puffoufluffou · 4 months
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puffoufluffou · 5 months
An age verification bill known as KKOSMA is getting marked up by the US Senate Committee on THURSDAY, MAY 16TH.
This bill would introduce age verification through digital ID for EVERYONE. Not just people under a certain age. It BANS social media for kids under the age of 13, requires parental consent for anyone under 18.
I'm working on getting more information, but for now here is the link to the website with the committee members. Highly recommend calling in/faxing and telling them to vote NO.
Committee Members - U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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puffoufluffou · 5 months
KOSA wasn't even TALKED about at the hearing today. ANOTHER MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 10AM EST ON MAY 8TH.
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puffoufluffou · 5 months
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
Please watch this TikTok about a 3rd party presidential candidate named Jasmine Sherman.
Out of ALL the 3rd party candidates, they were the ONLY one to make a point to recognize the disabled community. To make sure they know that they are not left on the backburner in their policies.
They are the ONLY candidate who has said that they want to give land back to the indigenous people and HAD A PLAN FOR IT.
They beleive that Puerto Rico should be given back to the people, that Hawaii should be given back to the people.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch the video, and if you can find the actual debate and send me an ask with the link so I can add it to this post.
I also encourage you to follow them on TikTok here, since they host lives where we can talk to them and ask them questions.
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
The House is voting on banning Tiktok TOMORROW. If you dont use tiktok and dont care, consider that this will open the gateway to banning ANY APP the govt disagrees with.
202-224-3121 to connect with your rep (or fins their number online)
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
To my mutuals or followers, or just anyone who sees this:
Please reblog the kosa bill posts from me and others. This bill is EXTREMELY dangerous to the queer community and especially queer minors. As a queer and trans minor in a bad home situation, I and many others would be in so much danger if this bill is approved. Its actually so horrific. One of the senators who introduced it, Marsha Blackburn, said that "protecting minor children from the transgender in this culture" was a top priority. As a trans minor, I find this disgusting and harmful to my existence, I'm sure many others my age feel the same way. So please: REBLOG THE KOSA BILL POSTS.
EDIT: IT WILL ALSO CENSOR THE PALESTINE GENOCIDE POSTS AND MANY MORE THINGS!!! WE WILL BE BLOCKED FROM THE TRUTH!!! Also I do not know many things about the kosa bill, this is the limit of my knowlege, so I can't answer any questions. I'm sorry!
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
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If this bill passes I may not be able to post here or on Youtube anymore
I may not be able to talk to my friends on Discord
I'll lose some of the most important people in my life
I'll lose some of the things that make me the happiest
This bill absolutely CANNOT pass, I'm literally begging that this doesn't pass
but I have a feeling that it will
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
We have to prevent this bill from going through! This is another way that they are trying to censor us. This is another way for the government to control what we share and do on the internet.
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
(photo to catch people's attention)
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Welcome back to yet another episode of "them having things to say about KOSA"
God forbid KOSA passes, but IF IT DOES, I hope other countries either find a way to circumvent it, OR urge the US to take it back once they realize what a GROSS overstep of boundaries it is.
Either one would be amazing, BOTH would be incredible.
I repeat for the second time: The AMERICAN government is trying to make EVERYONE, including people in OTHER COUNTRIES- adhere to this mass internet censorship law on the WORLD WIDE WEB, that EVERYONE ACROSS THE WORLD USES, under the guise of "ThInK Of thE aMeRiCaN ChIlDrEN!!!!!"
LIKE THATS SO STUPID??? The fact that they're trying to sneak this past us while other horrific things are happening is EQUALLY disgusting. This should be world news. Everybody should be FURIOUS that the Senate is even humoring this.
If KOSA passes and people in other countries start being affected, I hope governments across the world absolutely PUMMEL the US (not through war in case anybody tries to take this out of context, I mean verbally). Call a United Nations meeting or something and absolutely CRACK DOWN.
Call out every crappy single thing this country has done and use it as leverage against them. Pull out all the stops. Roast them if you want to. Rightfully charge them with the crimes they've committed. Hold them accountable. Literally ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
Let them know NO peace.
God knows the majority of Americans will be cheering y'all on.
The American government is on a serious power trip. They think that they can do whatever they want with no consequences because they're a world power. The rest of the world can fight back, speak up, and show them that
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
Some quotes I have from people speaking out against KOSA, please reblog, tag people, cross-post on other platforms, and share with everyone you can, all quotes are fair use <3
“This law is a scam, created with the express purpose of persecuting LGBTQ+ people and silencing victims of abuse. That is the only possible outcome of these kinds of bills.
Oppose them on principle. Be skeptical whenever they are even brought-up.
This isn’t about safety—it is a takeover of THE major avenue to disseminate information in the modern world. It is more than censorship, it defines the avenues that thought may even take.
It will lead to identity verification companies like Clear or ID.me getting more of people’s private data and guaranteed, exclusive government contracts for surveillance and data collection, in violation of the spirit of the 4th Amendment, if not the letter.
It is also an absolute certainty that conservatives in positions of authority will use this program to persecute LGBTQ+ people, with the force of the State, under the guise of protecting children from pornography and "grooming". It has been an explicit misdirection tactic the right has invented to poison debate on trans rights issues and the (unconnected) growing evidence of sexual impropriety among the powerful, particularly conservatives.
Furthermore, I and most others will not abide by this law, if it is passed, and will take whatever actions necessary to safeguard our personal information via VPN, encryption, onion networking, etc., regardless of their permissibility.”
“This is a violation of basic rights on the Internet. Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech? Or are we just gonna ignore a literal Amendment in favor of “protecting the American children" while many of those children are the ones against this??”
“having full privacy on the internet may have saved my life growing up. don’t take away kid’s privacy, there’s already perfectly reasonable ways for parents to monitor kids.”
“I think that people have a right to privacy online, especially children. This doesn't seem like a bill that would actually protect children from anything, it would just make important resources more difficult to access, increase censorship online, and increase surveillance, all of which I oppose.”
“There are three things you never give out on the internet for your safety. 1) Name, 2) Face, and 3) Home. This bill guarantees that all three will be easily available to those who wish to hurt the children this bill falsely claims to protect. If you actually care about children, stop this bill. Listen to what those of us that actually use the internet are telling you. Children and adults deserve a private, anonymous space to be.”
“i'm a queer teen and i know full well the importance online spaces have in supporting lgbtq+ youth, especially ones who don't have supportive environments in person. censorship doesn't actually erase the information, it just makes it harder to access.”
“I’m writing to urge you to reject the Kids Online Safety Act, a misguided bill that would put vulnerable young people at risk.
KOSA would fail to address the root issues related to kid’s safety online. Instead, it would endanger some of the most vulnerable people in our society while undermining human rights and children’s privacy. The bill would result in widespread internet censorship by pressuring platforms to use incredibly broad “content filters” and giving state Attorneys General the power to decide what content kids should and shouldn’t have access to online. This power could be abused in a number of ways and be politicized to censor information and resources.
KOSA would also likely lead to the greater surveillance of children online by requiring platforms to gather data to verify user identity.
There is a way to protect kids and all people online from egregious data abuse and harmful content targeting: passing a strong Federal data privacy law that prevents tech companies from collecting so much sensitive data about all of us in the first place, and gives individuals the ability to sue companies that misuse their data.
KOSA, although well-meaning, must not move forward. Please protect privacy and stop the spread of censorship online by opposing KOSA.”
“Censorship doesn't keep kids safe. Censorship does not save abused children. Censorship does not save queer children. Censorship will not save any of us. Freedom for us all. Freedom for the internet. This shit cannot stand.”
“This bill is a massive overreach on civil liberties and freedom of speech in particular. It should not be within the government's purview to determine what content is acceptable, no matter which party is in power.”
“As we all know, the major threats to American children today are books, bathrooms, and the Internet.
Not getting shot in their own schools or attacked on their own streets.
Since graduating from the public school system in 2007, I haven't seen anything from elected officials to contradict this.”
“KOSA is a censorship bill in sheep’s clothing. It would erode Americans’ rights to privacy, especially that of vulnerable and marginalized Americans, and gather information about the whereabouts and identities of the children it play-acts at “protecting”.”
“This is a ridiculous law
KOSA is a giant bill that is pretending to be about child safety, but is actually overreaching government censorship. It is a violation of free speech and the 1st amendment.
This bill would require that internet users upload their government ID to access any site, and state attorney generals could sue to remove any site that contains content deemed "harmful" to children. The government will be able to censor ANYTHING - such as abortion info, LGBTQ+ resources, and any content relating to protesting or organizing. They will also be able to ID you if you search for any of these topics. This is the opposite of a free internet!”
“The law is pretty much just a trojan horse for censorship.”
“frankly i dont want to be put on a list the gov has of every queer person who opposes their anti-lgbt laws”
“I care about actually helping people instead of making a bill that is going to kill any ability for anyone to get help. That is going to be used to police anyone who disagrees with the absolute mess everything is right now. The conservative morals don’t allow for anyone not white, cuz, straight, or male; and I won’t have that enforced on the fucking public forum.”
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
After Tuesday's Judiciary hearing, Blumenthal and Hawley promised to try their best to bring KOSA to the floor. Cantwell has promised to sneak KOSA to the floor on a voice vote, like with what Hawley tried with the Restrict Act this past spring if you remember. We just need ONE senator to speak out. So right now, DON'T PANIC, SPEAK OUT.
As always, you can use https://www.badinternetbills.com/ to easily place your calls to everyone influential with a call script.
If you don't want to use that site
Share these resources.
Sign and share these open latter's and petitions.
We are targeting these senators:
Wyden (202) 224-5244
Markey (202) 224-2742
Welch (202) 224-4242
Booker (202) 224-3224
Padilla (202) 224-3553
Ossoff (202) 224-3521
Tester (202) 224-2644
Civil rights and free speech groups will be pushing to stop the legislation. But nothing matters like constituents calls — especially as we approach an election year.
Remember, if we don't do anything now, it could be pushed for a floor vote without hesitation, it could be close to passing by the end of the year!!
Please stay calm and share, and try to call If you are able. ❤️
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puffoufluffou · 7 months
So, today I was on Reddit reading about KOSA, and I found this on r/AO3
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Here's the Invest in Child Safety Act, it only has *five* cosponsors compared to KOSA's sixty-three.. wonder why..
Anyways, I was wondering, could steering reps away from KOSA while leading them towards other and SAFER bills help? :P
If these bills really ARE safer, wouldn't it give us a better chance of KOSA not being passed if we gave our Senators and Reps examples of alternative bills they could support?
Like, instead of just saying "DON'T DO THIS!!!" We could say "DON'T DO THIS, but THIS is a better alternative that will keep everyone safe AND actually be helpful."
I suppose I got lucky with those first few KOSA posts, and I don't know if anybody will see this.. but it was just a thought I had, plus the Reddit post doesn't have a lot of traction either, so I thought I'd try and share it.
(link to the actual post)
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puffoufluffou · 2 years
Also have these :>
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puffoufluffou · 2 years
here's my Carrd :] -> My Carrd (puffoufluffou.carrd.co)
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