r1-fitness · 3 years
Why It Hurts To Bite Ice Cream – Know The Secrets Of Ion Channels
Teeth sensitivity to cold is a problem for many people, and for those who have tooth decay (that is, for almost a third of the world’s population), trying to eat ice cream or drink cold water can be a real torture. However, exactly how the teeth feel cold has not yet been clearly known. Scientists assumed that the matter was in the microscopic channels through which fluid moves when the temperature changes, signaling the nerves about heat or cold.
More info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/02/why-it-hurts-to-bite-ice-cream-know-the-secrets-of-ion-channels/
An international team of researchers led by experts from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany decided to find out the cause of the sensitivity of the teeth. Scientists described their work in an article in the journal Science Advances .
“We could not rule out this theory, but there was no direct evidence of this,” says David Clapham, one of the authors of the work. – The movement of fluid in teeth – and dental biology in general – is difficult to study.
It is necessary to cut the enamel, the hardest substance in the human body, and dentin is another hard layer, and all this without damaging the soft pulp of the tooth, blood vessels and nerves inside it. “
The authors of the work did not plan to study the teeth. Their work focused on ion channels – holes in cell membranes that act as molecular gates. Upon receiving a signal (such as a change in temperature), they either close or open wide, allowing ions to pass through them. This creates an electrical impulse that is transmitted from cell to cell. These reactions can be critical to the functioning of the brain, heart, and other organs.
In the course of their research, the scientists noticed that the TRPC5 ion channel is extremely sensitive to cold. However, they did not understand exactly where he would activate this ability. In skin cells, it was not important – mice deprived of TRPC5 still felt cold. As they pondered which body tissues might be susceptible to cold, the researchers thought about teeth.
Indeed, they found TRPC5 in teeth, especially those with caries.
Instead of trying to open a tooth and examine its cells, the team studied the entire system – teeth, nerves, jaw. To do this, the scientists used mice by forcing them to immerse their teeth in cold liquid. In normal mice, this caused activity, indicating that the teeth felt cold. However, mice lacking TRPC5, as well as mice treated with the ion channel blocking compound, showed no concern. The researchers also found another channel that played a role in cold sensitivity – TRPA1.
A large number of TRPC5, as it turned out, is located in odontoblasts – cells that are located between the pulp and dentin. In other words, when someone with shattered enamel and exposed dentin takes a bite of ice cream, those cells sense the cold and send a signal of pain to the brain.
Despite the prevalence of this problem, its causes have been little studied, the authors of the work note. However, they recognize its importance to many people and hope that the discovery will be helpful in dealing with pain.
Earlier, a German dentist removed the patient’s longest tooth in history and got into the Guinness Book of Records. Patient Millau Vodopiya turned to Dr. Max Lucas with complaints of severe pain in the upper jaw. The X-ray showed that the problem was an unusually long tooth that caused the swelling. There was no way to get rid of the pain, except to remove the tooth.
When the doctor measured the length of the tooth, it turned out that it was 3.72 cm. Today it is the longest known tooth – the previous record was recorded in 2017 in India – where dentists removed a tooth 3.67 cm long.
Lucas had to wait a whole year for the record to be recognized by the commission. He admitted that he was very proud of the received certificate and hung it in his office.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
How Walking Can Be Highly Effective ‘Cardio For Fat Loss’
The Different Types Of Cardio For Fat Loss
Do you know the most discussed subjects of the health & fitness category?: It is “cardio for fat loss”. Walking often gets overlooked when it comes to cardio workouts, especially for fat loss. Whether you are relatively unfit and need to lose plenty of pounds or have already attained a decent fitness level, walking can help you lose more than a bit of fat.
Read more@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/04/29/how-walking-can-be-highly-effective-cardio-for-fat-loss/
The main enzyme responsible for fat loss is lipase and it is released when calorie output exceeds calorie input like in cardio which is also good for improving endurance
First of all, you should set a clear and firm goal for your workouts. This way, you have something definite to aim towards. On those days when other activities are competing for your time, keeping your goal in mind will motivate you to get walking for cardio.
Cardio workouts, of which walking is one, help you lose weight by burning fat as a source of energy. Other cardio exercises that offer similar fat loss benefits to walking include:
⦁ Cycling – Typically a higher intensity cardio exercise ⦁ Running – Ranges from low intensity jogging to high-intensity sprints ⦁ Swimming – Another good cardio workout that uses plenty of calories ⦁ High-intensity interval training – Alternates quick bursts of highly intensive activity with periods of rest
Walking has some unique benefits that make it suitable for just about anyone who wants to do some cardio and perhaps lose weight as well. For one, walking requires no special equipment and does not cost much. You won’t need a swimming pool or a bike, and all you need is a pair of running shoes.
Still more important, walking is something most of us do every day, so you don’t need a special coach or trainer.
Walking For Cardio Versus Running If you are considering walking for cardio, chances are, you might have considered running as well. These activities look very similar on the surface but, for cardio purposes, they have different advantages and disadvantages.
Let’s look at the unique advantages of walking first. Walking is a good form of cardio that becomes more effective with the frequency and length of your walks.
On average, walking can burn around 300-400 calories per hour. If you are able to maintain a sustained walking routine with, say, an hour’s walk every weekday, you could lose plenty of fat. This is in addition to the other benefits of walking, which include:
⦁ Improved cardiorespiratory fitness ⦁ Development of whole-body fitness ⦁ Ability to sleep better and relax better at night ⦁ Enhanced emotional state and mood ⦁ Good appetite ⦁ Boost to the immune system
Running brings many of the same benefits, particularly to the cardiorespiratory and immune systems. One notable advantage of running is that it burns even more calories per hour. Running will burn around 600 calories per hour on average.
However, walking has the particular advantage that it exposes the body to far less impact. This is important if you are just starting a workout regimen or are a heavy person. Running right out of the gate could expose you to ankle injuries and other impact-related injuries.
Even for very fit people, running injuries happen all the time, and can be worsened in times of bad weather. This is why we recommend walking as an essential part of a workout regimen, especially at the beginning stages where you are just starting to get into fitness.
Walking can help you lose weight and become fitter. At that stage, you can incorporate other, more challenging forms of cardio, such as cycling or swimming, into your routine.
How Fast Should You Walk For Cardio
To see the maximum benefits from walking, you should aim to sustain your pace for a good length of time. Walking at a comfortable pace can help you walk a longer distance. As you improve in your overall fitness, you can pick up the pace and walk much faster. More options will open up for you.
For a low to moderate intensity walking regimen, you should target to achieve 50-75 percent of your MHR(maximum heart rate). This pace is ideal if you want the lowest impact on your body and joints or if you are recovering from injury. A higher intensity walking regimen will see you hit about 70-85 percent of your MHR. This higher intensity walking exercise will result in your shedding fat faster.
The average person can walk at around 3 miles per hour at low to moderate intensity. For more effective weight loss, you should aim for a higher speed of around 4-4.5 miles per hour. According to Calories Burned HQ, you can burn between 1.6 and 2.4 calories per pound of body weight when walking. The faster you walk, the more calories you burn.
Walking Plan For Fat Loss Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay While it’s good to take a walk whenever the opportunity presents itself, for best results, you will want a walking plan. This is particularly important if your goals include weight loss or reducing your body’s fat percentage.
A consistent walking plan will not only help you lose weight but, according to Harvard.edu, can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. A study found that walking reduced the risk of cardiovascular events by 31% and reduced the risk of dying by 30%.
To see those results, participants in the study had to walk just 5.5 miles per week at a comfortable pace of 2 miles per hour.
You can easily do the same, although we suggest picking up the pace to around 4 or 4.5 miles per hour. Aim to walk three to four times a week, for about an hour each day. At a pace of around 4 or 4.5 miles per hour, you will be walking 12 to 18 miles per week.
To improve your body’s ability to perform the walk, always do a warm-up stretch ahead of the walk. In addition, start the walk at a slower pace, say, at a comfortable 2 miles per hour, then gradually increase your walking speed.
Treadmills Versus Outdoor Walking
Walking outdoors is a great way to enjoy cardio since you get to enjoy the scenery and all the additional benefits of the outdoors. Not only can you enjoy the weather, but you will also build stronger proprioception, which is your body’s ability to react to stimuli in the environment.
The treadmill, however, should be your good friend in times of bad weather. In the snow, in winter, for example, walking on slippery outdoor surfaces can be downright dangerous. When it’s pouring rain outside, rather than drop walking altogether, you should be walking on the treadmill.
Treadmills have other advantages as well. You can adjust the settings on the treadmill to replicate climbing a hill, for example. This way, you get all the benefits of varying terrain even if where you live the walking terrain is relatively flat.
Walking Gets Easier The More You Do It
Walking is an effective, and often necessary, way of adding cardio to your workouts. It’s not only friendly for all fitness levels but also builds up physical fitness over time. The fat loss effects of walking can enhance your physique over time. As you get better at walking for cardio and lower your body’s fat percentage, your options for cardio will expand even more. You will be able to walk longer and faster, as well as take up other activities like cycling or swimming. As you will discover, walking really does become easier with practice.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
10 Routine Ways To Burn Extra 300 Calories Per Day
OK, you prefer to shed extra pounds by expending calories yet disdain diet sustenance and strenuous exercise? Recorded here are the easiest ways to deal with expend an extra 300 calories in the midst of your day.
Click for info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/04/29/10-routine-ways-to-burn-extra-300-calories-per-day/
1. Move – Join enthusiastic exercise classes close to you or simply look at an activity playlist in your most cherished music application and have some movement at home. Shake your body for an hour. You will wreck to 300 calories.
2. Walk – Decline sitting down at one spot for more and take some walk. Have a vivacious walk around an hour and 21 minutes to devour 303 calories. Gives off an impression of being depleting? Split it up into five 20-minute rapid sessions for the span of the day. Walk your pooch, walk around work, or exercise your legs on a treadmill.
3. Stand up – Have work region work? Make a point to speak to a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes amid an opportunity to devour 303 calories.
4. Clean up – Scour, mop, set up furniture, vacuum, and de-mess your space to keep your home in bewildering condition to devour 301 calories inside 90 minutes.
5. Get running – Go out with your canine or youngsters, play soccer, or just go around for 34 minutes to devour 308 calories.
6. Strip up the skates – Live up your adored memories again with outdoors or indoor ice skating for 38 minutes to devour 302 calories.
7. Expanding – You can devour 300 calories with immediately paced vinyasa yoga for an hour and 7 minutes. Perform morning and night yoga sessions yourself or take a class of power yoga.
8. Skipping – Do jumping jacks for four minutes by setting a caution every hour. It is the fastest strategy to expend 300 calories or more in 8 littler than anticipated sessions to rouse your temperament.
9. Skiing – It is a thrilling background activity that doesn’t feel like steady work. Inside 45 minutes, you can wreck to 306 calories inside just 45 minutes.
10. Skipping rope – Paying little heed to whether you don’t have a jump rope, you can, regardless, bounce for no under 13 minutes multiple times every day to expend 310 calories. With regards to shed pounds and work out a couple of times every week, you need a standard that will empower you to get the best results inside less time.
There are devices for individual setting up that can empower you to achieve a slimmer and particularly framed body if they are done appropriately. cardio as indicated by the American School of Diversions Solution, you can control your absorption for around 24 hours after exercise by adding basically one more curve to your movement plans, for instance, interims. In the event that you practice for up to 30 minutes and you esteem walking, you can incorporate a burst of running for up to 30 seconds in predictably. As you get fitter, you can without quite a bit of a stretch improve the between time length and diminishing the parts to 4 minutes.
The cardio can add an inconceivable processing lift to your body. Quality TrainingWhen your heart and diverse bits of the body need fuel continually, you can do barely noticeable subtleties to fulfill your metabolic needs. Your muscles are an extra factor that in like manner needs standard reinforcing. You need to make them greater and they will require more calories for the duration of the day and night. With the help of different moves, you can without a lot of a stretch spotlight on all the crucial muscle clusters in the body. You can without a doubt move beyond the whole everyday plan inside just 30 minutes. You ought to go for doing it for something like 2 to multiple times every week and your muscles will advance toward getting to be warmers which can expend extra calories before changing them into fat. Intend to do push-ups (on shoulders, chest, and arms), push, push, pivot dive, squats, and different activities.
Note: Calories assessed on a person who weighs 150 pounds or less. You basically need to incorporate little power of movement in your standard walks or swims, runs, round sessions, or bicycling. With this power, it will improve your processing in the midst of your activity.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Covaxin Vaccine Phase III Trial Completed — It Shows The Efficacy Of 81%
Bharat Biotech phase III trials show the efficacy of 81% of Covaxin, which is an inactivated vaccine. ● This trial has been conducted on 25800 participants belonging to the age group of 18-98. ● Numerous Side effects including pain, nausea, and other adversary effects have been documented regarding the use of Covaxin.
Read more@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/04/29/covaxin-vaccine-phase-iii-trial-completed-it-shows-the-efficacy-of-81/
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019, Much research regarding covid is two kinds — to develop a vaccine and to develop a treatment. While both are related, they aren’t the same. Covid 19 vaccine is just prevention and so it is to be taken before the infection while treatment is a series of steps that are aimed for curing the disease and so treatment comes after the infection
In this article, We will discuss Covaxin which is being distributed in many countries throughout the world. We will discuss if it works and its efficacy, how it works, how safe it is to use it, and also understand how it fares with emerging variants of the virus.
Phase III trials assert 81% efficacy of Covaxin: Recently, Bharat biotech, the makers of the Covaxin, released their phase III trial data containing various details of the trial. In it, up to 26000 people were tested on vaccines or placebo in a 1:1 ratio, and it was observed that the vaccine was well tolerated. In these trials, Covaxin demonstrated an interim efficacy of 81% for those people who have not been infected after the second dose. Those participants include people between the ages of 18 to 98 years and up to 2500 of them are over 60 years.
How does covaxin work? Covaxin is an inactivated vaccine. Essentially, these kinds of vaccines contain the virus that has already been killed and thus no longer causes infection and harm to the body. When this vaccine is introduced into the body, immune cells can recognize the virus and they are in an advantaged position to fight the virus as the virus is already dead. As a response, the immune system generates antibodies and it is these antibodies that protect our body when an actual infection comes up.
How safe is covaxin? What are the side effects? Not only recently, but many people have had concerns regarding the effectiveness of vaccines and various other side effects they might bring. Also with much misinformation circulated about Covid 19 vaccines and some few actual cases in which there were adverse effects on people, these concerns would only get bigger. But, Covaxin has undergone rigorous trials and much data about it has been taken based on which we can infer about its safety. As stated above, the efficacy of this vaccine is 81% so it’s a safe bet to take the vaccine.
However, there are a lot of potential side effects and certain adversarial effects that are associated with the vaccine. Some of the possible side effects of the vaccine include Pain, Itching, Swelling, Weakness, Nausea, and Vomiting, Fever. The adverse effects are more serious than these side effects which include allergic reactions, difficulty in breathing, rashes all over the body, and also increased heartbeat. So, this brings up the question, who is safe to use the Covaxin? Let us see that in the next section.
Who should take the Covaxin shot? Bharat biotech has clearly insisted that people who generally have weak immunity or the ones who are taking medications that could make them immune-suppressed. While people with weak immunity might take the vaccine, it might not be so effective. People who are undergoing treatment for AIDS, chemotherapy, taking steroids can be considered immune suppressed.
It is also not advisable to take Covaxin if you have taken another vaccine. Also, people with a history of allergies, bleeding disorders, thin blood, any serious health issues or pregnant or breastfeeding women are not advised to take the vaccine.
How Covaxin works with other variants of the disease: While virus mutation is a general phenomenon and there could be hundreds of mutations of the single virus, there are certain mutations of the coronavirus that are causing panic. These mutations are getting certain characteristics that are undesirable like fast-spreading and others. While more research and testing is needed, preliminary testing suggests highly that the many vaccines like Covaxin are effective with other mutations like the UK and Brazilian stains too. The work against understanding the effectiveness of the vaccine with the South African variant is being tested.
Final Words:
Covaxin is a reasonably effective Covid-19 vaccine that uses the much-used idea of inactivated vaccines. The concept of inactivated vaccines is not new and has been used for vaccination for various other diseases. With an efficacy of 81% and being effective for emerging new variants, Covaxin is pretty advisable to use. However, it is observed that Covaxin might give a lot of side effects and only those people who are not highly affected by those potential side effects must take the vaccine. Even after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, one must continue to abide by much of all the rules regarding covid 19 because there is a minimal risk of spreading the virus and also being affected by it.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
“Shrugs”,  strengthen trapezius muscles and forearm. This exercise does not take much time, it can be done anywhere, it does not require any special training.
Why Do Shrugs
If you spend most of the day at the computer with your neck extended forward, your posture suffers greatly. Fortunately, there are exercises that can relieve tension in the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. Shrugs primarily involve the trapezius, the muscles located on either side of the neck. Trapeziums control the movement of the shoulder blades. Strong trapezius muscles help maintain correct posture: align the shoulders, stabilize the neck and upper back.
Click for more@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/01/shrug-exercise-why-and-how-to-do-it-right/
Any movement you do every day – returning from the store with heavy bags, trying to reach for a book on a high shelf, or even just sitting at a table – are safer if you have strong traps. Training these muscles will also improve your performance in other exercises, such as dumbbell lifts.
By the way, research confirms that exercises that strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulders, such as “shoulder-shrugging,” can significantly reduce neck pain. So if you have such a problem, now you know what to do.
How To Do Shrugs
Shrugs can be done with or without a load. The weight increases the effectiveness of this exercise. If you are a beginner, start with small weights – 2-4 kg dumbbells will do. As you get used to doing this exercise, you can increase the weight to 5-10 kg or more.
Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Lower your arms along your body, turn your palms towards each other. If you want to do an exercise with weights (dumbbells or any other equipment), take it.
Bend your legs slightly, but make sure that your knees are not in front of your toes. The chin is directed forward, the neck is straight.
As you inhale, lift your shoulders as high as possible. Move slowly to feel the resistance in your muscles.
As you exhale, lower your shoulders.
Start by doing 3 sets of 10 reps. In the future, you can increase the number of repetitions and approaches.
If you are doing this exercise to relieve shoulder or neck pain, do fewer reps, try to move gently to make sure you are not aggravating the problem.
What Is The Bottom Line?
The Shoulder Shrug is a simple exercise that can help strengthen the muscles in your shoulders, neck, or upper back and improve your posture. This exercise can relieve chronic neck pain.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
How to avoid lower back pain and improve posture? Here’s a selection of exercises to help you strengthen your back muscles. We divided them into groups according to difficulty levels – choose the one that suits your physical fitness.
Difficulty level: beginner
“Superman” A simple exercise that involves working your back muscles, abs, glutes, and shoulders. Do it on a yoga mat.
Full info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/01/7-effective-exercises-to-help-strengthen-your-back/ How to do:
Lie facedown on the floor with your arms extended in front of you.
At the same time, lift your arms and legs off the floor, stretching your back. Do not look up, this may cause neck discomfort.
Hold till you feel comfortable, then return to the original position.
Do three sets of 8-10 reps.
Complicated “Superman”
This version of the exercise puts even more stress on the shoulders and back. How to do:
Lie facedown on the floor with your arms extended in front of you.
Lift your arms and chest off the floor.
Bend your elbows and pull your arms up to your ribs. The arms form a W.
Stretch your arms out in front of you.
Do three sets of 8-10 reps.
Gluteal BridgeStrengthens the lower back as well as the buttocks.How to do:
Lie faceup on the floor, stretch your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees, lean on your feet.
Lift your buttocks off the floor and lift them up until your shoulders, hips, and knees are in a straight line. Engage your abdominal muscles to avoid overloading your back.
Return to starting position.
Do three sets of 10-12 reps.
Cobra PoseThe exercise involves the press, back and legs.How to do:
Lie facedown on the floor, palms at chest level, elbows pressed to your body.
Rest your legs and hips on the floor, straighten your arms and lift the body off the floor.
Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.
Do three sets of 3-5 reps.
Difficulty: Medium
Dynamic PlankWe promise that from this exercise you will feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the back. Can be done with dumbbells.How to do:
Stand in a classic plank on your arms, arms shoulder-width apart.
Raise one hand, bending it at the elbow, bring your palm to chest level.
Return to the plank.
Repeat on the other hand.
Do the exercise for 30-60 seconds.
Important: make sure that the pelvis does not sag, and does not swing from side to side.
Frontal Seated Elastic RowThe exercise involves the back and biceps.How to do:
Fasten the elastic securely, sit on the floor with your back straight. Take the elastic in your hands.
Pull the ends of the elastic towards you, bending your elbows.
Return to starting position.
Do three sets of 12-15 reps.
To make the exercise more difficult, do it slowly, lingering at the point of maximum tension of the fitness band.
Difficulty Level: High
Wide Grip Pull-UpsThe broadest muscles of the back work.How to do:
Grasp the bar with a reverse grip (with your palms facing you). Hands are shoulder-width apart.
Pull up until your chin is over the bar. Try not to sway, use the strength of the muscles of the back and arms.
Lower yourself slowly.
Do as many times as you can.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Even at the casting of “Thor”, Chris Hemsworth looked a little like the god of thunder, but after the release of the film, it became clear that there was simply no better candidate for this role. We tell you what the actor had to go through in order to look like a real superhero in the frame.
For the first film about Thor Hemsworth, former US Navy serviceman, personal trainer Duffy Giver helped prepare. The workouts were focused on developing the shoulders, arms and back. The basis of the program was the bench press, deadlift, various exercises with free weights and exercises on block machines. “There are no secret methods: balanced nutrition, recovery and hard regular training,” says Giver.
Click for more@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/01/train-like-thor-what-chris-hemsworth-did-to-become-a-superhero/
By “Thor” Chris gained more than ten kilograms of muscle mass. “On set, I felt clumsy and squeezed,” Hemsworth recalls. – There were even rumors that I used steroids. But this is not the case. If you exercise, eat and sleep as I do, you won’t need any steroids. ”
Before filming for Thor: Ragnarok, Chris had a new coach. Luke Zocchi became the new mentor – Hemsworth had known him since childhood. Luke completely overhauled the actor’s training plan. Hemsworth was now training six days a week. Classes were intense and lasted no more than one hour
In addition to basic movements, the actor did a lot of bodyweight exercises: push-ups, lunges, bear walks. Luke also added cardio, yoga, surfing, boxing and Muay Thai to Chris’s workouts.
Zocchi outlines several basic principles of Hemsworth training:
• small working weights. It is important that each approach is performed in a controlled manner;
• constant change in the number of repetitions (3-5, 8-12, 15 and more) and their intensity. Using supersets and trisets;
• variability of movements. For example, Chris pulled himself up on the bar and gymnastic rings using different types of grips – wide, narrow, reverse and mixed;
• the use of tempo work, which increases the time the muscles are under load. Hemsworth performed three sets of 12 bicep curls, each time lowering the projectile for three seconds. In the fourth approach, Chris had been lowering the bar for eight seconds. “We applied this principle to vertical, horizontal and brench-presses, as well as barbell curls,” says Luc;
• sleep from 8 to 10 hours;
• rest days not only according to plan but also when Chris felt tired.
Like Chris Evans, who plays Captain America, Hemsworth notes that the most difficult part of the preparation was the frequent meals. “Meat, broccoli, brown rice, protein shakes, every two to three hours. The way of life during that period could be described by the phrase “eat as much as possible”.
“Without proper nutrition, we would not have achieved such results. Chris’s diet was adjusted for each subsequent role, says Luke. – Before the next film about Thor, Chris consumed about four thousand calories daily. Before the tape “In the Heart of the Sea” – no more than a thousand. He didn’t eat for 15 hours and ended up losing 14 kilograms of muscle. Then again there was “Thor” and again a set of muscle mass. All this is a rather serious burden, including a psychological one. Therefore, I was constantly next to Chris, lost weight with him to support, and, of course, rewarded for the efforts: once a week he was allowed to eat whatever he wanted. ”
When asked how to achieve and most importantly – to maintain such a physical shape, Chris replies: “Learn to find incentives on your own. Don’t wait for someone to push you to work out. ”
Chris Hemsworth training program
Chris trained twice a day. In the first half of the day – strength training, in the second – a series of exercises for the muscles of the core (hanging leg raises, planks, twisting), simple Crossfit complexes, martial arts, surfing, running or intervals on a stationary bike.
• pull-ups on the bar: 20-15-12-10-10 reps;
• push-ups with wide arms: 5 sets of 20 reps;
• horizontal pull to the belt in the simulator: 5 sets of 20 reps;
• Dumbbell Rows: 4 sets of 12 reps
• hyperextension: 25-20-15-15 reps.
• barbell curls: 3 sets of 10 reps
• French dumbbell press: 3 sets of 10 reps
• EZ-bar Scott Bench Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps
• extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head: 3 sets of 10 reps;
• dumbbell curls (hammer): 3 sets of 12 reps;
• extension of the arms in the block: 3 sets of 12 reps;
• Barbell wrist curls: 3 sets of 20 reps.
• bench press lying: 8 sets, 12-10-10-8-8-6-4-4-4 reps;
• Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 12 reps
• press in the simulator “hummer”: 4 sets of 15 repetitions;
• Dips: 4 sets of 11 reps
• crossover dilutions: 4 sets of 12 reps.
• vertical barbell press standing: 10-8-6-5-4-3-3 reps;
• Arnold bench press: 4 sets of 11 reps;
• Barbell Shrugs: 4 sets of 11 reps
• Side Dumbbell Raises: 3 sets of 15 reps
• dumbbell curls in front of you: 3 sets of 15 reps;
• Bent-over dumbbell curls: 3 sets of 15 reps.
• squats with a barbell on the back: 10-8-6-5-4-3-3 reps;
• leg press: one set to failure;
• lunges: 4 sets of 20 reps
• Prone Leg Curl: 3 sets of 20 reps
• Seated Leg Curl: 3 sets of 20 reps
• Calf Raises in the simulator: 3 sets of 20 reps.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
What Dietary Supplements Will Help To Reduce Weight And What Will Ruin The Results?
Supplements, despite their safety, can cause allergic reactions or worsen health. Before taking dietary supplements, consult your doctor.
This text is not a guide for admission, not a recommendation. I have accumulated my knowledge and experience in one place to shed light on this issue.
What Are Supplements For?
Everyone knows this, everyone talks about it, that supplements are an addition to something basic already working. But people are still waiting for magic, something that will make their life easier once and for all, they are looking for some kind of game-changer.
Click for info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/13/what-dietary-supplements-will-help-to-reduce-weight-and-what-will-ruin-the-results/
Slimming supplements can help you only when you already have stable results in losing weight from two months, work with diet and habits are in the first place. Training supplements will only help you when you already have a training program that you follow, have a habit of consistently attending the gym and have clear and visible results from your training. Supplements help when your normal working regime fails and the supplement can temporarily hold out until stable conditions are restored.
Some supplements can help when getting essential nutrients from food sources is temporarily unavailable.
Always try to get your nutrient base from complete and varied food sources. Build a routine and work with habits. Supplements are additives.
In this text, I will write about supplements that will help to reduce weight or are overrated in this matter. They drove.
Overpriced and not working supplements.
Fat burners.
Marketing name only. There is not a single drug, substance, a product that can burn fat directly (either it is safe for health, or give a tangible effect).
Fat burners are complexes that are aimed at making you move more and eat less. How?
Equine doses of caffeine, guarana, taurine and other stimulants that excite the nervous system, increase body temperature and increase the heart rate. All this is done so that you and the thoughts in your head do not have to put your butt on a chair or lie down.
The consequences are a killed nervous system and a hard rollback. At some point, there is an addiction to all the components, and in order to feel the same effect, it is necessary to increase the dose. Constantly sitting on stimulants will also not work, because everyone begins to make comments about your excitability, hot temper, sleep problems are disturbed and either you stop taking it yourself, or you will torment the body until something goes wrong.
The so-called fat burners add substances that reduce appetite and dull hunger. Sounds cool? In fact, this is achieved either by a gag reflex in those who are sensitive to the components or by a complete lack of effect in those who are not sensitive to them. By the way, doses of caffeine and guarana can also dull hunger.
Fat burners can make you lose weight because they influence you to move more and eat less, but this is achieved all by methods that have great consequences. For health, in particular, they suppress the nervous system, after which it will take a long time to restore sleep and relationships with loved ones. They entail consequences for the CCC system, overstressing it. They cause dizziness. They do not develop the habits of independent control of activity, improvement of the quality of training.
Appetite blockers prevent you from adjusting your diet.
Ultimately, the use of fat burners is discontinued. There are a lot of reasons. And if they give any effect, then a very difficult rollback occurs after that, because the skills of managing the diet and activity have not been worked out. You just return to your usual way of life (in the first weeks it will be even less active than usual due to the depressed central nervous system), and then you return your weight and gain a little more from above.
An overpriced weight loss supplement but an underrated workout supplement.
Levocarnitine is a substance that transports a fat molecule from the cell membrane to the mitochondria, where this fat breaks down, giving up its energy. But for this to happen, and the fat molecule reaches this cell, and it wants to burn it, it is necessary to create an incentive (calorie deficit), transport this molecule to the cells (via albumin), and perform many other actions. Taking a look, it turns out that the L-Carnitine-dependent movement plays an insignificant role in all this.
Mild effects have been noticed in losing weight, but they cannot be called influential. Still, losing weight is largely determined by the ability to make a balanced diet, manage your hunger and appetite. L-Carnitine does not help in this in any way.
But in training, it is an underrated supplement.
This study reports that after taking 3 g of L-Carnitine, they noticed: faster recovery, less muscle pain after training, and better performance during training. Many useful effects to help you be a little stronger. Indirectly, better performance can affect the weight loss process. But I wouldn’t count on it.
Weight Loss Supplements.
The only prerequisite for losing weight is a calorie deficit. This is the only way to lose weight. The formula is simple enough – eat less, move more. In a clinical setting, everything works perfectly, but as soon as it comes to real life, a sharp breakdown occurs and such a simple formula stops working. Because people find it difficult to stick to it. Hence, the best supplements that can help you lose weight are supplements that help you maintain your daily calorie deficit.
The two most important factors that prevent you from maintaining a daily calorie deficit for a long time and consistently are tasty, high-calorie food and poor sleep.
There are not many additives that can solve these problems.
One of the conditions for a sustainable, satisfying diet is an increase in the amount of protein in the diet. Protein foods have the highest saturation index. The fish is the leader. Cottage cheese and chicken fillet do just that well. If it seems to you that this is not so, then you are not eating enough of them. Try to eat 250-300 gr. protein products 3-4 times a day. In general, when losing weight, adhere to a rate of 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight of protein per day.
But for most, this will prove to be a difficult task. I often hear the objection “so I have to eat one protein.” In the beginning, indeed, due to lack of habit, it feels so. But over time, protein becomes the basis of the diet around which everything is built. Subsequently, meals that are lacking in protein will seem empty and incomplete. So, first and foremost, work towards building a system that will help you gain protein from food.
But life challenges, which sometimes happen, can push you away from your habits and your protein intake goes downhill. In this case, the protein will help you stay on your feet.
The protein is easy to mix, it is quickly drunk, and if you do not forget to wash the shaker right away, then it is generally excellent.
There is only one downside to protein – you can be lazy to the edge and gain half the protein norm with protein shakes alone.
Not just protein, but also protein bars. They will be more high-calorie, but fiber and flavorings are also added there, imitating a real bar.
In addition, high protein diets have shown very positive effects on weight loss. People who eat a lot of protein lose more fat than those who eat the norm, even if the deficiency is equal.
With that said, protein is a great supplement, especially when it helps you gain protein.
Lack of sleep causes overeating and cravings for fatty and salty foods.
This means that keeping a diet without getting enough sleep is extremely ineffective. Moreover, healthy sleep makes people make healthy food choices.
Good sleep helps keep your diet in check. To a large extent, sleep is dependent on circadian rhythms and melatonin.
Melatonin is a hormone that controls sleep. An increase in its concentration in the evening causes a desire to sleep, makes the eyelids heavier. Peaks of melatonin occur after falling asleep, and the lowest concentrations occur in the morning.
Melatonin is light-sensitive. Previously, our ancestors did not have artificial lighting, gadgets, and the sun was the only source of light. The sun gives a blue spectrum of radiation, which is recorded by the retina. A decrease in the number of light signals the onset of night and melatonin starts working. “Light pollution” is what we encounter in the modern world. A lot of artificial light and gadgets that are constantly in front of our eyes also emit a blue spectrum, so our heads and brains think that it is all the time of the day. Melatonin is not produced, which impairs sleep quality and the rate at which you fall asleep. Melatonin is also produced when you stay asleep and go to bed at about the same time.
Melatonin supplements are harmless and do not reduce your own melatonin production.
But you should not treat this as a solution to the problem. Melatonin will help you sleep better while you sleep and practice light hygiene. It’s like plugging a hole with your finger – it will help for a while, but repairs will still have to be done.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
DASH Diet For Beginners
Reduce Hypertension and lead a healthy life with DASH Diet:
Good Health is one of the most important things that people must strive for. A healthy body cannot be possible if you don’t have a consistent diet plan along with a healthy lifestyle.
Hypertension is among the most pressing issues that many people commonly face. In this article, we will discuss what hypertension is and why it is necessary to lower it. Then, we discuss the DASH diet, which is designed to help you lower hypertension and reduce many risks.
More info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/04/29/dash-diet-for-beginners/
What is Hypertension and Why you need to lower it?
Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure is a condition in which the blood pressure of a person is higher than recommended. It is affecting a lot of people — more than a billion people worldwide.
If you don’t know what blood pressure is and what is considered normal, let us have a quick rundown:
Blood pressure is the measure of the pressure that is exerted on the circulatory system, which includes your blood vessels and organs as your blood passes through them. You may see there are two readings when someone talks about blood pressures, like A/B.
The first part is called the systolic pressure, which is the pressure when your heartbeats and the second part is called the diastolic pressure which is the pressure between the heartbeats when the heart is at rest.
As such, the normal reading of blood pressure is generally taken as 120/80 for adults. If you find your blood pressure more than this, then you might have hypertension. There are a lot of causes of hypertension. Not only your diet affects it, but also your lifestyle and family history, age, stress, and many others.
Hypertension is linked to a significantly higher risk of heart diseases, kidney failures, and stroke. What’s more concerning is that the number of people suffering from hypertension has been increasing recently.
Because of them, it is highly recommended to maintain normal blood pressure.
What is the DASH diet?
DASH is an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, pretty Descriptive of its aim. But other than its core aim of reducing hypertension, the DASH diet can also help in weight loss and result in many potential health benefits.
The foundation for DASH was set after researchers observed that hypertension was much lower and uncommon for people who have followed a plant-based diet, who generally are vegans and vegetarians.
So, the DASH diet highly emphasizes whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. It highly limits salt intake and also red meat. It includes low-fat or fat-free dairy products like beans, nuts, poultry, fish, and vegetable oils.
In the DASH diet, you cannot eat foods that are high in saturated fat like fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, tropical oils like coconut, and palm oils.
DASH diet also encourages you to take less added sugars.
One of the main reasons that the DASH plan works so well is that it reduces salt intake. A general DASH diet program would not include more than 1 teaspoon of sodium per day, which is properly aligned with various guidelines.
However, there are also low salt versions of the DASH plan in which
Following the DASH Diet:
The DASH diet does not involve concrete details of all the food items you need to eat and instead, it asks you to eat specific servings of different groups of food.
That number of servings is different too — it depends on how many calories you take generally.
For example, if your calorie intake is 2000 calories per day, this is what the DASH recommended diet look like:
6 to 8 servings of whole-grain per day
4 to 5 servings of vegetables per day
4 to 5 servings of fruits per day
2 to 3 servings of Dairy Products per day
6 or fewer servings of Meat, Lean Chicken, and Fish per day
4 to 5 servings of nuts, legumes, and seeds per week
2 to 3 servings of Fats and oils per day.
5 or lower added sugar servings per week.
Potential health benefits:
Other than the main health benefits of the DASH diet like the reduction of hypertension (and the health benefits you gain from it). There are also many potential health benefits it might provide.
The reason for these potential health effects can be mainly associated with the intake of healthy food like fruits and vegetables. Some of the prominent potential health benefits are:
Weight loss:
Chances are if you have hypertension you may be suggested for weight loss because the more someone weighs, the higher the blood pressure tends to be.
There are some studies that suggest people can lose weight on a DASH diet. However, those studies were done in a controlled way
Less cancer risk:
Certain studies indicated that people who followed the DASH diet have a lower risk of attaining certain cancers, including colorectal and breast cancer.
Less metabolic syndrome risk:
It has been observed that following a DASH diet decreases the risk of metabolic syndrome upto 81%.
Less diabetes risk:
Certain studies have shown that the DASH diet can improve insulin resistance and also decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Health concerns regarding DASH Diet:
As the DASH diet provides all the nutrients you need and also is low in saturated fat and high in fiber, it is generally recommended for everyone.
However, if you have any particular health problem, it is probably a good idea to consult your doctor once regarding this diet.
Final Words:
DASH diet is a research backed solution for lowering your hypertension. It encourages you to take healthy foods and reduces your intake of salt, fats, and other items. However, it must be observed that eating too little salt is not good for everyone.
Also, just going on diet may work but must not be your only solution for hypertension. You must be exercising regularly and reducing stress and ultimately follow a better lifestyle for living a happy and healthy life.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Sirtfood Diet For Beginners
Sirtfood diet is becoming popular lately thanks to many celebrities following and promoting it. While it is the perfect diet to lose weight for some, it is a fad diet for others. Unlike many other diets… the Sirtfood diet allows you to drink red wine and eat chocolate!
The essential concept of the Sirt food diet is that by eating foods that can increase sirtuins in the body, you can lose weight and improve your health.
More info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/04/29/sirtfood-diet-for-beginners/
With many health experts warning that this diet may not be as good as they say, people want to know more about this diet so that they can figure it out themselves. In this article, let us discuss various aspects of the Sirtfood diet.
We first start with the focused compound of “sirtuins” and then, see different food items you can eat in the Sirt food diet, its effectiveness and sustainability, how this diet works, and also certain safety concerns regarding this diet. With all this information, you would be able to make better and informed decisions regarding whether to take this diet or not.
What are Sirtuins?
Sirtuins are proteins that are dubbed to “switch on” the “skinny genes” of our body. People say that they can regulate a lot of functions including metabolism, inflammation, and lifespan. So, some propose that by eating foods that can trigger an increase of this protein in your body, you can improve metabolism and overall health.
So the advantage advertised by sirtfood is clear: you can decrease your weight and improve your overall health. However, research is still not so clear as to the role of Sirtuins proteins regarding weight loss and aging. Much research has been done on animals and though there are a variety of benefits, we do not know everything for certain.
Several natural plant compounds can increase the level of these proteins in the body. However, the Sirt food diet does not only include eating a diet that can trigger an increase of sirtuins in the body, but also restricting calories, which also results in the same.
What you can eat in the Sirtfood diet:
The sirtfood diet was described originally in the Sirtfood Diet book by Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten. In that, they have provided recommendations for very specific fruits and vegetables to include in the diet.
It also includes several meal plans and recipes to follow. However, there are also various other Sirtfood diet recipe books available so you have a lot of reference choices regarding this one.
A common thing that the Sirtfood diet has is the different phases of it and the means you take, depending on the phase you are in following the diet.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Complete Guide Of “Keto Diet” For Beginners
Summary – The keto diet is a diet plan for weight loss. The main objective of this diet is the consumption of foods with less amount of carbohydrates. We tell who it suits and how it can be dangerous and how to make a menu for the week.
More info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/02/complete-guide-of-keto-diet-for-beginners/
What Is The Keto Diet?
The ketogenic diet – as defined by the National Library of Medicine, is a diet in which fat, rather than carbohydrates, is the main source of energy. This diet helps lower blood sugar levels and leads to weight loss by altering metabolism.
The keto diet promotes the formation of ketone bodies in the body, causing a condition called ketosis. With active physical activity, lipolysis (the use of fats as an energy source) begins after 2-3 days of the diet, with a passive lifestyle – on days 7-9. Initially, this food system was used to treat children with epilepsy.
The Essence Of The Keto Diet
The essence of the keto diet is a diet with minimal carbohydrate intake. Ideally, no more than 40-50 g per day. Gradually it is necessary to achieve the ratio: fats – 60-70%, proteins – 20-30% and no more than 10% carbohydrates. In other words, it is essential to remove high carbohydrate foods like – fruits, vegetables, cereals, flour, chocolate, alcohol.
The next important point is calorie content. If the goal is to lose weight, then the calorie content of your usual daily diet should be reduced by 500 kcal. If the task is to gain muscle mass, then it is necessary to increase the calorie intake by 500 kcal.
The number of meals should be at least five. With short breaks (no more than 3-4 hours). Before going to bed, you can and even need to eat – the last meal should be no more than three hours before going to bed.
We must not forget about the liquid. With a keto diet, it is important to drink at least three liters of water per day (about 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight). It is also highly desirable to reduce the amount of salt in the diet.
Once a week, a “carbohydrate load” is allowed (you can consume foods high in carbohydrates) to exclude breakdowns and, as a result, depression.
Signs Of Ketosis
Ketosis is an increased content of ketone bodies in body tissues. Ketone bodies are usually formed from fat metabolism and can be oxidized to release energy. An increase in their content in the tissues of the body occurs as a result of a violation of fat metabolism, for example, with diabetes mellitus or prolonged fasting ( definition of the Explanatory Dictionary of Medicine ).
The main signs of ketosis are:
1. Acetone odor from the mouth ;
2. Increase of ketone bodies in urine;
3. Temporary loss of strength ;
4. Irritability ;
5. Insomnia.
The Keto Diet And Its Types
The keto diet is a rather broad concept, within which there are its own varieties:
· Classic (standard): 75% of kcal are fats, 20% are allocated to proteins and only 5% to carbohydrates;
· Modified: fats account for 40% of the diet, and proteins and carbohydrates – 30% each;
· Target: in the days of training increases the number of carbohydrates in sports and reduced fats, the rest of the observed standard ketogenic diet;
· Cyclic: for athletes who build up lean muscle mass, a standard keto diet is followed for four days, a “carbohydrate load” for two days, plus a transitional day;
· A ketogenic diet with a high protein content: the amount of carbohydrates remains at the previous level, and the proteins increase to 30-35%. This leaves about 60% fat. This diet is suitable for all age groups including the elderly and bodybuilders.
· Limited: the amount of not only carbohydrates is cut, but also calories. This type is used in the treatment of cancer patients;
· Vegetarian or vegan: the substitution of nutrients – proteins/fats of vegetable origin, instead of the animal;
· Dirty: in the same proportions of macronutrients (fat 70-75% protein – 20% and carbohydrates – 5%) resolved keto unhealthy foods: bacon, sausage, soda without sugar, fast food with high-fat content. But this is rather a compulsory measure for food while traveling.
Pros And Cons
Pros of the keto diet
1. Rapid weight loss. The results from this type of weight loss are more stable compared to diets aimed at reducing calorie intake.
2. Restoration of the endocrine system. According to studies by Western scientists, women with polycystic ovaries not only lost weight but also recovered from infertility. Also, in patients with lymphedema (a condition that causes blockage of the lymphatic system), there have been positive results towards recovery.
3. Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Due to the absence of sudden spikes in glucose, insulin levels are stable, which reduces the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
4. Normalization of cholesterol levels. “Bad” cholesterol is replaced by “good” cholesterol, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
5. Strengthening the nervous system. The keto diet is actively used in the fight against epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, nervous disorders and anxiety.
Cons of the keto diet
1. Forbidden for people with liver and kidney problems – high protein and fat can cause serious harm.
2. Short-term effect for type 2 diabetics – insulin may rise again when returning to carbohydrate foods.
3. “Keto flu” . When switching to a keto diet in the first few days, due to a lack of carbohydrates, a “keto flu” can occur – a negative emotional and physical state (apathy, irritability, loss of energy, nausea). It usually goes away quickly enough.
4. Temporary weight loss with an inaccurate diet.
5. Lack of vitamins and minerals derived from “forbidden” vegetables and fruits.
6. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), namely constipation – due to a lack of plant fibers from cereals and legumes.
And, of course, most importantly, you need to consult with your doctor before switching to a ketogenic meal plan.
The Basics Of Eating A Keto Diet
What you can eat on a ketogenic diet
The mainstay of the keto diet is low-carb foods. They make up about 80% of the total diet:
· Meat products (pork, lamb, duck, goose), canned meat (pate, bacon, sausage, ham), offal.
· Fish and seafood. Salmon, salmon, saury (fatty fish), seafood, canned fish.
· Nuts and seeds (all types).
· Oils and fats. Vegetable oils, butter.
· Dairy products and eggs, fatty cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, fatty cheeses, eggs.
· Vegetables and fruits. Cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower), mushrooms, cucumbers, zucchini, olives, avocados, any greens, coconut, grapefruit, raspberries, blackberries, lemon.
What Not To Eat On A Ketogenic Diet
The keto diet does not completely eliminate carbohydrates, 5% remains in the diet. But in order to enter a state of ketosis, you need to limit the amount of high-carb foods:
· Any cereals. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
· Fruits and berries.
· Sugar and sugar-containing products (juices, soda, jams).
· Baking (bread, sweets).
· Starchy vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots).
· Fast food (burgers, fries, pizza).
Menu For The Week
Here’s a menu of the keto diet for a week, made up of the available products. Let’s make a reservation right away that the keto diet is quite an expensive pleasure since it includes a large amount of meat and fish.
Mondayomelet, vegetable saladalmondboiled chicken breast with a vegetable saladbaked vegetables and chicken legs
Tuesdaybaked salmon, cherry tomatoescheesefried fish with a vegetable saladfried cheese
Wednesdayscrambled eggs, baconcashewgrilled steak with vegetablescottage cheese 9%, sour cream 20%
Thursdayboiled egg, 1/2 avocado, lightly salted fishsmoothie with avocado, herbs, 1/2 applebaked salmon and vegetable saladfish meatballs with creamy sauce
Fridaycottage cheese 9%, sour cream 20%boiled egg beef with broccoliCaesar salad without croutons
Saturdayscrambled eggs, tomato, mushroomsprotein cocktailfried pork with vegetablescottage cheese 9%, kefir
Sundaysour cream 20%scrambled eggschicken liver in a creamy sauce, Brussels sproutsGreek salad
The keto diet forces the body to work in a new format: fats are not stored in reserve, but are the main source of energy, starting the process of ketosis. This type of food is quite satisfying, high calorie content contributes to the absence of breakdowns. And it’s easy enough to stick to 1200-1300 kcal per day. Due to the impressive amount of proteins and fats, it takes a few kilograms per week. But in a month it is really possible to lose about 3-5 kg. True, a lot depends on individual characteristics.
Contraindications for the keto diet are:
· Pregnancy and lactation
· The elderly and children’s age
· Diseases of the kidneys and liver, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, type 1 diabetes.
You also need to understand that an unbalanced diet (in our case, the rejection of fiber, vegetables and fruits) can harm a weakened body.
Questions And Answers About The Keto Diet
Is this diet good or bad?
There is no single answer to this question. The keto diet has both positive effects and side effects. Which of them will prevail depends on many factors: the accuracy of adherence to the diet, the duration, the quality of the products and, of course, the individual characteristics of the organism. The best option is to get tested and consult a doctor before starting.
Why Can’t You Eat Sugar And Starch On Keto?
Sugar isn’t just carbs, it’s fast carbs. When consumed in food, the body is saturated with it, and not with fats. If the diet contains sugar or its manifestations, then such a diet does not comply with the principles of keto.
Is Alcohol Possible On A Keto Diet? And Which?
Any alcohol increases appetite and does not contribute to weight loss. On a keto diet, alcoholic beverages are allowed only in small quantities and with a low carbohydrate content – whiskey, vodka, wine, champagne. Beer and cocktails don’t go well with the keto diet.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Complete Guide Of “Keto Diet” For Beginners
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r1-fitness · 3 years
You may have heard of this before: Intermittent fasting. This diet seems to have become an important trend in the fitness world in recent years. But what exactly is it? In this article, we’ll give you all the details about intermittent fasting so you can decide for yourself if it’s right for you.
Read info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/03/is-intermittent-fasting-something-for-you-all-ins-and-outs-at-a-glance/
Intermittent fasting (intermittent fasting) is a form of eating and eating that has become increasingly popular in recent years. There are a number of different methods of intermittent fasting, but the basis for each method is the same: there is a certain period in which you can eat and a period in which you fast. In intermittent fasting, there are no rules about what you eat, only when you eat. Basically, you just eat the same amount of calories, as usual, only now you divide them into a shorter period.
The idea behind fasting is that your body will use fat instead of glucose for energy. Usually, your body converts carbohydrates into glucose and uses them for energy. Since your body does not consume carbohydrates during a fast, it runs out of glucose stores and has to convert fats into energy.
Unlike a fixed diet plan, intermittent fasting doesn’t tell you what you’re eating. However, use your mind if you want to try intermittent fasting. Just eating junk food with meals is of course not very good for your body.
It may seem difficult to fast for such a long period of time, but in principle, we all fast every day during the period when we sleep. With intermittent fasting, you only lengthen this fasting period slightly. For example, you can skip breakfast and start lunch from 13.00: 20.00.
Basically, you don’t necessarily eat less with intermittent fasting, you only distribute your food over a shorter period of time. For example, if you typically eat 6 small meals spread out throughout the day, you are likely to eat 2 large meals during your meal period. You are also not allowed to drink anything containing calories while fasting, so you only drink water, tea, or black coffee.
Intermittent fasting is intimidating to many people because they are likely to fear bouts of hunger during fasting. Of course, you will be hungry at first, but since you are getting a normal amount of food, this hunger will decrease during the fasting period, the longer you do intermittent fasting. If you follow a diet that allows you to eat significantly fewer calories, you often eat small meals throughout the day, which never leaves you full. You will probably be hungry all day. So consider what works best for you.
There are different methods of intermittent fasting. While the basics are mostly the same, there are a number of differences between these methods. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and not every method is suitable for everyone. We will briefly explain the most well-known methods below.
The LeanGains method is by far the most popular intermittent fasting method among bodybuilders. With this method, you divide your day into one eating window and one quick window, you can only consume calories with meals. Mealtimes can range from 4 to 8 hours, and the fasting period can range from 16 to 20 hours. With this intermittent fasting method, you fast every day. You can define the period in which you eat or eat. For example, if you decide to use the 8-hour meal window, you can choose whether to do it from 09.00: 17.00 to 13.00: 21.00. It is assumed that your food window and your fast window occur at the same time every day. So keep your daily schedule in mind when choosing your time.
The second method is the Warrior Diet. This intermittent fasting method is actually the exception to the rule. This method determines in part what you eat. With the Warrior Diet, you have 20 hours a day. underfeeding period. During this period, you may only eat light snacks such as fruit shakes or protein shakes. You have an overfeeding period in the evening. This period lasts 4 hours and during this period you eat foods that are associated with the paleo diet.
The alternative day fasting method means you eat what you want one day and only a fifth of your calories the next day. So, if you eat 2,500 calories during your “normal” day, you will only eat 500 calories the next day during your fasting day. For example, many people using this method consume a lot of smoothies on a fast day because they are relatively low in calories and can still feel mildly full.
Typically, most people start intermittent fasting because they want to lose weight. However, this should not be a condition. Because if you eat for service, you will not lose weight, because you will suddenly switch to intermittent fasting. After all, the condition for losing weight is still creating a negative energy balance over a longer period of time.
Plus, intermittent fasting can make you more energetic, healthier, and healthier. In addition, intermittent fasting also has a positive effect on your body. During fasting, different things happen in your body at the molecular level.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a hormone that helps repair and build muscle. This hormone works when there is little or no insulin in your blood. Insulin enters your bloodstream as soon as you eat something with carbohydrates. from the investigation It was found that during the fast, the levels of human growth hormone suddenly rose sharply and became five times higher!
Insulin is a hormone used by the body to absorb nutrients. However, insulin also inhibits fat burning and stimulates fat production. From the research, It has come to the fore that fasting for short periods increases the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin. This means your muscles can better absorb nutrients with the same amount of insulin. Therefore, the body must produce less insulin so that less fat is produced and fat burning is also suppressed less.
One of the benefits of intermittent fasting is that you can suddenly eat a lot more! You are now consuming the number of calories you would normally divide into 6 meals in two to three meals. Therefore, your food is much larger. Because of this, you are well full after eating.
Another benefit might be that you can sleep a little longer. If you skip breakfast because the break only starts at noon, you can lie down in the morning for at least a few minutes longer!
Plus, you should focus less on food. Now you can eat all day because you are always on the lookout for when to eat next. With intermittent fasting, you spend less time eating. You know ahead of time that you can start eating at a certain time, and you don’t have to check your watch every time to see if it’s time for your next meal. If you also prepare meals in advance, you don’t even have to think twice during your meal period!
If you follow a specific diet, it is often difficult to combine it with social activities. On birthdays, you always turn down that slice of cake and are guaranteed to get the comment, “One slice is possible, isn’t it?” Intermittent fasting makes it easier to juggle social events. Since you can consume all the calories for that day during your meal period, you can eat this piece of the cake perfectly as long as your birthday falls on your meal period.
Meal planning can be a little tricky, especially if you have a lot of work or school. Do you prefer to eat during the day or do you want to eat at home in the evening? It’s important to think carefully about what your day will look like and prepare for it. Preparing food that you can take with you can be a useful tool. In the Referenced Article Read How You Can Become A Pro In Food Cooking!
When planning your meal period, it is also important to consider when you will exercise. If you exercise after a long break from eating, you may feel weak and notice that you are less energetic. So it may be more comfortable to exercise during or immediately after a meal period. If you choose to exercise while fasting, you can take BCAAs before or during your workout.
While intermittent fasting is sometimes easier to combine with social gatherings, it can also be more difficult. If your friends want to plan a fasting dinner, you cannot join. If you have a birthday while fasting, you cannot eat anything on your birthday.
Another danger associated with intermittent fasting is that you are walking Bingen. Of course, during the initial period, you will be hungry during the fast, and there is a danger that you will be so hungry that you will not be able to contain yourself and eat whatever is left and stuck as soon as the eating period begins. Of course, this is not entirely true. Therefore, very strict discipline is helpful if you want to start with intermittent fasting.
If, after reading this article, you decide to try intermittent fasting, there are a few things to keep in mind. Above all, keep in mind that it takes your body time to get used to this new way of eating. It is not strange if, after two days, you are still very hungry for a fixed period. Continue for at least 2-3 weeks to allow your body to get used to intermittent fasting. It is also important that your diet is something that you can easily maintain. It should be part of your lifestyle. If you still have a lot of fasting problems after a few weeks, this diet may not be for you. One of the other goals of intermittent fasting is to be less obsessed with eating. If, after a few weeks, you keep counting down minutes each day until you are allowed to eat again, you might ask yourself if this is right for you.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Everything You Need To Know About Trendiest Mediterranean Diet
In fact, the Mediterranean diet dates back to the 1960s. Scientists believe that such a diet helps to increase life expectancy, weight loss and acts as a prevention of many diseases. And more importantly, sticking to such a diet isn’t very difficult. The basics
Diet hailing from the shores of the Mediterranean has long been legendary. But we will focus only on the facts. The American Medical Journal found that the Mediterranean diet is as effective for weight loss as a low-carb diet. The Mediterranean diet is not a strict dietary system, but rather a way of life.
Read more info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/05/everything-you-need-to-know-about-trendiest-mediterranean-diet/
The diet several times a week (five to six servings a week) must include fish and seafood. A second important point is the large number of vegetables (up to six servings per week). Those who are accustomed to dressing salads with olive or vegetable oil can not refuse them. Oils provide a feeling of fullness and lower cholesterol levels. But flour, bread and semi-finished products will have to be abandoned.
Try to eat foods with a low glycemic index: brown rice, whole grain pasta, and oats. Sweets, namely dark chocolate, can be served no more than three servings per week. And do not forget to have a hearty breakfast, let the lunches be more or less light, but no one will benefit from a hearty dinner. And build yourself a regime, doctors recommend eating at the same time, – says Anna Ivashkevich, nutritionist, clinical psychologist-nutritionist, member of the National Association for Clinical Nutrition.
According to statistics, such a diet saves from cardiovascular diseases and will also be useful for type 2 diabetes. The Mediterranean diet is best exemplified by a Greek salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, slices of feta cheese and a drop of olive oil. However, in fact, there are many more permitted products in it. This diet involves the consumption of fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts, oil (and not only olive oil – there is a whole arsenal of healthy vegetable fats), fish, poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt.
What shouldn’t be eaten on the Mediterranean diet?
As the expert has already said, meat, especially red meat, and sweets are best left for special occasions. Processed foods (for example, anything that can be bought in a box) and ready-made mixtures are also traditionally prohibited.
Example of a diet (you must choose one dish)
Breakfast • Cottage cheese casserole • Omelet with one egg yolk and two whites • Cheese with crispbreads • Muesli with natural yogurt and dried fruits • Coffee / green tea
Lunch • Baked fish with vegetables • Pasta with seafood and tomatoes • Risotto with shrimps • Chicken soup/cheese soup with shrimps • Vegetable salad with boiled fish
Dinner • Avocado and shrimp salad • Baked chicken breast with rice • Steamed fish and vegetable salad • Vegetable stew and baked turkey • Fish cakes with vegetables • Boiled seafood and vegetables
What are the health benefits?
According to a 2016 study presented at a conference in Brussels as part of the NU-AGE project, this diet can be called rejuvenating. Her fans have decreased levels of C-reactive protein associated with aging. A separate study, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, published data from a five-year study in more than 7,400 people with type 2 diabetes. People were divided into three groups: one followed the Mediterranean diet with added olive oil, the second followed the Mediterranean diet with added nuts, and the third followed the low-fat diet. In five years, people from the first group have lost dozens of extra pounds, proving that they can lose weight without giving up eating fat.
A new study, funded by the US National Cancer Institute and US National Institutes of Health, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, found that middle-aged women who adhere to the Mediterranean diet are more likely to live longer (up to 70 years) and get less sick. Such representatives of the fair sex are less likely to suffer from serious chronic diseases and other ailments. Remember that the Mediterranean region is in second place after Japan in terms of the number of centenarians in the world, including the countries: Greece, Italy, Spain and France. The largest number of people aged 80+ live there. In fact, nearly half of the Mediterranean population lives to be 85 years old.
One of the main reasons, according to experts, maybe their food preferences. Residents of countries that have access to the Mediterranean regularly consume fresh fish, olive oil and local produce. They drink moderate amounts of wine and usually do not overeat sweets. These dietary habits are the very foundation of the Mediterranean diet, as you already know.
Eating a diet for an extended period of time lowers the risk of colon cancer, heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. What’s more, a study in 4,600 women published in the BMJ found that following a Mediterranean diet can help slow down DNA damage and therefore slow down aging.
Anna Ivashkevich notes that this diet has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to certain foods (they can simply be excluded from your diet). You should also not give preference to this diet for those who have chronic diseases – it is better to develop a special menu.
For those who need everything at once, the Mediterranean diet will not be impressive. It is also not suitable for fast weight loss in a short time. Prepare to lose weight slowly. And, of course, one of the downsides is that the diet is quite expensive. However, some products from your diet can be replaced with cheaper ones, for example, cherry tomatoes for ordinary ones, salmon for cod, and so on.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
What Is Magnesium And Its Role In Pregnancy?
Magnesium is a macromineral, one of the most important in the body. He participates in many processes. At the stages of development of the whole organism, it has a positive effect on the regulation of internal organs, and on blood clotting, and the work of the nervous system, reducing its excitability. Protects the body from infections. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substance.
More info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/20/what-is-magnesium-and-its-role-in-pregnancy/
What Is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a macromineral, one of the most important in the body. He participates in many processes. At the stages of development of the whole organism, it has a positive effect on the regulation of internal organs, and on blood clotting, and the work of the nervous system, reducing its excitability. Protects the body from infections. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substance.
What are the benefits of magnesium?
Protects the health of bone tissue and teeth;
It is necessary for the transmission of a nerve signal and full-fledged energy production;
Helps in the better absorption of vitamins (B and C vitamins)
Helps the affected tissues regenerate more quickly;
It increases the functioning of the nervous system by increasing the speed of conduction of impulses;
It is part of the digestive enzymes, improves digestion
Regulates vascular tone, helps prevent hypertension and atherosclerosis
The most important causes of magnesium deficiency are:
Reduced magnesium intake: reduced content in “civilized food”, dietary courses, alcoholism, parenteral nutrition with a low content of Mg.
Decreased intestinal resorption: prolonged diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, inflammatory enteropathies, condition after bowel resection, decreased resorption due to high intake of calcium, protein-rich food, high fat in food, large amounts of alcohol. Increased need for magnesium: pregnancy and lactation, increased physical activity (sweating), growth period, recovery period, stress. Increased excretion of magnesium: gastrointestinal disorders – vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, abuse of laxatives; renal diseases – nephrotic syndrome, Barter’s syndrome, renal salt loss, renal acidosis; chronic alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, diuretic and cytostatic therapy, anti-tuberculosis drugs. Endocrine disorders: hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism.
Significant Disorders In Organs And Systems With Magnesium Deficiency
Clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency affect almost all organs and systems. With a pronounced magnesium deficiency, heart rhythm disturbances occur with the development of arrhythmias, a violation of the blood coagulation system, an increase in blood cholesterol levels and an acceleration of the progression of atherosclerosis, headaches, decreased mental performance, irritability and depression, an increased risk of bronchospastic conditions, aggravated osteoporosis, impaired immune function system, urolithiasis progress. A lack of magnesium in the body leads to a state of increased nervous excitability of the cell, and muscle cells experiencing depolarization disorders undergo redundant contraction processes in relation to relaxation processes
During pregnancy, the need for magnesium increases 2-3 times, which is due to an increase in the weight of the uterus from 100 to 1000 g, mammary glands, total blood mass due to an increase in the number of erythrocytes by 20-30%, a high level of estrogen and an increase in the level of aldosterone.
Sufficient provision of the mother’s body with this important element creates the basis for the full-fledged bearing of the fetus and the birth of a healthy child. The placenta is characterized by one of the highest levels of magnesium, it synthesizes more than 150 proteins and hormones, of which 70% are magnesium-dependent. The need of a pregnant woman’s body for magnesium often exceeds its intake, and this circumstance allows us to consider pregnancy as a physiological model of hypomagnesemia.
Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy can cause undesirable consequences from both the mother and the fetus: impaired implantation of the embryo, calcification of the placenta (a consequence of impaired calcium metabolism in conditions of magnesium deficiency), the long-term threat of termination of pregnancy, premature birth, weakness of labor, disorders dilatation of the cervix and the period of expulsion during labor, symphysiopathy and symphysis, preeclampsia and eclampsia. The most common manifestations of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy include calf muscle cramps, tremors, writer’s cramp, increased uterine tone, and arterial hypertension.
The use of inorganic magnesium salts for prolonging pregnancy and in the complex therapy of preeclampsia has been well studied. However, their use can be manifested by a number of serious and formidable complications, such as hot flashes, nausea, headache, slow heart rate, acute brain damage in newborns. Inorganic salts and magnesium oxide are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and cause dyspepsia.
Recently, the drugs of choice for the treatment of chronic magnesium deficiency and long-term prevention of pregnancy complications are organic magnesium salts for oral administration, which are better absorbed, more easily tolerated by patients and give fewer adverse drug reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.
One of the most promising and most successful drugs used in the treatment and prevention of magnesium deficiency and the threat of premature birth is the preparation of organic magnesium salt, which contains 32.8 mg of elemental magnesium or 500 mg of magnesium orotate. Orotic acid, which is part of the drug, is an intermediary in the biosynthesis of pyrimidines, the synthesis of glycogen and adenosine triphosphate. The effectiveness of magnesium increases when it is used with so-called magnesiofixers. Orotic acid in foreign literature is classified as an “Mg-fixing agent”, which facilitates the transport of Mg 2+ ions into the cell.
Magnesium orotate is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day for 7 days, then 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is at least 4–6 weeks.
The Recommended Dosage Of Magnesium –  The Daily Dose For Women Is 300 Mg, For Men 350 Mg. With Increased Physical Activity For Women, 310 Mg, After 30 Years – 320 Mg. For Men 350-400 Mg, After 30 Years – 420 Mg.What Foods Contain Magnesium?
For the normal functioning of the body, you should add foods with a high magnesium content:
Groats (oat, buckwheat)
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Anti-Inflammatory Diet: What You Can Eat And What Foods To Avoid
What Is Systemic Inflammation?
Systemic inflammation has nothing to do with habitual pathologies or injuries. Its essence is the gradual wear and tear of our body, in which the so-called “cellular debris” accumulates over time. The immune system begins to attack it, perceiving it as something alien, although in fact, it is not. In this case, any organ can fall under the “distribution”. Any unfavorable factors intensify systemic inflammation: food intolerance, dysbiosis, unhealthy diet, sleep deficit, frequent stress. In response to such influences, inflammatory molecules such as cytokines or free radicals are produced in large quantitie
More details@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/21/567/
Systemic Inflammation Symptoms
Systemic inflammation has no vivid symptoms – this process is sluggish. And those that do appear, many take for granted – “the age is not the same.” In general, its presence can be described as a deterioration in the quality of life. It is expressed in fatigue, fatigue, weight gain, changes in the emotional background, decreased vitality, deterioration of the quality of the skin. Its more obvious manifestations are damage to certain organs. The first to make themselves felt are inflammatory diseases of the skin (dermatitis, psoriasis), mucous membranes (gastritis, colitis), joints (arthritis).
It is impossible to completely slow down the process of systemic inflammation. But it is quite possible to significantly reduce its speed. Including the help of a special diet. How do you need to build your diet in order to postpone the manifestations of age for a longer period?
What Foods Provoke Systemic Inflammation
Among them, there are three main groups of foods that are more conducive to the development of inflammation. Their use should be minimized.
Foods containing simple carbohydrates. They accelerate the development of systemic inflammation through a variety of mechanisms. Their excess affects the microbiota, increases the production of insulin and cortisol, and provokes the destruction of proteins. There are many simple sugars, not only in baked goods, fast food sweets. They are found in honey, sweet fruits, dairy products.
Foods are high in omega-6. This polyunsaturated fatty acid is a precursor of substances with high inflammatory activity – eicosanoids. We also need them, but not in such quantities. Most people have a lot of foods in their diet that contains omega-6s: sunflower, corn and soybean oil.
Foods causing food intolerances. Very often this is the food that we love very much and eat often. Food hypersensitivity is more likely to develop with a poor diet. Indeed, in this case, the same antigens enter the body every day. The immune system begins to perceive them as foreign agents.
There are also a number of foods that overload our immune system to a greater extent. These are legumes, cereals, especially those containing gluten, milk protein. If you completely remove these products from your menu, then, as a rule, the manifestations of systemic inflammation are reduced. In this case, a person begins to lose weight, even taking into account the fact that the daily calorie content of his diet has not changed. Ideally, in order to determine which foods are developing hypersensitivity, an appropriate test should be taken.
Products That Reduce Systemic Inflammation
The basis of an anti-inflammatory diet is a large number of vegetables, legumes, unsweetened fruits, berries and herbs. It is recommended to eat at least 450 g, and preferably 750 g of plant food per day. Not only fresh vegetables and fruits are suitable, but also frozen ones. All the necessary vitamins and minerals are stored in them.
Make sure to include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These are primarily fish and olive oil. And, of course, animal protein should not be forgotten either. It can be obtained not only from fish but also from the lean white meat of poultry or rabbit. Red meat with such a diet should be kept to a minimum. It is high in amino acids such as cysteine and methionine, which accelerate systemic inflammation.
The following foods are especially important for reducing systemic inflammation:
Products with polyamines. These substances can enter cells and destroy “cellular debris”. There are many of them in mature cheeses, mushrooms and grapefruits.
Probiotic products. They contain live bacteria that are important for maintaining a normal gut microbiome. These are mainly fermented milk products with a limited shelf life.
Foods with dietary fiber. Fiber is food for the beneficial gut microbiota. Its main source is herbal products.
Foods with polyphenols. These include antioxidant substances that neutralize free radicals. They are found in large quantities in herbs and berries.
Products with magnesium. This trace element reduces the concentration of inflammatory molecules in the blood. Some of the best sources are buckwheat, lentils and nuts.
Vitamin K foods. Reduces the rate of formation of inflammatory markers. Most of this vitamin is found in leafy vegetables.
Products with spermidine. It speeds up the process of autophagy – the destruction of “cellular debris”. It is found in large quantities in seedlings. There is a lot of it in mushrooms and aged cheeses.
Curcumin products. This substance reduces the activity of enzymes involved in inflammation. Its main source is the spicy flavoring of turmeric.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Foods To Improve Your Mood
 What determines our mood? The mood directly depends on the substances produced by the body, which is a special way to affect the brain and central nervous system. Improving mood, the so-called neurotransmitters – serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, endorphin and tryptophan. Thanks to them, we feel easy and confident, experienced a surge of vitality and positive emotions, perceive the world in bright colors. If the amount of neurotransmitters in the body decreases, the mood will decrease accordingly. This is most often due to stress, lack of sleep and rest, malnutrition or imbalance. Active recreation and sports, as well as some food products, help to improve mood.
More info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/29/629/
Mood Improving Foods: 1. Meat Certain types of meat (chicken, beef, pork) contain the amino acid tyrosine, which increases the level of dopamine and norepinephrine, which improve mood, concentration and memory. In addition, meat is a source of vitamin B12, which helps to cope with insomnia and depression. Iron, which is part of the meat, maintains the saturation of the body’s cells with oxygen and thus energizes it.
2. Hot pepper It turns out that the more pepper you eat, the calmer you feel. And all thanks to the natural ingredient capsaicin, which makes dishes spicy, stimulates nerve endings in the mouth and causes a burning sensation. In response to these influences, the brain lovingly releases endorphins that relieve pain and improve mood.
3. Eggs Eggs contain important fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D, tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, which we have already discussed. So even simple scrambled eggs can improve your mood. However, you need to know when to stop: the yolk, as it contains a large amount of cholesterol.
4. Chocolate First of all, women and children know about the remarkable abilities to improve the mood of this product. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain a substance phenylethylamine, thanks to which the body produces the well-known hormones of happiness – endorphins. But that’s not all: Cocoa beans are rich in stress-relieving magnesium. Please note that only dark chocolate has the listed beneficial qualities, milk chocolate is less useful.
5. Nuts Nuts, like oily fish, contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help keep brain cells working properly and help relieve symptoms of depression. They also contain tryptophan, vitamin B6 and the mineral selenium, which can help improve mood.
6. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge Oatmeal and buckwheat contain tryptophan, which, when processed in the body, contributes to the formation of one of the hormones of happiness – serotonin. A very important property of these cereals is the normalization of blood sugar levels. The leveling of its indicators is possible thanks to the slow carbohydrates contained in buckwheat and oatmeal. Why is it important? Sugar affects mood because it affects the level of insulin in the blood, which delivers tryptophan to the brain, where it is already processed into serotonin.
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