Okay I’m back with good news! After hoeing all summer I found one I wanted to be with and stick by. What’s crazy is that I met him in the beginning of the summer and even after just having friends with benefits he still wanted the entire package deal so eventually I gave in.
We’ve been officially together since August and I’ve been happy ever since. So far I can’t see how this can go wrong besides the fact that we are polar opposites in every way. Maybe opposites do attract…?
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I've moved on from the last asshole. It only took me a few tinder date to realize that I'll get another chance with someone else.
It's been a summer full of seeing plenty of different people. What's crazy is just how stupid and cruel people can actually be. Iike how are you this dumb and get away with it?? Then there are people who throw their entire heart out there even tho it's just not the heart I want... 🤷‍♀️
One things for sure I'm not settling until I kno I want that person in my life. Definitely taken it slow
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Even when I tried settling with a guy the universe told me no. I don't get it. Don't I deserve happiness too. I just want to be happy...
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Well that one last a bit longer than then the last one. Bad part is I thought we'd at least have a better breakup but no if anything it was much worse. This time I was ghosted by someone who lives 10 miles away from me not 20,000. Plus I spend actually face to face time with this guy so honestly yall it hurts a lot.
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I'm back with good news! I found a new guy and he's pretty awesome! Tall af, bright blue ocean eyes, carhartt wearing blue collar worker😁best of all he makes me happy! Now for how long is the question🤷‍♀️
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Welp I'm back to my depressed hopeless romantic self...trying to get back into reading I just don't kno how to start😔 Well first I need to pull myself out of Tik tok, but then what?!?
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I gave Georgia boy 3 months. He broke up with me this morning. I cried for 3 hours, and now tik tok is the only thing keeping me together.
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Update on Georgia boy.
We still talking and its day 4.
I'm praying he doesn't get bored of me honestly I'm doing my best.
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Omgg I met a boy from Georgia in college. I really liked him, but he moved back home after first semester. I know there's no hope since he's a thousand of miles away, bbuuttt he txted me today after a year and a half. When I tell you I felt butterflies, I REALLY FRICKIN FELT BUTTERFLIES!
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I love reading, but lately I just haven't been motivated too. That doesn't stop me from buying new books though haha😭.
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Had my first time being with a girl last night at a party. I was really drunk and 3 other girls were involved. One minute we were fine and the next we were taking off each other's clothes. Didn't regret anything until our sober friends came in the room and ruined the whole vibe. Shit just got cringy from there. Hella disappointed.
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Just had Pepsi for the first time in a while. Yeeaa I'm def team Coke, homies, that shit hits different.
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I'm sad and I'm not sure why. Don't you hate it when that shit happens.
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Just finished balling my eyes out watching the last episode of Vampire Diaries. Literally SOBBING!
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FYI I just use this app to defuse the bombs in my head so I don't say them out loud
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Some people really don't deserve other people🙄🙄🙄
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FUCK, I'm in love with my friends ex... My friend is my dating a girl now and her ex boyfriend is everything I want in a relationship. Honestly I'd marry that boy. Should I make a move or move on and never look back? Comment me a GIF
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