princessmarcodiaz · 5 years
((heyya, this blog as a concept isn’t dead. I just took an extended break from... well... everything honestly. With the stuff going down on tumblr, I wanted to plug my muse’s blog so that you can message me there. If you want to talk roleplay things HMU! If you just wanna talk free to drop a message)) https://littlemissprincesspotatoes.tumblr.com/
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princessmarcodiaz · 6 years
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Tom introducing his girlfriend to his parents.
(This was requested by @jenniferdiazisatransgirl and since I liked it so much, it’s now colored. ^^)
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princessmarcodiaz · 6 years
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princessmarcodiaz · 6 years
I don't consider myself even a small part of the Star vs the Forces of Evil community. In fact, I'm more of a lurker if anything. However, that being said, I've noticed a trend that I do not like. I don't want this to be a witch-hunting post. I don't want this to be a finger-pointing game. As such, I hope you don't @ anyone, tag anyone, or the such. That would defeat the purpose of this. That being said, there has been a lot of offensive things being said about people as of late.
The people in this community making art, roleplaying, lurking, or what have you are just that: people. They aren't just some pixels behind a screen. The things you say, even in private, hurt. They have ways of getting spread, they have ways of being brought to light. These things hurt. As a community, it's important to remember the value of being a community. Talking behind someone's back isn't okay.
If you feel like someone's art doesn't live up your standards, don't follow their art. It's really that simple. Talking about people behind their back is really screwed up. If you don't like their art - that's fine. You're welcome to have an opinion, and you're welcome to not enjoy certain things. However, someone worked hard on that. Someone took time out of their day to make it. It is something that this person wanted to share, and give to everyone.
Furthermore, if someone is doing these mean things, don't tell them to harm themselves. That's screwed up. Two wrongs don't make a right. You can PM them, or @ and tell them that you don't think what they're doing is fine, but threatening them with violence isn't. SVtFoE is for kids, and as such, this community has younger members. Please, please, please don't become another toxic community.
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princessmarcodiaz · 6 years
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when you reach level 7 friendship in pocket camp
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princessmarcodiaz · 6 years
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In 2008, Joseph Schooling met his childhood hero Michael Phelps. 
In 2016, Joseph beat Michael for Olympic Gold.
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princessmarcodiaz · 7 years
Reblog if you’re comfortable with:
Roleplaying with OC’s.
Roleplaying with Crossovers.
Roleplaying with Duplicates.
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princessmarcodiaz · 7 years
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Inktober 09 - Princess Marco vs Kobolds
necrobob: Kobolds. Smol, angry lizard men that INSIST they are descended from dragons
Oh, I thought someone requested Princess Marco. But they didn’t. So, oops. 
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princessmarcodiaz · 7 years
RP with seashoreskater
Marco pulls her phone out of her pocket.  The phone lights up displaying multiple alerts, all of which from Star. For the third time this week, she had to cancel their plans due to a totally exciting meeting with her parents about princess-ly duties back on Mewnie. This week had certainly become a slow one. This wasn’t the first time she was without plans. Though those days come less often now since Star came into her life. The realization that her weekend would reflect rest of this week didn’t have long to set in before the bell rung for the end of the school day. Walking out of the classroom, she stumbles into a familiar face. Jackie.  “Hey - uh,” Marco pauses seemingly to scratch the back of her head, “do you have any plans for this weekend? Star and I were going to hang out, but uh, she’s canceled again.” Her thought trailed off.   <start> <previous> <next> <latest> 
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princessmarcodiaz · 7 years
Open RP
Marco watches as the pencil rolls down the desk. Having finished her homework the night before, she was already bored. Excruciatingly bored.  Study hall is her least favorite “class,” if one could even call it that. Without anything to fill her time, it only made this period that much worse for her.  As the pencil falls into her lap for the tenth time she sighs. “How could someone be this bored?” she thinks to herself. Glancing up at the time her brows sink and disgust washes over her face. Another half-hour remains before she can go home for the weekend. “If only something, anything at all, would happen.” 
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princessmarcodiaz · 7 years
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Here is a Marco.
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