protectist · 2 years
ugh got sick over last weekend and missed work, trying to get back into the swing of things. havent forgot about this blog just been exhausted. gonna start trying to be active again soon :)
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protectist · 2 years
This is an oc x canon safe zone.
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protectist · 2 years
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* total blog tracking * last updated: 5/28/22
     replies ••• 8limits, evocatled x2, floralcetra, omnilimit, nibelhart
     starters ••• thefatalmarksman
     asks ••• 001
most activity ••• thursday, friday
lurking ••• saturday, sunday ( evenings )
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protectist · 2 years
pick your battles. pick… pick fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that’s too many 
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protectist · 2 years
barret doesn’t resist the heavy sigh that leaves his lungs, not paying any mind to how childish the gesture feels despite the circumstances. he can’t help the feelings in his chest, weighing heavy as indignation towards this blonde man, someone barret can only consider a fool, for being so carelessly flippant about something so fragile. with so much at stake, with every passing second and every breath taken, the nature of cloud’s attitude makes barret’s skin crawl in a way he can’t describe.
     “there’s just something that ain’t right about him,” barret confesses, but it isn’t malice that accompanies the statement, nor any form of attack towards the SOLDIER. the ex-SOLDIER. “like i see something in his face, in his eyes when i look at him. we’re missing something, and i don’t like that.”
he listens intently to what she has to say as he always does, nodding along with her statements. he somehow manages to refrain from the slightest roll of his eyes at her mentions of crushes- on that sephiroth of all guys. barret wasn’t one to judge, but maybe the entire Shinra thing is what makes it so easy for him to side eye talk like that. 
making a distinction between the cruelty that such powerful men and women can inflict, and the boy that tifa grew up with, might prove difficult.
for a little while, he thinks.
he sighs deeply, and he knows without a doubt, just how right mya really is. so he reaches up to scratch an itch at the bottom of his chin, shakes his head, and gestures for mya to walk ahead of him. “a drink sounds real nice about now.”
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@protectist​ | continued ask !
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leaned against a wall, the redhead folded her arms across her chest, listening. In a war like the one they were engaged in, all help was welcome for practical reasons, to begin with. The idea of hiring a merc wasn’t, in theory, all that terrible. The only problem was, to Mya’s opinion, that loyalty couldn’t have been bought for all the Gil in the world. That wasn’t to say everyone was blindly loyal to Shinra, either. Still, fear was a damned powerful tool, one that could’ve done unspeakable things to the mind. 
“Hasn’t he made it plenty clear he’s in for the Gil?” Mya finally addressed Barret, a sigh emerging from her lips as she fixed her storm-like eyes on him. “My best guess is, as long as that Gil keeps coming, he’ll be on our side.” She shook her head. “Not everyone feels the way that we do about the Planet.” Her tone softened. “I say this with all due respect. Genuinely!” A shrug. “Just think about it, Barret! All that guy’s ever known is Yes, sir!. That’s it. We’re here because we’ve all long seen past Shinra’s lies. Was it easy to come to this point? Think about how much we’ve all had to lose before we finally decided enough was enough.” 
The more she thought about it, a frown was formed upon her brow. “Do you suspect he’ll be the weak link in the chain?” the woman asked after a time of contemplative silence, “That, if someone were to show him more Gil than we’re paying, he’ll talk?” Audibly exhaling, Mya pursed her lips. “If we put this way, I can see why you’re afraid of that. All that SOLDIER advertising brainwashed a lot of people.” She snorted. “I remember even some of my own school mates having a crush on Sephiroth. In fact, I don’t think there’s anyone my age who, at some point, didn’t have a raging crush on a SOLDIER First Class at some moment.” Mya raised her open hands up, laughing briefly. “I’m guilty as charged. I just happened to grow out of that somehow. What we can do right now is keep a close eye on him, or hope for the best.” 
Straightening her pose, she approached Barret, a soft smile upon her lips. “I know you’re taking a lot on your shoulders,” Mya remarked, “Sometimes maybe way more than you can carry. It’s up to you how you decide to manage all that, just remember that whatever happens, some of us are still as committed to the cause as in the first day. Now, why don’t we head up for a drink? What’s done is done. Whether or not the new guy ends up screwing us only time can tell right now.”
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protectist · 2 years
* mini starter call
send a word for a starter. feel free to combine prompts.
‘ dial ’ for a phone call starter
‘ beep ’ for a texting starter
‘ silence ’ for a nonverbal starter
‘ sun ’ for a good morning starter
‘ moon ’ for a goodnight starter
‘ care ’ for a sick starter
‘ hurt ’ for an injured starter
‘ zzz ’ for a tired starter
‘ recovery ’ for a hospital starter
‘ heart ’ for a caring starter
‘ onion ’ for an angsty starter
‘ trouble ’ for a worrisome starter 
‘ boo ’ for a scared starter
‘ lull ’ for a comforting starter 
‘ balloon ’ for a happy starter
‘ rawr ’ for a silly starter
‘ grump ’ for a bad mood starter
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protectist · 2 years
barret fights a sneer of his own, unknowingly meeting the hidden contempt with an equal amount. the silver haired borderline demonic man stands tall, and barret feels his spine tingle with a mixture of apprehension— possibly even of AWE— in the presence of someone- of something?- that has created such chaos, destruction, and wrought such PAIN at the level sephiroth has.
     “except that’s where you’re wrong,” he argues quickly, brows furrowed. a mixture of anger and confusion, or something close to it. “your sad little take on gods and what they do for creation, ain’t MY burden. maybe a bug don’t consider this a divine decree- but a bug ain’t the same. we got souls, and we got consciousness. and floating through space on this hunk of rock that humanity keeps KILLIN’—”
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barret gestures widely, “—we gotta have SOMETHIN’. that’s what sets us apart you son of a bitch.”
god doesn’t love you more than anyone else. -- @protectist
A laugh threatens the great divide between them, but the sound fails to materialize into existence. He lacks the energy to make the effort. Sephiroth slowly rolls his shoulders back– half shrug, half ritual. Limber limbs make for nimble reflexes. Itchy trigger finger doesn’t even begin to cover the half of it when the man in front of him has a minigun mounted onto his arm where his hand should be.
But his back remains turned, and Sephiroth sneers, unseen.
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 “God,” he repeats, and the echo holds malice in of itself as he angles his head to look at the other man from over the polished silver of his left pauldron, “I have no need for gods nor their love.” A god could choose who to make and unmake. What could be. What would never be. Love is simply not part of the equation. “You are a man more foolish if you think the divine factored fairness into their grand designs. Does an insect crushed under your boot wonder, in its final moments– Is this an act of god? And so it is.”
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protectist · 2 years
adult  themes / language tw.    customize  as  you  need / wish !
[ text ] Real sweet, but I wish you were sober
[ text ] You need to move on and forget me
[ text ] We should invest in an army of llamas
[ text ] Ever realize that humans cut down birdhouses to make birdhouses?
[ text ] Don’t listen to half of the things I say
[ text ] Wait, would you take a bullet for me?
[ text ] Do you like me as much as chocolate?
[ text ] How do tall people actually sleep at night when the blanket can’t possibly cover them from the shoulders to their toes?
[ text ] I’m so drunk and just cried about how you don’t live here
[ text ] Dump a bucket of glitter on yourself and stand in the sunlight
[ text ] Don’t let the demons drag your soul to hell and devour your soul
[ text ] Why is there a plastic bag sticking out of your backpack?
[ text ] Are you kidding me? Girls are way stronger than boys
[ text ] Can I just have you forever?
[ text ] You’re under arrest for being too cute
[ text ] Have you gotten any work done?
[ text ] I’m adopting a dog/cat if you don’t respond in the next 30 seconds
[ text ] I think I accidentally dyed my hair blue
[ text ] I know it is late, but are you up?
[ text ] You have no idea how important you are to me
[ text ] I have an important question to ask you
[ text ] I’m throwing a pool party, wanna come?
[ text ] Still can’t get over the fact that you put off a badass vibe, but you’re actually silly and adorable as fuck
[ text ] Why are you sad?
[ text ] How did the universe come up with you? You’re so special
[ text ] I’m in love with two people and I don’t know what to do
[ text ] I think I broke something. One of my bones for sure
[ text ] I miss your face. Wish you were here
[ text ] Life is like your ponytail. Overtime it’s going to fall down and get messy, but you just have to take time to pick it back up and fix it
[ text ] Why feed you when you are going to die anyway?
[ text ] So…. I like you
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protectist · 2 years
@evocatled​ ••• cont.
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His bottled emotion of 𝘿𝙄𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙏 in bombing Shinra's mako reactor to save the planet is visible across his physiognomy as his arms overlap. Cloud had his intellect focused on completing his assignment and getting the promised 𝐏𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐂𝐊 to what Barret had negotiated with a merc that can carry succession to his dispute .
barret can only roll his eyes at the words. of course, so stoic, and cold- just as icy as the blue in his eyes that look up and meet his own. he wants to lash out at such a cruelly indifferent demeanor, but even barret knows changing someone’s mind isn’t done overnight. or, in their case, in a matter of hours.
he hasn’t given up JUST yet. a friend of tifa’s, at least, was worth trying to convince.
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“you’ll get your damn money,” the man mutters, shaking his head. “but you can’t RUN from the planet’s crying. you can’t run from the soul of the earth WITHERING under the Shinra’s bullshit!”
barret grunts and finds himself crossing his arms. “sounds like a SOLDIER to put a price on a job to save lives.” it’s meant to sound just as irritated as he FEELS.
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protectist · 2 years
imagine if i became a multi muse 
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protectist · 2 years
send 🎤 + who is your favorite writer and why!!
too lazy to link the meme
it's gushing time
i care deeply about my friend but if for some reason my followers DO check their content, dont mention me LOL
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protectist · 2 years
🎤 + if there was a way for barret to communicate with myrna, with dyne (after his encounter with him) and eleanor, what would he say?
too lazy to link the meme
this shit made me sad af
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protectist · 2 years
🎤 what is Barret's opinion on socks and sandals? what's a fashion faux pas to him?
//CORNBREAD?? I love cornbread.
LOL this is a great question! imagine this dude in socks and sandals, im already crsacking up.
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protectist · 2 years
VOICE MEME ;  send 🎤 + a question/meta about my muse or anything you are curious about either mun or muse, and I’ll make a post replying to it but with a voice recording app, so you hear me talking about the topic.
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protectist · 2 years
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               𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐧.                  |                        𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 … 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭.
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protectist · 2 years
how do you love?
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with softness, smiles and secret glances.
     you love with a tide of emotions curtained by vague hand gestures and almost hidden intricate details. you love as if it is the only thing you were born to do. you love as if you are set in a jane austen novel. your love is finding their eyes across the room and smiling a smile that speaks more than any words you utter ever could. your love is fingertips brushing against each other. your love is greeting everyone with hugs. you love greatly. you love gently.
tagging: @electrod @divinabestia​ ( for rude, or whoever! ) @sinspast​ and whoever else would like to <3 
tagged by @evocatled​ ty ty !!
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protectist · 2 years
“  i can tell something’s bothering you.  ” (okay but mayhaps from mya since we're here in the avalanche squad? and hello uwu)
softer starters
the man takes a deep breath and resists the urge to cross his arms or kick a hole in the wall. frustrated, is more of the word he is thinking- being bothered hardly cuts it. barret sighs his lungs completely empty, shaking his head before looking across to the woman.
     “it’s that damn new guy,” he mutters, glancing to the shaft that leads to the main floor of tifa’s bar. “acting like he don’t care about the planet. i don’t get it. how can he not care? it must be ‘cause he was a damn SOLDIER.”
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he shakes his head again. “maybe, once a dog, always a dog. that’s what i’m afraid of.”
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