prjctkamino · 3 years
┘ Hardcase ┌
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             There was a chuckle from helm, the trooper’s smile in his voice. “Either way, Fives is still a superior officer to us. He can still issue orders from higher up whether it’s from the Captain or the General and we’re not really in a position to ask questions.” It was true, he remembered this from talking to Echo. “The only time we can ignore orders is when they’re going to cause too many deaths on our side. That means more money on the Republic being spent to make more troopers. Keeping deaths low is the best way of handling these issues. Which is why this plan is aces.” There was a small shift, the trooper getting the bag of detonators in a more comfortable position rather than it settling in between his armor’s joints. He was grateful to have known Echo, it meant he retained some of the regulations that were in place. Some might be a little out of date, but he did know that there wouldn’t be a lot of changes to them. “You say that like I wasn’t friends with ARC trooper Echo. I know the regulations. I just need to know my part of the job.” Fingers shifting to tighten around the strap of the bag, small frown hidden. “Kix didn’t lie. He marked off all of the ones I took. He’ll tell the truth. if he was concerned about our health, he wouldn’t let us go.”
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Superior officer ... right. Dogma made sure to pay close attention to all orders given from Captain and, to a lesser extent, Fives. Their orders were what kept them functional - what kept them moving when all else tried to force stop their advance. Head shook slowly, scoff filtering through bucket, hidden eye-roll remaining concealed from Hardcase. “ We shouldn’t ignore orders at all, Hardcase. What’s wrong with you ? ” While Dogma agreed that casualties needed to remain low, he didn’t exactly think there was any merit to the current orders given. Despite the fact that the orders had supposedly come from Fives, a superior officer, Dogma couldn’t help but suspect that they were orders based on bias and bias alone. “ ARC Trooper Echo never would have participated in something this reckless. I heard he knew every regulation by heart and even rewrote some of them for Torrent Company. ” A bit strange that he knew so much about a trooper no longer marching with them, but marching on ahead, but admiration filled every word. “ You know your part of the job, but I still don’t know mine - except to be your accomplice. And even if Kix knows, I highly doubt he knows every detail... which leaves me on the skrag end again. ” Bucket swayed right to left, eyes darting behind dark visors, keeping keen eye on their surroundings. “ This stunt could compromise our position. We should just go back. ” Nearly pleading now was fresh member of cobalt legion, voice the proverbial hand that tried to latch to Hardcase and tug back. Still, he relented - there was no convincing Hardcase to turn around now - they were already halfway there, if not more so.
“ The Captain said this is a covert mission. You clearly don’t do covert very well. ”
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prjctkamino · 3 years
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             The trooper’s helmet rolled as he shifted to look around and make sure they were still in the clear. “The Captain agreed that it was a good idea. Fives wouldn’t give a recommendation if he didn’t run it by the captain or Kix first.” He was doing his best to make sure he was paying attention to their surroundings so he wan’t putting a shiny in more danger than necessary. His goal was to help him loosen up and get the little portion of their mission done so they could report back. “What does self preservation have to do with this? We’re technically following orders. Think about it. Recommendations aren’t always optional. If something’s recommended and we don’t do it, then something bad happens.. what do you think happens to the troopers that didn’t take the recommendations to heart?” His posture showed his smirk within, head tilting some towards the direction they were going. “Kix took inventory before we left. It’ll be fine.” A pause, the trooper double checking their surroundings. “We’re almost there.”
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Dogma’s bucket slid on with practiced ease, though the tension in his muscles had yet to loosen. The more Hardcase spoke, the worse it became and Dogma was certain his jaw was going to lock with how tightly his teeth had clenched. There was a frustrated noise that growled from the back of his throat, but he kept his words to himself for the moment. Until, of course, he could not hold it back any longer. “ If the Captain agreed, then the orders should have come from the Captain - not Fives. What does - self preservation means I want to live, Hardcase. You barely pay attention to debriefings. ” Not that he doubted Fives’ intelligence - he trusted Fives. He just wasn’t sure he believed that Fives and the Captain were really behind a plan this haphazard. Especially considering Hardcase was the loose wire allowed to lead. Scoffing, Dogma rolled his shoulder, bucket tilted as an annoyed glare leveled with the other. “ Hardcase, the literal definition of a recommendation is just a suggestion. It’s up to the Captain to make the call, not us. Did this plan even make it to the General or are we just defying all figures of authority today ? ” Low voice growled out with frustration, Dogma’s nerves getting the best of him. The last thing he wanted was to make a mistake so early on in his career with the five-oh-first. “ So you had Kix lie to the Captain about the inventory so you could steal charges ? We’re gonna get court marshaled for this, I know it. As soon as the General finds out, that’s it. We’re done. What am I supposed to do once we get there ?  ”
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prjctkamino · 3 years
┘General Kenobi ┌
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“ I never expected a little Twi’lek to attach to us. Especially considering the state of her planet. ” Thoughts of Numa swirled in his head, knowing the inevitable reality that would be their permanent pull from Ryloth. Although they had secured the planet, Waxer knew that things were still rough and that there was a high chance of another mission. He only hoped little sister was safe from the harmful situations that war brought. Low chuckle broke loose as eyes sparkled with mirth ; Waxer was beyond pleased that their General was as understanding as he was, knowing that Commander Cody hardly had room to argue with him. Thumb brushed over the trinket made by he and Boil, hoping to get it to Numa before their next campaign. “ Sometimes I wish I could take her places - you know, to see all the sights there are beyond Ryloth. But, I know we can’t exactly pause the war to go sight-seeing. ” He chuckled slightly. “ Not sure Boil would be up for that, either. ”
His best friend could be quite a stubborn one - possibly more stubborn than their stern Commander. Waxer listened, nodding to silently indicate he was listening, but he couldn’t help the small smirk that tugged the corner of his lips, head canting to one side as brows rose. “ The Commander has always been stern, sir. It’s not that he isn’t lenient... just that he doesn’t want us to slack off. Still, if you could convince him to let us go... I’d appreciate it. It wouldn’t be a long shore leave, I can guarantee that. ”
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Light-hearted conversation slid into the serious and Waxer subtly shifted in place, bucket propped against his hip as opposite hand rest atop, just above decal of the very little Twi’lek they had adopted into their family. He had initiated the conversation, but now that it was out in the open, Waxer wasn’t sure if it was his place to ask. Waxer hadn’t given much thought to a life after war before Ryloth. But, now that there was someone reliant on him - on he and Boil - someone who wanted them back in their life... ? He wondered, faintly, if there was a chance that war’s end could bring a life only spoken of in distant dream - a life for civilians ? Could they possibly be free ? He couldn’t ask that of his General - there was no guarantee that the Kaminoans would allow the clones freedom of their own purpose, even if the war did end. Jaw worked for a moment before the words formed and he sighed, shoulders relaxing as Lieutenant gave the General his full attention. “ General... what do you think happens to us after the war’s over ? I mean... those of us that make it ? ”
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prjctkamino · 3 years
┘Hardcase ┌
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            “Oh, come on Dogma.” There was a laugh from modulated helmet, eyes turned to shiny brother before the older of the two shifted the bag on his back. “Yer not gonna make it in this battalion if you don’t consider loosening up a bit. Fives recommended we do it. He’s an ARC trooper, technically, he outranks us. You really going to ignore a recommendation from a higher ranking officer?” As someone that tended to like more fun than most of the brothers in arms, he didn’t see the issue.. so long as he got the kid to do the mission, who cared that he didn’t tell him preventing the flank from being attacked was part of the plan? “Besides, if you’re so concerned about it, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. We’ll be out of the blast zone before the detonators go off.“
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“ W-Well, no, of course not ! But it was a recommendation, not an order. What would the Captain think ? ” Shiny and new ; Dogma had yet to truly merge into the legion without issue. There were so many regulations that needed to be up-kept and no one seemed too concerned about the lack of structure around each one. He’d overheard Tup telling another one of their brothers that he was uptight and had a problem relaxing, but Dogma wasn’t offended - it was the truth. And as much as he’d been told to relax, the new trooper found it harder and harder to do - especially when they dragged him on outings like this. “ I’m not worried about something happening to me ! I’m worried about us getting caught doing something we’re not supposed to be doing. Don’t you have any sense of self preservation ? ” Exasperated, Dogma fell into a brisk trot, catching up to the elder trooper, a brow rising slowly as he offered a skeptical look. “ We shouldn’t even be in possession of those detonators, Hardcase. We have to report those explosives as missing... you know that, right ? ”
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prjctkamino · 3 years
┘ @pracses​ ┌  HARDCASE.
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“ You KNOW we’re not supposed to be OUT this late. We could be CAUGHT off guard by Separatists... or WORSE, given non-judicial punishment for breaking REGULATION. I’m not getting kicked outta the FIVE-OH-FIRST because of one of YOUR ideas. ”
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prjctkamino · 3 years
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THE SOUNDS OF VOICES echo through the ears of ghastly dreamscape, surrounding suspended figure in masses. Monstrous mouths with jagged jaws flapping in cacophony of warnings that heighten the anxieties otherwise left unaddressed. Fear crawls up the spine, causing shivers as whimpering distress filters through lips pressing to thin line. He must scream, but jaws refuse to part to allow. No one can hear him here and he is trapped in the shadow of a presence constant, but impending. Eyes lock, heart stops, legs freeze. Brothers - faces just like his from DNA strands same and same and same - all with stares of vehement hatred. Voice fails him, pleads of his guilt and confusion warping contortion of expression on straining face. Such a middle ground. Deserving is hatred aiming from all directions and phantasmal room spins as voice whispers advisory. They must catch you. The room runs red - red as Coruscant’s armor, red as blaster wound to vod - what have I done ? He wants to run. Fox on the run. . .          BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP  - - - - - - -
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Body jerks as muscles burn within armor, palm slams against alarm in instinct’s control, fingers shake audibly. Sizzling in bloodstream, heart hammering in chest, palm splays against to ensure no harm done. Marrow cracks as bones shift with reeling spine, breaths heavy in plastoid casing upon skull, hiding expression of absolute terror. Sat down is the Commander with feelings of dread and a coldness he cannot explain ; what ghosts hold me now ? Faceplate sinks into hand as eyes close, risk the mind to will into dreamscape once more, yet not quite. Toe the line between the real and fantasy. Such horrid dreams - nightmares not of mission unspoken, but of brothers and teeth, slaughter of the opposition, yet who is who ? What speaks to him through dreamscape that feels real, even in the falsehood of its wrappings ? Fox has time before he must accompany the Chancellor to various Senate meetings. Another day, another session, another headache, another nightmare.
“ I must be out of my mind, ” he murmurs, baritone rattling with uncertainty. Has he truly flayed apart since that day ? Prophetic he is not. No more a Jedi than the next crimson body beside. To voice matters of visionary displays within realm of sleep ? What more can he hope for but the dismissal to Kamino and to never again see that which he works so hard to maintain ? Coruscant needs his protection. Do I know what that is anymore ? Perhaps mind truly is flaying beneath nervous collapse. He collects himself and reels to stand upright quickly, unease lingering within chest. There is arrives - the feeling of thousands of eyes watching him. “ Are you still here ? ” Shaky voice trembles as near hysterics bubble in choking laughter ; ridiculous. “ Just a nightmare. It isn’t real. ”
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prjctkamino · 3 years
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« đ…đžđžđ„ đšđ„đšđ§đž, đŸđąđ§đšđ„ đ›đ„đšđ°. 𝐖𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 đšđ§đąđŠđšđ„đŹ, đ­đšđ€đž đœđšđ§đ­đ«đšđ„. đ’đ­đžđžđ„ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐹𝐧𝐞, đ›đ„đšđœđ€ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 đ›đ„đźđž. đ–đ«đžđ­đœđĄđžđŹ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 đ€đąđ§đ đŹ, 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐹𝐩𝐞 đŸđšđ« đČ𝐹𝐼. »
          indie. Star Wars multimuse. stargazed by Ash. spoilers tagged.
  « c : JC »
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prjctkamino · 3 years
┘General Kenobi ┌
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The Jedi had such harsh lessons to be learned, if the snippets of their teachings he’d spotted were anything to reference. Their General often spoke of peaceful responses and crafted negotiation to be artistic flow in motion. Though troopers could hold no candle to the massive flame that was their commanders in battle, they too faced their own challenges. Morality questioned, decisions prompted, and detachment of a lesser degree urged by Kaminoan training procedures. To have connections to civilians was weakness ; loyal soldier more likely to bend the knee to spare those who could not fight than to sacrifice the loss of one held dear. Waxer was no stranger to the cynicism of war, for his very closest brother had once been the same. Detached from humanity in favor to operate as tin soldier. Yet, they were not templates made from metal and code ; men were they, flesh and blood, with desire to feel compassion for the only family they knew. Bond of brothers was strong, yet bond with young little one left on Ryloth quickly rose to match its severity.
“... You do, sir ? ” The surprise limited to crackle of modulator, but audible was the relief in Ghost Company’s very own Lieutenant ; one of a collective of hive as golden as armor plates draped against white plastoid. Upwards climbed reaching grasp, pulling bucket free from head, allowing clear expression of gratitude, though composure remained so as not to be overwhelmingly excited. The idea of visiting little Numa with Boil was enough incentive to continue to fight for those breakaways from battle. Helmet tucked against armored side, tension eased as Waxer regarded General with a grateful nod. “ We don’t get to see her often and with the war getting heavier, who knows when we’ll get the chance to see her again...” Or if we will. “ I don’t want her to think we forgot about her. Poor kid needs to know someone out there is fighting for her. ”
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The war was unforgiving. Waxer had seen brothers rise and fall ; even first on scene, right out of the dropship, Lieutenant had watched as Separatists bolts shot them down. Specialized in their fields, trained to the bone - none of it mattered when battle raged in such uncontrolled manner. Free hand curled, sable fingers pressing beaded trinket into calloused palm. Even the thought of never seeing Numa again was enough to fuel yearning to see her again ; to give her the crafted heirloom in hopes of preserving memory of brothers once on planetside. Brothers who cherished her. Thumb idly dragged over custom decal plastered against the side of curved dome of green girl with bright smile. Little sister brought good luck to both.
Chuckling, Waxer shook his head in endearment for General become friend over time in battle. “ I think only you can get away with arguing with the Commander, sir. ” Waxer could never. True, he voiced concerns, but he could never boldly announce leaving without feeling an immense amount of nerves and guilt combined. But, he couldn’t conceal that fact that he was eagerly awaiting granted permission ; he could imagine little one’s excitement as they landed, knowing just who would march out of the big ship she had once been so afraid of. He silently decided he would give her the tightest hug - one that would last years. Maybe even until the end of the war. The end. What then ? “ General...? Can I ask you something, sir ? ”
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prjctkamino · 3 years
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    “    and what should i tell them if they do?    ”       perhaps,   it was a stupid question.  one that may warrant a raised voice and a scold.  and yet,  it was still genuine.  what he had told her to do was less than admirable for a soon to be jedi.  she knew this to be true   -    but still she believes him when he says its all apart of war,  all apart of training..   making the hard decisions.    was the twisting of her thoughts also apart of training?    she shakes the idea from her mind,  eyes trained on krell. 
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    “    i’m just not sure that the council will take whatever excuse i may come up with.    ”   she adds,  trying to diffuse a potential outburst.  her innocence felt shaken,  making up excuses for her master and what he had her doing.  the padawan had a sneaking suspicion it would not improve anytime soon. 
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  @prjctkamino​​​    :    “ make sure they don’t see you leave. ” [ from KRELL 8) ]    /    accepting.
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WAS  SOLUTION  NOT  CRYSTAL,  the  elegant  means  to  any  prying  ears  that  lied  against  closed  doors,  bolts  in  place  as  fair  warning  of  conclusions  delivered  for  earliest  arrivals.  Padawan’s  voice  in  atoned  shrill,  a  demeanor  not  out  of  place  due  to  such  narrow  minded  influences  he  had  yet  to  RECTIFY.  May  the  crawling  years  demonstrate  the  unlawful  purity  that  had  tainted  deeper  than  the  blood  of  peace  keepers.  Boiled  eyes  glazed  below  against  young  woman,  one  kept  under  wings  of  truth  —  liberation.  Conditioning  for  the  time  to  call  their  own,  mists  surround  their  will  alike  light  kneels  in  submission  to  stygian  gravity.  Warfare  thrived  within  the  internal.
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“You  leave  their  APPREHENSIONS  to  me.”  a  well  pronounced  declaration  between  the  two, “There  will  be  no  need  to  loom  in  the  shadows  —  in  time.”  voice  that  so  often  boomed  hummed  at  the  notion,  a  mere  guidance  for  the  jedi  youth,  how  far  they  could  stray  at  yet  discover  the  paths  not  yet  paves  but  hindered  by  those  claimed  of  omniscient  knowledge.  What  radiated,  through  the  subtle  senses  there  grumbled  stress,  and  the  general  would  do  very  well  to  pacify  the  mold  before  him  to  redefine  was  absolute  light  had  yet  to  make  itself  known. 
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prjctkamino · 3 years
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for  a  moment,  evince  logic.  untouched  blood  of  innocence  ignorant  to  bloodshed,  how  preferable  this  alternative.  sleep  well -  unnatural  borns  devour  honor  before  crimson  gold  slides  down  the  throats  of  millions.  for  that  they  simply  bleed  the  taste,  and  it  craves.  go  and  preach  your  empathy,  preach  your  humanity.  but  know !  “we’re  just  clones —  WE’RE  MEANT  TO  BE  EXPENDABLE.” star  wars  multi.  :  exploited  by  jc  &&.  ash
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prjctkamino · 3 years
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prjctkamino · 4 years
. __ KENOBI __.
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SOULLESS AND EMPTY. A mere husk of a man once loyal down to blood and bone. Thrown against the rock of memorized shores, broken down to bend at the knee by own body’s demand. For loyalty could not be changed, but bent to the will of another, even at the cost of his own. But Marshal Command was not above his station, nor was he below ; planted were the feet of a man who had been in high demand during the war, and high in demand in the end. As above, so below. Deadliest man in theory made deadlier upon tasks given. Pity that the men assigned under his current command were pale imitations to soldiers he had known. The names and faces no longer mattered, only the skill of the trigger and immaculate aim - of which none was perfected.
Cody. Such a meaningless name to Jedi scum that spat it out, foolishly letting loose familiar feeling against raging dark storm that stood as harbinger of death’s deliverance. Long ago, longer now than it truly was, shoulders touched in means of protective effort ; a man born to live, fight, and die for the sake of a General assigned. There was a time, oh such a time, when programmed notion had been less demanded and more voluntary. The late Commander would have laid down his life for the face across the expanse of their divide. Hours huddled together beneath cries of missiles searing across smokescreen sky, cascading down in fiery rain. Two-one-two’s Commander with arm held high, spine curved to protect a man respected, accepting burnt flesh over sight of General harmed. “   NO. You’re right. I’m not the enemy.   ”
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“   You are, Kenobi.   ” Jedi scum.
Perhaps the core purpose for dispatch of hellish COMMANDER and his pathetic excuse for a squad ( for who better to send than the man who knew all the weakest points in muscle to push arctic knives into exposed spine ? ) , was to ensure hesitation from soft-hearted Jedi. Manipulation of the mind joined hand in hand with that of the connections severed. He had known the General far longer than any of shoddy soldiers laid slain amidst the dirt. How many times had sable hands clutched cold hilt of Jedi Master’s lightsaber, only to return it with respectful humor ? Was it not the last conscious act of a man now buried beneath the rubble of the galaxy ? Behind visors, dark eyes trailed over familiar stance. Everything about the man was achingly familiar, but the pains were forcibly pushed from forefront of mind in favor of protocol. Alas, distant memories remained echoes of most muffled voice - oh, I think you’ll be needing this, sir. A gesture, so simple and fueled with protective care - empty like the rest - why couldn’t he remember the details ? Distraction. What was that ? Bucket shook in subtle refocus. The blade’s heated glow reflected arctic blue against sleek black, drawing gaze back as aggression returned in full force. Index curled against pressurized trigger, squeezing just enough to emphasize his threatening position.
“   Do you take me for a fool ?   ” Insult. A scoff as shoulder rolled, dark bucket rocking side to side. “   Have you forgotten ? I know you, Kenobi. You’ll fight anything in your way.   ” Brief pause was given. “   Unfortunately, my orders are to bring you in ALIVE   .”
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prjctkamino · 4 years
[ rubs my little hands together ]
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prjctkamino · 4 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi : Cody, you’re not my enemy. We’ve known each other a long time - do you think I want to fight you ?  Cody, heaving sigh : I have seen you pretty much fight everything ranging from a falling tree to General Grievous. Is this a serious question ?  
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prjctkamino · 4 years
Cody vs Obi-Wan hours. I was given too much power. Sorry, fam.
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prjctkamino · 4 years
.__general kenobi__.
           Many  men  to  know,  but  he  was  getting  there.  He  remembered  this  mission,  this  soldier  and  his  friend,  Boil.  They  left  quite  the  mark  for  Obi-Wan,  glad  to  have  them  at  his  side  on  the  second  battle  of  Geonosis.  If  anything,  those  two  were  at  his  side  when  he  was  injured.  These  men  were  loyal,  strong,  and  honest.  Obi-Wan  was  happy  to  have  such  men  at  his  side.  Even  more  so  that  they  had  their  own  personalities.  Though  said  if  they  were  to  die  in  battle,  he  was  at  least  honored  to  know  them.
        The  general  took  what  he  was  working  on,  delicate  fingers  wrapped  around  the  edges  to  keep  it  from  falling.  He  would  move  it  in  his  palm  a  little  bit,  the  light  hitting  any  part  of  it  made  it  shimmer.  It  was  beautiful,  that  was  for  sure.  It  reminded  him  of  a  River  Stone  that  Qui-Gon  gave  him  when  he  was  first  turning  thirteen.  It  was  sensitive  to  the  Force,  an  interesting  find  on  his  Master’s  part.  However,  Obi-Wan  had  passed  the  stone  along  to  Anakin  when  he  turned  thirteen.  He  would  think  Anakin  would  do  the  same  for  Ahsoka.
          “  No  I’m  afraid  not.  I  sent  him  on  his  way  to  carry  out  a  request  for  me.  He  should  join  us  in  a  moment's  time.  ”  pale  hues  looked  over  it  carefully,  thumb  rubbed  the  front  surface  of  it  once  more.  His  amusement  was  shown  through  his  grin,  a  twinkle  within  his  eyes  at  Waxer’s  words. 
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         Hearing  the  little  girl’s  name  made  the  memory  hit  him  eve  harder,  “  Yes.  Your  little  sister,  ”  his  grin  carved  into  a  soft  smile,  “  I  assume  you  are  going  to  give  this  to  her  when  you  have  your  shore  leave?  Either  way,  it’s  rather  beautiful.  I  think  she  will  enjoy  it  very  much.  ”  
        It  reminded  him  of  all  the  times  he  spent  with  his  Master.  Going  to  different  worlds,  he  would  watch  him  pick  up  random  things  he  found.  He  brought  them  back  to  the  Temple,  placing  them  in  his  room  someplace  safe.  Obi-Wan  seemed  to  pick  up  the  same  habit.  How  he  missed  his  Master  very  much.
SHEEPISH was loyal soldier as his General inspected hand-crafted trinket. Sentiment was rare in a soldier, yet not unheard of. After all, what was proof of humanity if not the presence of emotional excess bled into another ? Were they not warranted the smallest fragments of normalcy within the cage’s hold of war torn fields ? Through the smoke of explosion and silence between photon blasts, were they not entitled some semblance of content ? Ghost Company were more than spirits of the field, but sweeping gasps of a breath given soon taken. Here in an instant, gone in the next. But for little Numa, Waxer had every intention of reminding her that they were not ghosts, but lingering presences from afar ; they would come if she needed them, no matter the threat. Loyalty, as they said, meant everything to the clones.
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Mention of two-one-two’s Commander caused lift in soldier’s helmet, eyes scanning the perimeter within visor’s limitation. A sigh filtered through modulator as shoulders dipped in sheepish dismay. Helpless as he seemed, he could not conceal true intent from his General. The great Jedi Master may not have known them well yet, but the process was there. In progress. “Yes, sir,” Waxer said, nodding curtly in confirmation. No denial , no hesitation ; Numa had been the one to deem them brothers ( he and Boil ), thus he deemed her sister to their persons. “I had been hoping to take Boil along with me if possible. We’ve both been working on something to give to her.” Something that had a little more of a positive reinforcement for her. Strength from two brothers to their younger sister.
Another nod was given as sable fingers splayed as open palm was offered to take the trinket back once General was done. “Thank you, sir. I thought she might get lonely sometimes. Might serve as a good reminder that we’re all out here for her.” He recalled the way such small arms had held around plastoid body, pulling close in fear of person disappearing before her very eyes. The realization that family so close had perished ; family was foreign in concept of parentage, but when it came to brothers, Waxer understood the painful sight of a spot once filled left empty.
“You don’t think the Commander would be against letting us go for an extended shore leave, do you, GENERAL  .   .   .  ?”
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prjctkamino · 4 years
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for  a  moment,  evince  logic.  untouched  blood  of  innocence  ignorant  to  bloodshed,  how  preferable  this  alternative.  sleep  well -  unnatural  borns  devour  honor  before  crimson  gold  slides  down  the  throats  of  millions.  for  that  they  simply  bleed  the  taste,  and  it  craves.  go  and  preach  your  empathy,  preach  your  humanity.  but  know !  “we’re  just  clones —  WE’RE  MEANT  TO  BE  EXPENDABLE.” star  wars  multi.  :  exploited  by  jc  &&.  ash
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