, no. I wasn't trying to be mean, though.
Barbatos: I see. If you weren't intentionally trying to be unpleasant, then your unbelievable cruelty towards me only refers to how you are a vile person by nature.
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
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you and solomon were insufferable.
sometimes the brothers thought you both did it on purpose. they wouldnt put it past solomon to be so lovey dovey with you just to rub it in their face, but you would never! right? still every time they saw you and solomon being domestic together every one of them had to hold back the feeling that you were doing this to get under their skin.
they’d catch you cooking for solomon, humming to yourself while he sits nearby reading a book or working on something quietly. you would help solomon put on his jacket when he would leave and sometimes he’d tie your shoes for you. or you would feed him a bite of your desert from your spoon. you both ran errands for each other. you’d even write solomon little notes for him to find. it was like the two of you were an old married couple, domestic and in love, and it annoyed the brothers to no end.
they never said anything to you, but every now and then solomon would catch a glimpse of them scowling at him, and he was living for it.
for: @ratbabyari
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
💋🥐 - first kiss, baking.
barbatos × gen!reader. fluff + slightly suggestive.
warnings: barbatos gets... real flirty.
content: when your face gets dirty while baking, how else would you clean it up if not a kiss?
back to the 500 follower event: here.
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“now, we wait for the butter to melt. once it’s melted, we’ll pour the flour in.” 
“got it.” you peer over barbatos’ shoulder curiously, observing as he stirs the mixture in the pot. “what are you making this for, anyway?” 
barbatos steps away from the stove, reaching for the bowl of dry ingredients on the kitchen island. “the young master requested cream puffs,” he replies. as you hum in understanding, barbatos looks from side to side, lips pursed together in confusion. “you didn’t happen to see where i left my thermometer, did you?” 
after making sure that the pot isn’t dangerously close to boiling, you join barbatos in the search, taking the other side of the kitchen. finally, you see it sticking out of the pile of cutlery that you had set aside earlier. “my bad, i think i hid it from you by accident,” you say sheepishly. with careful fingers, you fish it out of the pile, making sure it still turns on before handing it over to him. 
barbatos gives you a look; one you can’t quite read. “how naughty of you,” he teases, turning back to the stove. behind him, you cover the lower half of your face with a hand, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks. “the butter is just about melted. MC, would you like to pour the flour in? or would you like to try mixing the dough?” 
pretending that his earlier remark doesn’t faze you, you roll your sleeves up determinedly. “i can mix it!” barbatos casts you an approving gaze, watching as you stride over to him. “is that all i have to do?”
“yes, but i should warn you that choux pastry becomes very stubborn once it thickens.” 
you shrug nonchalantly at the demon, grabbing a wooden spoon off the counter. “i think i’ve got this.”
“very well.” he nods at you, waiting until you’re ready to start pouring the dry ingredients in. 
at first, you stir easily, everything coming together in one smooth motion. however, the stubbornness makes itself known rather quickly, soon forming into a heavy ball that you begin to struggle against. you do your best to scrape against the sides and the bottom of the pot, intent on not allowing any of the dough to burn. but the longer you mix, the more tired your arm becomes, and eventually, you’re shooting barbatos a pleading look. “please tell me this is enough mixing,” you nearly whine, movements slowing as your muscles begin to ache.
barbatos’ shoulders bounce lightly with laughter. “not quite, but allow me to do the rest.” suddenly, he steps behind you, torso pressed against your back. gently, he takes the wooden spoon out of your grasp, your fingers brushing against his own gloved ones briefly. despite it not being skin to skin, the touch is enough to send a jolt through your system. you immediately drop your gaze to the floor, hoping barbatos is too occupied to notice. you don’t know long you stay there for, but you’re pulled back to reality when you hear him speak softly. “we have to wait for this to cool before we do the next step.”
“oh, yeah, okay.” your voice wavers, and you grimace at the sound. “which is, what, exactly?” 
finally, barbatos opens a path away from you, and you quietly breathe a sigh of relief. 
“we’ll add the eggs in. we have to wait until it’s just around 70°C.” he sticks his thermometer into the dough, watching as the numbers shoot up past 80. “where do you have the eggs you beat earlier?” 
with your brain close to haywire, you grab the bowl of eggs wordlessly, handing it over to him. you know by now that barbatos has noticed how flustered you’ve become, but you steel yourself anyway, clearing your throat as you place the bowl down on the counter next to him. “i have it here,” you strangle out.
barbatos murmurs his thanks while he transfers the dough from the pot into a mixing bowl. you fall into silence as you watch him turn the electric mixer on, stirring the dough to allow more heat to escape. every so often, he stops to check the temperature, all the way until he sees the number 70 on the reader. when it does, he stops the mixer periodically to add a bit of the egg mixture each time. you observe him quietly, rocking back and forth on your heels while he works. eventually, you’re the first to break the silence. “how do you know when that’s enough eggs?” 
barbatos has a lopsided grimace on his face, eyebrows furrowed in thought before getting around to answering you. “personally… it’s a gut feeling.”
your mouth drops open at his answer. “how about professionally?”
“... i am not a professional baker.” 
“i can’t believe this.” you chortle at his expression, entertained that barbatos has no set answer for you. despite your laughter, barbatos continues his work, a bit entertained himself that you think the situation is so funny. you leave him alone after that, leaning onto the counter with your elbows. you’ve never made this kind of pastry before, so you leave it to barbatos to do the delicate work and wait for him to ask you to join in again.
“this should be the right amount,” barbatos says to you. he tilts the bowl towards you so you can see it, but you can’t even tell the difference between now and two minutes ago.
“if we ever make this again, i’m counting on you,” you respond in a deflated tone. 
barbatos chuckles at the remark. “you can count on me for anything you need, MC. even if it's for something other than baking.”
"oh-! uh, yeah, thanks." for the third time in one hour, your face flushes red, and you’re turning away before the butler can comment on it. “anyways! you need the piping bag now, right?” 
“yes, if you could, MC.” you rush away from him, scrambling to slide the correct piping tip into the bag before hooking the bag around the edges of a small bucket. once it was ready (and your blush had faded), you head back to barbatos, waiting until he takes it from your hands to make a second piping bag. with measured movements, he pours enough of the pastry into the first bag that it fills up, but doesn’t overflow. barbatos then pulls the bag out of the bucket, twisting the open end so that it doesn’t come back out towards you when you take it from him. he repeats the process with the second bag, this time keeping it in his own hands while he grabs two baking trays from nearby. the demon places one in front of you and the other in front of himself. with a satisfied nod, he shifts to look at you, making sure you’re holding the piping bag properly before beginning his demonstration. he places a round dollop of the pastry onto the sheet, tapering it off with a circular motion.
the piped pastry reminds you briefly of whipped cream. “it looks cute.” 
“i suppose it does,” barbatos muses, leaning down to look at his creation from another angle. “it’s your turn to give it a try.”
you nod resolutely, adjusting your hands to a more comfortable position before attempting to recreate what barbatos had shown you. however, he makes it look easier than it really is. by the time you’ve put five on the baking tray, you notice how none of them are as well rounded as barbatos’. you wince at the sight, but decide to press on anyway since he hadn’t said anything about your strange shapes. but when you try to squeeze another one out, the bag stops cooperating, instead causing you to press harder on the pastry. “barbatos, i think something got stuck.” before he can say anything, you turn the piping tip end towards yourself to look in it, but make the mistake of squeezing the bag at the same time. the pastry explodes onto your face with a splutter, and all you can register is barbatos calling your name out of concern. 
you can hear barbatos gasp loudly before he places his own piping bag down. “in the name of diavolo… MC? are you alright?” 
“fine. yep. just fine,” you mutter. your eyes are shut tight, not wanting to get any of the mixture into your eyes. “do you have a towel or anything?” 
suddenly, his voice is right next to your ear. “stay still for me,” he whispers, sending a shudder down your spine. barbatos takes the exploded bag out of your hands, and a few seconds later, you feel a towel gently wiping away the pastry that had landed on your face. once the area around your eyes is clean, you blink your vision back to normal, only to wish that you had kept your eyes shut. barbatos hovers dangerously close to you, one hand on your chin and the other holding a new towel. “are you really alright? your face is quite red-”
“i-i’m okay!” you take a step back, but barbatos has you locked in his grasp. your heart pounds in your chest like it wants to be anywhere else but inside your body. meanwhile in your mind, your thoughts race endlessly, and you can barely keep your gaze from darting every which way. “barbatos, i-”
“MC, you have some more here.” you stiffen when he brushes his thumb over the corner of your lips- wait, when did he take his gloves off? and your breath catches in your throat when barbatos leans impossibly closer to you. you can feel the warmth radiating off his skin onto yours, but something in you tells you not to pull away. “may i?”
you gather your courage and make eye contact with barbatos, searching his gaze, finding nothing but affection before finally whispering “yes.” 
even with your permission, barbatos treads carefully first. his lips touch where his fingers were just moments before, swiftly cleaning the pastry from your face himself. as he pulls away, you feel his tongue swipe at your lips, and your knees nearly give out at the feeling. barbatos’ hand moves from your chin down to your waist, holding you up while he presses you flush against himself. he scans your expression thoroughly, and when you blink slowly up at him, he plays his next move. barbatos brings you in closer to meet him in the middle, melding into the kiss as though you had down it a thousand times before. unlike barbatos’ usual demeanour, the kiss is sloppy; it's a little bit messy and mixed with traces of the earlier pastry explosion. but nonetheless, you find yourself drowning in his touch, his actions driven by hunger for you. when you separate, you can barely recognize barbatos’ voice as he moans at the loss of your lips on his. 
you’re dizzy with desire, and so is barbatos. but you hold back long enough to tilt your head at the forgotten baking trays. “shouldn’t we finish our original task?” you ask between breaths, but you can’t help bringing yourself closer to him again. 
“the young master can wait,” barbatos practically growls, leaning in to nip at your earlobe. “i would like a treat for myself, first.”
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a/n: this isn't a personally inspired story from when i worked under a pâtissière... what are you talking about, i would never explode a piping bag on myself haha you're being crazy!
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
Part 9!
part 8:
We are sitting on his bed by the time I calmed down. He smiles at me and jokes "Did my question make you this sad? Haha"
"That's not why I-" I groan and hug him again. "I missed you.. a lot. Why did you disappear?.."
"Well.." He doesn't finish his sentence and instead laughs awkwardly. But I pry further.
"That's not fair, Solomon. I always tell you everything!"
"Do you really?" He says with a suspicious smile. As if he knows that's not true.
"Uhm-" I nervously try to scramble for words.
"It's alright, MC. We all have our secrets." He pats my head. Wait he WHAT!? I stare at him and he just chuckles.
"You like that, don't you?" A teasing smirk appears. And my heart beats faster.
"S-Solomon!! You- " I hide my face behind my hands. Though I don't stay hidden for long as I feel the pull of magic take my hands away from my face.
"Ahahaha!" He leans in closer, while he's smiling so happy. I feel my heart fill with joy. "Please don't hide from me, my adorable apprentice ~"
I stay silent for a bit. And Solomon tilts his head, looking a bit worried now. "MC I'm sorry if I-" I don't let him finish as I kiss him softly on his even softer lips. I also see a very, VERY cute blush appear on him.
I ruffle his hair and it's SO soft. My hands feel like they're experiencing heaven. So of course I continue petting him. Which doesn't help the already flustered sorcerer.
"Aaawww~ look who's all shy now~" The roles have been reversed and I'm sure I look very smug right now.
He now groans in embarrassment and I have a feeling he'll get revenge on me. And revenge he takes. I feel hands on my sides start to tickle me. I start laughing and squirming, playfully trying to get away.
"Solomon! Hahahaha! Please!! Mercy!"
"Now now, why should I do that ~" He mercilessly continues until-
"MC? Solomon..?" An angelic voice is heard by the door. It seems we have been too loud. "I knocked but you didn't answer.." He looks troubled.
"Were we too loud..?" I look apologetically at him.
"Thankfully Luke has not woken up yet. But you were quite loud, yes."
"I apologize Simeon, we'll be quieter." Solomon says as he still has an arm around my waist from his tickling attack. I try not to think about that now.
And Simeon noticed that, he's been staring at it to be exact. "I see you have resolved what's been bothering you, MC?"
"Ah y-yes..?" No??? I haven't figured out anything! It got even more confusing!
"Well then. I wish you two a good night." Simeon leaves and closes the door. A silence befalls the room, Solomon is staring into the abyss, still with a slight blush. He giggles and leans back, closing his eyes and sighing happy. I'd stare at his lovely content face for longer, but I need to progress in my quest. "Solomon?"
"Yes, MC?" He says while his eyes are still closed.
"Can you.. come to my room tomorrow?"
He opens his eyes now and takes my hand. "Of course MC, I should be more free from now on."
I smile and get up. "That's a promise!!" I go to his door and open it, wanting to leave as it's late. But Solomon closes it again, suddenly having appeared behind me and leaning on it with his arm.
"Not so fast, MC."
... By the way this is how our dear Solomon looked after the kiss!
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
Raphael: It seems you don't realise just how lucky you are sometimes Lucifer
Lucifer: Am I supposed to be grateful for something you've done?
Raphael: No not to me. To the humans. *Points at MC playing games with Mammon, Levi and Luke*
Lucifer: I am always grateful to MC but as for Solomon well except his occasional well timed help, he has only given me headaches.
Raphael: You better show a little respect for the only being that could save you from possible annihilation.
Lucifer: ... what kind of annihilation? *Stands up* Have the angels prophesized some more chaotic events again?! We'll sorry to tell you but we're very much at peace do unless the Celestial realm has hostility in its future plans-
Raphael: It's the humans who might threaten your peace this time, not us.
Lucifer: Spare me the baseless speculation.
Raphael: You don't realise their combined power do you?
Raphael: One of them single handedly went to war against Devildom and escaped unscathed, and the other can summon and use you and your brothers at will.
Lucifer: ...what does your prophecy suggest we do to avoid confrontation?
Raphael: Donot force seperation on them and if you harm one, the other will come back stronger for revenge. And they won't be defeated until the realm is destroyed.
Lucifer: ...what?
Raphael: The only thing keeping them content and controlled is each other. If you want this hard-won peace to continue, ask your brothers to behave.
Lucifer: ....
Mammon: Lucifer! Oi Lucifer! Solomon's not letting MC stay for the sleepover again!
Lucifer: Does MC want to stay...?
Levi: Well they keep making excuses for Solomon and wanting to go back to him saying he's lonely or something but I'm sure that's just them trying to be nice and-
Lucifer: Then let MC go.
Asmo: But Lucifer-
Lucifer: Let them go.
Raphael: Wise choice. I'll be taking my leave now.
MC: Solomon I'm home! *runs and hugs him*
Solomon: *spins them around* Welcome back! The brothers let you leave easier today huh?
MC: Yes! I'm so relieved I didn't have to waste another hour making excuses!
Solomon: I'm glad too.
MC: Are you finished working on that transformation potion yet?
Solomon: Yes I did. Tried and tested - it is ready.
MC: Aw you tried it already? I wanted to see! Who did you turn into? And how long did it last?
Solomon: I was Raphael for an hour and half.
MC: Did you manage to prank someone?!
Solomon: *chuckles* Indeed I think I did.
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
*everyone in the human realm*
mc: *sniffs the air* whelp *claps hands* smells like it’s gonna rain soon, we should get going
*everyone but solomon visibly confused*
diavolo: fascinating *pulls out a notebook and small reading glasses* tell me more
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
Okay this has no right to be so funny
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
Part 8!
part 7:
It's been days and I still couldn't get a hold of Solomon. He's never home or he's texting again that he is busy and that he's sorry. That he'll try to get it done faster. Just with what is he so busy? So I've decided to camp before his room. Literally. I am sleeping in a tent next to his door. Simeon suggested a room for me but I declined, because I could miss him then. It's the first night, and I have trouble sleeping in this new environment. But as I start counting sheep from desperation I hear footsteps.
"Uhm..?" A familiar lovely voice says as the footsteps stop.
I get out of the tent and greet him. "Good evening Solomon." (It's 2 am.) I take his hand because I feel like he'll run away otherwise. He squeezes it and keeps holding it.
"Ahahaha! What are you doing here MC?" He starts laughing, trying to keep silent to not wake up the angels. "In this- pfft- tent??! Hahaha!" Clearly he finds my genius solution hilarious.
I get embarrassed and mumble. "Well I couldn't get a hold of you otherwise.." I pout and he just giggles more. He starts pulling me into his room and I happily follow.
"I'm sorry MC, did you miss me that much?" He says with a grin.
"And what if I did?" I get closer to him. And he keeps standing, looking at me with a soft gaze. This sparks my hope that he's happy to see me. That and that we're still holding hands??!
"Aaww then I need to console my poor apprentice ~" He leans in and pauses. Then I feel him whisper in my ear. "Can I kiss you?"
I am shocked. I am blushing and I am ecstatic. So of course I blurt out. "YES! NO!!! Yes- fuck." I hide my face in my hands as shame consumes me. I feel him hug me, it feels warm and comforting.
"Solomon.." Tears are starting to form. I never knew I could be this emotional. But we haven't seen eachother other in like 2 weeks? So I suppose this is forgivable!
I bury my face in his chest and cling to him tightly. Solomon is saying comforting words to me that don't really register. In a voice so tender and soft I could just melt. My thoughts are a mess as it's unexpected of him to suddenly do this. We never were so close..
As I am too consumed in my thoughts I do not notice that Solomon has cast a spell on me while we are hugging.
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
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pov: you're about to see god
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pomie-fruitshake · 11 months
Part 7!
Part 6:
I lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling and thinking over what I should do now. I groan as I am out of ideas. It's not like I can force Solomon to drink a truth potion... Or.. can I..? I run to Mammon's room, he's bound to know how to get one considering how he knows so many witches. And he'll definitely help me, he's a tsundere after all!
I knock on his door. "Mammon?" .. No answer. "..The Great Mammon...?"
"You may enter."
When I come inside there's a smug grin on his face. "So! What do ya want from me, human?" He's acting all cool but I still notice his slight blush, is he flustered I suddenly came?
I close the door and sit on his couch. "Well, I need a truth potion. Do you know where to get it?" I say, casually.
He sits across from me. "You can buy those from Hocus Pocus- wait WHAT!? What do ya need that for??!"
"Uuuh.. nothing bad I swear!!" I start rummaging through my pockets and find some grimm. "Here!" I put the few grimm coins in his hands to distract him. His eyes sparkle and he blushes. Succes!
"W-Well if my human wants it then of course I will get it for you! I'm your first after all!!" The coins disappear and he gets up, his back to me.
"Let's go, before Lucifer notices."
And just as we're about to leave from the front door-
"Maaaammoooonnnn" A menacing voice is heard.
We turn around and of course see Mr. Pridey Mc.Prideface "We just need to buy something from Hocus Pocus! I will make sure we won't go to the casino, right Mammon??"
"Y-yes? Yes!" "Now we gotta go, Lucifer! See ya!" And he runs away, holding my hand. I nearly fell from how fast he is. My legs aren't even touching the ground, I feel like a balloon he's taking with him. And Lucifer screaming Mammon's name is not helping with the adrenaline rush. "AAAAAAA??! MAMMON!!" I close my eyes and hope for the best.
"What?" He lets go of my hand and looks confused. "We are already here, MC." And we are. We're standing before the shop. Usually it takes me 15 minutes to walk here.. lucky fast demons.
"Uhm.. Mammon? I didn't bring my wallet." But he just goes inside and says "Then ya owe me big time for this!" He grins happy.
I make a mental note to repay him, he's a big help after all.
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