prideintheriver · 10 years
{   Pffttt, no, of course my girlfriend didn't just talk me into making a Captain America blog because of her having a Tony Stark blog and us role playing Stony and Spideypool 63% of the time.... ppffttt.....
I'll be back... }
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"North side," she admits after a moment, looking around a bit, retracing her steps for what felt like the fifth time, if not more. "I just can't stan all the stuck up, snobby bitches."
"Ya… sure.." Ian rubs the back of his neck as he looks around. "Where you from? I ain’t seen you around here before." 
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"Are you sure? It doesn't have to be anything major. A coffee, even. I really don't want someone not to get a gift... My parents tell me to buy myself gifts now."
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         ”He’s okay. There’s a stray cat in my neighborhood that visits me all the time and brings me dead things. I don’t think it’s like a mafia deal, I’m pretty sure it’s positive… Please don’t buy me anything. I’ll just take the pigeon.”
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"Thanks. It's... quite a large phone... it's kind of like a tablet. A 'phablet' is what they call it. It's... I just had it at least a minute ago, it must of fell out of my pocket."
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"Excuse me, do you think you could help me find my phone? I know it’s a possibility it’s already gone, but I kind of need it…"
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prideintheriver · 10 years
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"Excuse me, do you think you could help me find my phone? I know it's a possibility it's already gone, but I kind of need it..."
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"It's your birthday?"
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"Well, Clover, you gave someone a birthday present, but I don't think anyone actually wants a dead pigeon. I don't know whether to be mad at you or not."
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"Sorry. He... got out the door and I've been trying to find him... Um... Happy birthday! I could buy you something!"
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        “The cat dumped a dead pigeon at my feet.           —- I ‘unno, it’s a good a birthday present as any.”
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prideintheriver · 10 years
Murder Plus Wings! || Closed RP || River & Jarvis
Years. It had been years since River had actually remembered who – and what – she had been. She wasn’t all too certain what it was that made her suddenly remember. All she knew was one second, she was there, and the next, she was on a bus headed to get her grace back. It was three weeks after she was reported as a runaway and she had her grace back for a week, invisible to the human eye, wings carrying her high above and shielding her, that she witnessed it. She wasn’t quick enough, it was like something had been taunting her. It was a black cloud, it was gone, her father had been murdered, and it was all over. Her mom had been taken to jail and River wasn’t entirely sure what to do. Some angel she was, she didn’t even know how to track a demon, it was like it had disappeared into thin air.
She wasn’t sure what to do with herself but she finds herself flying before a gust of wind throws her off and she’s soon huffing as she barely manages to catch herself before she broke the roof of this structure. It cracks and heaves where she hits, but doesn’t fall through, and River sits where she is, pulling her knees to her chest as she had done when she was human. She wasn’t sure what to do…
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"It's perfect. I can stand in the mirror for an hour in the morning and my hair is always... imperfect. That perfection is godly."
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"My hair has convinced you of my title?"
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"Well I must say, that certainly is a new one."
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prideintheriver · 10 years
”Which is exactly what people should want pets for! I know that’s why I want my Clover, but he’s a cat. Spoiled little kitty he is. I’ve never had a dog, so I can’t really tell you too much about them, but I have done my fair share of research because I thought I might get one instead of another cat. I didn’t- I’m rambling, sorry. Dogs are great companions, require lots of exercise sometimes and will forever be loyal, so they are a great choice!”
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"I figured if I got a rescue dog it would be giving a dog that has been let down once a second chance wouldn’t it?. Plus a dog like that could be easily trained too, I’m not sure if I care much for breeding or not, I hear mutts live twice as long as pure bred dogs. I figured that too, I mean I don’t want a dog that’s going to win prize’s I wouldn’t be showing it or anything like that. I simply want a dog for a companion".
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prideintheriver · 10 years
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"Excuse me, but is there a coffee shop somewhere around here that you can direct me to? I'll even buy you a coffee if you help, if you want."
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prideintheriver · 10 years
I’ll be writing down every url that reblogs in a notebook and I’m giving it to my homophobic father.
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prideintheriver · 10 years
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"Well, it is said that there are quite a few people in the world who look like another person...                   just a bit shorter than I expected, yeah.              Sorry."
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"I get that a lot, actually. It normally helps me, but I assume you're not wanting any of this to go into a newspaper because of me, and I totally understand. I'm fine though, thank you for offering."
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“15 year old … I’m sorry but you look much older. I’m sorry.               Well, do you something to drink ?                   I think we can have a few minutes to impress your teacher.”
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"I dunno. Maybe it's the hair, you know? Lays too perfectly."
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"I like to expect the unexpected, mostly, and if you're not actually a god, I'll play along."
"Most are quick to deny my title of a god, daughter of Pride."
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"Do tell me what makes you so quick to accept."
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"Chicago in general isn't for me. I think my parents only let me outside in hopes of me being beat to death or something. Maybe get the 'demons' beat out of me. Make me see that I'm fucked up in the head. Planning on moving to Florida with Clover some day. Or California. Anywhere where I can surf. But hey, Chicago isn't so bad. Seems I've found an alliance with a sensei."
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"I can’t handle animals. I’ve got my own shit to deal with, y’know? But that’s cool. I know, kid, your parents suck. But maybe the south side just ain’t for ya."  
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prideintheriver · 10 years
"Oh, hello! I didn't notice you there. How are you?"
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prideintheriver · 10 years
”Sometimes, rescue dogs are the best dogs, so that would also be a great idea. One of my old friends had a rescue dog and it was one of the smartest, most obedience dogs. They didn’t even know what it was mixed with, really. It wasn’t full-blood anything, though. But that’s okay, sometimes the dogs that aren’t going into the dog shows are the best dogs out there. You should really look around some!”
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"You know I hadn’t even considered the intelligence of the animal to be honest. It’s an idea actually now you bring it up then I could train the dog to do trick’s and the latter, hell even fetch me some tools" he chuckle’s a touch "Or should I get a rescue dog? A dog that was unwanted by somebody else. I’m not sure what I should do".
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