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eric sighed, “i don’t know.. it was just funny.” he repeated with a shrug. he knew he wasn’t being very helpful but he really just had a gut feeling about this. “i mean what is classified as cult activities? what if i get there and they try to brand me?”
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anna squinted at him, somewhere between disbelief and annoyance. the mystery of these so called funny hats was going to bug her, she just knew it. still, she let it go with a frustrated huff.
“how should i know what counts as cult activities? i’ve never been in a cult! being creepy, i guess? maybe if you go to this weird meeting you can figure out what cult activities are. unless they try to brand you. then you should get out of there, like, yesterday. obviously. there’s probably books and documentaries if we really need to know.”
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many things about the arnadalr family had blurred in his memory, but one that could not be forgotten was anna’s smile. it was the kind that held so much hope and joy that kit, already quite smiley himself, couldn’t help but mirror her elation. “…the southern isles? i have heard of them … they’re close to arendelle, are they not? but i regret to say i don’t know much about it. this will readily change, i assure you,” he winked. his heart warmed at how happy anna was. the words ‘dream come true’ tugged at his heartstrings more than he expected them to … had he not once met a ‘dream come true’ at a ball?
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“—a horse?” kit threw his head back with laughter. “how does one —? anna, how did that even happen? did he not see you, or did you not see him…?” his laughter peetered off but his smile remained. “it’d be an honour to meet him. prince hans. we should all have dinner together : you, and me, and elsa, my brothers, everyone’s partners.” then he paused, trying to catch his excitement before it got away from him. “or would that be too much?”
“kit, don’t be weird about it,” she whined, though there was too much excitement in her eyes for it to really sound like a complaint.
“i don’t know! i was excited, and it’s not like i got out much before the coronation! or, like, ever. why would i expect there to be a horse to watch out for?” a laugh coloured her voice as she spoke eagerly. she’d never actually had an opportunity to tell anyone this before, had she? it was thrilling, the words tumbling out with so much ease it was as if no time had passed at all. at least until he mentioned elsa, and all that joy faltered.
she couldn’t help her wince, turning her face ahead of them as if she could hide it. “i don’t know if elsa would really like that. last time we really talked about me and hans it ended... badly.” like, made her run to a whole other country bad. she tugged nervously at the end of one of her braids with one hand, loosening her grip on his arm a little. it felt a little like bringing up elsa’s reaction would jinx it. like it would make kit change his mind and side with anna’s older sister - and she didn’t want there to be sides. there weren’t sides! she wanted a dinner like that. now she thought about it, when was the last time she’d actually had dinner with elsa? she cleared her throat, tone becoming more upbeat as she added, “and he’s in arendelle, anyway! so, kinda hard to have dinner together.”
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“wait, what?” anna blurted out as she came to an abrupt stop, turning confused eyes from the staff in front of her to the boy holding it. “why? and how do you know that? and which monster? not one of the big freaky ones from those attacks a while ago, right?”
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location: by the edge of the woods
time: evening
“shit!” i wouldn’t go in there if I were you,“ jack said, stopping the stranger from entering with his staff. 
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“the monster everyone seems to be talking about like to dig holes in those woods”
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            ROSY LIPS CURL INTO A SMILE  with  anna's  comment ,  taking  it  as  a  little  blessing  of  sorts ,  a  way  of  knowing  there  was  nothing  really  wrong  with  their  home  even  if  philip  wasn't  there .  well ,  not  completely .  deep  down ,  it  wasn't  the  mess  itself  that  bothered  aurora ;  she'd  made  her  peace  with  it .  it  was  the  fact  that  the  entire  place  felt  less  like  half  philip's  and  more  like  a  perfect  representation  of  aurora's  coping  mechanisms .  namely  the  remnants  of  stress  baking ,  an  unfinished  puzzle  and  a  pile  of  books  she  couldn't  find  the  interest  to  read .
             her  eyes  went  a  bit  wide  as  she  led  the  redhead  inside .  was  it  common  for  all  royalty  to  just  disappear  from  each  other's  lives ?   ❛ oh ?  he's  definitely  missed  you  then .  philip  has  a  wonderful  memory , ❜  she  assures  with  a  small ,  knowing  it  to  be  true  but  also  all  too  happy  to  gush  about  her  husband .  then ,  something  else  caught  her  attention ,  ❛ cooties …  what  are  those ?  why ,  i  bet  he  had  cooties  himself ! ❜  a  proud  huff  escapes  her ,  only  for  a  tiny  giggle  to  follow  after .  the  first  semblance  of  real  laughter  from  her  in  a  while .  ❛ which  brother  would  that  be ?  i've  met  both ,  hopefully  things  are  amicable  between  them  and  your  sister . ❜  and  if  not ,  aurora  would  be  happy  to  help .
              the  thought  of  a  younger  philip  finding  romance  gross  comes  as  both  endearing  and  beyond  belief .  ❛ i  can't  imagine  that ,  he's  always  been  so  romantic  with  me .  even  when  i  first  met  him !  a  bit  forward-  well ,  very  forward ,  but  not  in  a  bad  way  at  all .  maybe  you  would've  laughed  at  him .  do  you  or  did  you  also  use  to  think  romance  is  gross ? ❜  aurora  asked ,  curiosity  in  her  words .  when  the  two  women  reached  the  door  to  the  bedroom ,  her  expression  changed  a  bit .  it  saddened .  slowly ,  after  taking  a  deep  breath ,  she  opened  the  door  and  spoke  quietly  to  anna .  ❛ take  your  time ,  he'll  probably  be  happy  to  hear  someone  that  isn't  me  or  kit  or  florian …  i'll  make  something  for  us .  do  you  like  tea  or  coffee ? ❜  head  tilts  to  the  side ,  ❛ maybe  hot  chocolate ? ❜
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anna positively beamed, lighting up like a morning sun, at the assurance that philip will have missed her. that he remembered her. of course he would. she remembered him, after all. “cooties are germs, basically. girl germs. and boy germs. he definitely had cooties,” she explained, after hiding her giggle behind her hand. aurora was so easy to talk to, and she was pleased for it. philip deserved that. “oh, it was florian. i think they used to write each other letters, but i don’t really know how things are now.” maybe she’d ask elsa, next time they spoke. that wouldn’t be too pushy, would it?
it was both strange and fitting to picture philip as a romantic. because as much as he had protested, she couldn’t imagine him not throwing his all into a relationship. “no, no, i’ve always loved romance. i mean, there’s nothing more wonderful than true love, is there?” she answered, a wistful note to her voice. anything more than that, though, was halted as they reached their destination. he’s too still, was her first thought. in her memory, she and philip had always been moving. “hot chocolate, please,” she murmured, dragging her eyes away long enough to give as warm a smile she could muster, tight-lipped as it was.
and then, before she lost her nerve, she stepped into the room.
there was a few awkward moments of figuring out where to sit - going from perching on the bed, to debating sitting on the floor, and finally dragging the chair closer to the bedside and curling up in it, one leg pulled up to rest her chin on her knee. “hey, pip. you in there?” she finally asked, gently knocking her knuckles against his forehead twice. there wasn’t a reaction, but she hadn’t really expected one. “it’s anna. from arendelle. remember me? it’s been a while, but i sure hope you remember me. we used to fight dragons together, and it’d be so awkward if you’d forgotten.” she huffed out a breath, blowing her bangs out of her eyes.
“you sure grew up, huh? and you’re married! aurora said you were very forward - she’s right, i might’ve laughed at you if i’d been there. what happened to girls being gross? i’m kidding. i’m glad you have someone. guess what? i’ve got someone too! i’m engaged. isn’t that magical? sometimes it doesn’t feel real. guess i grew up too. weird, how that happened. i don’t always feel that grown up, you know. i swear i don’t know what i’m doing half the time, but you just gotta keep going. keep trying. right? right.
anyway, i just wanted to say i missed you. miss you. both. do me a favour and wake up soon, okay? aurora seems too nice to be kept waiting like this. and i’m doing all the work here to catch up, which is so unfair.”
with a quiet goodbye to the sleeping prince, she slipped out of the room again to rejoin aurora, making sure to leave the door half open behind her. just in case. just in case of what, she wasn’t sure. but it felt right.
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“well, there was this guy in a funny hat… and he started asking me all these questions about my life and then i signed this paper and he told me he couldn’t wait to see me at the meeting tuesday… and now i need to find a plant based dish to bring.”
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“funny hat how? i can think of lots of funny hats that wouldn’t mean cult. you’re not giving me much to go off here - i’d say you’ve gotta go to the meeting to figure out what’s going on, but if it is a cult you probably shouldn’t. who knows what culty activities you’d get pulled into.”
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they walked through the club as regally as two royals could, and kit was chuckling the whole way through, holding his arm out in front to block anyone from accidentally spilling their drink on them or bumping into anna. “although…?” he echoed in a sing-song, smiling enquiringly. then his smile turned into a full-fledged grin. “ah! so there IS a someone! look at your smile,” he teased, reaching up to poke her cheek gently. “they must be utterly spectacular, you deserve nothing less. who are they? might i know them already?” he had to ask. there were only so many royals around, of course, and his father had wanted him to know about them all, so there was a good chance. though it seemed the longer he stayed in elias, the more kingdoms and countries popped up that he’d never even heard about.
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anna couldn’t fight the blush that coloured her cheeks the moment kit pointed out her smile. she couldn’t fight the smile either, for that matter - in fact, kit’s questions simply made her beam. butterflies were already fluttering in her stomach at the prospect of spilling about hans. she wanted to tell someone and have them be happy for her - things had gone so wrong with elsa, and kristoff had hardly been nice about it. and, now that kit was back in her life, she wanted him to be happy for her. it wasn’t like it would replace the approval she wanted from elsa, but at least it would ease the sting. “his name is hans. prince hans, of the southern isles. you might not have heard of him - it’s a small kingdom and he has, like, twelve brothers, but... he’s wonderful,” she sighed dreamily, letting her thoughts drift back to elsa’s coronation. “handsome and funny and sweet and he looks at me like - like i’m a dream come true.” and he had from that first moment. just me, she’d said. and he’d responded with just you? like anna being just anything was surprising. she snorted in laughter as she remembered what had come before that. “he accidentally hit me with his horse when we first met, you know. it was super awkward - well, i was super awkward. he was a perfect gentleman.”
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        THE OTHER REDHEAD’S SURPRISE  makes  her  giggle ,  as  ariel  didn't  see  the  amount  of  sisters  she  had  as  anything  out  of  the  usual .  perhaps  to  humans  it  was ,  or  maybe  she'd  become  plain  accustomed  to  be  the  seventh  daughter  of  triton .  ❛ six !  i  have  six  sisters  —  aquata ,  andrina ,  arista ,  attina ,  adella  and  alana !  attina  is  the  oldest  of  us  seven . ❜  thinking  about  how  her  sisters  might  have  reacted  to  her  disappearance  brought  a  heavy  feeling  to  her  chest .  she'd  never  meant  to  hurt  them  or  cause  worry ,  but  there  was  no  way  they  would've  understood .  they  never  did ,  how  could  they ?  not  wanting  to  give  room  to  the  possibility  of  missing  her  sisters ,  ariel  promptly  began  to  lead  the  way  towards  the  art  gallery  once  again ,  though  she  wasn't  too  sure  where  it  was  located .  today's  adventure  had  been  anna's  idea ,  after  all !  ❛ what  are  art  galleries  like ?  i've  never  been  to  one  before ! ❜  nor  was  she  sure  of  what  a  gallery  was ,  but  it  seemed  fun . 
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there was a certain kind of wonder at hearing confirmation that, yes, six sisters was right. anna listened to the names with a furrowed brow focus, as if there were going to be a test on them later. “wow… hey, all ‘a’ names! i’d fit right in!” she pointed out, bumping her shoulder with ariel’s playfully. “in my family there’s only two of us - me and elsa. and, well - having six sisters sounds super fun. y’know, my fiance, hans, has twelve brothers. i’m starting to wonder if only two kids is weirder than i thought it was,” she continued, doing her best to brush over the strain between her and elsa and instead lingering on what having six sisters in the castle growing up would’ve been like. it seemed less lonely - but then, if talking to hans was any indication, more siblings didn’t necessarily stop you being lonely.
anna hurried to keep up as ariel kept moving, pulling her around a corner before they walked entirely past it and inevitably ended up lost. she let the thoughts about complicated familial relationships fall away in favour of the very important task of describing an art gallery. “oh, it’s this whole building just filled with art - mostly paintings, but there’s some sculptures and other stuff sometimes. they’re beautiful - and you can buy a whole bunch of cute souvenirs in the gift shop once you’re done looking at them!”
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“no clue. what happened? was it a whole bunch of people in weird robes and stuff? because that would seem culty.”
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“did i just join a cult?"  eric asked confused. 
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letters to Arendelle - 1/?
Dear To
Dear Hans,
So, there was this whole flower festival thing for February (and Valentines Day, specifically), and I couldn't help thinking of you. I keep wondering if something like that festival ever happened in Arendelle - I don’t remember any, but I think a lot of things stopped when we closed the gates. Do the Southern Isles have any Valentine's festivities? Or is it not really a thing there? It's all just exciting, the idea of a festival full of flowers and love. If I knew how to make them last, I'd send some flowers with this. I guess I could try pressing them, but that seems like it'd take a while and
Crocuses (croci? Is it just crocus? crocus flowers?), or however you pluralise it, should be blooming soon - they’re a late winter, early spring flower that my mother taught me about (she said they were a sign of hope, because they meant spring was coming) and
It's so much easier to talk to you in person. I keep losing track of where I was going, or how I wanted to say something. The night we met it felt like we could talk forever and never get bored. I want to ask questions and not have to wait for an answer. Guess I just don’t have that kind of patience. I want to look at flowers together. I want to show you all the interesting places and people I've met. I want to try dancing at a ball again! I think I dance better when I’m dancing with you - isn’t that funny? Maybe I’d just gotten all the stumbling out with that Duke beforehand, but I think it was more who I was dancing with. You make me feel utterly graceful.
It's silly to say I miss you, right? Of course I miss you. With any luck, I can sort things out with Elsa and we can both come home soon.
Thank you for looking after Arendelle. It's a lot to do for little old me.
And pick some crocuses when they start to bloom. They should be near the edge of the palace gardens. Pretend I gave them to you.
Lots of love,
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when he finally registered what she was saying, kit’s face loosened into a bright smile. he let out a joyful laugh. all at once, he was more than happy to abandon the pile of belongings, trusting that someone else would handle the situation while he went to dance with the lovely princess anna. and just like seeing elsa, standing in front of anna again was strange, but not unwelcome. in fact, he’d missed them. terribly. he wished he’d been able to spend more time with the arnadalr family, and help them when they needed.
“it would be an honour to dance with you,” the prince grinned. the reminder of the pile made him think though. he hummed: “…perhaps you could step on my feet while we locate the actual cloakroom and notify them of this. shall we?” kit held out his arm to her, winking as he did. “i hope i’m not taking you away from someone.” he looked behind her, as if expecting a figure waiting for the princess.
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anna beamed, immediately craning her head around to catch a glimpse of the fabled cloakroom. “we shall,” she agreed, taking his offered arm and feeling rather dignified for it. she’d forgotten that - how kit had always made her feel a little more graceful and princessy. in a good way, of course. maybe it was just the comfort and confidence of having him at her side. she couldn’t help following his glance behind her, turning her head to look and then feeling a little silly as she registered his statement. “oh, no. i’m all yours,” she assured, giving his arm an accompanying pat and starting to pull him in what she was pretty sure was the direction of the cloakroom. “although…” she continued after a considering pause, excitement beginning to spark as she remembered the someone she hadn’t had a chance to tell him about yet, “i guess i might have news on the someone front…”
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closed ( @twentymabobs )
“wait, what?” anna interrupted, coming to an abrupt halt in the middle of the sidewalk - and therefore stopping ariel in her tracks too, thanks to their linked arms. she had been guiding them both to the art gallery she’d found the other day - there was something so magical about being able to look at new paintings of new people (or, not new, necessarily, but unfamiliar), instead of the same ones she’d seen everyday her whole life. however, any thought of adventures for the day were easily shoved aside in favor of what she’d just learned. “you have how many sisters?” her tone was somewhere between wonder and disbelief, and she was reminded of the moment she’d learned hans had twelve brothers. it was a pretty similar feeling.
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          “Well,   you’re  just  in  luck.   I’m  a  huge  comic  book  nerd.”   He  shouldn’t  have  said  that.   Marco  liked  comics,   but  he  really  didn’t  have  that  much  time  for  them  anymore.   In  fact,   this  was  the  first  time  he’d  been  in  a  comic  store  for  a  long  time.   Ever  since  school  started.   But  he  looked  at  the  red  head  in  front  of  him  and  had  no  idea  what  to  recommend  to  someone  random.   “Well,   what  kind  of  stories  do  you  like?”   he  asked,  figuring  that’s  where  he’d  start.   “Everyone  likes  different  things.   Like  for  me,   I  like  the  action  sequences.   I’ve  been  learning  karate  since  I  was  little,   but  if  you  like  stories,   then  there  are  different  books  that  I’d  recommend.   Just  up  to  your  preferences.   Although  a  good  place  to  start  is  with  something  like  Sailor  Moon.   That’s  actually  manga,   but  it’s  still  a  good  one.”
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anna’s expression lit up at the indication he would help her out - clearly she was in luck. "oh, well. i like all kinds of stories - i did a lot of reading growing up." she'd read every interesting book in the library at least once, she was pretty sure. made her feel less lonely. "folk tales and love stories and magic and - oh, i got really into joan of arc for a few years. i like an adventure, i guess,” she concluded with a shrug, not entirely sure how helpful she'd actually been. her eyebrows furrowed, putting a mental pin in sailor moon to focus on the more confusing part of what he'd said. “wait, what's manga?"
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         THE RAPID KNOCKING SNAPS AURORA away  from  her  thoughts ,  violet  gaze  lifting  from  the  many   papers  scattered  on  the  kitchen  table .  papers  ranging  from  a   list  of  magic  users  or  possible  magic  users  in  town  all  the   way  to  whatever  she'd  been  able  to  find  on  curses .  one   might  argue  it  was  a  lot ,  far  too  much ,  though  aurora   believed  it  wasn't  nearly  enough .  how  lucky  it  was  to  have   been  interrupted  before  the  princess  could  spiral  into  her  own catastrophic  thoughts ,  which  seemed  to  be  the  norm  as  of   late .
         pulling  her  long  robe  tighter around  herself ,  almost  as  a  shield  of  some  kind ,  she  took   small  yet  quick  steps  towards  the  door  and  opened  it  just  a   bit ;  enough  to  spot  an  unfamiliar  girl  on  the  other  side ,   but  also  enough  to  feel  safe .  to  keep  philip  safe ,  or  at   least  as  safe  as  he  could  be  in  a  moment  like  this .  it   wasn't  long  before  the  blonde  warmed  up  to  the  other .  she   seemed  nervous  yet  genuine ,  and  aurora  could  empathize  with   that .  she  could  appreciate  it ,  too .
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       slowly ,  a  tiny  smile  appears  on  her  rose  colored  lips .  it's  a  tired  smile ,  but  it's  genuine .  ❛ hi  anna . ❜  she   greeted ,  her  saccharine  voice  quiet  and  gentle .  one  could   argue  this  girl  could  be  maleficent  in  disguise ,  but  aurora   felt  it  wasn't  the  case .  the  mistress  of  evil  had  made  it   clear  she  had  no  intent  of  hiding  from  the  princess  or  her   loved  ones .   ❛  it's  really  lovely  to  meet  you ,  i'm  aurora . come  in . ❜  stepping  aside ,  she  opened  the  door  wider  to   let  the  other  girl  come  in .  ❛  he's  in  our  room ,  i'll  show you  the  way …  sorry  about  the  mess ,  ❜  spoken  in  an   apologetic  tone ,  though  she's  certain  the  other  will  understand .  once  the  redhead  came  in ,  aurora  closed  the  door  and   nodded  towards  the  bedroom  door ,  leading  the  way  towards  it .  ❛  he's  not  moving  but  i  think  he  can  hear .  in  fact  i   talk  to  him  all  the  time ,  ❜  a  confession  that  steals  a   small ,  weak  chuckle  from  aurora .  ❛  i'm  happy  to  meet  one   of  his  friends . ❜
“hi,” anna greeted, again, feeling the nerves ever-so-slowly draining out of her now that she was face-to-face with aurora. maybe it was just that the door opening felt like half the battle already, or maybe it was just that the woman on the other side of it had the kind of presence that put her at ease. a little of both, probably. nonetheless, when she stepped through the door it was with hesitation. she felt a little like she was intruding, for all the gentleness of aurora’s welcome.
at aurora’s offer to show her philip, she blinked in surprise. “oh! right.” she hadn’t really thought that far ahead. “mess is fine,” she added as an afterthought, nerves skyrocketing again as she followed aurora. what would she even say to philip? just... anything? then again, it wasn’t like she didn’t have experience with one-sided conversations! she’d figure that bit out, she was pretty sure.
anna frowned, however, at aurora calling her one of philip’s friends. it didn’t quite sit right. “i’m not really... it’s been a long time since i’ve seen him,” she explained quietly. “but i’m happy to meet you too! and it’s kinda funny, because last time i saw him, he would’ve definitely thought you had cooties. we used to tease his brother and my sister about being betrothed - mostly because it was funny, but he was full ‘romance is gross’ back then.”
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"no," anna replied, eyebrows furrowed and raising her voice a little to be heard. it was hard not to stare at kit, just a little, but she was managing it. it was just weird to see him again. it felt like she was still replacing the boy she'd known through hazy, warm memories with the man in front of her. just running into him out in the world was strange. it felt like seeing him out of his natural habitat (which, she assumed, was something vaguely castle-shaped. at the very least a little more... fairytale). "i was asking if you'd come dance with me," she repeated, moving a little closer - and properly off the dance floor - so they could hear each other better. "but if you want, i could just step on your feet while you watch people's stuff," she added, the hint of a grin on her lips.
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♛・*˚ open starter
location: club 33
“ i  — i beg your pardon ? ” it didn’t help that he stood right at the edge of the dancefloor, the music blaring so loud that he could barely here what anyone was saying without shouting. looking down at the pile of coats, jackets, and bags next to him, he gestured at it with a smile. 
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“ you’re more than welcome to add to the pile, i — i offered to watch over one person’s belongings and then it appears i’m now an additional coat-checker, ” he did an awkward laugh. he hadn’t left the spot for the past fifteen minutes. “ i’m sorry, was that your question ? ”
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anna looked up, a little startled by suddenly being addressed, but smiling at the question. “oh, i’m just looking, i’ve got no clue where i would start.” there was something engrossing about browsing over the bright colors, though. they were all so different from the library back home that she had thoroughly exhausted over the years. that meant it was almost exciting just browsing without really knowing anything about comics. she dragged her attention from the shelf to look at him with bright eyes. “what about you? is what you’re reading any good? any chance you have recommendations for me?”
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STATUS: open. LOCATION: comic book store. TIME: closing time.
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          Marco  was  engrossed  in  a  comic  and  hadn’t  even  noticed  how  late  it  had  gotten.   He  didn’t  want  to  go  home  yet,   but  he  really  wanted  to  finish  this  series  before  getting  home  to  do  homework.   Marco  heard  the  word  closing  time  from  one  of  the  employees  and  looked  up.   “I  had  absolutely  no  idea  that  it  was  this  late  already.   Guess  I  get  really  into  this  series.”   He  sighed.   “Are  you  reading  anything  interesting  or  just  browsing?” 
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anna had missed a lot of things when the castle shut it’s gates. exploring along the docks, for one. all the townspeople for another. her sister most of all. but she’d also missed visiting the charmonts. when elsa told her to go away, she’d find herself missing dancing on kit’s feet, and making fun of elsa and florian’s betrothal, and running around fighting imaginary dragons with philip. she’d missed philip especially - hiding a super broken, super expensive vase bonded you for life, she was pretty sure. point was, it was a bond that had faded to a pleasant, hazy, and warm little memory.
until now. and finding out the prince in a coma was philip. now she was here, standing awkwardly in front of a door. story of her life, right? she raised a determined hand and -
knock, knock, knock-knock, knock.
“uh. hi!” she greeted with a tiny little wave and accompanying tiny little smile when the door opened. “um, look, this is totally crazy but i used to be friends with philip when i was little - there was this whole thing with my sister and his brother, that’s not important - anyway, i read about what happened to him and i didn’t even know he was here but i just... wanted to come by and check in, i guess,” she explained, twisting her hands together nervously as she rambled. a beat passed before a moment of self-awareness hit and she scrambled to add; “my name’s anna, by the way. probably should’ve started with that.”
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when anna thought about seeing kit charmont again, she’d never imagined herself a little sweaty from dancing, with enough glitter on her cheeks to match her freckles and fake wings on her back. at a certain point, reuniting with him became more of a vague hope than anything - and certainly not something she thought would happen here. it’d been years, after all.
so when a man approached, clearly knowing who she was, kit charmont was not her first thought. instead, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. he looked achingly familiar - she must’ve seen him at the community centre, but that didn’t feel quite right. then he introduced himself and it clicked into place. “kit!?” her eyes widened before the grin bloomed on her face and she launched at him with the tightest hug she could muster. “of course i remember, are you kidding? wait -” she pulled back, keeping her hands on his arms while she took in this new, older kit and matched him with the younger one from warm and fuzzy childhood memories, “- i’ve definitely seen you around before, have you really been here the whole time?”
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♛・*˚ CLOSED STARTER ( halloween event )
for @princess-fiestypants​
kit blinked at the red-haired young woman, his eyes narrowing as he tried to place her in his memory. he remembered seeing her in the community centre, perhaps that was it  — but only when a memory of elsa appeared in his vision did he finally, fully, remember. 
he stepped forward, drawing her attention with a little wave of his hand. “pardon me, please forgive me for the intrusion, but … might you be anna, of arendelle?” he smiled, eyes twinkling with recognition. he figured that she wasn’t meant to be outed as royalty here too. “i’m not sure if you’ll remember, we’ve met once before … but also further back in time. you were smaller, practically an ankle-biter,” he teased. “my name is kit, from ulstead.”
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