puredaiyokai · 7 years
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By カボス
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puredaiyokai · 7 years
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
i’ve never found being ‘ self destructive ’ to be worrisome someone, some time, is going to ( DESTROY ) you & i will be DAMNED if anyone but myself has that honor
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
this is a casual reminder that if you send some sort of symbol meme to please please please send the entire prompt, not just the symbol. i’m a bit visually impaired and trying to align symbol to prompt tends to get me a headache. thank you!
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
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He glanced up with gold eyes. “How do you even keep finding me?”
Close to You
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The demon tried to lean away but his armor didn’t allow him to move very well. “How annoying…”
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
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“I actually find that some animals are much smarter than humans.”
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“Like you even know. Most animals don’t have human intellect. The bird had it coming.”
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
Close to You
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The demon tried to lean away but his armor didn’t allow him to move very well. “How annoying...”
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
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“Wouldn’t that be considered animal abuse if the bird isn’t dead?”
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
Our muses get stuck in a narrow small space together, by some strange situation, their bodies pressed firmly together, chest to chest, their noses softly rubbing together, both able to feel each other's hot breath on their lips. Send "Close to You" for what my muse would say and do to your muse in this situation
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
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I’ve been gone forever and I am so sorry! Real life has been getting in my way.
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puredaiyokai · 9 years
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Sesskag: Cootiesby YoukaiYume
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puredaiyokai · 10 years
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“Very well.” He watched the other carefully as Rin held onto his sleeve. This boy looked of Japanese descent. How could he not know his own country? “This is Japan, specifically my domain.”
Takashi gripped his sword a bit tighter panting heavily glad that he was practicing before he ended up in this place, whever he was. Glancing back he was glad to see the little girl he was protecting was without a scratch.
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Sesshomaru landed next to Rin with a worried look on his face. “Rin, how many times must I tel you not to run off?” It was then that he saw the human boy in front of them. The demon frowned a bit, smelling the blood from whatever wound he had. “Did you protect her?”
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puredaiyokai · 10 years
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It can’t have been a very powerful demon if this human was able to take care of it. “Well thank you for getting here before I could.” He normally wouldn’t do this but Rin meant a lot to him. “Is there any way I can repay you?”
Takashi gripped his sword a bit tighter panting heavily glad that he was practicing before he ended up in this place, whever he was. Glancing back he was glad to see the little girl he was protecting was without a scratch.
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Sesshomaru landed next to Rin with a worried look on his face. “Rin, how many times must I tel you not to run off?” It was then that he saw the human boy in front of them. The demon frowned a bit, smelling the blood from whatever wound he had. “Did you protect her?”
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puredaiyokai · 10 years
Takashi gripped his sword a bit tighter panting heavily glad that he was practicing before he ended up in this place, whever he was. Glancing back he was glad to see the little girl he was protecting was without a scratch.
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Sesshomaru landed next to Rin with a worried look on his face. “Rin, how many times must I tel you not to run off?” It was then that he saw the human boy in front of them. The demon frowned a bit, smelling the blood from whatever wound he had. “Did you protect her?”
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puredaiyokai · 10 years
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The dog growled in pain when the wound was touched. This man listened about as well as Rin did when he first met her. “Why do you care? Get off me. I can heal on my own.”
"Hold still, it hurts worse if you move."
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The demon snarled and shoved his hands away. “How many times must I tell you not to touch me!?” His movement made his pain spike and made him squeeze his currently red eyes shut.
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puredaiyokai · 10 years
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Takashi Morinozuka 
“I protect those I care for.” 
5 years of RP experience. 
Will do one liner, para, and multi paragraph. 
Multi-verse, OC friendly, AU friendly, crossover friendly
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puredaiyokai · 10 years
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Caught off guard by the push, the demon’s eyes shifted back to normal. The harsh landing in the chair made him flinch in pain and grip the arms of the chair. Sesshomaru was too preoccupied with pain to stop the human from revealing the deep wound in his side.
"Hold still, it hurts worse if you move."
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The demon snarled and shoved his hands away. “How many times must I tell you not to touch me!?” His movement made his pain spike and made him squeeze his currently red eyes shut.
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