“Don’t use Baeddel”
When you talk about Baeddelism (in terms of discussing anti-trans masculinity) or if you refer to anyone as a Baeddel that’s deemed transmisogynistic. Why is that? “Because Baeddelism died in 2015!!! You’re just calling any trans woman you don’t like a Baeddel and that’s transmisogynistic!” And that would be the case of the first part were true. What is going on with this gaslighting of trans men that baeddelism isn’t worthy of discussion anymore, just forget about it? An easy search for the term on twitter and you can see how Baeddelism is still perpetuated despite “dying” in 2015. The term is often used to imply when someone is disliking trans men or transmasculine people at the moment and it’s often used in people’s usernames.
So am I supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to just let it go? Do you think if there were a specific online club of trans men who just harrassed and said dumb shit about trans women for years and then trans men these days would just casually put the name of that club as their username for cute funsies? Or threaten trans women that they’re going to become apart of that club if they say something they don’t like? Would that not be transmisogyny?? They taunt us by referring themselves as baeddels and then get mad when we talk about them. In what world world the reverse be cool to these people???
The fact that they may or may not be “actual” baeddels doesnt matter. The point is to hurt us and they can act oblivious all the want. And despite all that, we can’t talk about Baeddelism. If it were the reverse. You think they would just let that go like they want with Baeddelism?
I think the discussion of it highlights such an embarrassing blatant anti-transmasculine time in online spaces that acknowledging it would mean acknowledging anti-transmasculinity to people who don’t want believe in it and don’t want others to believe in it as well. And often people still agree with baeddelism and want to normalize it again by putting it in their usernames and using it to signal they’re dislike of transmascs
If there was a club of evil transmascs who had a specific name like the Baeddels did we wouldn’t hear the end of it, but since it was the opposite, we’re to supposed to forget all about it, even if it’s happening right before our eyes.
(Notes: of course misusing the term Baeddel can be transmisogynistic)
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Actually it’s things like targeted sexual assault, loss of bodily autonomy, medical misogyny, etc!
But REALLY we’re just silly little girls crying about being called annoying online and our oppression doesn’t extend outside from that even though we have been screaming about it for years. That’s transandrophobia.
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Love this new wave of transandrophobia denying that instead of outright hostility, it’s people telling us how we’re incapable of analyzing our own oppression correctly and we need to step aside so they can do it for us.
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Y’all really do not give a shit about the safety of trans men
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Calling transmascs “tma trans people” is 100% erasure and strips us of our identities.
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Biphobia against bisexual women is 100% rooted in misogyny and it’s crazy how the “radfems” do not recognize that and continue to perpetuate it.
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I saw this post by @anarchist-luke and I just wanted to add on. And decided it would be best as a post than a reblog.
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Disclaimer, no where in my post and my claiming this is a “privilege” of hypervisibility but rather simply “anti-transmasculinity” or whatever you would like to call it.
Yes I do think this is the case every time violence against transmacs is reported. Reports like this are CONSTANTLY given less attention because the queer community tends to respond to it less. This is directly tied to our framing as the "less oppressed trans group".
This assumption automatically makes our problems not seen as a priority. You would think it would be easy to change this attitude within the community right? Just show them a couple of articles and BOOM we've proven them wrong right? No. And you know why? It's because we are framed as "the less attacked group" BUT NOT the "the group who never ever ever attacked", so even if I DID bring up even 100 articles! This perspective already has a quick an easy excuse. And what’s that excuse? That It's a fluke of the norm, an outlier, a "rare occurrence". Because when you constantly perpetuate rhetoric that transmascs are not attacked as much and you see it happen, yeah, it'll definitely feel like a fluke. "Everytime a transmasc gets attacked, it MUST be a rare occurence because according to my understanding of how trans oppression works, that's all violence against transmacs will ever be". Quite easy to brush aside no?
Nobody actually admits they're actively or even possibly subconciously ignoring violence against trans men, but it very much shows. You never see as much support for transmascs crowdfunds on twitter or as much likes and interactions for tweet discussing a situation where a transmasc is attacked. it's because again, WE ARE NOT SEEN AS AN EQUAL PRIORITY. And when you ignore these types of reports, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Yes, silence is in fact violence.
And you know what makes this worse?It's that BECAUSE people do not bring attention to these stories and reports due their predetermined assumptions, the one time a report slips in your bubble, IT REALLY DOES FEEL LIKE FLUKE! because they never hear about it!
I keep thinking that that the one big situation where the community as a whole paid attention when transmasc was attacked was about the one where a trans man was attacked after being forced to use the women's restroom. And I can't help noticing that the one time everyone gives a shit is the one where it gets immediately mislabeled as "trans man who was assumed to be a trans woman gets attacked!!!" when no where in the original article was that mentioned....
I don't think it's the individuals themselves seeing post about transmawcs and going "no I don't care about trans men so I will intentionally ignore this" but rather the attitude of the queer community has towards transmascs created this problem. This is not an individual problem about a community problem. And because of this, every time a queer person sees some terrible situation happening to a trans man, instead of giving it's deserved sympathy and attention, it will always be "well at least it's not a trans woman".
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Trans men and tme nonbinary people making it a point to throw trans women under the bus on roe v wade despite the fact that a majority support our reproductive rights meanwhile it’s a known fact that trans women are forcibly sterilized.
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Okay we know how dumb the “transandrophobia isn’t real cause androphobia isn’t real” argument is, but the fact people like to say “oh we don’t need a word that describes the oppression of men who are a part of marginalized groups and yet…. We have accepted that gay men legit have their on version of homophobia???? Like come on y’all. We use words to describe the specific oppression of gay men and yet some you can fathom that gay men experience their own struggles for being GAY MEN without needing to believe misandry exist. Like be serious.
Also the maleness of trans men is a form of oppression due to us not being the acceptable type of man lol.
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There’s a very interesting thing where the trans community uses very specific terf rhetoric that is primarily transmisogynistic and then flips it so transmascs are the target. They quite literally will use THE EXACT SAME RHETORIC and then switch out the bioessentialism with the genderessentialism.
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I see takes like this and I simply have scratch my head.
"THIS [x group] uses this [something associated with being oppressed] to get out of being criticized and frame themselves as victims!!!!"
WOOW where have I heard this argument before?
This is a classic transmisogynistic argument where they believe trans women use their gender identity to paint themselves as victims and get out anything they want BUT NOW we have trans friendly edition! And instead, we’re using assigned sex at birth!
Like yes it's possible for a trans man to do that and it should be called out for bioessentialism BUT it's ALSO possible for a trans woman to use their gender as an excuse to why they can’t harm anyone. Shit, cis women do that shit all the time to trans men. Calling out these behaviors do not imply being a trans person who is afab is a privilege or being a trans woman is a privilege (im just now realizing people who say the stuff im criticizing genuinely believe Afab trans people are privileged, fuck). But where the transmisogyny starts is when you try to GENERALIZE! THATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM. When you GENERALIZE about trans women using their gender to get out of shit, your a fucking transmisogynist. People do not understand how damaging generalizing is. They think if they do it, it's just a quirky screw up and if we call it out, we’re taking away from the point. GENERALIZING is quite literally one of the main roots of transmisogyny. Be serious.
"Trans women become obsessed with gender identity as a way to absolve themselves of the capacity to harm. Trans men (or not cent CIS WOMEN if we want to drive home the terf shit) become obsessed with their gender identity as a way to physically self-harm themselves over millimeters of bone"
AH YES, we can clearly see the transmisogyny here. So why can't we see the problem with the first one?
And don’t even try to say “well the bioessentialism created by terfs being used within trans spaces is worse than the gender essentialism being used within the trans community because the first rhetoric comes from our oppressors!” Have we forgotten the way cis men, specifically MRA’s see those they view as “female”? That we literally weaponize our “femaleness” to get whatever we want????? did we just up in forget about that? That’s why shit like “Afab privileged” is fucked because HEY!!!! Don’t fucking say that!!! There’s a certain group of people that also say that shit!!
Honestly this community needs to some reflection time with the shit they say.
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My opinion of the “tme/tma”
On it’s own, I don’t see this as problematic, it can be useful in certain discussions but the issues start to rise with how people want the term to be used.
tme/tma being used as an identifier for what kind of trans person you are.
This usage entirely relies on transmisogyny being the ONLY specific form of transphobic oppression. That’s why anyone who uses tme/tma as an identifier immediately shuts the the idea of an equivalent for transmascs. It’s about who faces the REAL oppression and then everybody else.
What is helpful about “Hi, I identify as a trans person who experiences this form of oppression and over there is another trans people who identifies as not experiencing that form of operation. Will we address any other oppression that other trans person faces? No because that’s not the point”. Whose going to actually think of that other trans people as a priority with framing like that?? That’s the whole problem, we’re not as equal of a priority. Are problems are not as equal enough to be acknowledged, all anybody needs to know is that we don’t experience this thing so that means we can all move on.
Do we go around separating sapphic people as “Those who experience lesbophobia and those who do not?”. Those other sapphic people who “don’t experience lesbophobia” are stripped of their identity of being “bisexual” and simply reduced to “you don’t experience this thing, that’s the kind of sapphic you are, end of story”. It’s incredibly unhelpful and disingenuous being used this way towards other groups. Just because we may not experience the same things doesn’t mean other experiences should not be held to the same standards and left in the dust.
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The relentless misogynistic and transphobic treatment transmasc and transneutral enbies get from ALL SIDES, is ridiculous. Everyone thinks they’re silly girls playing pretend. Other transmascs, transfems, cis women, cis men, EVERYBODY. The fact that this is a common consensus among literally everyone and that for some reason other trans people think THIS IS OKAY is ridiculous and not addressed enough among non-transmasc and transneutral enbies. I’m sure the people who deal with this address it just enough, we’ve just failed to air their frustrations by allowing this kinda shit to fester within the community for so long. It’s just crazy.
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I’m gonna lose it
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Support season 2 of Dead End: Paranormal Park or else 🔪
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A thread about transmasc exclusion from HIV research - how PrEP affects our bodies, how transitioning might affect a pre-existing HIV diagnosis, and more.
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The amount of generalizing of transmascs I see COSTANTLY, will always be a huge sign on the widespread mistreatment and mindset people have towards transmascs. That it's okay to generalize us so negatively with the "transmascs are so this" "Transmascs always do that". Here's some advice. If what you're about to say sounds fucked up if you replace transmascs with any other queer community, you need to seriously do some reflection.
There is a extensive focus on critiquing of transmascs within the queer community. What we do wrong and what we need to fix and barely any focus on what we struggle with. And with such hyperfocus on what we do wrong or what we have that other's don't, of course it leads to so much generalizing. The framing always leads to us seeming privileged and a disastrous fucked up community who keeps screwing over other disadvantaged communities. If that's all you're going to focus on, if course that's all you're gonna see in us.
See, it goes like this, when some Transmasc does some messed up thing or says something bad, this is a sign for every one to go, “look how fucked the Transmasc community is” and now it’s acceptable to generalize us but if another member of some other community fucks up and someone made a comment generalizing the community said individual was a part of, all of sudden we comprehend why that’s a bad thing. Do you see my problem?
Obviously nothings wrong with pointing out problems within communities but when there's such LARGE focus on what we do wrong to such an extent where there's less focus on what we have to deal with as community, that’s where the fucking problem starts.
It's clear to me that the only time queer people are interested in what transmascs have to offer is when somebody says something fucked up and then everybody's ready to whip out their phones and go “SEE SEE, I TOLD YOU SO, LOOK” but for some reason they can't keep the same energy when we want to talk about our issues. Everyone is quick to broadcast our failures but want to close their eyes when we ask for help.
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“Trans men oppress trans women because men oppress women”, the logic is so circulatory I can’t believe it. A lot of white people within the queer community throw around the word oppression without have a clue what it actually is, it’s baffling .
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It's called feminism 101 because you should take it and expand off of that, not stay on that belief.
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