Woah... I’m back
I was getting pretty nostalgic and was thinking SHITZ why did I stop writing imagines on tumblr. I’m thinking about starting a new blog, moving all my old stuff there, or re-doing this one
I will work through the requests I’ve gotten slowly, I want to re-do some of my imagines for grammar purposes, It’s been like two years and I’m a much more mature writer ^.^ 
I know I suck... I doubt any of you read these..... if you did! please send me a hello or something of sortz I truly love hearing from my readers :)
If you have any requests go ahead and leave them in, but it may take me a bit I have about 7 and the school week is about to start... I got fired but.... I’m looking for a NEW JOB OK MOM GET OFF MY CASE>
ok truly now BYE it’s 1:05am rn and I have a 10AM Class... but actually writing fanfic hehe.......
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Hey Lovelies
lol does anyone read my non-imagine posts :P
HOW WOULD YOU GUYS FEEL IF I HAD ANOTHER BLOG FOR AVATAR IMAGINES, of course after I get through all my backed up requests. BUT AVATAR IMAGINES :O Zuko is my life <3
.-.   How would you guys feel? 
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Hey I was wondering if you could write a Hermione x reader imagine??? Where like Hermione is tutoring the reader and Hermione finds it hard to concentrate on the work because of her feelings for the reader?? Theres not a lot of those around and it would just be pretty cool with your writing cuz i love your writing so so so much?! If not don't worry about it id understand if u couldn't :) x
I’d love to write one :) I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get to you! I’ve been very inactive and am going through all my requests and yours is next ^.^ It should be up tomorrow or after I’ll try and finish it asap! So sorry this has taken so long!!!!!
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Future - Draco Imagine
A/N: Sorry this took me FOREVER to get to, but I’m getting to all the imagines that have been requested while I was M.I.A .-. SO I HOPE YOU LOVEEEE THIS because I loveeee your request :D
I feel like all I’ve written is Draco lol but all my requests are for Draco ^.^
Request:  Hi, could you do a Draco x Reader with them getting married, him proposing, or their life as a family? I love knowing how writers picture the characters after Hogwarts!
There are 2 parts :’D
I’m 2 followers away from 300 :O PLEASE LIKE & FOLLOW ^.^ <3
Ever since the battle of Hogwarts you and Draco were inseparable, you helped him cope and adjust to a new and kinder lifestyle. You weren’t a pure blood like him, and he loved you nonetheless. While he was peddling around, dwelling on his mistakes, and you were his beacon of light.
You and Draco were traveling the wizarding world and muggle world together. You took him to the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids, and many other wonders. And it was adorable seeing him marvel at the muggle wonders, and he adored spending time with you too.
After the honeymoon phase though it became harder to see eye to eye on everything. You had just packed your things and were putting on your coat. Tears filled your eyes you were sick of fighting. 
Draco went out for some air, but he wasn’t going to find you when he came back. Draco has crossed the line. You stomped out of the house it was pouring. You were going to wait for a bus to take you somewhere anywhere. Any minute the bus that comes for wizards in distress would be there and you would be gone.
“Y/N” his voice shouts, you turn to see Draco, soaked and running to you. You set your suitcase on the ground and prepare to hear him. Your heart still skips a beat every time you see him, he infuriates you but you love him so much. 
“Y/N!” he pants stopping in front of you. “Where... are you going?” he manages to stammer out. Tears still stain your face, Draco grabs your hand, but you pull it out. “I have to go...” his face sinks, “going?” you can’t leave me... I love you...” You cross your arms and continue to cry, “I love you to... but this isn’t working...”
“I can make this work... I promise babe... I love you so much, and I know I’ve been a mess lately... but I can’t live without you.” Your heart breaks a little. “Draco.. I don’t know anymore...” You look down. His hands go around your waist and he presses his forehead to yours. 
His beautiful eyes pierce down into yours. “Baby you can’t leave me not after all that we’ve been through together. You feel his hot breath on your face as he exhales shakily, his eyes are wet and his tears bleed down his cold pink cheeks. 
All of a sudden a bus appears beside you, and the door slides open. “ALL ABOARD!” a man screams. “Give us a minute!” Draco demands. “You love me, I love you... give me a lifetime to prove to you everyday how much I love you...”
Draco releases his hold on you, and gets down on one knee. He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a little box. “I know it’s not much, but it was all I could find...” “We fight and that’ll never change, just like the fact that I will always love you.” 
Your mouth hangs open, and you’ve never felt so sure in your life. “I love you too...” you cry. Draco jumps up and his lips slam onto yours. He picks you up and spins you around. 
“SO...” the man from the bus says, “You don’t need a bus?” “She’s not going anywhere!” he says breaking the contact of your lips for a second, and then kisses you again.
He scoops you up and carries you towards the house, he hovers close to your ear and whispers “I’ll never let you go...” 
Your heart skips a beat as your eyes meet Draco’s. His eyes fill with tears as he takes it all in, and so do yours. You take in a sharp breath as the music starts queuing you to begin walking.
Everything disappeared as cliche as it sounds. There he is your future, your love, your life. Everything moves like a dream in slow motion, but it’s happening so fast. Your heart stops when you stop in front of Draco. 
A wizard presiding over the wedding stood smiling before you both. He smiled and spoke, but you didn’t hear anything he said, all you saw was Draco. 
It was time for the vows.
You were going first. You held eye contact with Draco, overcome with emotion your voice was shaky.
“Draco..... there is so much for me to say. You are an amazing man, you are capable of so much. You’ve changed for the better and it’s been amazing seeing you turn into the man you are now.”
Draco smiles cockily and wipes a tear from his eye. 
“Draco... you drive me crazy, but you make my life interesting. I love you so much, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t care where life takes us, as long as I’m with you.”
You put a hand over your mouth and let out a sigh. 
Draco clears his throat, and wipes his eyes with his hands composing himself, and preparing to speak.
“Y/N, my life would be a disaster without you....” he stutters, you can hear his emotion in his voice. “I would still be the boy I was if I didn’t have you, you showed me the light and goodness of the world. I never pictured a future like this, and now I couldn’t imagine anything else. It’s so scary to think that I wouldn’t be with you.....” he looks at his feet and clears his throat again.
His glazed over grey eyes meet your own. “I know that together we will live happily no matter anything, our love is stronger than any obstacle, evil, or any magic.... I love you...” he whispers.
The presiding wizard smiles and waves his wand above your heads. A shower of stars fall slowly above Draco and you, a warm feeling inside of you forces you to smile widely. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.... you may now kiss the bride...” the wizard says.
Draco swiftly wraps his arm around your waist and dips you down, he smashes his lips against yours and you both kiss passionately. The crowd of loved ones errupts in applause and cheers. Draco pulls away and whispers “I love you so much....”
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Bad - Draco Imagine
A/N: Hi lovelies, I’m back at it again with another Draco imagine ;) I never was a Draco fangirl until I wrote secret affairs, but now DAMN I’m just Draco Draco Draco. George is always going to my baby though ;))) 
anywhooo lets get back to business!! ^.^ 
Important: We all know how Harry Got into the chamber of secrets so it’s sort of hard to make Draco get in. So in my story it’s going to be Harry already got into the chamber of secrets but Draco followed him.
Request:  Hiya, will you write a story about Draco malfoy and y/n getting locked in the chamber of secrets together after they got into an argument. This causes Draco to tell y/n about his father and depression which makes him realize that he has a crush on y/n. This is how y/n and Draco came to be a couple and this is where they share their first kiss. Hope u consider, 🌹 love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
You were onto Draco, and you knew he had to be responsible for all the students getting petrified. You swiped the marauders map and were onto Draco, he was out at night roaming the halls, doing something or looking for something.
And tonight you were prepared to confront him. He was all alone and you planned to surprise him. You carefully tracked him down, and for some reason he led you to the girls bathroom. 
You didn’t know what he was doing, but you knew he was in there. You folded up the map, and slid it in your pocket. You sighed, you were scared that he might petrify you, but you had to do this for all the students who were in jeopardy like you.
You barged through the door, holding your want in front of you. “I got you Draco Malfoy!” you screamed. Draco was examining something that appeared to be a whole in the sinks. He jumped to face you, “don’t move!” you screamed before he tried to get his wand.
“What are you doing here?” he asked sharply, “I’m asking the questions!” you answer him. “What are you doing here....” you ask not sure about what to do now, now that you caught him. “Why did you follow me? are you crazy?” he seethes angrily.
“No... I’m sick of us half-bloods having to be scared of you! we didn’t do anything, we don’t deserve to live in fear of you!” you shakily yell at him, scared and angry all at once.
“What...” he says confused and then rolls his eyes, “you think I’m the one petrifying students!” he screams outraged. “It’s no secret that you hate people like me!” you point out. “I’m trying to find out who is doing it!” he screams. “Ya right, why would you do that! you’re a terrible person...” 
He looks annoyed, “I’m not as bad as your painting me to be.... now put your wand down!” he demands.��“You have no space to be making demands right now Draco!” you seethe. 
“You’re wasting my time! I’m trying to solve this problem!” you look at the hole and then back at him. “What’s down there....” you ask. “I don’t know....” he answers, and you don’t know what to believe him. 
“If you won’t tell me, you’ll show me....” “Go down...” you demand. His eyes nearly pop out of his head. “Y/N...” he growls, “I SAID GO DOWN!” you scream. He groans and positions himself to slide down the hole. As soon as he slides down, you get ready to follow him. You close your eyes and slide down after him.
 You scream and land in some weird  snake like web thing. You open your eyes and start to squirm violently. “DRACO?” you scream. “Where am I!?” you cry. You begin to feel the web squeeze you. “STOP MOVING!” Draco demands, his voice coming out from somewhere beneath you. “WHAT’S GOING ON!?” you cry still struggling. “Just trust me! if you keep moving they’ll crush you!” he replies. 
You stop moving, scared. Slowly the creatures hold on you lessens and you fall through, and land on the ground with a thud. “Give me your wand....” Draco threatens you standing over you threateningly. Damn it.... the tables have turned.
You defeated slide your wand to him, he bends over picks it up and stashes it in his pocket. “I hate you....” you mutter before getting up.
“Now we have no way out of here....” he grumbles angrily. “Do you seriously not have anything to do with this?” you ask confused. “No, I don’t have anything to do with this!” he screams angrily.
He faces me, “I’m not that bad... I’m not like my father... I don’t want anyone to die!” he screams an his eyes begin to water. you almost feel guilty. “I’m not as bad as everyone thinks I am, It’s just hard....” he says and a stray tear falls from his eyes.
“Nobody gives me a chance...” he says and wipes a tear from his cheek. “Draco... I’m sorry...” “No it’s my fault... everyone in this school is scared of me like I’m some monster... and it’s my fault I don’t give them a reason to think otherwise.” 
He slumps down on the floor against a wall of this strange dimly lit cave. “Were you really scared of me?” he asks sadly. you nod, and he puts his head in his hands. you slide down next to him. “Draco... I didn’t know you felt this way....” you say.
“It’s just hard my parents expect one thing from me... and I feel like it’s wrong but then again I can’t disappoint my parents.” “You don’t have to be like your parents...” you say. “You have the ability to choose your own path, you don’t have to follow your parents path.” “But everyone already hates me,” he breathes and looks up at you his face red and teary. 
“I don’t hate you...” “but your scared of me, I don’t want to scare you...” he sniffles. “I’m not scared of you now,” you smile. You take his hand and pull him up. you hug him tightly, and  feel him tense at your touch. “Let people see this side of you, and trust me you won’t be scary anymore..” he hugs you and puts his head between your shoulder.
You release him from your embrace, and take his hand in yours. “Come on lets find a way out of here...” 
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Sticking up - Ron Weasley Imagine
A/N: I haven’t been including the actual requests lately, but this one was so lovely I decided to, I will try and include them for now on!!
Request: Hello Rose! I am a fan of your work and I was wondering if u could write a fanfiction about Draco and y/n getting into a fight during herbology because Draco insulted Ron. Y/n stands up for Ron and later that day Draco begins to bother y/n at the corridor. Y/n shoves Draco so he pushes y/n very hard, making y/n fall in the fountain. Ron then uses his wand to throw Draco back by saying, "stupify!" Then Ron helps y/n up then takes off his wizard robe and puts it around y/n. hope u consider! 💙
This was a VERY detailed request lol, so I hope you guys can appreciate the plot as much as I do!! lol
I hope you like THISSSSSSSS!
It made your blood boil when anyone picked on your friends, but it made you especially angry when Draco would pick on Ron. You felt like Ron was somewhat insecure and instinctively you became protective of your best friend.
“Come on Weasley! can you ever get anything right!” Draco sneered from behind Ron and you. Almost all of the Slytherins laughed, “He’s just a poor Weasley, what could we expect!” Draco cheerfully spat.
You looked at Ron, who was trying his best to keep composed and focused on his work but was clearly more frustrated then he wanted to let on.
“Quit it you prick!” you immediately turned around angrily, and threatened Draco. “Ooooooh” Crabbe and Goyle teasingly mocked you. Ron turned around to face Draco too.
“Just shove off Malfoy,” “I think I’ve offended the couple....” Draco drones on. Ron and you roll your eyes unphased by his childish insults. Although it sort of bothered you when Ron rolls his eyes at the idea of you being his girl friend....
You shake off that thought, and snap back into reality.
“The only person who would stick up for you is this Dirty Mud-Blood Weasley...” Draco spits rudely. Ron glares at Draco, but before he could defend you, you spit back at Draco, “Why don’t you go tell your father about it! the only person who even cares about you.” A offended expression quickly forms onto Draco’s face, and he sounding defeated muttered “shut-up.... you mud-blood.” Just then Snape dismisses class, and Draco angrily stomped off, and Crabbe and Goyle scurried after him. 
“That was a good one, Y/L/N” Ron said with a mischievous smirk on his freckled face. “What can I say, I’ve gotten quite good at shutting up Draco after all these years...” you jokingly explain. “Whatever,” he rolls his eyes still smiling.
“I’ll see you at lunch, I have to get to herbology, Bye Y/N!” Ron bids you farewell before quickly heading out of the classroom. You follow him out with your eyes as you gather your things. There is just something you find so attractive about Ron Weasley, but it’s not like he’s more then your friend. 
You shake the thought out of your head, and go to class it’s pointless to entertain the thought of Ron more than a friend, because that’s all you are to him a friend. 
After almost falling asleep in your History of Magic class you are the last to get out of the class and head to lunch. You keep to yourself and walk to lunch quietly, excited to see your friends after being so bored.
The halls are almost empty as you started to lunch later than the rest of the crowd who scurried quickly to lunch, as it was indeed the most interesting part of everyone’s day. All of a sudden a nasty voice calls you from behind. “Y/N....” he cackles the blonde boy who never ceases to annoy you.
“What do you want malfoy?” you spin around and glare at him. “Where is your boy friend? are you all alone... y/n” he teases and his bone headed minions cackle loudly. “How pathetic, you really think that’s funny? why don’t you stop bothering me and get off with your minions somewhere else....” you spit back. 
He looks rather bothered by you, “Shut up you filthy mud blood...” he demands angrily. Your blood begins to boil in you, you’re so sick of that demeaning name, it means nothing but it bothers you so much. “Do you really think that name means anything? I’m a mud blood, and it doesn’t mean anything I’m still a better wizard than you’ll ever be!” you scream and push Draco roughly. 
He steps back surprised by your angry outburst. “Don’t touch me you filthy mud blood!” he yells back, and shoves you as hard as he can. You loose your balance, you stumble backwards, and trip. You land with a splash into the corridor fountain. You sit up and begin coughing water. 
Before you can say anything, or Draco can laugh an angry voice shouts “Stupify!” and Draco is sent across the room, and lands with a loud thud. “Don’t you ever touch her again! nobody can touch her! or you’ll deal with me” Ron bellows angrily still holding his wand in front of him aggressively. Quickly Draco and his two minions scramble away without saying anything.
Ron slides his wand back into his pocket, and turns to you. He grabs your hand and hoists you out of the fountain. “Are you alright?” he asks concerned. “I’m alright...” you shiver, “but I’m soaked and freezing...” your teeth chatter.
Ron quickly takes off his robe, and wraps it around your shoulders. You cling to it’s warmth, “now your robe will be all wet...” you shiver. He smiles, “that’s alright as long as your warm...” you blush. He wraps an arm around your shoulders. “Come on lets get you upstairs and into some warm clothes...” he says and you nod.
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Will do babe xx I’ve been gone for a while and am coming back life is so busy between online summer school (to get ahead) & work. ^.^ I hope nobody’s forgot about me but I’m back :Pi  I’m thinking about expanding my blog to more fandoms how do you guys feel about that? Lemme know :D???
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Good-girls 5SOS - Cedric Diggory Imagine
A/N: Sorry this took an eternity to be posted! I am sincerely sorry to whoever requested this I lost your request, as I answered it privately, but I hope you see this! 
I’m not a 5SOS fan but I listened to the song, and interpreted the lyrics. I hope you like this, I’ve never done a song imagine before, buttttttt I did my (warning stupid word comes next) BESTEST!! XD
INDULGE!! (how do you like them fancy apples)
You walked the hallways every day and perfectly blended into the background among the other students. You were just an average girl, with good grades, and a simple social life. You weren’t extravagant like a bunch of other people in the school.
It was a normal Saturday, and you went about your day as routine. You spend some of the day studying, talking to your friends, and being punctual to all the meals. You didn’t see much of your boy friend Cedric that day though.
Usually Cedric and you spent time together just talking or exploring the castle, but weirdly he hadn’t been around all day. 
Before it was time to go to your dorms, and get settled for the night. A friend of Cedric came up to you and handed you a folded piece of paper with your name on it. He didn’t say anything, he just slid it in your hand and walked away expressionless.
You recognized the handwriting instantly, it was Cedric’s, neat, straight, and small letters. You quickly unfolded the paper, not sure what to expect, as you and him were on good terms and it would be completely out of the blue for him to break up with you.
You instantly felt relieved as you read the note, 
“ Y/N, Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight, after curfew -Cedric D.”
Despite the relief of it not being a break-up note, you now were nervous about meeting him. Why after curfew? and why so mysterious? you’ve never been out past curfew in your years at Hogwarts. What if you got caught? getting in trouble would ruin your good reputation with the teachers? wouldn’t it!?
“Are you alright?” a hufflepuff girl said concerned for you, “you look tense...” you took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, “yes, I’m fine don’t worry about me!” you smiled at her. 
Although intimidating and risky, you decided to go through with Cedric’s debauchery, maybe he had to tell you something important. You sat in the Hufflepuff common room, and once all the other Hufflepuffs were up in their rooms and you were the only one left, you went out cautiously into the halls.
A wave of regret came over you as you started walking quietly through the school. And you were startled by every tiny sound you heard. It felt like you would never reach your destination safely, something was bound to go wrong.
Finally you made it to the top of the astronomy tower, when you got up there you softly whispered “Cedric..” and out of thin air he appeared in front of you, catching you off guard. You leaped back and put your hand over your heart, “You nearly scared me to death!” you seethed at him.
“What the big idea making me sneak out past curfew?!” he smiled at you mischievously, you knew Cedric was adventurous and playful, and it wasn’t out of his character to do random things like this. “Cedric what’s so funny!?” you screamed in a whisper. 
Cedric wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, I just wanted you to my self without anyone else around is that so bad....” he teasingly whispered, pressing his forehead to yours and smirking at you.
“You know I wouldn’t want to sneak out past curfew... I’m a good girl I don’t break rules...” you said smiling at him. “I still don’t understand why you had to drag me out here...”
“Just because...” he teased again, and then moving his lips up to your forehead and kissing it softly.
“Cedric Diggory, I can’t have you turning me into a rule breaker...”
“ya ya I get it your just a good girl...” he sarcastically giggled.
“why do you say it like that...”
“Good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught....” 
“I don’t like what your insinuating Diggory... I’ll have you know my record is spotless, so if I get caught because of you your in big trouble mister.”
Cedric laughed and looked down at you, “If your such a good girl, you wouldn’t of sneaked out here to meet me...”
“Alright you win,” you say defeated.
“What’s my prize?” he excitedly smiled.
You rolled your eyes, and put your hands on his cheek, and pulled him closer for a kiss on the lips.
“You’re just a bad girl that hasn’t been caught...” he grinned widely at you, as your lips separated. 
A/N: I hope you likeddddddddddddd this :))))))))
REQUEST, FOLLOW, LIKE <3 and remember I LUV U. (and food) 
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Could you do a Draco x Slytherin!reader where they're kind of like frenemies with benefits and he's starting to fall for her and doesn't know what to do but when she confesses her feelings for him he's really relieved and it ends in very fluffy smut?
Up ^.^ 
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More than a Benefit - Draco Malfoy Imagine
Warning:  Almost-Smut
 He surprised you wrapping his long arms around your waist. “Come one we’re alone....” he seductively whispered in your ear, your heart fluttered, and a smirk spread across your face. It was just you and your friend. Draco’s lips sent chills down your spine.
“Draco....” you whined, “I’m studying...” you lied. Although you found him attractive, sexy, and beautiful, you weren’t satisfied with the nature of your relationship. Every girl must of been jealous of you, but lately you’ve felt like nothing but “Draco’s play thing.” At least that’s what everyone has been saying about you.
Draco’s breath was hot on your neck, and you shivered. He moved to sit down on the couch next to you. “Is everything alright?” he said confused that you shut him down. “No..” you lied again, “I just want to get some studying out of the way before dinner.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later?” he asked, you nodded and he got up and walked away. You now sat alone in front of the slytherin common room’s fireplace. Slowly you closed the book you were holding and set it besides you, and looked sadly to the flames.
Draco would never see you more than a “play thing” and it made you feel pathetic. You didn’t want to fall for him, but you did. In the heat of it all your physical love grew to a passion. Draco was more than handsome, he was really kind, smart, and charismatic. You got past his tough exterior and fell in love with the real Draco.
After a while it was time for dinner, and you hesitantly got up from the seat you sulked in for an hour. Now you had to go spend time and pretend like nothings wrong, while you watch girls flirt with Draco at lunch.
Lunch was just as unbearable as you imagined it would be, Pansy spent all of lunch flirting with Draco. Even worse Draco didn’t seem to mind it. You felt your blood boiling. You avoided eye contact with anyone, even though Goyle was talking to you, you looked down angrily at your food between envious glances at Pansy and Draco.
Pansy puts her hand on Draco’s shoulder and coos “you’re so handsome Draco...” and that’s the final straw. You shove your plate forward, hop our of your seat, and march away angrily out of the grand dining room.
“Y/N?” a voice shouts after you, you keep your pace quick and march out of the grand dining hall and start heading towards the slytherin dorms. “Y/N!” someone shouts again. 
You feel a hand wrap around your wrist and “What do you want?” you snap turning around to see Draco’s confused expression. “Y/N... what’s wrong?” Draco furrows his eye brows and studies you closely.
Tears fall onto your cheeks. “Draco I’m not just a play thing.... I’m a person with feelings...” you ramble “with feelings for y-you...” Draco blinks shocked with your sudden declaration. “I hate watching girls throw themselves at you, I fell in love with you, and you must take me as a fool for falling in love with you... but I don’t just want to be friends with benefits!” you rant.
You look up at Draco and feel your throat start to close up and more tears steam down your face. You open your mouth to say something, but Draco slides his hand around your head and leans down kissing you passionately.
You wrap your arms around him, and he backs you  against the wall. He pulls away and you look up to his eyes, he breathes heavily “I love you too...” you grab the collar of his shirt and pull his lips back to yours. He hoists you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you through the door to the common room, and to his single dorm.
Draco lays you onto the bed without breaking contact with your lips. “Y/N...” he whispers, “I love you, you’re witty, beautiful, fun, charming, and so much more... I didn’t know you could love me back...” “Our love was so much more it was full of passion, and I could never love another...” you smile flattered.
he smirks as you unbuckle his belt. “You’re so much more than a benefit” 
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happy you're back! and thanks for all the great writing. it's 100% okay to be inactive sometimes, we all have stuff going on and I hope you're grandma is okay bb xx
Thank you so much my love :) hopefully things go well. Your message made my day, I saw it in my email at school during Algebra class and it made me smile ^.^ love you
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Hi!! i was wondering if you could write a draco x reader x neville?? ( i know that seems weird and that it might be out of character alot,) just cute fluff and maybe some smutt if you write smutt that is,
It’s up but not smutty, even though I do write smut. There wasn’t really a scenario so I sorta mixed it with a different request. FEEL FREE TO REQUEST AGAIN DARLING :) I’m sorry if it didn’t turn out the way you wanted! 
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He’s not good enough for you - Neville (& Draco?) Imagine
A/N: I got a request for a Neville x Draco x Reader imagine, w/o any specifics so I combined it with another request from someone who wanted an abusive relationship in an Imagine, if you’d like to send in another request anon be my guest :) I hope you likeeeeeee
WARNINGS: Abusive relationship
You were withdrawn, distant, and quiet, almost as if you were the shell of who you once were, and that your passion was gone. 
Some of your friends say he’s possessive and holds you back, but they were wrong. He just wanted to spend his time with you, and help you be a better person. You’re not perfect, or so he says.
“Come on Y/N, we haven’t hung out in a long time...” Luna said upset that you weren’t going to be spending the day with her, Neville, and Seamus. Seamus voiced his discontent as well, but Neville just looked at you.
“I’m busy with Draco,” “Oh poppycock!” Seamus said, “you see him all the time, what about your friends?” Luna spoke calmly unlike Seamus. “Luna... I’m sorry next time I promise.” “Just like last time right? come on guys lets go...” Seamus irately got up, and began walking away Luna was quick to follow him. 
Neville hesitantly stood from his seat, “is everything okay?” he asked somewhat concerned. You furrowed your eyebrows not sure to what sparked his sudden curiosity, “Ya I’m fine..” you awkwardly said, not sure why it felt so weird to answer. It was like you were lying and you didn’t even know it.
“Alright I’ll catch up with you later,” he nodded and trotted off. You sighed as you watched one of your best friends walk away. It was like you never had time for any of your friends anymore. 
“Y/N!” someone hisses behind you, before you turn your head around someone has a tight grip around your arm. “Draco..” you whisper startled, by his abruptness.
“We were suppose to headed to hogsmeade by now, but now all my friends left without me, because I couldn’t find you!” “I’m sorry I was just talking to my friends, and...” his grasp grew tighter.
 “You’re hurting me, Dra-” “I don’t care about your friends, you should of been with me!” “I’m sorry...” you whimper apologetically.
“Get up!” he yanks you up off the table, he would have made you fallen if he wasn’t pulling you up so roughly. “I’m sorry! don’t be mad at me Draco... I just was talking to my friends I haven’t been able to talk to them much, because I’m always with you...” you try rationalizing with him.
“Because of me? you’re blaming me? so you’d rather be with them instead of me?” he grits furiously at you. “No, that’s not what I’m sayi-” Draco steps in front of you and pushes you against the cold castle wall quickly, “am I not worthy of your ever precious time?!”
“Draco.. you’re scaring me...” he violently shakes your by your shoulders. “DRACO STOP!” you shout frightened by his aggressive behavior.
“GET OFF OF HER!” a voice bellows, and a mysterious force pulls Draco from you. 
Neville Longbottom takes Draco by the collar of his shirt, and pins him against the wall. “Don’t ever touch her like that, EVER!” he shouts. “How does it feel to be picked on by someone your own size? huh?” Draco struggles against Neville.
“This is none of your business Longbottom!” Draco furiously shouts at him. “I swear, if I ever see you touch her like that again, or any girl you’ll be sorry you disgusting arse, now get out of my face!” 
Neville releases Draco, and Draco hurriedly stalks off. 
Quickly Neville turns his attention to you, and hurries in front of you. “Are you alright?” concerned he starts looking you up and down to check for any physical damage. “I’m okay...” you whisper, and look down at your feet.
“I knew that, that scum was the reason you’ve been so different lately...” you sniffle and wipe a tear before it leaves your eye. “Y/N, why do you stay with him?” you shrug unable to answer logically.
“I’m an idiot...” you mutter. “No you’re not, you’re the most intelligent, kind, funny, and beautiful girl I know...” “you don’t deserve to be treated like that, nobody does...” he gushes putting a hand on your forearm gently.
“Well I don’t know about that Neville, Draco sure as hell didn’t think of me like that I’m just a pathetic excuse of a person...”
“Draco is blind, I sure as hell see it Y/N! I’ve cared about you since the moment I saw your beautiful face.. and I’ll be damned if that’s the treatment you deserve!”
“Neville... I...” your eyes get hot and your throat closes up, and you can’t speak.
Immediately Neville embraces you tightly to his chest, and rubs your back soothingly. “shhh everything is alright now, I have you...” 
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could you do a one shot where the reader is the same age as the Weasley twins in goblet of fire, and instead of Harry being chosen it's the reader and the twins are super worried about her safety??
up :) I hope it’s sorta what you wanted..... .-.
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Protective - Twins Imagine
A/N: I hope you like it -^.^-
You couldn’t believe you were going to be in the tri-wizard games, you weren’t even old enough. The news shocked you, Dumbledore, and the whole school. Curious eyes met yours, jealous eyes, and angry ones too.  
You were shocked and all eyes were on you, Dumbledore intensely stared at you. And quickly you ran. You ran out of the grand hall. Not you, not like your brother. Tears brewed in the corner of your eyes. 
“Y/N” two similar voices called behind you, you heard two pairs of feet stomping after you. You just wanted to be alone. 
It happened to my brother, it can’t happen to me.
Hastily you sprinted around the castle, you had no where to go, but you just needed to get away.
“Y/N stop!” one of the voices shouted, and you heard your duo of friends gaining on you.
Finally you reach a dead end. You frantically try to figure out where to dash, but before you know it the twins have cornered you.
“Can’t you guys leave me alone?” you ask frantically. “No we can’t we care about you!” Fred answers. 
Instantly you break down and hurl yourself against Georges chest. He quickly puts his arms around you comfortingly. “You don’t understand...” “m-y-y brother died in one of those games, because of Voldemort...” you sob uncontrollably. “He’s trying to kill me!” you violently cry into his shoulder.
“Don’t worry Y/N....” George coos and rubs your back sympathetically. “We will help you...” Fred finishes. 
“You’re our best friend, besides each other...” George giggles, “but we will help you.. and so will everyone else.”
“And that’s a promise..” Fred seriously says. You let go of George sniffling and wiping at your tears.
Fred pulls you into another hug, and whispers in your ear “We’ve got you...”
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come backkkk:(((
Hi My love
I want to write more because it’s sorta therapeutic. So I’m going to do all requests now :) so guys feel free to requests I’d appreciate it & I love you all!!! 
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I have 50 follower after like 4 days on tumblr, thank you soooo much! I just wanted to apologize for not posting yesterday and today, I’ve had a tournament and other various things going on, even having to take someone in labor to the hospital...
Sorry Love you!!! 
ROSE <3 
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