preholocene · 2 years
“Mmhmm, I’d say so” Matteo agreed, eyes tracking River for a moment before turning his attention back to Joey. “I thought about that, but like, decided I didn’t want to risk getting tackled by some security guard or something” He shrugged. Did something like this really need security guards? Probably not. If anything happened then it was more likely that a mutant would do something then anyone in a dumb shirt with security written across it. But Matteo was pretty sure it was something that the city was requiring, which was stupid. He grinned when the other explained how they had come across the scooby “Well he definitely adds something to you and Finley’s costume.” Matteo said before laughing “You know, I don’t know if blonde is your color but I wouldn’t say it’s bad”
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         “yeah, i guess it’s easy for me to say, right? all i brought was a stuffed animal.” not exactly something a security guard would think to check. but on that note, should they have? the last few bumps in the night, so to speak, hadn’t exactly been visible... but that’s a thought that joseph quickly discards. they want to have fun tonight, with their friends. not worry about everything that could possibly go wrong. “i don’t think blond is my color either,” he admits, cracking another smile. “but well, as far as what i could find last minute, i think i did okay. better than the mummy costume i tried last year. that was a disaster...”
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preholocene · 2 years
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“well, it’s a good thing you did! it wouldn’t be a party without you,” noah smiled as he took another, rather generous sip of his drink. “oh i am more than okay- i’m great!” he laughed, “i couldn’t tell you- i’m pretty sure someone just handed it to me.”
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         “you’re just saying that. i’ve never really been... a party person before, you know?” the last one he had been to was new year’s eve... certainly better than the halloween event from before, but not exactly his element. “you just drank something a stranger gave you?” he almost yelps, eyes wide. “aren’t you worried it might be—” but they don’t quite finish their sentence, realizing how paranoid that would be. “wouldn’t you want to know what it is, at least?”
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preholocene · 2 years
“I have” Matteo said with a small smile. “Yeah, he definitely chose the easy way out; his wings are his main costume-so I think he’s being an angel?” He questioned. “Even if I don’t think he’s being very..angelic” Matteo joked, laughing. “Thank you! It was a bit of a last minute decision, but I think it turned out ok.”  He said before doing an exaggerated sigh “I didn’t get to bring a sword though, since I was pretty sure that would just cause a bunch of drama.” Matteo shrugged “Love yours though, especially the stuffy”
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         “at least it still looks good,” he admits, laughing lightly. it’s not something they think they would be able to pull off, but then... their own abilities don’t manifest into anything beautiful. terrifying? certainly, but not quite in the same spirit as this holiday suggests. easier to stick with a regular costume. “i like it! even without a sword. maybe they would have allowed a plastic one, though. i’ve seen a few people with props.” nothing overtly dangerous, thankfully... but they don’t think anyone attending the mash would try and bring an actual weapon. “i got lucky with him, i think. i didn’t even think about having a scooby... and there he was, sitting in the thrift store. that’s also where i got this,” he adds, gesturing to his wig. “i think the dog is a bit better looking, though.”
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preholocene · 2 years
status: closed for @preholocene​ location: monster mash when: 31 october
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          There  were  a  lot  of  people  here  and  Holland  sort  of  regretted  coming  out  here.   She  knew  there  were  mutants  here  and  while  her  costume  should  keep  her  safe  from  her  own  power,   it  still  felt  like  a  risk  when  she  had  no  idea  how  to  control  herself.   She  bumped  into  someone  as  she  was  on  her  way  to  find  somewhere  quieter.   “Sorry,”   she  mumbled.
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         usually ( especially given previous events ) being bumped into like this would have startled him. at the start of the party, even, it had. but with the crowds of the mash steadily growing, they had managed to get used to a few collisions here and there—and more or less stopped worrying about it. “oh, that’s okay,” they start, offering a smile. “i like your costume, by the way. who are you supposed to be?”
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preholocene · 2 years
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“He looks like he’s doing great, honestly. He’ll make a nice little reminder of a fun night, too.” Also somehow a metaphor for life— their lives, rather. Beaten, battered, on their last leg, but still going strong. It was just a matter of waiting for threads to unravel. But, tonight was supposed to be fun so fun she’d have. “Well, I can promise you it looks better than if we had tried to dye your hair blonde,” She says with a laugh at the thought of how poorly that could have gone. With a flick of her red hair, she shrugs. “It comes in handy for some things. I can’t complain.”
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         “all he needed was a little love and care. and maybe a few scooby snacks, too.” and, most importantly, a good wash. while not sticky and stained, who could say where the plush had been before they had gotten their hands on it? better safe than sorry. “speaking of, have you had any candy, yet? i’ve probably had too much, myself...” his smile grows as finley continues, the image of him dying his hair for the costume almost getting a laugh out of him. “you know, i didn’t even think of that. this is definitely better.”
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preholocene · 2 years
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Joseph sounds sheepish about, well, everything. August starts on the wig, a light tap against his arm meant to be encouraging, “No! It’s fun! Bruce Willis had a buzz cut going on in the film, but if I needed a wig, I’d be there with you.”
“Have you got the whole gang?” Saying they’re matching with someone too, but quickly saying just friends. August’s cheeks feel warm, his laugh a little more self conscious. “It’s—well it’s a date. She’s with some of her friends right now, though. Do you know her? Milla?”
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         “no, just me, scooby,” he holds up the slightly-battered plush toy, “and daphne. we didn’t have a lot of extra time to coordinate. maybe next year.” there are a couple other people that they could have asked, a fact that’s still... relatively new to them. having friends hasn’t been a common theme throughout their life. “oh, i do know her!” it’s a little bit of a surprise, knowing that milla is on a date—but the good kind. august has always seemed nice, at least. “did you wander off to get some punch?”
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preholocene · 2 years
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“Not a stupid question! You ever seen the Fifth Element? I’m Korben Dallas!” August beams, looking for Milla’s bright pop of orange hair. He points her out, thankfully she’s easy to spot, “There’s my Leeloo.” He smiles at Joseph’s much more obvious costume—no less fun for it!— and the Scooby Doo plush. “Love the wig, man.”
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         “uh.... no, i haven’t,” he admits, more sheepish than before. “that’s fun, though. i’m, um... i matched with someone, too. just a friend! are you guys here as friends... or?” it’s even more of a stupid question, particularly in the fact that it’s none of their business. still... curiosity burns. “you don’t think it looks stupid, do you? err—too stupid.”
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preholocene · 2 years
          @timotheepicard​ !!
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          “how are you liking the party so far?” he asks, drink in hand. mostly full, for all their nerves. it’s difficult to convince himself that he can afford to be anything less than vigilant. “have you tried the punch, yet?”
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preholocene · 2 years
          @matteo-emerson​ !!
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         “have you seen river yet? i have to admit, i’m a little disappointed in his costume. he just took his shirt off. what do you think he’s even supposed to be?” they shake their head, laughing lightly. “anyway, yours looks more fun.”
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preholocene · 2 years
          @august-specter​ !!
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          “this is probably a really stupid question,” he starts, already sheepish. “but what is your, um... costume supposed to be?” 
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preholocene · 2 years
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“You know, I feel like the stuffed scooby is really bringing out ensemble together.” Finley gives the little stuffed dog a humorous pat on the head before glancing up at the wig on Joey’s head. “Now, the wig… that one was a choice.” ​
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         “you really think so? i just got him at goodwill... i wasn’t sure he would hold up, but i think he’s doing okay.” more importantly, so are they—the real person they weren’t so sure would hold up. “the wig.... ugh, it was last minute. they never have good ones in the stores, you know? i thought it looked close enough.” cracking a smile, he adds, “you look really good, though. i bet you didn’t even need to buy a wig.”
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preholocene · 2 years
location: the monster mash ! participants: noah sanouk & joseph kontos ( @preholocene​ )
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“joey !” noah let out a loud cry as he practically threw himself at his friend, ultimately winding up with his arm flung around the other male’s neck. “i am so glad you’re here!” he continued, his words clearly slurred as he struggled to hold on to the bright red cup in his hand. “do you need a drink?” 
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         while not exactly expecting the surprise attack, it only has him laughing. a better response than he would usually expect, especially given... well, it’s important not to think about last year. “i almost didn’t come,” he admits, giving him a quick look over.”nevermind about that. are you sure you’re okay? you look like you’ve had a bit...” they trail off, another breath of laughter escaping them. “where did you even get this?”
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preholocene · 2 years
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JOSEPH KONTOS, going as fred from scooby doo ( scooby included! ), is going to be attending MONSTER MASH with institute bestie, FINLEY WALSH. Here’s hoping to a better year than last?
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preholocene · 2 years
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          “It’s  just  nice  to  see  children  having  fun.”   Unlike  what  she’d  grown  up  with,   at  least  these  parents  cared  about  their  children.   “Nope,   I  won’t  laugh  at  you  if  you  fall.   That’s  how  I  was  at  first  too.   And  now  I’m  much  better.   It  just  takes  practice  and  patience.   Like  most  things.” 
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         like most things. unfortunately, she has a point. more than a point. but at least the stakes with roller skating aren’t as high as some things they’ve failed at. “i guess you’re right. still, i hope i don’t make too big a fool out of myself. or, i don’t know, break my leg or something.” shaking the worry out of his head, joseph gets to his feet. “how much are rentals?”
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preholocene · 2 years
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it had taken time ( and, in a perfect world, therapy ), but jess had finally accepted that she would never see her best friend again ( her best friend being compy. obviously. ). but the breakthrough – the acceptance – was dismissed almost as soon as it had occurred – there he was ! compy ! in all his little fella glory ! as if on cue, ‘bring me sunshine’ began playing on the speakers of the store behind her ! oh, it was so stunning – so perfect ! “ it’s you ! ” who would she be if she didn’t run to him !? oh, she kept her steps as quiet and gentle as she could – no need to scare him away ! – but such a feat was so very hard to accomplish ! when she finally reached the little fella, she got on her knees and launched: “ i thought i would never see ya again ! i almost got rid of your sh – oh, i gotta get that back… ” – damn charity ! – “ – i don’t got any coke on me right now, but look at where we are ! ya want me t’ go get ya one ? then get ya a new ‘i heart nyc’ shirt ? – the goodwill kids can be real selfish. ”
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         true to what he knows, the terror in question immediately makes a beeline for him. what is her obsession? it has to be more than a love for the strange. or, more accurately, a love for torment. but it’s difficult to focus on their own thoughts when the compsognathus reacts so strongly. more strongly, strangely enough, even than him. but the opposite reaction is hardly what he’s game to allow right now. but regardless of his own feelings, the animal mind threatens to overtake him—he’s used to bargaining under duress, but this isn’t exactly the normal type. it wants whatever she has to offer more than it wants harmony.
         tentatively, he ( or rather, the animal ) extends his neck to offer a sniff. what is she even talking about? shirts? soda? the latter at least has precedent... it’s all too overwhelming for him to understand, particularly as the dinosaur itself takes advantage of his caution whenever expressed. while joseph busies himself thinking, it chirps and butts its head up against her hand.
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preholocene · 2 years
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in hindsight, noah probably should have skipped the explanation once joseph made it clear he had no clue what he was talking about. but the thought of knowing something that joey didn’t, was well, kind of exciting. it wasn’t often that he knew something someone else didn’t. “right,” he smiled, “it wouldn’t hurt to ask him,” he offered with a shrug, “i’m sure if you’re nice about it he wouldn’t mind. he probably has some already.”
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         “you’re probably right,” he admits, breath leaving him in a sigh. it’s not exactly new for them to get worked up about things that have no business working them up, but that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing. “he’s pretty good at tech stuff like that.” more than pretty good, but that’s where they choose to leave it. “sorry, i didn’t mean to rope you into my study habits,” he continues, forcing a laugh. “what have you been up to?”
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preholocene · 2 years
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          “Yeah,   actually.   It’s  a  lot  of  fun.   It’s  always  cool  to  see  parties  of  kids  come  through  here  and  having  fun.   I  don’t  know.   It’s  kinda  fun.   Do  you  want  to  try?   I  can  help.” 
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         “i think it’d stress me out more to see a lot of kids coming through. don’t you ever worry about them getting hurt?” maybe he just worries about everything. not maybe. definitely. “uh... yeah, you know, that might actually be kind of fun. as long as you’re not about to laugh at me for failing at it.”
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