princenoctislcaelum · 10 years
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
“Hm..” was all he could mutter, he recalled his past with the blonde and remembered his lack of outdoor attire, perhaps in the stormy season he’d seen him in a coat once or twice, it surprised him the golden haired male wasn’t full of sickness due to his casual attire. “I have a coat” he said, without much thought. It was true he knew he’d be cold without his coat but the blonde was much more important.
He raised a brow at his childish behaviour, “nothing… Without me..?” He asked, curious as to what he meant. Sitting himself on the ground beside him he looked over at him “then maybe you should go and sleep, I don’t need it, not right now” he said, casting his gaze over the moonlit grass instead.
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
He titled his head, he surely wasn’t accustomed to being given flowers. “For me? Um... Thank you” he said.
3 people love flowers
+ ive-got-a-present-too +princeofthekingdomoflucis + daintymeadowlark
"Hello!" Kairi greeted, holding out flowers to the person in front of her with a smile.
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
His eyes couldn’t help but wander over the appealing interior of the building, it was beautifully crafted and he wandered if there happened to be more buildings of such around here, all he’d seen on his way here was rubble and obscured metallic structures.
He halted his dark booted feet just before the array of flowers and took a few seconds to take them in before he turned to the woman’s voice.
He returned the smile, “hello, I’m Noctis… I was merely passing by and this church struck me, I’m not intruding am I?” He asked.
princeofthekingdomoflucis started following you
"Oh, hello there." The woman smiled at the young man. "I’m Aerith. What’s your name? And, what brings you to the this church, hmm?"
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
He gave her a faint nod as he forced himself to maintain his prince like manner, that meant showing no lack of courage. “I’m Noctis” he said before he took a quick glance around their surroundings “to be honest I’ve not the faintest idea where I am” he added, being pulled from Lucis, his home and the only place he’d ever truly known was quite disorientating.
princeofthekingdomoflucis started following you.
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His was a face she’d never seen before, but that wouldn’t stop her from saying hello to him. Taking confident strides towards him, she extended her hand as she came to a stop. “You must be new around here, right? My name’s Rinoa, it’s a pleasure to meet you.~”
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
The princes brows furrowed at the question work..? just what exactly had he gotten himself in for? "Um... I'm not quite sure what you're talking about, what work?" He asked honestly.
Some newbies have entered Garden || Hello~
Glancing over the newcomers with a welcoming grin, Zell gave a soft chuckle. “I’d ask if you were knew students, but you seem a bit old for that. No offence,” he quickly reassured.
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"So, I’m gonna assume you’re here for work then? Anything I can help ya with?"
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
Noctis blinked, he cast his eyes over the brunette, he had nothing to defend himself with for he was indeed standing with a particular oh so serious expression. Though he couldn’t help it, he had had plenty to deal with lately and not enough time to do as he pleased.
"I… I was thinking..." he replied, the corners of his mouth lifted into a slight smile. "Hey, I’m not all that serious, I promise" he stated.
brandedsoldier princeofthekingdomoflucis
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"Hey, what’s with the long face? There a reason why you’re looking so serious?"
[ ooc ;; thanks for following lovelies <3 ]
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
He continued to drag himself to the source of the water. Time felt endless today it was as though someone had pulled each and every cog from the clock in order to bring it to a halt, of course he knew that was impossible. Was the fountain always this far away? He could’ve sworn the fountain was much nearer, eventually he let his inner self drift away as a recognisable figure entered his vision. He raised his head and locked his eyes on the red heads bright green pair. “Axel? What brings you here..?” He asked him, sure the Lucis castle gardens where exquisite, a site worth seeing yet he still wandered.
He walked through the gardens, his apatite eyes focused on the ground bellow him, he didn’t bother to brush the raven strands of hair that hung over his eyes, the slight breeze was doing that for him. He tried not to drag his feet against the gritty pathway leading to…
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
Just a reminder I changed my tracking tag to: princenoctislcaelum , when I changed my blog URL
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
axelilburlone said: Axel raised a brow at the other, usually royalty would have demanded him to apologize for such rudeness and wouldn’t bother asking for his name. “..Axel, your high-I mean, Noct.” He shook his head, a faint smile appearing across his lips as he did so. "Axel, interesting... Just Noct, I'll let you off this time since you seem amusing" he spoke with a slight grin.
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
He strolled into the bar, and took a seat, resting his arms against its slick surface. He glanced up at the friendly woman and managed a weak smile, surprised with himself that he could even manage it. “I’ve never been here before so that would be a yes” he replied rather weakly. He nodded curtly “you can call me Noct”.
princenoctislcaelum started following you:
Tifa was wiping down the bar counter when she heard the bells above the door jingle; signaling someone’s entry. She looked up and smiled warmly at the new visitor. “Hello, are you new here?” she asked, tilting her head slightly. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
Reblog if I have permission to barge into your ask box and RP with you.
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
He walked through the gardens, his apatite eyes focused on the ground bellow him, he didn't bother to brush the raven strands of hair that hung over his eyes, the slight breeze was doing that for him. He tried not to drag his feet against the gritty pathway leading to what must be a fountain as the prince could hear faint droplets of water. He wasn't quite sure what was wrong with him today, he'd been locked up in the castle with nothing more to do than go through various books and accustom himself with his new powers, he didn't all of it alone. That was it, he was alone and he needed someone or something to do. He lowered his head and let out a faint sigh as he kept on walking.
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
Well, hello there, your highness. *Axel mock-bow*
Tilts his head at the unusual gesture, he chuckles softly and shakes his head. "That I didn't expect, you can just call me Noct... And you?"
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
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Friends will always be there
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princenoctislcaelum · 11 years
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Regis/Noctis Lucis Caelum
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