prtcts · 2 years
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The small town of Lone Pine, New Mexico was founded in 1899 after a discovery of gold leading to an economic boom period.Criminal elements began to turn their eyes to the cheap land and to the opportunity provided by it, moving in to attempt to recreate the success of Las Vegas in the 1930s. It was moderately successful for a time (with illegal, underground casinos). For sixty years, the town thrived. Tourism was its main industry, with the amusement park providing the lion’s share for the local economy. But things went south in 1994. . A series of unfortunate, tragic events plagued the park — several employees lost limbs and lives while performing routine maintenance on rides, eventually culminating in a terrible accident on the park’s main attraction. 
The park closed shortly after the accident, the founding family destitute and run out of town. But that’s … when the strange things began to happen. The old radio station in the amusement park, abandoned when the park went under, would broadcast strange messages before strange things would happen in town. This happened for several years until the rumors began to spread through a nascent world wide web. 
application template: 𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙻 𝚃𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙾𝙵 𝙻𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙴 … Hey, is that [character name here]? I heard that they’re [a resident of the town/attempting to pass through the town] and that they look an awful lot like [face claim here], which is pretty wild, right? I think they’re [age here] and they’re a [list their occupation]. Someone told me that they’re [list three positive traits] and also [list three negative traits], but that they’re hiding [list a dark secret or two here], but maybe that’s just small town gossip. Do you think they heard the rumors? [penned by your name here, your age, your timezone.] … 𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚅𝙴! [discord handle here]
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prtcts · 2 years
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“You can’t quantify humanity. You can’t measure it—not the way you mean to. People are passionate and flawed and fallible. They make mistakes. Their memories fade. Their eyes deceive them.”
@vanishinq & hanako aes
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prtcts · 2 years
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Why can’t you get along like two good monsters?
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prtcts · 2 years
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Sergei Bodrov  BROTHER 2 / БРАТ 2 (2000) dir. Aleksei Balabanov
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prtcts · 2 years
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Out of Africa (1985) dir. Sydney Pollack
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prtcts · 2 years
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personal blogs dni // mutuals only
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prtcts · 2 years
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hanako kimura - a study in lost childhoods, the shine of blood on steel, the art of sacrifice & how to be a guardian to the darkness
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prtcts · 2 years
muse's life experiences
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Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone’s Life | Invented Something  | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won A Bet | Lost A Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury | Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotised |Had A Recurring Nightmare |
Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor’s Guilt | Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone’s Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery | Broken Someone’s Trust | Broken Someone’s Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/Uncle
tagged by: @vanishinq​  tagging: steal it and tag me.
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prtcts · 2 years
“Hmm, fine. I tried to kill him once and he so stubbornly survived it, so perhaps he’d actually die at the hands of a trained killer. So I can’t turn you down, even if I wanted the joy of seeing the light leave his eyes…ah, well. It seems like you’re chomping at the bit, anyways.”
As Kit speaks, they make their way over to their kitchen, grabbing a bottle of wine from the huge wine cooler next to the fridge. They squint at it, find it suitable enough, and then walk back over, still grinning. “I think this is a cause for celebration. Relax your shoulders, won’t you? You look so stiff. We make an unlikely team, but I promise you that by the end of this, we’ll both have what we want: my manuscripts and a dead man. Doesn’t that just sound so lovely?”
They pop open the bottle and snort, holding it out to Hanako. It’s symbolic, in a way, a gesture of good faith. As long as Hanako has the same goal as them, then Kit has no reason to worry. “To the death of the Ghost.”
she can’t help the quiet sigh of relief when kit agrees to her simple, singular demand without arguing, it wasn’t what she had been expecting, but she’s grateful all the same. she had spent so long being at odds with kit, that the amicable atmosphere was making her feel more on edge than if they had simply turned around and threatened to kill her, that she knew how to deal with. her eyes follow them as they walk away, blinking, and forcing herself to relax some of her muscles when kit points it out. the tenstion in her shoulders eases,  her chin falls a little, she looks far from relaxed, but she’s trying. this has to work, this is her last chance, and she knows that once kit has their mind set on something they wouldn’t let it stop. so she would help, she’d switch loyalties once more and let the chameleon in, because it was better to be allied with them, than getting in their way. hanako’s eyes fall to the bottle as it is offered to her, she hesitates, only for a moment, finding kit’s eyes once more as she nods, although she doesn’t repeat the toast,  choosing instead just to take a long, deep swig, before passing it back to kit as a smirk creeps onto her lips, sharp, edged with steel and gunpowder, “ an unlikely alliance, ” she agrees, “ but unstoppable. ” because she wanted to feel bones break under her fingers, wanted him to hurt the way she had. she wanted him ended, and she wanted to know why he would always want kit more. it was selfish, it was twisted, but she had lost so much of herself that she didn’t even notice anymore. “ i imagine you already have a plan, ” she tilts her head to one side, eyes locked on kit’s, “ you knew i was coming here today, didn’t you? ”
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prtcts · 2 years
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      indie , semi- selective blog for 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓃𝑒𝑔𝒾𝑒 a criminal original character .     a study in 𝓱𝓾𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓼 , art as currency and the fluidity of perceiving 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓎 .    ─────   adored by ellie .
promo credit @nassycomms
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prtcts · 2 years
Kit almost laughs. Almost. But they can’t say they’re surprised. Kit has met plenty of people like Hanako before, and they never take lightly to any kind of betrayal, even if they were warned about it beforehand. Instead, they scoff, crossing their arms and circling around Hanako like some kind of predator sizing up its prey before striking. “You want to kill Casper? Mm, I never thought I’d hear those words come out of your mouth, you know.”
They stop in front of her and tilt their head, the grin never leaving them. “Unfortunately, I can’t have him dead just yet. I still need him for his last storage because there’s all kinds of nifty little bioscanners and such that need him in order to operate. However, it’s free game after that. He’ll no longer be of use to me. So…here’s what I think. I think that you could help me kidnap him. Lure him out, whatever you’d like to do. We use him for our purpose…and then we make the Ghost an actual ghost.”
Kit laughs, sharp and loud, clapping their hands together. This is working out better for them than what they originally thought it might. “What do you say, hm?”
she clenches her jaw as kit circles her, refusing to follow their movement until they stop again, just letting out a quiet huff of breath as kit seems to enjoy pressing her buttons, never thought they’d hear those words? well she had never thought things would end so agonizingly unfinished. still, she’s barely holding it together when they stop in front of her, the grin clawing under her skin and making it almost not worth what kit could do for her. hanako’s jaw twitches when kit turns her down, then again when the idea of luring him out is broached. her anger was one thing, the desire to stop him from hurting her again, to punish him for what he had done, those were still very much there. but having to spend time with casper... alive... able to speak, to keep lying... that was something completely different, and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle it. she’d been losing more and more control recently. so of course she had come to the one person she knew who controlled everything.  they laugh, and hanako vaguely daydreams about snapping their neck. but she knows two things for certain; she’d never get the chance, and casper would be out of reach forever. so she just nods, tightly. 
“ i have some conditions.” she says, lifting a hand to remove her sunglasses, staring into kit’s eyes, “ i will do whatever you want, for as long as it takes to get into the storage unit-” she knew it was stupid to say out loud, but desperation is a hell of a drug, “ but the moment you have what you need from casper, i get to kill him, however i want.” she takes a breath, “ on my time. that’s all i want. ” 
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prtcts · 2 years
it would be easier if she could hate him. so much easier if every time she looked at him the searing in her chest was rage, if she could kill him there and never think of him again. but he had an effect on her, that was the whole problem. she'd fall for him again if he smiled at her like he used to. believe him again if he lied with his lips on hers... his words trailed off, and it isn't hard for hanako to fill in the gaps and wish she could have been there to help him. all she felt was guilt. he had left her, and she was the one feeling like a failure. it wasn't fair, and if she was stronger she would have walked out in that instant, pushed that choking emotion aside and pretended she could survive out there in that suffocating normalcy without him. but she doesn't. she can't.
hanako blinks, his question grounding her. your new employer. she hated that phrase, as accurate as it was. she felt caged with them, locked into a persona she hated, babysitting brats and paranoid nobodies. but the worst was when she forgot, when her new name didn't register in time, when she woke up to an alarm clock and a uniform that made her skin crawl with disdain. but they paid her enough to keep going, and then she'd move away and start all over again. and endless, mind-numbing cycle.
no. she wanted to say. i can't stand them and they don't understand me. eyes lock on the hotel carpet once more, and she can feel her throat tightening again - any second now she would lose all control, and neither of them deserved that. she had already cried in front of him once that day. " I hate every second. " she concedes, quietly. " but i didn't have a choice, i can't do anything else. " she swallows, " besides, hanako kimura is un-hireable. " her head raises slowly, a hard line to her jaw, " something about abandoning a post, price on her head, it's a real scandal. " she had never been bitter about it before, but the words come out venomous. there's another pause, thick and dark and heavy, and then her voice is soft, lost, confused. " why did you leave me behind? be honest, for once, don't pretend you didn't think about it... just tell me. "
@prtcts [ ... ]
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he doesn't expect her to say anything. there is a breath of relief in knowing she listened all the way through without screaming or brandishing a knife to his already exposed throat. but these things aren't normal though, he idly remembers someone saying. the way disappointment, not only to himself but to anyone, can taste like 𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙼𝙾𝚄𝚃𝙷.
as he searches hanako's ashen face, casper ponders whether he assumed his safety too soon. he should've known better, of course. protection and refuge don't belong to people like him, and especially him; it's nothing more than an ineffective prophylactic, a bandaid that can be forcibly ripped off, in the end. he thinks: so, blind me with the glare of your knife. he thinks: at least 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚆 𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝚄𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚃 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷 𝙼𝚈 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙾𝙽 𝙸𝚃. he thinks: at least tell me i was wrong so i can agree with you, so i can beg for my life at your feet.
the utterance of her voice catches him, not by surprise, but by something else. a bitter solace, perhaps, as if an unspoken truce had been made between them, a hidden white flag of surrender. casper hesitates a long time, staring into his empty cup, waiting for the hidden sharp teeth and deadly venom to strike. when it doesn't come, he offers a subtle nod of acknowledgement.
( what else would you have her do? )
" i know, " he whispers with a quick, humorless grin. his tone is reminiscent of the first time they spoke together, that 𝙼𝚄𝚁𝙼𝚄𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷 just before the rain. " i keep forgetting. i was doing well for a bit, but then . . . " casper trails off. she knows the rest. " so, are you — comfortable — with your new employer? are they treating you okay? "
this one's an honest question. 𝙿𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝚂𝙰𝚈 𝚈𝙴𝚂.
or say no, and stay.
( you know this isn't unstable. )
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prtcts · 2 years
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ENDLESS  EDITS  OF  CASPER  D.  REID   —   (4 / ?)
casper vc : good evening, my name is BANKSY . . .
( for @prtcts )
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prtcts · 2 years
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Kim Da Mi 🌟💕 behind the scenes shoot of “Itaewon Class” (2020)
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prtcts · 2 years
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Itaewon Class 🏙️ (이태원 클라쓰): The many faces of Jo Yi Seo [2/16] ⬗
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prtcts · 2 years
Kit thinks this is all very amusing.
It might be cruel to think such a thing, but Kit has never been much of a kind person. Hanako’s descent into…whatever this is has been far too entertaining for Kit to witness. That’s why they let her find them because they know it’ll only be a matter of time. Besides, why not let someone else take care of the problem? Let them take the fall while the Chameleon lingers on in the shadows, the puppeteer over their little show.
The building that Kit calls home looks like nothing more than some abandoned shop from the outside. A building that has been sitting there for years and the locals use it as a landmark because clearly the local government isn’t going to get rid of it. When Kit opens the door, however, one can clearly see that it’s their full living space, completely different than how the outside looks. All black walls, gothic décor, and a computer setup that would make any tech savvy person go green with envy.
Kit looks like they just rolled out of bed, hardly done up at all, but this is too good to keep Hanako waiting outside for hours. “Of course I was. I warned you, and you refused to listen. You only have yourself to blame.” And yet they still step aside to let her in, all sharp eyes and a toothy grin. “But I suspect you’re not just here to tell me I was right.”
hanako’s eyes are icy as she stares at kit’s grin, they’re tousled and yet somehow as vicious as ever. she seethes silently as the blame comes crashing down, the familiar, bitter ice-bath of cruel regret seizing hold of her, but kit steps aside, and she swallows her pride, and slips past them.  inside she pauses, eyes scanning the set up, unsurprised that it had been created and decorated at such odds with the external. it made sense, besides, she’d resigned herself to never be surprised by them again.  then she turns, letting out a slow breath as she once again fixed her eyes on kit.  “ no, ” she admits, tensely, “ that’s not why i’m here. ” this is harder than she had thought it would be, the inital admittance was supposed to be the tricky part, but she now realised that wasn’t the case at all. because now she had to somehow talk her way into kit’s interest, and morbid curiosity aside, she wasn’t sure how much they truly gave a damn, hanako’s only hope was that they would think it was amusing to bring her along for the ride, that they’d find some twisted satisfaction in it. otherwise she’d just have to add abject humiliation to the ever-growing list of things that had gone wrong.  “ i want to kill casper reid. and i want you to help me. ” she swallows, and her breath catches in her throat. “ please. ”
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prtcts · 2 years
How do I look away now that I have seen you?
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on being seen and known and understood
Rachel Mennies, from "April 18, 2017", The Naomi Letters//Rick Riordan, Mark of Athena//picture: Mihaly Zichy "romantic encounter", quote: Micah Nemerever "These Violent Delights", edit @promqueendyke // Micah Nemerever, "These Violent Delights"//Marie Howe, "The Affliction"//Anne Carson, "Red Doc>"//NA//Taylor Swift, "Daylight"//Elizabeth Gilbert, "Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage"//Little Women (2019)
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