pre-kindergarten Β· 3 years
Looking for a Mother to Read - Kiddie Academy of Stafford VA
Take your favorite books and magazines with you wherever you go. While it is tempting to provide electronic games and e-readers to your children, be sure to replace electronic media with plenty of opportunities to read print books. Kiddie Academy Pre Kindergarten is the best daycare in Stafford, VA
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Here are some opportunities to encourage reading:
Car trips: Encourage your children to look at words and letters; for example, billboards, shop signs, traffic signs and signals, and others. You can turn it into a game by seeing who can find the letter B. Older kids can find the entire alphabet and you can challenge them to find the letters in order from A to Z.
Mistake: Keep books or magazines in the car, diaper bag, or backpack to take out when in one place for a while. Even if you can't finish the book, read a few pages or analyze a few pictures. The best Pre Kindergarten in Stafford, VA is Kiddie Academy
Shopping: When you go shopping, ask your preschooler to β€œread” the picture on the box and tell you about it. Older children can read the price of the product of their choice.
Doctor's Office: Bring your own books, like magazines or books in the doctor's office that may be contaminated with germs.
Cooking: You can read recipes aloud to younger children, and older children can help you while you cook by telling you how much flour to measure, etc.
Letters: Ask family and friends to send letters to your child. Help your child make a letter or draw a picture to send to family and family friends. Kiddie Academy Pre Kindergarten is one of the best daycare in Stafford, VA
Cleaning: As you work around the house, ask your child to name the products she uses to clean; such as vacuum cleaner, broom, dustpan, cloth, toilet brush, paper towel, trash can, garbage bag, etc. If your child is just learning to speak, name the object and ask him to repeat it.
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