pri-rp · 2 days
Like this to get Haunted by BEN DROWNED
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pri-rp · 3 days
Send "Words of Wisdom" and my muse will give you/your muse some advice.
( Bonus add "+ *insert topic* for a specific topic. Can be as serious or as silly as you want )
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pri-rp · 3 days
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Hey there! My name is Sparks and if you're interested in roleplaying with Toriel from Undertale, give this a like/reblog and I'll check you out!!
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pri-rp · 3 days
A Monster Case
Every day something was happening in the world of the law that shouldn't be, and this was no different. Well, not too different.
The appearance of Monsters had been a culture shock world wide, but the proof was evident, and by now they were simply another race. things were still tense, they were still new, but the law acknowledged monsterkind as citizens, and that's what mattered. Sure, there was some minor differences, as they still fell under the crown currently as the kingdom of Monsters, but rather then ask for any land of their own aside from the immediate area under and around Ebott, the agreements had been to live amongst mankind on equal footing.
And so, a few businesses had popped up, or new hires, the world becoming much more varied. So far, no monster had been convicted of crime, though many had been accused for plenty of petty things, or struggled to be represented... when attorneys didn't take a case, the ambassador often did directly. a kid, apparently.
A kid who'd reached out to the the prosecutors directly for a recent incident that currently didn't have any suspects in custody. The details were still pretty vague, but it had all the makings of a hate crime; much of humanity was not ready for the change of their reality, or to accept these monsters, and it showed.
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Frisk the ambassador was waiting to speak with the prosecutor who'd picked up this case directly- and with them was Toriel, known to the public simply as the Queen. Frisk was holding a file tightly in their hands, face filled with a seriousness a ten year old shouldn't know yet, and the lack of sleep evident under their eyes. this recent violence was the first so far, and the paw on the child's shoulder showcased the concern over it's impact of the ambassador who'd made things transition so peacefully so far.
They'd called the office ahead of time, even though investigations had lead nowhere, with this being a first big case regarding monster safety amongst humanity, it had to be done right, and had to be taken care of before anything else could come of it. History was a showcasing of dominoes, and they didn't want this to ripple out in any manner.
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pri-rp · 3 days
Ok, I’m not a big fan of these kinds of posts, but lately, I’m becoming more and more disheartened so I need to know if you’re out there. 
Please reblog this post if you are willing to write with ‘un-shippable’ muses. 
I’m talking about those muses who are perhaps elderly, who are married/taken and not liable to affairs, muses who are asexual/aromantic, or even just muses whose muns don’t really want to ship. 
While I’m always happy that anyone would want to write with me, sadly, over time I have realised that my older/married/ace muses are very rarely (virtually never) requested. So please share this on your blog so that people know they can throw their muses at you who are not going to wind up in ships or with smut threads. 
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pri-rp · 4 days
"You're a- no, system resets just kind of the code for mind wiping information about all this. Noone's going to bat an eye about a tech worker saying they need to reset the tech, ya know?"
Seems like it's a no on stopping by the kitchen, which is fine. Just going to make their way to the medbay though. "Normally it's just to kinda like... hide the glitches from memory, but if given too much power can... well, to put it nicely, it's part of the job i like least. but i deal with it because the tech is amazing, as you can see."
"it's rare, but occasionally a fellow tech gets flashed... not sure who other then you would have it turned so high as to forget as much as you seemed to have, but we've protocols and such for a reason. a quick scan and such should be able to give us what we need to fix ya back up." Just keeping calm. "Though, may still be a good idea to get like a bottle of water in-case it takes a moment." He'd never actually been in a 'restore' situation, but being certain should help with any uncertainty or fears.
No need to concern Mitch more then he probably already was.
So, with that proclamation, Steve's just popping into the kitchen and opening fridge. "Anything else strike your fancy or just the water?" he's grabbed two bottles already.
Perhaps thankfully does he not stray too far - too occupied with whatever thing is in front of him and giving it a brief moment of wordless yet delighted attention, before moving onto the next one with just as much joy. As cool as everything is after all - none of it sounds like it ultimately contributes to what Steve's calling a fix in regards to his lost memories. And, wait - there's something a bit concerning this stranger has said, right?
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"Hit?" He glances back towards Steve when what Steve has told him finally clicks in his head. "Gauntlet? Reset?" Like...like a metal glove? Those reset 'systems'... "...I'm a system?"
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pri-rp · 4 days
"It is an adventure, because we do not suffer the consequences of that timeline. You likely noticed Hyrule has many legends, and most of them are rooted in History, and many of those truths have been held as royal secrets. And this one... The artifact that made it feasible has been long lost, it vanished with the hero who used it." He was so attentive. She really should work on their bond as partners more, seeing this. Zelda had not realized just how distant Miles must still feel.
"This particular tale is centered on the Hero of time, and the events he prevented. In the middle of Hyrules prime, the king of Gerudo came to swear fealty to the crown. The king of the time accepted the proposal, but it is a gift of the first born daughters, the Zeldas, to see through facades. Though still a child, my thrice great grandmother saw in his eyes the lust for power, and the evil of his heart."
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A hand mindlessly comes to the side of her neck, fingers brushing against the covered scars carefully. The day was not done, after all, it would not do to expose them. Still, there was a distance in her expression as she says "His name is Ganondorf." Its then she catches herself, and Zelda brings her hand back to her lap.
"Have you read of the Gerudo people?" Best to establish what baseline he may or may not have already.
"An adventure story, is it?" As the servants took the painting to the study to be hung properly, he took a seat nearby and folded his hands in his lap. Not only was she opening up to him, but this fairy tale happened to be a true story? He had to know more.
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"Please, tell it to me."
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pri-rp · 4 days
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I have to say I think this is one of the best things I ever made
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pri-rp · 4 days
What would happen if one tried to funnel Niagara Falls through a straw?
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"Who has a bladder big enough for that?"
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pri-rp · 4 days
Steve, I'm not sure how I managed to damage this recently, burning might be instinct... but maybe I hope it can be repaired again?
"It's nothing you did, it's just how brains deal with things outside of your control. Not your fault people like stealing your face." It was too obvious who this was, and Steve's just going to be honest.
That's jsut how he was. "It's a me issue, surprisingly enough."
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pri-rp · 5 days
🔰 Would you please reblog this if you’re open to RPing with sideblogs?
There are rp blogs out there that don’t want personal blogs to follow them and like their posts even though those often have rp sideblogs. It would be a shame to ignore those just because they aren’t their main blogs. Please be so kind to reblog this post so that people with sideblogs know they are welcome. Thank you.
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pri-rp · 6 days
"The Study seems a lovely Idea." Still, tor him to go to these sorts of lengths to try and gain favor... Perhaps she has not given her husband enough time.
"Perhaps you would like to hear it as the story was told to me? While there were faults in how my ancestor handled that event that we can see to this day, what she remembered was always rather... exciting, when i was young."
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Then, almost sheepishly as if she shouldn't allow fondness for a past foolishness, Zelda adds "Surely you understand that young yearning of adventure when stuck within castle walls, after all. Turns out adventures aren't as grand as the legends tell." Then again, with the note of that last sentence, perhaps it was not an add,on of embarrassment, but one of acknowledging that past desire for what it was... a fiction against reality.
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"Well, your study, of course," he said, thoroughly relieved that she enjoyed the painting. She always seemed so hard to read in that regard. He was quite worried about embarrassing himself. "Or the library, or wherever you'd like. It is your gift, after all."
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pri-rp · 6 days
"Oh good!" The door opens slowly, and soem yellow pigtails peek through, followed by a smile. she's opened the door fully now, and clearly in one hand is a tray with a few different items on it, including a pitcher, a bowl, and a glass, as well as a bottle and some clothes.
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"How are you feeling? I mean, I know it can't be great considering how we found you, but... anything in particular stand out?" She's crossing the room, and sets the tray down on the little bedside table next to him. then, she takes the pitcher and tips the contents to fill the cup- water. "Do you think you can sit up to drink without help? You definitely need to."
He woke up with a start.
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He was in a bed, but it wasn't his. How did he end up there? He tried to think, but it just made his head hurt.
The prince tried to sit up, but a dull pain in his leg stopped him. Confused, he pulled back the covers and saw that it was snugly bandaged up, and the wraps were clean. Very clean. Someone must have changed them recently.
It was dark, and his Nohrian eyes were used to that, but he still couldn't quite place where he was. Then he heard a knock on the door.
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"....H-Hello?" he called out, hoping that it was a good idea.
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pri-rp · 6 days
"Oh, the doorway is wide enough they likely could if they wanted too, but even Stalchildren know to give those," And he gestures to some cuccoos sleeping outside, "their space. I've never seen one cross the threshold into the ranch." He won't argue the sore loser bit right now. He feels it's a fair point to say as... he fits the entire great fairy sword back into his pack. somehow.
Forget the Lens of Truth, this kids storage space in his pack would be something else. What are fanny packs made with round these parts? aside from the main pack things have gone in and come out of, he only has one other bag on the other side that seems to be of a unique material, and his quiver of arrows with sword and shield.
"Talon's the owner of Lon Lon Ranch. Real friendly guy." Link won't go into more detail then that. Telling a theif the owner is a heavy sleeper? that'd be just stupid. Still, Link's familiarity with the place shows as he just... opens the front door for Flynn.
Flynn didn't just get their first, he scaled the wall that kept the skeletons out and jumped to safety on the other side, waiting on hallowed ground (or whatever).
"So you're a sore loser, good to know," he drawled. He didn't know who Talon was, but he hoped he didn't have talons. With an exaggerated sigh of longing, he returned the sword that he didn't even technically want to keep, but he was something of a showman.
"Okay, so now what, squirt? Who's this Talon person? You're sure those skeletons can't get in here?"
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pri-rp · 6 days
Mitch shoots, and he- misses? The timing is just unlucky, as the crosswalk turned green so Peach starting walking, leaving the blast to just whiz past her. at most, if made a breeze that moved her hair... and the slight breeze of it blasting through the air is enough for her to pause, turning rather then stepping into the street.
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Now whatever could that have been? it was far to localized to have been just the wind.
A quick survey of her surroundings, the princess clocks someone looking her way. That could mean a few different things, but optimist that she is, she dismissed the idea that he was the cause of it, even with his arm pointed that way. Well... Dismissed perhaps wasn't the right word, Without knowing what she felt, Peach wasn't going to assume any sort of malice. So, instead she waves, making an approach with smile on her fact.
"Hello there! did you see something whizz past me?"
Sometimes it's a difficult game to play, to figure out if it's a Tech wearing a custom avatar, if it's an everyday person wearing beautiful cosplay, or it's a glitch. It's a good thing visors and gauntlets are meant to identify and latch onto glitch signals - the only other way to be able to tell would be if the visuals flickers. There's also another game that is needed to be played here, and it's to tear away your personal feelings about what the glitch decides to model itself after this time. Maybe he shouldn't have taken up this job... four years of this sort of work and he still feels that tug called hesitance.
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The emitter is raised, and - zap! - goes the T-Ray, in an effort to absorb Peach inside. Yes, she's ultimately not doing anything harmful, but regardless if the glitch is programmed to be an innocent harmless ally or not, they are meant to be taken back into headquarters and mixed in with the other rogue programs. Protocol must be upheld.
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pri-rp · 6 days
That was a despair Godet could recognize anywhere, and being one to work in the park on projects, as she'd been compiling some notes before Daphne's voice caught her attention. looking over.... oh.
that was cute.
And, while she knew clothes better then dolls, Godet was no stranger to sewing... What the heck, she'd hit a dead end for the day anyways.
note book closed and held to her chest, Godet approaches with a smile. "It's turned out real well. I couldn't help but overhear... what were you planning to make the eyes out of?"
"Nooo! My little puppet masterpiece!"
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She's only just realizing she doesn't have enough materials to finish it. And the stores are definitely closed right now.
"My poor little creation. You'll just have to be eyeless for now." Daphne is giving her thing a soft pat on the forehead.
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pri-rp · 7 days
"You know, if you don't want to draw attention to something, you might want to avoid bringing attention to it before someone even asks." I can't help but say with a laugh, but i don't press one way or the other. I've a journal tucked under my arm, and pen of my own tucked in my ear... this table was just perfectly shaded on this day, so I figured didn't hurt to ask if I could join them.
That, and It'd be a dull scene if i didn't interact with anyone, right?
"I was just wondering if it would be alright to also sit at this table. It seems just perfectly overcast to where the sun won't be glaring off my pages."
Jonathan Starter for @pri-rp
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"...N-no, I um... I-I didn't..." He clears his throat. He had been trying to keep his mind off of the eldritch god whispering in the back of his head, and in his distracted state, he had started to telekinetically lift a small pencil, spinning it quickly. As he noticed someone get close however, he drops the pencil, trying to play it off.
"...I'm just... fidgeting. I-I wasn't... moving it with my mind..."
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