/* Hi! It's been a bit. I've kinda decided to leave this blog on an indefinite hiatus. Motivation for Ralsei's run kinda dry, but I have other projects I'm working on!
if you're interested in what I've got cooking, you should check out @kingdivali. It's an OC ask blog that I've been wanting to do for nigh on years now. I think if you liked Ralsei, you'd like Divali.
That's all for now! I appreciate y'all's patience, but there won't be any more funny college goat content for the time being. Sorry ;-;... but I do hope you're interested in what I've got happening right now! */
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My name's Asriel. I'm a 20 y.o. goat monster currently studying video game design at Ebott University. My friends pushed me to start a blog, so... here I am.
About | Rules | Credits
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It takes Jaded a couple of seconds to connect the dots before he lets out a sudden chuckle, catching poor Rudy off guard. The prince wasn't very well known for laughter, in any case. Perhaps he simply found Rudy's confusion amusing.
"Oh, haha. Yes, the dark world is not... eh, compatible with items from the light world. Some conversion has to be performed along both ways to account for this. These are still technically gingerbread muffins with a lemon glaze... just not here. I am sure they still possess the same effort that you put into them."
Jaded smiles and picks up one of the cupcakes, holding it up to the light of a nearby lamp to examine it. The glitter shines in the dim light as he turns it slowly, head tilted ever so slightly. After a minute or two he slowly brings it up to his mouth and gently bites into it, getting glitter on his lips as he tastes the cupcake with a small smile growing on his face.
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"This is... lovely, Rudy. There is a distinct cotton candy taste that does not feel too overwhelming or too subtle, matched with a marshmallow taste that is... comfortable. The cupcake itself is light and fluffy, not too heavy... you did quite well, friend."
Must've knocked it out of the park to get such a positive response from Ralsei, of all people.
🍴 from @princewithoutakingdom?
Send 🍴 to try some of my muse’s cooking
If it wasn’t for the bakery box in his hands, Rudy would have done an ultra-badass Superhero Landing into the Dark World. He’ll do that next time; today was different! He had a special delivery! Inside the bakery box were half a dozen muffins to share with his new young friend, Ralsei. Plenty for the both of them... and possibly one of his subjects (if he ever sees one in such an empty town...).
Sure, it was less convenient than cauldron cake. But he’d argue that all the effort can be tasted in the recipe!
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“Wait ‘til you get your paws on these! Straight from my oven and into your maw!” he said with a flourish before swinging the box lid open. “Gingerbread muffins with a lemo-----”
Staring back at them were not gingerbread muffins with a lemon glaze. They weren’t gingerbread muffins with a lemon glaze at all.
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“Glitter cupcakes...?” He eyed the mystery food. “Are these even edible...?”
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First meeting meme
Send 😀 for your muse to admit they’re my muse’s biggest fan Send 😅 for your muse to bump into mine Send 😉 for your muse to attempt flirting with mine Send 😎 for your muse to show off how cool they are Send 😘 for your muse to make that face towards mine across a bar Send 😍 for your muse to fall in love with mine at first sight Send 🤠 for your muse to act like a cowboy Send 🤡 for your muse to break some awkward silence with a joke Send 🤓 for your muse to teach mine a scientific lesson Send 😐 for your muse to silently judge mine Send 😶 for your muse to have a secret crush on mine and attempt interacting with them Send 😪 for your muse to fall asleep on mine Send 👹 for my muse to scare yours Send 😱 for your muse expressing how offended they are about something my muse said Send 👻 for your muse to appear in front of mine as a ghost Send 👉 for your muse to gunfinger towards mine Send 😈 for your muse to bully mine Send 👋 for your muse to wave at mine, thinking they’re someone else Send 👊 for your muse to punch mine out of nowhere Send 🐶 for your muse to randomly give mine a puppy and run away Send 🐱 for your muse to randomly give mine a kitten and run away Send 🐓 for your muse to give mine an angry chicken and run for their lives Send 🍺 for your muse to sleep in my muse’s apartment after getting completely drunk Send 🔪 for your muse to try to kill mine Send 🏏 for your muse to accidentally smash my muse’s window with a baseball Send 📞 for your muse to accidentally call mine Send 🌳 for your muse to sit next to mine at a park and start up a conversation
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i forgot to reblog this but LOOK WHAT MUN DID, IT'S FRIGGIN AWESOME!
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@princewithoutakingdom‘s AU Ralsei for the 150 Follows Special. Playing around with the lighting was fun for this picture. ^^ I have a personal headcanon that Ralsei’s white fur peaks out from the shadows on occasions, which explains the cottony ear-flaps.
Not pictured: the bottles of wine he plans to chug after this fight. XD
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"Oh, hehe... I am not Asriel, Rudy. You are not the first to compare us, do not worry." The prince detaches his scabbard and sets it aside before lightly taking the bow and arrow out of Rudy's hands.
"Watch me carefully, Rudy," Ralsei looks back to the reindeer to ensure his attention before nocking the arrow, taking his time so Rudy can see how it's done. "The arrow sits on the rest with the nock pressed onto the string just below this little mark here... if it helps, you can tilt the bow slightly to make sure the arrow doesn't slide off, it shouldn't affect your accuracy. And when you're ready..."
The goat lets go of the arrow, letting it fly through the air at high speed before it lands in the center of the target. A bullseye! He returns the bow to Rudy with a smile.
"Everyone down here is provided with their own special weapon to use in battle. For you, it is your bow. For Noelle, it is a magic ring. And for me, it is my sabre." He motions to the scabbard he had set down before looking back up to the reindeer. "As for where we are... this is the Dark World. Illness and injury do not affect your kind here, which is why you feel so healthy. This land's magic ensures that you are always fit for any encounter that you may face."
"Just like you, your daughter also struggled to adjust to this world the first time she came down here. Of course, Kris and Susie helped her adjust, while you only have me. I wish I could be of more use." His smile fades for a moment as a hand comes to his chest, shuddering and closing his eyes for just a second before clearing his throat and smiling once more.
"But that was years ago. I imagine she has since become very comfortable with this world and its mechanics. You should have nothing to fear."
“I– There’s a notch in the arrow that you put the string into…”
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Ralsei sighs, sheathing his weapon and walking over to help Rudy, showing the reindeer how to correctly hold the bow and how to nock the arrows.
“…see, and then you hold the arrow with the bow string, and you let it go to fire… it takes practice, but you will get used to it.”
The prince steps back a little to let Rudy try for himself. Clearly, he was not accustomed to using a weapon, and Ralsei didn’t want to make assumptions but he couldn’t help but notice Rudy’s… age. These things tend to get a little bit more difficult as time goes on. But of course the goat knew better than to say anything of the sort aloud. Aside from hurting feelings, Ralsei did not want to get punted by a reindeer today.
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“If you would like, I can find a bow for myself and we can practice together. It took Noelle some time to adjust to this as well.”
…it hurt him to remember seeing Noelle, but it seemed like a good thing to say.
Rudy gapes at the goat monster in front of him as the other demonstrates proper nocking technique. Why on earth is this… Asriel-looking kid doing in this strange place? The reindeer tilts his head trying to get a better look. “Azzy…?” he wonders out loud.
Naah. Rudy figures it’s just his imagination. Just another goat monster. Why the hell would it be Asriel, anyway? Kid’s livin’ it up in college right now! Not… LARPing in some underground castle.
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“I get that part. It’s just–” Rudy fumbles with the arrow. The stubborn thing slides off its rest! “—- THAT!” He throws his hands up in frustration. “Damn arrow won’t stay put before I can shoot it!”
May as well accept the offer to practice together. Maybe it’s because he looks so much like Gorey and Tori’s kid that Rudy’s willing to trust the stranger so easily…? “Sheesh, you can teach me any ol’ weapon. This bow’s just the the one that’s been on me since I got here,” he pauses and looks around, “…wherever ‘here’ is.”
Not that Rudy’s complaining! He can move around freely, for one. He stretches his arms out and shakes out his legs, the angle-shaped glass necklace resting atop his leather tunic gives a playful flicker as he moves. “Just glad I’m outta bed without feeling sick! Haven’t coughed like crazy, either!” How on earth he suddenly recovered is beyond him, but is a welcomed feeling nonetheless.
Rudy’s ear twitches at the mention of his daughter’s name. “‘Noelle’? Reindeer girl? Blonde hair? Sweet as a sugar plum?? Sharp as pumpkin spice??”
If the goat guy’s talking about his Noelle, he has to find her. Poor girl must be helpless and scared in this strange place!
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Jaded draws a sharp breath as he lightly winces, feeling his heart grow cold at Savaged's last sentence. He makes sure to hide it, however, turning away a little as he brings a hand to his chest and takes a deep breath. The prince despised reminiscing, having done too far much of it in his recent years, yet he could understand why Savaged longed for what he didn't have. It seems that he has never had anyone to talk to. Jaded could remedy that, at least.
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"...I-I am sorry that they never found you, friend. I cannot imagine how alone you have been. Nobody should have to be alone for so long."
He looks up to Savaged.
"I hope talking to me is helpful, somewhat."
A dark, horned figure stands in the dark, at the Door of what seems to be left of a long abandoned castle, at least for the outside.
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"Hello? Is anyone there?"
He says, with a deep yet emotionless voice, as if himself was nothing but only a dark. The hatted goat, with only a horn to hold onto himself stands there, waiting for a response.
Only silece it's what is left. He approaches a wall near him, and sits.
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"Guess even now i am alone. Who would have guessed..."
He falls fast asleep, with nothing else to do.
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hey guys, sorry for disappearing, i'm in the middle of some pretty heavy schoolwork so i'll be out of service for a couple more weeks. i'm still here tho, i promise.
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🍷 Would you smooch a ghost?
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"Fuck yeah I would smooch a ghost, where they at! Lemme at 'em!"
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🍷 "Aren't you too young to drink???" Rudy asked. Ralsei looked pretty young, especially while underneath his hat.
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"Old man, I will have you know that I am at the ripe age of 19 and no one is here to STOP MEEEE-"
ooc: this blog follows Australian drinking laws where 18 is the minimum drinking age.
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As a response to the last question, no, i haven't.
from this ask:
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"You should! It is a joy to eat."
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🍷 Jesus christ you doing good there buddy? where did you even get the alcohol? why did you get the alcohol? man....
"I am faaaaaantastic! Had like four bottles of wine and now I'm the happiest goat in the entire world! Which isn't hard, cos I'm the only goat in the world, heheheeee..."
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Oh dear god.
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Any favorite food?
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"Cakes used to be my main favorite, but I have recently taken an interest in other baked goods. Pastries, specifically. Have you ever tried an apple danish?"
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Hey Ralsei, how's it going?
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"I have no more wine!"
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Boops Ralsei's nose.
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"...stop it."
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when the light is running low- I forgot the lyrics.
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"...it sounds like a pretty song."
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M!A Event - Drunk Jaded
Oh heck! Ralsei's gotten himself hopped up on too much booze and found his way to the inbox!
If you would like to talk to Drunk Jaded instead of Regular Jaded, send an ask with a 🍷 emoji and then your query. (If you don't see the emoji, just say "drunk - " and then your query.)
This event continues I decide I don't wanna do it anymore! Get your questions in while Jaded is still drunk!
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