raikc-blog · 8 years
((Popping in to say I'm still alive -- but I'm probably going to move blogs if I do come back. Still not sure what I'm gonna do yet
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raikc-blog · 8 years
Everything seems to be going downhill. My feelings are still strong about him. I'm drinking tonight, to numb the feeling. Even if it's just for a short time.
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raikc-blog · 8 years
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raikc-blog · 8 years
DEADPOOL (2016) Starters;
This is a (more-or-less) complete list of quotes from the film. Send a quote, or just send “💀💩L” for a random starter. Change pronouns as necessary.  NSFW; includes strong language, sexual references, mentions of cancer, animal abuse, ableist/transphobic language, etc.  
“I’m getting kinda lonesome back here.”
“Love is a beautiful thing.”
“It’s Christmas, and I’m after someone on my naughty list.”
“How about a crisp high five?”
“Fucking mutant.”
“Maximum effort.”
“Have you seen this man?”
“I’ve never said this, but don’t swallow!”
“Shit…did I leave the stove on?”
“I only brought 12 bullets, so you’re gonna have to share.”
“Someone’s not counting.”
“Stupid…worth it!”
“I’m touching myself tonight.”
“Now…if I were a 200-pound sack of assholes named _______, where would I hide?”
“Really? Rolling up the sleeves?”
“That guy in the suit just turned that other guy into a fucking kabob!”
“I may be super, but I am no hero.”
“I didn’t order the pizza.”
“Then who placed the call?”
“I will shoot your fucking cat!”
“I don’t have a cat.”
“You need to seriously ease up on the bedazzling. They’re jeans, not a chandelier.”
“Words hurt, but not as much as serrated steel.”
“That came out wrong…or did it?” 
“Should’ve brought my rollerblades.”
“And that’s why we do it. Mostly the money, though.”
“Think you could fuck up my stepdad?”
“If I give some guy a pavement facial, it’s because he’s earned it.”
“You’re my hero!”
“I’d like a blowjob- the drink, moose-knuckle.” 
“I ain’t taking no babysitting money.”
“You know, for a merc, you’re pretty warm-blooded.”
“Ah, he’s not such a bad kid.”
“Just a little light stalking.”
“I was way worse at his age.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen your Instagram.”
“What were special forces doing in _________, anyway?”
“That’s classified.”
“They have an amazing TGI Fridays.”
“Alright…Kalua, Bailey’s, and whipped cream. I give you: a blowjob.” 
“He’s still breathing.”
“Soldiers of fortune, drinks on me!”
“Domestic, nothing imported!”
“I’m living until I’m 102, and then dying, like the city of Detroit.”
“Hands off the merchandise.”
“You’d better apologize before- yeah. That.” 
“I’m sorry, I don’t have a filter between my mouth and my-”
“Hey, hey! Hakuna his tatas!”
“Go cast a spell.”
“So…you bump fuzzies for money?”
“Rough childhood?”
“Ever had a cigarette put out on your skin?”
“They took turns.”
“Who would do such a thing?”
“I get it. You love skee-ball. Apparently, more than you love vagina!” 
“Prepare to lose tragically.”
“Well I hate to break it to you, but your forty-eight minutes are up.” 
“FYI, five mini lion-bots come together to form one super-bot!” 
“What do we do with the remaining two minutes thirty-seven seconds?” 
“How long can we keep this up?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Happy Chinese New Year.”
“Happy International Women’s Day.”
“Happy Lent.”
“Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Happy Halloween!”
“If your left leg is Thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas, can I visit you between the holidays?” 
“Oh, that sweater is awful! Looks good on you, though.”
“I’ve been thinking. About why we’re so good together.” 
“Your crazy matches my crazy, big-time.”
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you- but only because you haven’t gotten around to asking me.”
“Will you marry me?”
“Will you stick it in my…?”
“Where were you hiding that?”
“That’s my line.”
“Oh, I feel just like a little girl!”
“Aww, Star Wars jokes.”
“Jesus Christ, it’s like I made you in a computer!”
“Pee break.”
“Here’s the thing: life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief commercial-like breaks of happiness. This has been the ultimate commercial break, which means it’s time to return to our regularly scheduled programming.”  
“You’re clowning…you’re not clowning.”
“You look like you need a blowjob and a shower.”
“Can I help you with something?” ( optional: “Besides luring children into a panel van?” )
“Forty-one confirmed kills. That’s one every seven weeks, same rate most folks get a haircut.”
“I tried the hero business once, and it left a mark. But if I ever hit fuck it, I’ll give you a call.” 
“His drink’s on him.”
“This is my most prized possession.”
“I want you to remember me, not the ghost of Christmas me.”
“It’s a real shit-show- like the Yakov Smirnoff opening for the spin doctors at the Iowa State Fair- and under no circumstances will I take you to that show.” 
“I swear to God, I’m gonna find you in the next life and I’m going to boombox Careless Whisper outside your window.”
“Nobody is boomboxing anything!”
“We can beat this.”
“I had another Liam Neeson nightmare. I dreamed I kidnapped his daughter and he just wasn’t having it.” 
“They made three of those movies. At some point you have to wonder if he’s just a bad parent.” 
“The worst part about cancer isn’t what it does to you- it’s about what it does to the people you love.” 
“You finally hit fuck-it.”
“Nothing warms my heart more than a change of someone else’s.”
“Just promise you’ll do right by me. So I can do right by someone else.” 
“Please don’t make the super-suit green. Or animated!”
“This place looks sanitary.”
“My first request is warmer hands. Jesus, and a warmer bed!” 
“Aren’t you a little strong for a lady?” ( optional: “I’m calling wang!” )
“I’m just excited for my first day of superhero camp!”
“We have another talker.”
“Is ____ your real name? Because it sounds suspiciously made-up.” ( optional: “What is it really? Mitch? Kevin? Bruce? The Rickster? Is it Basil Fawlty?” )
“My opening speech used to be full of euphemisms, like “This may hurt a little” and “You may experience some discomfort”…”
“You’ve heard the whole “make an omlette, break some eggs” bit, yeah?
“I no longer feel pain. In fact, I no longer feel anything.” 
“You have something in your teeth.”
“Ahh, made you look!”
“One thing that never survives this place is a sense of humor.”
“What- you’re just going to leave me with angrier Rosie O’Donnell, here?”
“In order for this to work, we have to cause you intense pain.”
“Anything on my bucket list would have to involve public nudity.”
“Hey, don’t take any shit from him. After all, how tough can he be with a name like _______?”
“You are so relentlessly annoying.”
“Why don’t you do us all a favour and shut the fuck up before I sew that pretty mouth shut?” 
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“What’s my name?”
“Enjoy your weekend.”
“Fucking hell! Looks like someone just lost his shot at homecoming king!”
“I’ve seen side-effects like this before.”
“You sadistic fuck! What have you done to me?!” 
“I’ve cured you.” 
“You’re immortal. I’m actually quite jealous.”
“This ain’t a life worth living, is it?”
“I’m gonna do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the 90′s!”
“Benefits of being a superhero? They pull down a gaggle of ass. Dry-cleaning, coffee shops, lucrative movie deals, including spin-offs as well as larger ensemble movies…” 
“They’re all lame-ass teacher’s pets!”
“You know I can hear you?”
“Wasn’t talking to you!”
“I don’t have time for your X-Men bullshit, ________!”
“Who’s this? Your sidekick?”
“_________? What the shit? That’s the coolest name ever!”
“Can we go?”
“Look at me! I’m a teenage girl! I’d rather be anywhere than here! I’m all about long sullen silences, punctuated by mean comments, followed by more sullen silences! So, what’s it gonna be? Long sullen silence, or mean comment?”
“You got me in a box here, dude.”
“You’re really gonna fuck this up for me?”
“It’s not like I’m hurting anyone!”
“That guy was already up there when I got here!” 
“Oh, your poor wife!”
“All the dinosaurs feared the T-Rex.”
“You ever hear about the one-legged man in the ass-kicking contest?”
“Do you have an off-switch?”
“Yeah, it’s right next to the prostate. Or is that the on-switch?” 
“This is embarrassing.”
“Dead or alive, you’re coming with me!”
“You ever seen 127 Hours? Spoiler alert.”
“Are you there, God? It’s me, ________!”
“Rock, meet bottom.”
“You are…haunting.”
“You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado.” 
“You look like Freddy Krueger face-fucked a topographical map of Utah.”
“You look like a testicle with teeth.”
“You will die alone.”
“Captain _______…no. Just ________. Definitely just ________.”
“________. That sounds like a fucking franchise.” 
“Tell me where your fucking boss is, or you’re gonna die!” ( optional: “…in five minutes!” )
“Is it sexist to hit you? Is it more sexist not to hit you? This is so confusing!”
“I’ll take a footlong. Fully loaded.”
“You’re looking very alive.”
“You might wanna look away for this.”
“This little piggy went to…”
“Seltzer water and lemon for blood. Or wear red.”
“I got blood in your garbage.”
“A fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break? That’s like, sixteen walls.” 
“She’s like the Robin to my Batman.”
“Smells like old lady pants in here!”
“Yes, I’m old. Yes, I wear pants.”
“Ah, but you’re no lady.”
“Ohh, so comfy!”
“How’s the Kullen coming along? Ikea doesn’t assemble itself, you know.”
“Please. Anything’s an improvement over the Hurdal. I’d have taken a Hemnes or a Trysil over a Hurdal.”
“Screw, please.”
“Just kidding, I know it’s been decades.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“Pretty grossed out.”
“Hashtag drive-by.”
“Why such a douche this morning?”
“Hashtag drive-by.”
“Whoops. You weren’t meant to see that.”
“Looks aren’t everything.”
“Looks ARE everything! You ever hear David Beckham speak? It’s like he mouth-sexed a can of helium!” 
“It’s about the size of a KFC spork.”
“I’ll bet it feels huge in this hand.”
“Found out who our friend in the red suit is.”
“We’ll put him out of our misery.”
“Can I get you anything? Maybe some clothes that aren’t monochromatic?”
“I’m looking for a friend of mine. Was wondering if you could help.”
“Uh, sweetheart, you might want to look behind you.”
“Probably not the best place to do that.”
“That’s alright, we’ve got everything we need.”
“Enjoy your midnight screening of Blade II.”
“We got a serious fucking problem, and by we I mean you.”
“Is there a word that means afraid and angry at the same time?”
“Have you decided what you’re gonna say to her?” 
“Fuck me!”
“Uh, maybe not start with that.”
“You can’t buy love, but you can rent it for three minutes.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“Every time I see her, it’s like the first time. Especially from this angle.” 
“Some guy was asking for you. Something about an old boyfriend.” 
“I knew it was you.”
“You have ____ to thank for this.”
“Motherfucker! Cock-juggling jiminy-fuck!”
“That’s the shit emoji. You know, the turd with the smiling face and the eyes? I thought it was chocolate yogurt for so long…”
“I need all the guns!”
“That’s all the pieces in the apartment.”
“Careful, Ronnie Milsap! We’re downrange!”
“I have to admit, this is holding my interest.”
“I’d go with you, but…I don’t want to.”
“45 cal. I like it.”
“If I never see you again, I just want you to know that I love you, very much.”
“Wanna get fucked up?”
“Ripley! From Alien 3!”
“Fuck, you’re old!”
“Ha-ha! Fake laugh, to hide the pain!”
“That bad guy you let get away stole my girl, and you’re going to help me get her back!”
“____? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me, ________, and I’m here to make you an offer you can’t refuse!”
“I’ll just wait out here.”
“It’s a big house. It’s weird that I only ever see two of you.”
“…And that is why, in my opinion, the movie Cocoon is pure pornography.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“He’s so dead.”
“Cue the music.”
“Hey- where’s your duffel bag?”
“We’re just going to have to do this the old-fashioned way: with two swords, and maximum effort.”
“Thanks, dickless.”
“You’ve got the wrong girl.”
“My boyfriend’s dead.”
“See, I thought that too. But he just keeps coming back. Like a cockroach.”
“I may not feel, but he does.”
“Let’s see how he fights with your head on the block.”
“Oh, I’ma fuckin’ spell it out for ya.”
“That’s why I brought him!”
“I prefer not to hit a woman.”
“I mean…that’s why I brought her?”
“Oh no, please. Finish your tweet. Go on. Hashtag it.”
“Finish fucking her the fuck up!”
“Language, please!”
“Suck a cock!”
“Look away, child! LOOK AWAY!”
“I’m gonna give ya’ll a chance to lay down your firearms in exchange for preferential, gentle, possibly even lover-like treatment.”
“That is so sweet!”
“Does he write you notes too?”
“Climb on!”
“You were right, red really is my color.”
“I hope they blocked pain to your every last nerve, ‘cause I’mma go looking!”
“You grow back body parts? When I’m finished, parts will have to grow back you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna get you out of that shitbox!”
“Let’s dance, and by dance I mean let’s try to kill each other!”
“I’ve played a lot of roles. Damsel in distress ain’t one of them.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got this under control!”
“I got a plan. You’re not gonna like it.”
“Just take it slow.”
“You really thought there was a cure for that?”
“It sounds even stupider when you say it.”
“As stupid as admitting you can’t do the one thing I’m keeping you alive for?”
“Four or five moments. That’s all it takes to become a hero. Everyone thinks it’s a full-time job- wake up a hero, brush your teeth a hero, go to work a hero- not true.”
“Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you’re offered a choice to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend…spare an enemy.”
“You were droning on and on!”
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m just a boy who’s about to stand in front of a girl, and tell her…what the fuck am I going to tell her?!”
“I deserved that- and that- ah, maybe not the nethers-!”
“Start talking!”
“I live in a crack house with 12 other people. Every night we spoon for warmth…everyone fights for Noelle, she’s the fattest. There’s nothing we don’t share. Floor space, dental floss…even condoms.”
“So you live in a house?”
“Hey after a period of adjustment and a shitload of drinks, it’s a face I’d be happy to sit on.”
“I should’ve come and found you sooner.” 
“The guy under this mask, he ain’t the same one that you remember.”
“I’m not the same under this suit, either. Super-penis.”
“Go be a really, really big brother to someone!”
“Tell _____ to quit shitting on my lawn!” 
“And you, Sinead O’Connor- Nothing Compares 2 U!”
“And now for the moment I’ve all been waiting for.”
“You’re still here? It’s over. Go home!”
“What were you expecting, Sam Jackson show up with an eyepatch and a saucy little leather number?” 
“We don’t have that kind of money.”
“Don’t leave your garbage all lying around. It’s a total dick move.” 
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raikc-blog · 8 years
five word prompts
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raikc-blog · 8 years
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9K notes · View notes
raikc-blog · 8 years
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“AH, HEAT’S never bothered me too much. Dunno, guess I’m just used to it.” 
A slight shrug, and he rolls his shoulders under the coat to adjust its position. Heat didn’t make him uncomfortable, but sometimes it made him drowsy if he wasn’t moving much.
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A raise of an eyebrow, and a shudder goes through her. Here she was, in literally her smallest of outfits and he still continued to wear his fur coat.
“How are you not melting in that.”
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raikc-blog · 8 years
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“IF IT’S you, I don’t doubt you can get past me. Just don’t lose focus on the little things, huh?”
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“Good–!     Cause one day I’ll be a strong as you!”
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raikc-blog · 8 years
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STILL WEARING that ridiculous fur coat, even in the heat. He doesn’t even seem to notice.
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“This heat is unbareable, can’t we just go to the beach or something ~”
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raikc-blog · 8 years
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“When I get older, i’m going to be as    strong as the rest of my friends!”
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raikc-blog · 8 years
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Summertime Sadness, Lana Del Rey
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raikc-blog · 8 years
{ @ofcrimsoneyesandblacknails​ | continued. }
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THE light grunt is all he gets in response at first, arms crossing as the dragon slayer releases a soft sigh.
“...I know. You never let me down.”
He feels like the words ring hollow as he says them, although he really does mean it. The three of them have always been there for him, even after all of the things he’s done. Forcing them to fight their guildmates, to attempt to kill them, leaving them behind, absolutely failing to protect them--
They aren’t the ones that need to be training so fiercely.
Compared to the three of them, sometimes he feels p a t h e t i c.
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raikc-blog · 8 years
“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
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HE KNEW that, out of anyone there, the rune mage would be the first one to see something off. He also knew Freed wouldn’t hesitate to point it out, his concern obvious. 
“...ain’t feelin’ too great. Stomach’s upset.”
He kept his explanation as short and gruff as possible, but even he knew the lie was blatantly obvious as soon as it left his lips. He sighed through his nose, continuing to just push various items around his plate -- nearly empty, which was unusual in itself considering he’d not yet eaten. 
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raikc-blog · 8 years
“Ya look so… empty. I’m worried for ya, please talk to me.”
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ORANGE EYES glance up at the seith mage as he speaks, then slowly drop their gaze back to the floor before him.
“...don’t have anythin’ to say.”
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raikc-blog · 8 years
worried starters
trigger warnings apply! ( mental illness, drugs and alcohol use, self-destructive behaviours, and vomiting )
“You haven’t slept for days, have you?” “Are you eating properly? You don’t look it.” “Why do you keep stumbling over your words? Just how tired are you?” “You need to think about yourself every once in a while.” “I know your work is important, but you’re going to end up in hospital if you go on like this!” “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” “You look so… empty. I’m worried for you, please talk to me.” “Are you alright in there? You’re so quiet.” “How did you get these bruises? Please don’t lie to me.” “There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?” “You’re sleep deprived and you haven’t been eating. Why do you think you’re feeling dizzy?” “I can give you some pills to help you sleep. They aren’t healthy, but this is even less healthy.” “If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, that’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!” “Have you drank all of these bottles in one weekend?!” “I know you don’t want this, but it’s for your own good. Sign the papers so they can pick you up tomorrow and you can get clean.” “What the hell are you doing?! Did you do that to yourself?!” “When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” “Here, just keep breathing. It’ll be okay. Better out than in…” “This can’t go on like this! You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, you barely talk!” “I’m sorry. I went through your room and found this. Explain what the hell this is doing in your room!” “I thought you’d quit! How long have you been lying to me?” “I’m only trying to help and right now I think I have a much better idea of what you need than you do.” “Did you take anything? Why are you passing out? Hey! Stay with me!”
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raikc-blog · 8 years
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“What about now?”
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raikc-blog · 8 years
txgrxss replied to your post:*breaks his heart*
did i win
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