portfolio-olio 2 years
Dust is being kicked up and wind is blowing strong. It's about to be an all out battle with the poor fucking soul that just talked shit about the bushido code. You will not stand down to such a being who doesn't have a hint of morals to rely on. You draw your sword. It's long and shines in the sun above. The enemy smirks with an all-knowing expression that could strike fear into anyone lesser. But you are not lesser. You know who your fighting against.
"What's the matter, Eve-chan?~ Scared of a little fight?~"
You are about to fight God.
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portfolio-olio 2 years
Oikawa is lying down on his couch at home. It's a comfortable evening as the weather is rainy and all tasks of the day have been completed. All is silent and Oikawa has been typing a nice story on his phone for the past few minutes. He gets to the end of the third paragraph of his story when suddenly the sound of thunder is heard accross the house.
"What the fuck?" He says as the flash of light outside seems off color.
The color is a yellowish shade as apposed to the usual white, and a large shadow is inside.
"What the fuuuuuck????" Hes hella confused now, its too bad of a time to be outside.
Out of nowhere a giant hoof shatters the glass of the window he'd been looking out of.
"AAAAAAAHH" he screams.
A booming voice vibrates the apartment's floor.
"Writing such literature as the devil will get you not into heaven, but into hell. You have been chosen to fulfill the prophecy. Therefore, please take my hand and I will guide you."
Oikawa looks at the crude bull towering over him with shock in his eyes. He looks down at his phone for a moment, then back to the bull.
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portfolio-olio 2 years
It was the end of the day, and Bakugou was the last to leave class. It wasn't on purpose, it just turned out that way due to everyone's rush to get back to the dorms before it started raining. Bakugou would like to move faster to keep up and get back too, but the rain usually sapped him of motivation and energy. It wouldn't kill him if he slowed down a bit anyway. Walking down the sidewalk, the atmosphere was nice. Warm, cloudy, sort of humid and a breeze could be felt as well. As much as Bakugou would like to stop and smell the roses though, he knew he had to pick up the pace somewhat. He started walking a bit faster, but as he did, he could hear the concrete behind him clacking. He stopped where he was. The clacking stopped too. He looked around him, but saw nothing. He started walking again. This time the clacking sped up. Bakugou became a bit anxious and confused about what could be making that noise. He sped up even more, and so did the clacking. Why did they sound out of order? Like the thing had no coordination when walking. He had a plan. He sped up as much as he wanted to, and the clacking started becoming more in order. And faster. All of a sudden, Bakugou froze in his tracks, hoping whatever was following him would run past him. He was right, he watched on as the thing darted past him. It was going so fast, that Bakugou couldn't see what it was until it tripped on a branch in the middle of the sidewalk. It was a puppy, and it had just face planted into the concrete. Bakugou wondered what cement tasted like.
He couldn't help but snicker a little. The puppy turned to look at Bakugou with the biggest dopiest smile he'd ever seen, with a tiny scratch on it's nose. He picked the puppy up and stared at it. He debated taking him to the dorm. The dog would love the attention from his classmates, but he'd also have a dog. He didn't even know how big it would get. He thought for a bit longer, staring at the puppy. The puppy stared back into Bakugou's bright red eyes and tilted his head. He was sold. Class 1-A had a new mascot, and his name was Scratch.
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portfolio-olio 2 years
Never in all my years walking this planet earth did I think I'd see a tattoo shop be built right across the street from a flower shop. Is it just me, or do the aesthetics simply not match? I might be getting a little crabby over this, but who could blame me when the two most insufferable human beings on this entire block work less than 20 feet from each other?
I walk over, rolling my eyes. It's literally friday. I have places to be.
"Sasuke, do I look like I work at a flower shop? Aren't you the manager anyway?"
Sasuke starts to say something, but is interrupted. Naruto is on the ground with his hands on his head, covered in dirt.
"Do I even want to ask?" I say.
"He tripped over a display and the flower pots at the top smacked him. He was simply being an idiot."
Naruto looks offended.
"I did not trip! You fucking pushed me!"
"Like hell I did! At least I grew up and learned how to walk straight!"
"Fuck you!"
I absolutely cannot stand it here. Naruto, a man covered in tattoos is offended by the guy running a flower shop. Can I just get to my plans on time for once?
"Listen I have no time for this. Can you guys just cut the nonsense and let me get to where-"
I didn't get to finish my sentence. Naruto stood up, but clearly wasn't prepared to. His foot gave out and as a result he fell flat on his face. Sasuke groans, but it turns into giggles.
"Bro, are you okay? That shit was too funny."
Naruto sits up. Theres fucking blood on the concrete. What the fuck.
"Naruto!! What the hell happened?"
Sasuke walks to face him and tries to look at where the blood came from. How can he not notice? I can't help but blurt it out.
"Dumbass! Its on his stomach!"
Sasuke goes to remove his hand from his side but naruto gets up and stands, slouched over.
"Are you that stupid? Why are you trying to move? You literally got stabbed??" Sasuke tells him.
"Fuck you! It's MY stab wound, so it's MY business!"
I can't wait to hang out with my other friends
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portfolio-olio 2 years
Some may call it a large organization. Others call it the mafia. In particular, the frog mafia with its head being the one and only Mr. BullForg. It is the day of his daughter's wedding, and despite the occasion being a happy one, nothing could bring Mr. BullForg more dread. The man his little frog Frogina chose to marry was none other than Forgor馃拃. Now for those that are unaware, Forgor馃拃 has so much less than a respectable reputation. He's essentially the town fool, and not fit to be anywhere near a place of business. However, this never stopped Forgor馃拃. He somehow gets married today, and that is the spark for the conversation between Frogina's father and Forgor馃拃.
"How many times have I told you to leave by now?"
"I'm What??"
馃拃"FINE! Like a great dad..."
All of a sudden the door opens to the office and Frogina is standing in the doorway.
"Yes, dear?"
"Who the fuck made the risotto! It's supposed to be moms recipe, but THERES APPLE JUICE IN IT!"
She leaves. The wedding is starting in 5 minutes. Forgor馃拃 has something to say, and Mr. BullForg doesn't want to hear it.
馃拃"Ayo! This wine is bangin'!! But her blood is slammin'!!"
馃拃"Don't worry man, I asked first. She said yeas"
"Get your ass to the wedding room."
馃拃"Yes, father."
They enter the ballroom, and its an emotional moment. Mr. Bullforg loves his daughter, and wants her to be happy, but not with this Forgor馃拃 guy. He feels immensely sad, but if this is truly what she wants then he can't deny her happiness. He's snapped out of his thoughts when his hands are held by someone elses.
He gets twirled around the dance floor against his will, and wishes to every diety that it was his daughter instead dancing with him.
[Time skip: tw frog spice]
Frogina and Forgor馃拃 enter their honeymoon suite. There are two beds. Frogina is confused as hell.
"Why are there 2 beds?"
馃拃"2 people. But that bed got funky vibes. So we can sleep together."
"Your so right baby."
The bed's vibes are indeed rancid. Theres spiderwebs, black sheets, and the legs are broken. There are also various paintings on the wall.
"Who are these people on the wall?"
馃拃"I dunno. The amazon listing just said "various white people"."
"Fuckin' creepy but ok."
And then they fucked.
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portfolio-olio 3 years
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Vintage Polaroid Camera
Ink, white ink, colored pencil, marker
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Vintage Film Roll
Ink, white ink, colored pencil
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Vintage Kodak Camera
Pencil, colored pencil, white ink
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Robot Rabbit
Pencil, Ibis Paint X
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Air Force 1
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Still Life
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Stairway to the Shrine
Ink, White ink
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Overly Chocolate Coffee
Ink, Colored pencil
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Eighth Wonder
Ink, White ink
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Yamaha R6 Speed Demon
Ink, White ink, colored pencil
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portfolio-olio 4 years
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Random comic page
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