qxeenclarion · 4 years
Favorite thing about each of the girls?
“I have to pick one thing?! I can’t narrow it down. They all have such great qualities and they’re all such good friends to one another. Except maybe Vidia and Tink. They all have their own specials talents and passions and I think that is amazing. I just love them all so much for different reasons and I hope they know that.”
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@missbxll @fastestfknfairy @silvrempth @perijingles @rosiestcne @ranifalls @fawn-goodwinn
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
thoughts on nibs getting stabbed?
“I think it’s terrible and whoever did it needs to be brought to justice. My regards go to him and the other boys because they worked so hard for that competition.”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
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“It’s been awhile since I’ve been at the beach,” Lil said to the other as she was sitting on her beach towel in the sand, enjoying the sun and the view of the ocean. “I love burying my toes in the sand and listening to the water; I might even take a nap right here.” 
Clarion was enjoying the last month or so of summer before fall came around the corner. She, of course, loved the autumn months too but she enjoyed soaking up the sun’s warm rays in summer. “I’ve tried to come a few times over the summer and have been lucky enough to be able to. Sometimes my work schedule just doesn’t allow it though,” she said with a smile. “I’ve fallen asleep at the beach before. Woke up looking red as a cherry!”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
“ i think i’m blacking out right now ”
“Tink?” Clarion asks as she notices somethings off. “Hey, hey! It’s okay. I’ve got you.” Clarion quickly wraps her arms around the younger girl and slides to the floor with her. “Have you been drinking? Did you take any drugs?” she asked, trying to figure out what’s wrong.” She leans her against the wall and puts a hand to her forehead. “You feel warm. Just stay put for a minute. I’ll grab some water.”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
zootopia / peter pan
Zootopia - Would your muse enjoy living in a utopia, or would they feel out of place?
Clarion would feel out of place. She’s a problem solver and likes to keep peace between people and would be unhappy if she were able to have some sort of control over that.
Peter Pan - Is your muse a child at heart? What is their mental age or maturity?
Clarion’s always been a bit jealous of people who were a child at heart because she’s not. She’s always been mature for her age and still likely acts a bit older than she is.
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
Clarion definitely believes in fate and destiny. She’s unsure exactly what hers is supposed to be. She thinks it might be looking over the girls but as they get older she feels like they don’t need her as much which brings her back to square one-- unsure.
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Continued from here. // @blueoneblair
“I think you’re sweet all the time,” Clarion confirmed. “But sometimes you have an extra sweetness in your voice and I just can’t quite place why. I’m going to figure it out though.” She smiled at the other woman. “Nothing wrong with that, of course.” She sighed happily. “So, tell me how have you been doing?”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
favorite member of the "fairy squad"?
“Favorite? Well, how could I choose a favorite they’re all so sweet. I will say both Tink and Rani have special places in my heart though.”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Blair rose a small brow. “I’m more of a wine girl, but you know what? I think I may just have to take you up on the offer for a vodka lemonade. We’re here to enjoy ourselves, and what better way to start a friendship then with a little toast.” Nodding she looked towards her. “Lead the way.” 
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“I love a good glass of wine too. I’m definitely a wine girl but an event like this calls for the good stuff.” Clarion draped her purse over her shoulder. “I think the bar was over this way,” she said as she began walking. “And drinks are on me.”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Blair looked around and not an idea of everything around them. “Well, it’s rather warm and I think some lemonade would be really nice? From there we can walk and see what trouble we can get ourself into?”
“It’s more than warm. I really need something cold to drink. Lemonade sounds nice. A vodka lemonade even,” she said before standing up. “Let’s go, shall we?”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
“I do.”She added with a small laugh. “Aw, that’s sweet. Well If you don’t have any company , and don’t mind , we could take this place down together? Events like this are meant to bring people together after all. All if you don’t mind if course.
“Well, I don’t see why not. In fact I think it’s a splendid idea. You’re right. They are meant to bring people together. I wouldn’t mind at all.” Clarion smiled at the other woman. “What were you thinking on doing then?”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Blair laughed shaking her head. “I’m sure it was beautiful. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” She encouraged with a warm smile. “Oh, alone. But there’s always the beauty of finding new friends that way. And you? I’m not keeping you from anyone I hope.”
“Well, if you insist,” she said with an underlying teasing tone in her voice. “Well, there’s a group of younger girls I kind of play like a big sister role to and I’m here to support them but they’re all off doing their own thing so I’m pretty much alone.”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Blair leaned in just a little to look over the others make up and smiled happily. “It’s beautiful. It’s far more work then I did. I figured face paint would look better then trying to do my own. If it’s anything but a little mascara and a red lip , I’m lost.” She admitted with a a small laugh. “At least seeing the glitter will be a wonderful reminder.”
“Well, thank you! I was going to attempt rainbow eyeshadow but last year when I attempted that it didn’t go so well. It looked like just mixed up colors. It was not a pretty sight at all,” she said with a laugh. “It will be. So, did you come with anyone or are you alone?”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Blair laughed as she shut her eyes. Holding her hands out as if you catch rain drops. Nodding she dusted a few from her nose. “It seems so. I guess we didn’t really celebrate if we came home without glitter on us, hm?” She laughed with a content sigh. “It is very pretty though, that’s always nice.”
“No, I don’t think we would have celebrated without glitter. I put on a little glittery eyeshadow but I suppose I should have expected to come home covered in it. It’s going to take a while to get this out of my hair. Which is alright.” She smiled and nodded. “It is very pretty.”
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qxeenclarion · 4 years
Clarion always attended events like these. Especially ones she could be supportive in. She was sitting on the sidewalk, watching the parade when she was hit with a bunch of glitter. “Oh my!” She slowly opened her eyes, thankful none had gotten in her eyes. She turned to the woman next to her. “Did you get hit too?”
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qxeenclarion · 5 years
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qxeenclarion · 5 years
“Oh, you look so lovely tonight!” Clarion gushed. Her eyes scanned over the other’s outfit. “Did you come here with someone? I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.” Clarion had come alone. She thought maybe she would meet someone there. Lonely hearts were most active this time of year. Not to say Clarion was lonely but she wouldn’t mind a companion. “Are you enjoying yourself at least?”
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