prettybadqueen · 4 years
Ok, soooo. After six months. I'm back.
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
This is a New story that i was working on! Hope you like it.
Living with the weight of the monarchy on my shoulders was something already normal, dinners and formal talks, elegant dresses, the various celebrations that took place during the weeks, the correct vocabulary and posture, the lessons from Mr Walrras; and a lot of things that I had to do for being just one of the king's daughters. Of three daughters, I occupied the last place, a little rebellious and rude were adjectives that identified me according to my parents.
At my short 19 years in this world, I was part of the coordination for the army of our city and the Royal Guards, along with Anthon, an elderly gentleman whose sword had been used several times to defend the kingdom and honour the king.
The first time I wielded a sword was when I was 12 years old, just out of curiosity, and since then I have never let it go, I have practised day and night with the most experienced warriors in the city and over time I managed to handle it in an extraordinary way, not that I would want to show off but I feel very prideful. My parents never liked the fact that I fought, my mother was terrified of the idea that I was going to manipulate a sword and face men twice my size and strength; but she could never stop me. When my parents tried to avoid it I had escaped from the castle for 3 days in a row, that was enough to scare them into ordering more than 100 warriors to look for me and implore that I return, so I did it but only on the condition that I was allowed to swordfight, which my parents ended up giving in to.
This is how I managed to survive during these last few years of my life, where the types of obligations were changing, and the concerns of my parents was not the amount of time I used to learn how to read but, now that I am older, getting me a husband was the most important thing according to my mother. My other two sisters, being older than me, were not married but the suitors who were looking for their hands could be said to be a few, the reason they had not accepted was because my father didn't allow us to marry with men who are not honourable in his eyes, one of the reasons for my parents' conflicts.
My older sister's name was Gretta, she was 23 years old, old enough to have an armed family according to my mother but she was still enjoying her single life that fascinated her; she loved going out to the park in the morning and reading all the books she could before the sun goes down or painting, which was another of her great abilities. One of her paintings was exposed in the great hall so that everyone could see them when they enter, a great masterpiece. Gretta never protested when she met her suitors, I think she seemed attracted to them even though she had never talked about it with us.
My other sister, Beatrice, aged 21, was the most romantic of us. she used to tell us her dreams or goals in her life several times a day. She wanted to start a big family and have a husband who loved her for the rest of her life; but my father had disapproved of every man who had tried to approach her, moreover, once there was a competition where the participating knights fought to get her hand, but again my father rejected him when he realized that the victor was just a poor blacksmith.
My mother wished for us to marry as soon as possible, however, my father's approval made it almost impossible and caused my mother to get so angry that they often slept in separate beds, that was how far this issue had affected my family, but my father knew that sooner or later he would have to give in and choose a husband for each one; but as far as I was concerned, my father had a hard time accepting and in my case the number of suitors was zero, well, in fact, there was a couple but I got to scare them away before they were to approach my father which meant punishment for me arranged by my mother.
It was already something that I had very clearly stated, I did not want to marry so young with men that I barely knew and or shared no interest in me and my way of life. Of course, I wanted to have a family but only when I determined the moment, not because of tradition in having to leave a descendant as soon as possible for the kingdom, I wanted to be part of that decision. When the time came I would have to see how I would react to all of this and it depends on when and who with.
The bright morning light penetrated the large balcony of my room, my maid came in every morning and there would be the big open curtains and heated water to bathe. I got up very quietly and headed straight for the tub, nothing was better than a refreshing shower in the morning.
My father had to attend a meeting that morning to organize the great ship to the East, where many kingdoms and small distant cities participated in the assault, as it generated great profits for the kingdoms. I dressed with the help of my maids and headed to the great hall, breakfast was ready. All my family sitting around the main table of the great hall accompanied by the leaders of the neighbouring armies.
Upon arrival my father immediately raised his hand when he sees me and begins to stop from his seat: "Ara come here quickly, I have to introduce you to an old friend" he exclaimed, approaching a man.
I start walking towards him until he grabs me by the shoulder and points me to the man who is standing right in front of us. "Ara, this is Flicht." he points a finger at the man.
"It's a pleasure, Mr Flicht." I greet you with a nod.
"Oh, the pleasure is mine, princess." He laughs and grabs my hand, placing a short kiss on the back "Your father has convinced me to make this journey again, and when he told me that his daughter was directing him I could not refuse" he smiles in the direction of my father and then look towards me.
"Ara, with Flicht we travelled everywhere assaulting all the cities, we fought shoulder to shoulder in each battle when we were young." my father practically screams so that everyone in the room can listen "And I have managed to go this year with all of you to the great ship."
"It is an honour for me to make the trip with one of my father's confidants," I say grabbing one of my father's hands as I look at Flicht with a smile. "We will talk about all the details after breakfast" I warn Flicht, which he listens carefully nodding and then pointing to a chair next to my father. I sit while Flicht accommodates my chair and then everyone continues with their morning talks, enjoying their breakfast.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the table, I can observe my sisters talking vigorously with Joshua, head of the Montreal City Army; He has been sailing with us for 5 years so he is practically family. He is the same age as Gretta and loves spending time in the Kingdom where he is free of responsibilities. Right in front of me, I can see how Anthon talks with other leaders about women, I can see from the enthusiasm with which he expresses himself. Anthon is also part of the family, he taught me many things about the organization and the attacks; He is my battle mentor.
Breakfast went smoothly with many conversations about future attacks and ambitions that leaders had. After a while, my father gets up and talks. "Very well my gentlemen, it is time, follow Moonle to the office" He points to the servant and everyone gets up to go to the king's office after they had bowed to my mother, the queen, and my sisters. "My love, I am going to do my homework now, but I promise you that we will visit your mother this afternoon," he tells my mother while placing a kiss on her forehead and she nods before he starts walking with me towards the meeting.
We enter the office and they are all already settled around a large circular table where a large map that shows the extension of the kingdom is supported. My father accommodated me in my place as he sits right in the middle of everyone. "The organization of the great ship enters the session" The king knocks on the table.
"I have a question my lord" exclaims one of the men so that my father settles towards his address, "How will we divide the loot?, In the past assaults we have brought less profit than the previous ones, every time there is less to loot in the area and the one who always benefits is the kingdom, sir." Accuses the man.
"What do you want to refer to?" Anthon asks. "We have brought the same thing as the other times and the distribution was done equitably as everyone asked"
"But do you remember when we arrived in Port and they greeted us with celebrations and banquets? They are no longer afraid of us, they just give us things; That is no longer an assault" the man exclaims, almost screaming.
"And you have another idea?" My father asked.
"I do not know! We may not have to use more ships for a while and instead concentrate on each of the cities," he says with a little shame.
"No! Ships are a tradition! They are like rituals for our ancestors, it is a way of honouring them for everything they give us, we cannot stop doing them. The gods would not forgive us!" says Joshua angrily looking at each man.
That was the point for a whole discussion about what the ship truthfully meant to them; the discussion went from being only verbal to being violent, some of the leaders began fighting each other, raising their voices to a point where my father decided to get up from his seat and shout. "Stop fighting! it is not a matter of discussion the profits or the divinity that the ship represents or simply the meaning that they have in the life of each one of us. The abandonment of the ships represents a lack of respect from us mortals" he exclaims looking at each person individually. "I understand what you say and I think that as civilized people we can find a solution," he says as he looks at the man who generated the discord. "But the solution is not going to be yelling or fighting amongst us." The king looks at Joshua.
"I will send Will to neighbouring lands for information. In the meantime, the session is closed and during this time of waiting, I do not want there to be any fighting between you about this. Do I make myself clear?" He asked with the authority of a king.
We all looked at each other and nodded in unison. "Yes, my king", My father nods and heads towards the door to leave the room and meet my mother.
While each one of us began to leave individually and without ushering a word as we continue our routine lives until the notice of the next meeting, which would be within two weeks or so.
That he was supposed to do those two weeks of waiting when we supposedly had to use them to prepare the ship's resources. The situation was already making me angry, things did not go as planned today and nobody helped to improve the situation. We have always done used the ships, every year since my first memory.
I remember my father saying goodbye in the early hours of the morning that same day that they were leaving, placing a kiss on my forehead and saying that he would return and he always did, sometimes in good condition and sometimes not, but he always did.
When I turned 17 my father allowed me to accompany him on the trip that same year and it was one of the best experiences I've had in my few years of life; Of course, my mother did not agree with the fact that I would set sail and fight if necessary but somehow agreed, after my father bribed her with many gifts, something that my mother could never deny.
And so, at the age of 17, I travelled east, accompanied by my father and the best soldiers of the whole city, in one of the ships that marked my life forever, it was the first real experience of something that I would never have imagined and worst of all, it felt amazing.
I wanna to say thank you to @lets-imagine-fanfics who helped me correct the story! Love you.
And also to @oddsnendsfanfics who conviced me to publish it! ❤
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
Hello everyone! I been working in a story lately about vikings (of course) so i just want to apologize for being so disconected from you"ll.
Love you guys, great things are coming!
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
Ivar the Boneless Masterlist
The (*) denotes to the imagine/drabble containing smut.
Ask me to be tagged in future works 
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The Berserker - Masterlist (IN PROGRESS)
Summary: The leader of an army of Berserkers takes an interest in the younger Ragnarsson. Not because of his ruthless personality but because it seems that everywhere the young king goes, battle follows right behind him and it’s something that her pack craves.
Rumors aren’t Always True
Summary: When rumors start to spread that Ivar can’t satisfy a woman, you decide to put his mind and ease and show him that it’s not true
You’re Infuriating
Summary: Your relationship with Ivar is a complicated love/hate scenario, but you both want it to be more love and less hate
What’s Mine
Summary: After Ivar gives a crazy battle plan, he makes sure you know better than to doubt that he would let anyone take what is his
Ain’t my Fault
Summary: It can’t be your fault that Ivar is so fuckable that he turns you on every time he walks through the door.
Summary: When you finally find love after being hurt by Ivar, he confesses his love for you and hurts you farther than anything you can imagine
You want to what?
Summary: Prompt by @geekandbooknerd #25 “You came to my room and wake me up at 4am to cuddle?“
Summary: Ivar has to wake up from your slumbers just to braid his hair because he can’t do it himself
Confusion - Part 1 II Part 2 II Part 3 II Part 4
Summary: You and Ubbe have been fighting recently and you spend time with Ivar to calm down. Ivar confesses his feelings for you and you feel the same, but you still love Ubbe. Things don’t get better when Ubbe asks you a big question
When I was your man
Summary: Ivar regrets not treating you the way he should have and now has to accept that you’ve moved on. He only hopes that the new man in your life treats you so much better
Summary: Your plans to go home after a raid are intercepted by the Saxons and after you save Ivar during the battle, he wants to make sure that you’re well cared for as a way to show his gratitude.
Piece By Piece
Summary: Now that you’re queen and pregnant with Ivar’s child, your father decided to walk back into your life after abandoning you as a child
A Million Reasons
Summary: When Ivar realizes that he might lose you because of all the wrong things he’s done, he tries to give you a reason that overshoots all the reasons why you should leave in hopes that you’ll stay
Summary: Hvitserk and Ubbe don’t believe Ivar when he says that he loves you because you’re completely different than what he is. Your bubbly personality is the main reason for their disbelief, but you give Ivar an idea that might convince everyone that you belong to him
7 Things
Summary: After finding out that Ivar has told his brothers things that he thinks are flaws in your personality, you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine and tell him the things you don’t like about him
Summary: Prompt by @geekandbooknerd #47 “Don’t make too much noise, we don’t want to wake everyone"
Tease *
Summary: Ivar’s constant teasing on a raid leaves you a frustrated, sexual mess. Especially when he decides to tease you under a table in front of the city’s king
Be Ruthless - Masterlist (IN PROGRESS)
Summary: You have been controlled by the men in your life ever since you can remember. Now, your brother has decided to marry you off to the leader of the Great Heathen Army thinking that he’ll gain some power from the alliance. Thinking that you could never love a man who uses fear as a weapon, you expect your life with Ivar to be completely miserable.
Summary: Ivar makes sure that the other men around you know that you belong to him and when you realize this, you put a plan into motion to prove to him that he’s jealous of you speaking to other men
Betrayed II Part 2
Summary: You’ve had enough of this war between Ivar and Lagertha and so look to the brothers for help to end this war. Even if it means you have to betray Ivar’s trust.
Father’s Day
Summary: Finding out that you’re pregnant, you come up with a plan to tell Ivar when he returns from a ‘business’ trip on Father’s Day
Pain II Part 2
Summary: You’re the only one Ivar will allow to see him when he’s in pain thanks to his legs. But when you tell him that he’s your best friend, you stir up a new kind of pain in his heart
Summary: Ivar has his eyes on another woman instead of you making a fit of jealousy stir inside of you. He makes sure to show you that you can never truly stay mad at him for long
Broken Soul * 
Summary: Ivar is certain that you are the one that will give him sons even if it means he hurts you and breaks your soul.
His Return *
Summary: Ivar comes back from a long raid, touch starved and with one thing on his mind: to feel your skin on his again
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
You rather married to IVAR or HVITSERK?
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Live in Kattegat or Paris?
Be a shieldmaiden or a princess?
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
What would you rather?
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Fanfics? Tell me what would you like to read.
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
Imagine giving little kisses all over Ivar's neck before going to sleep...
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
tumblr is like a group therapy with no therapist.
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
Her Splendour (Ubbe x Reader)
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Summary: Reader got injured in battle a long time ago and ended up with a scar on their face. Ubbe tries to make them see what he sees.
Warnings: Insecurities, people being mean to the reader, a bit of angst (I think), overall fluff, Ubbe being an absolute sweetheart
It happened a long time ago. So long that you have nearly forgotten about the battle and the scar that it left, not only on your heart but also on your face. It happened when you went to England after Ragnar died. When his sons went to avenge his death. 
Not that you weren’t a skilled warrior, but you were young back then and lost focus when a Saxon soldier slashed his sword at you. You were to slow to dodge or block the attack and received the weapon with your face causing the blade to split the skin. 
When you woke up after the healers had finished with you, the shriek that sounded through the air of the camp when you saw your reflection in a blow of water was enough to curl even the most callous fighter. You were so sure that no one would ever want to be with you now. Your chances of finding a husband were gone.
But the Gods had different plans for you.
Seguir leyendo
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
For you guys
Vikings Masterlist
The (*) denotes to the imagine/drabble containing smut.
Ask me to be tagged in future works + REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
Loved IT
Hvitserk Masterlist
The (*) denotes to the imagine/drabble containing smut.
Ask me to be tagged in future works + REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
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Summary: Someone has been sealing food from your very own home and you intend on finding out who it is.
Wild *
Summary: After your city has been raided by heathens, you and most of the city’s women are herded in front of the leaders who decide which ones they would like to warm their bed
In the Snow
Summary: You and Hvitserk the day together in the snow and it leads to a snowball fight
What he Wants
Summary: You tell Hvitserk to think about what he wants when he goes behind your back and breaks your heart after he sleeps with Margrethe
Cold Outside
Summary: You and Hvitserk talk about your future family after he pulls you out of the loud crowds during a feast
Not a Word
Summary: A bored Hvitserk takes you up on your offer to braid his hair on the condition that he does not tell anyone about it.
I Waited for you - Part 1 II Part 2 II Part 3 II Part 4 II Epilogue
Summary: Hvitserk comes back to your town to find that you’ve moved on and have married someone else.
Dangerous Woman *
Summary: You’ve convinced your father - the king - to let you be the hostage when the vikings come to your city. Hvitserk shows you what it’s like to be free from all the rules that you’re used to and grew up with (especially the rule about sex before marriage)
Stone Cold II Part 2
Summary: When you thought that you could be happy for Hvitserk after ending your relationship, you never thought you could feel the pain you feel when you meet the new woman in his life.
Summary: Being shot in the shoulder during a battle, Hvitserk takes it in his own hands to make sure you’re alright and you try to think of a way to show your gratitude
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
If you wanna read
Vikings Masterlist
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Here are a list of my works. 💕🤭☺️I Hope you enjoy!!!  I feel like there are more!! but here are @ least most of them. (**indicates series) Please just assume they are all NSFW and have smut. 
Ivar The Boneless
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Mine **
Game On **
Played **
The Alliance ** Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Concubine Masterlist
No Saviors
The Pact
I Had that Dream Again
Mr. Fix It
Banana Pancakes
All the Foul Things (Alex H. Andersen)
I’ve Wanted this for so Long 
The Library
Admiration I, Admiration II
The Scout: Ivar/Ubbe
First Date, New Years with Ivar
Gratitude I, Gratitude II
Mr. Lothbrok
It was Just a Fling
Modern Ivar on Your Camera Roll
Choked up
Dating the Youngest Lothbrok
Explanations Pt. 1
All Hail Your New King 
The Devil Wears Lace
Big Dick Energy
Ivar and The Mini Terror
Friends I, Friends II, Friends III, Friends IV, Friends V, 
Kinks [X]
Ubbe Lothbrok
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The Arrangement**
Gladiator Masterlist
Songbook Book: Friends
Fucking Ubbe
Drunk in Love
Dinner is Ready
Can I have a Taste
House Party I, House Party II
King Ubbe , King Ubbe II
Lazy Day, Wedding Day
Griffenholm Confessionals: Teacher’s Pet
Modern Ubbe on Your Camera Roll
I Think that’s an A
Snow and the Prince
Dirty, Sexy Ubbe
Bet Pt 2: Ante Up
Halloween with Ubbe 
The Punishment
The Spoils of War
Maestro Ubbe
Kinks: [X]
Marrying Ubbe 
My Woman
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Bus Trips
The Itch 
Taste Test
Is there Somewhere 
Don’t You Trust Me?
Modern Hvitserk on Your Camera Roll
Kinks: [X]  
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California Dreaming
Too Good at Goodbyes
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Bound, Bound II, Bound III
Texting Stories:
Ragnar and Lagertha
Bjorn and Ubbe
Ubbe and Ivar
Ubbe and Hvitserk
Kitchen Nightmares
Walking Dead AU Headcannons
Meet the Daddies
Ragnarssons Proposals
Vacationing with the Ragnarssons
Shopping with The Ragnarssons
Third Wife Headcannon Ragnar
Drabbles and One Shots
The Escort: Harald Finehair  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
The Splendor of His Works: Heahmund
Is that My Shirt: Sigurd
Is that My Shirt Harald Finehair
What a Beautiful sight Halfdan
Isn’t it Amazing: Harald Finehair 
Bjorn and The Fire Nymph
Ragnar and the Queen of Fae
Ubbe and the Woodland Goddess
Hvitserk and the Goddess of the Sea
Ivar and the Fallen Angel
Ivar and the Werewolf
Saturday’s with Ivar
Ivar x Bohemian!WoC
Domestic Life with Ubbe
Hvitserk x Albino!Woc
Werewolf Ubbe , Movie Nights with Hvitserk
I Lied (Ivar)
Modern Gods: Hades
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
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This edit is AMAZING!! 
Source (x)
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
Ubbe Fanfic Masterlist
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Ubbe x OFC
Hungry Ghosts - novel-length slow burn story centering around Ubbe’s aide for a mysterious stranger and her young son, who come to Kattegat to consult the great seer Aslaug.
Ubbe x Lagertha
Blame - dark hate sex set between season 4-5 (written before 5 came out)
Ubbe x Torvi x Lagertha
Loyalty - Explicit, f/m/f, directly after 5x07; Torvi tells Lagertha about Ubbe’s secret kiss, spawning Lagertha’s newest plan to cement Ubbe’s allegiance to her side
Ubbe x female!Reader
Glass Heart - slow-ish burn, canon setting, romance and misunderstanding drama with a fully explicit ending chapter. One of the few sweet, not-fucked-up pieces I’ve written.
Santa Ubbe: Naughty or Nice - modern AU, Christmas fluff and smut. Reader is a single mom with a crush on the hot guy from her gym, who turns out to be an absolute sweetheart as well as a closet freak.
The Quiet Beast - modern AU, flirting and playfighting. Don’t steal Ubbe’s Coke…
Thrall of the Ragnarssons: Ubbe - dubcon/noncon smut: a slave of the conquering Ragnarssons, usually shared by his brothers, catches Ubbe’s eye
Rough Grip, Gentle Eyes - dubcon smut set during episode 5x03; reader is a nun in that church in York, caught up in Ubbe’s mixed emotions
headcanon: Ubbe in a relationship
headcanon: Ubbe and his pregnant wife
Hvitserk x female!Reader x Ubbe
we won’t leave you alone with it - fluffy/smutty scene where Ubbe and Hvitserk comfort a depressed reader with increasingly sexy touches…
Puck’s Dream - Explicit modern AU; Reader is Ivar’s girlfriend but he’s in a mood to tease his two brothers tonight
Ivar x female!Reader x Ubbe
Truth or Dare: Puck’s Dream II - modern!AU frat party, Ivar once again agrees to share with Ubbe, but makes sure that his brother can’t quite get everything he wants
everything in its season - myth!AU where reader is in a Persephone-like role… Ubbe is her summer husband, Ivar is in the Hades role
Snowed in with the Ragnarssons - otherwise known as the “too many dicks” fic. Reader is a slave being shared by all four boys while they’re bored up in the hunting cabin. Explicit group sex
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
The Berserker Masterlist
The Berserker (Ivar x Reader) (IN PROGRESS) 
* means that part contains smut
Summary: The leader of an army of Berserkers takes an interest in the younger Ragnarsson. Not because of his ruthless personality but because it seems that everywhere the young king goes, battle follows right behind him and it’s something that her pack craves.
Warnings: Animal death, war planning, violence, blood, strong language, Ivar’s sass
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 *
Part 10
Part 11
562 notes · View notes
prettybadqueen · 5 years
The Berserker Masterlist
The Berserker (Ivar x Reader) (IN PROGRESS) 
* means that part contains smut
Summary: The leader of an army of Berserkers takes an interest in the younger Ragnarsson. Not because of his ruthless personality but because it seems that everywhere the young king goes, battle follows right behind him and it’s something that her pack craves.
Warnings: Animal death, war planning, violence, blood, strong language, Ivar’s sass
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 *
Part 10
Part 11
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prettybadqueen · 5 years
Part 2:
That night was the best night of your lifes...
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