radpineapples99 · 6 years
Me when I listen to the front bottoms
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
one of my favorite weird history moments has got to be when american agents tasked with nixon’s security while he was in the soviet union as vice president under eisenhower detected unusual amounts of radiation in his hotel room so they discussed it loudly to each other to make sure the soviets knew that they knew since there were obviously bugs everywhere and the next day it just mysteriously went away and they never learned any more about it
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
Any law that can have its punishment avoided by being sufficiently rich shouldn’t exist
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
My therapist told me something meaningful yesterday, she said “It’s important to remember that when you’re depressed you have to nurse yourself and be extra gentle towards yourself. Just like an athlete wouldn’t break an ankle then force themselves to run that ankle. They rest as it heals and do not think “I am a failed athelete” they think, “right now something isn’t working so i’ll take care of myself until it does.“ 
Just like a broken bone, depression can change the way your daily life plays out, and pushing yourself too hard and getting frustrated when you don’t feel better is just like trying to run on that broken ankle and getting frustrated when it doesn’t heal.
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
Why does being in your early 20s feel so much like only having 5 years of your life left in which you need to achieve as much as possible? why do I feel like I have an approaching deadline for success?
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
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i really don’t think that this bottle of tea knows what a haiku is
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
Slenderman is a tall good boy and there’s nothing wrong with tormenting and killing amateur filmmakers
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn't see their reflection
I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
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2017 mood vs 2018 mood
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
Having a big heart will always be the worst part and best part about me.
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
“the cover is never as good as the origi–”
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
There’s a new girl in my kindergarten class who’s autistic and it’s like she’s barely / not really verbal but like idk she opened up to me a little, I don’t tell people I’m on the spectrum at work because they already treat me horribly because I’m the only poc there but like she’s a little Latina girl who I know exactly how she feels and like I was like “hey Nina, If you don’t wanna talk it’s okay, just thumbs up or thumbs down if you understand the (math) problem? Okay?” So we sorta made like a thumbs up and thumbs down thing between us and today it was the most surreal thing because I like “I know they tell you to make eye contact but I’m gonna tell you a trick, look at their neck, chin, hair, and whatever is behind them, I don’t like eye contact very much either? Thumbs up?” And she said with the smallest voice “Thankyou , for not saying I’m dumb” I wanna be the person I needed when I was her age
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
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radpineapples99 · 7 years
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