rainsplash69 · 2 years
These are amazingly well-written!!! I’d love to see more
The Magnificent [Road to El Dorado]
A/N: This is a collection of observational ficlets/drabbles. I thought it should at least be seen instead of rotting away in my computer. Implied pre-shippy stuff, bisexuality if you squint or something, best bros forever, fun Spaniard stuff.
Miguel/Tulio is the #1 Dreamworks OTP. I need to explore Miguel/Chel/Tulio because that’s sexy as hell.
Also on dA and ff.net.
Keep reading
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rainsplash69 · 2 years
i never talk about these things but i can’t remain silent.
i know tumblr doesn’t give a SHIT when things happen in countries outside the “most popular ones” (such as the usa & england). it’s true, don’t lie to me. y’all don’t give A FUCK. not every issue and problem in said countries gets the appropriate exposure but in general shit shows up on the news WORLD FREAKING  WIDE. you set up donations, you help out, your spread the word, you say “pray for x”……
southern europe is burning. 
my country is burning.
people are dying - at home, on the road, trying to run away, in their cars.
yesterday my country had 300 active fires.
people are losing EVERYTHING they own.
i have a friend that is on a train right now passing through places that have been burnt to the ground and she says the smoke is so intense it’s getting inside the train and she can barely breathe.
and yet, even though several people (myself included) have been trying to bring awareness to what has been happening in southern europe… what we get from most of you, those not part of the countries suffering, is silence. we don’t ask for money, we don’t ask for shit other than a reblog to spread awareness… something you can delete in 24/48hrs if you wish. 
i don’t know what to tell you. i’m angry. i’m frustrated. i’m disappointed. i feel like i’m screaming into the void. “a reblog does nothing” - you know that’s a damn lie, you know exposure always helps, you know people start paying attention when posts on social media become popular. my country in particular is a small one, we get ZERO exposure. y’all are only starting to figure out we even fucking exist bc of the shit we’ve been winning lately. 
but hell, if the EU doesn’t give a shit, why should some user on tumblr dot com?
again, i don’t know what to tell you so i’ll let the images speak for themselves: 
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An image captured by a Nasa satellite shows a thick plume of smoke blowing southward from the Greek island of Chios over the island of Crete
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Torneros de Jamuz, Spain
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Duca, Croatia
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A helicopter from Italy’s civil protection service drops water on a fire near the railway between Venice and Trieste
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Residents take refuge on the beach as a wildfire burns on the mountain next to the village of Lithi, on the Greek island of Chios
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Men gather cattle during a forest fire in Vieira de Leiria, Marinha Grande, Portugal.
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Charred trees are seen on the hills above the Cloister of Thivaidas on Mount Athos, a World Heritage Site in Greece
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rainsplash69 · 2 years
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rainsplash69 · 2 years
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rainsplash69 · 2 years
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rainsplash69 · 2 years
Heck yeah! Happy 2023!!
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remind me to post this on the 1st January 2017
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
I'm really not okay reading that 😭😭
That's about it, and it's not okay
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
I heavily head canon this
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Y’think their eyes start to drift apart when they zone out as humans?
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
Aisjdhnes he just wants to learn
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about to cry over how fascinated with the world he is im
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
you cannot try to convince me that Alberto hasn’t stuck his finger in one of Luca’s spiral curls
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
i edited another clip from luca bc i cant sleep
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
Thinking about the ways they love-
Thinking about how in the beginning Luca never initiated touch. How he learned how to love that way through Alberto who patted him of the shoulder and took his hand as they ran. How Luca then gripped Albertos arm for comfort, tightly held around his waist when he was scared, jumped into his arms, wiped the water off Albertos face. Thinking of how important touch is to Alberto and his smile at the hand Luca touched and the excited drumming on Luca’s chest and the hurt expression on his face when Luca jerked away from his hand. How when he’s angry he gets violent and how when he’s vulnerable touch hurts more than it helps. How they hugged at the end when Alberto was vulnerable but this time he knew he’d be okay. How he reached out to talk Luca’s hand first when the train pulled away- but how Luca’s hand held on the longest.
Thinking about how Luca immediately became curious of the human objects and how Alberto collects them. How Alberto shared everything he found and scavenged for easily with Luca. How giving his spare clothes to Luca was the most natural thing in the world. How anything that Alberto gets he immediately shares with Luca, like the gelato, like the Vespa, like his dream. Thinking about how wonderful Giulia let these boys use her bike and how it made her so happy to give Luca her prized astronomy book and how Luca spent nights falling asleep reading the gift he had been given. How the most selfish act of all was Alberto giving Luca a ticket and tuition to get into school and selling his dream to get it.
Acts of service
Thinking about Grandma Paguro covered for Luca when he went to the surface. And how each of the boys stood up for each other against a threat- Alberto pushing Luca behind him and ‘my friend smells amazing!’ And Luca defending the underdogs from Erocle and shakily holding a harpoon. How Giulia threw away her chance to win the race because she didn’t want her friends to be in danger. How she crashed into Erocle to save them from him during the race. How Luca faced every fear he had to prove to Alberto that he still loved him and tried to win the race singlehandedly. How Alberto knew Luca would try something that stupid and saw the rain and came running anyway holding open an umbrella for him. And Luca reaching out a hand to him- not even thinking before he peddled into the rain to save his friend. Overcoming every fear of discovery, abandonment, judgement, and real physical harm. They raced anyway. For their dream, but mostly for each other.
Thinking about how Daniela showed her love through words. “You know I love you right?” And how Luca learned firstly to show his love that way. How Luca complimented Alberto’s life and shared his ideas and how Alberto listened to him. How Luca followed Albertos every word and looked up to him, mimicking him. How their words hurt each other when Alberto spoke too loud for Luca to be heard and Luca shouted “sea monster!” and hurt Alberto the most. How when he tried to apologize, his words weren’t enough because words were just words to Alberto. How words are important but sometimes they don’t work. Like ‘take me gravity!’ Doesn’t work unless you jump. How Luca could say he was going to make it right but until Luca held out his hand, Alberto didn’t know for sure. And how Albertos previous words hurt Luca’s dream of learning until he sold his Vespa to give Luca that chance. Thinking of how Alberto had to talk Daniela into letting her son go to school. Thinking of how now all was done Luca could ask ‘how do I know you’re going to be okay?’ And Alberto would know exactly how much his friend cared. How Alberto said ‘Go find out for me’ go learn, go grow, get out there, and how he shouted ‘go Luca! Go!!’ When it was one of the hardest decisions hes ever made in his life. And he did it with a smile.
Thinking about all that time they spent to together. Not long, but long enough to forge a life long bond. Long enough to show each other the ways they can love and hurt each other. Long enough to miss each other forever when that train fades in the distance. A summer full of time they learned and loved and fought and now here they are saying goodbye. They won’t spend time with each other for a while, but it will be okay, because Luca will come back and Alberto will be there to hug him in the train station when he comes home.
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
I really need to talk about Ciao Alberto for a moment.
I've seen a lot of people talking about the importance of the meaning behind it, but there are some things I haven't heard said that I just need to bring to light.
Namely, Massimo's silence and Trauma.
Massimo is a father before Ciao Alberto even began. He has a daughter who stays with him between her schooling. A daughter who has known her father since she was born, 12 years ago. A daughter who, based on the movie itself, is very, very, very aware that her father is a silent man.
In fact, when she first brings the boys over, he barely speaks to her until he absolutely needs to.
He's a man of little voice, talking only when he feels his words will hold weight, understanding that his actions speak for him.
His daughter knows this.
Alberto doesn't.
And so at the beginning of the short, when Alberto says "am I fired?" after first stepping into the boat alone, Massimo says nothing. He doesn't feel like he needs to.
His actions, he feels, have spoken for him.
You're in my house. I've kept you here. I love you. You're my son.
He feels as if he's said enough.
Giulia hears what's unsaid.
Alberto though?
Alberto can't.
Because of trauma.
And that's where this short excelled. Because Massimo, being a wonderful (albeit quiet) father, raised a well rounded daughter.
He's never had experience with a child who was hurt in ways that he couldn't see.
When Alberto finally breaks and calls him "dad", it isn't Massimo realizing that this boy feels that way about him, it's him realizing;
Oh. He didn't even know.
He didn't know he was my son. He didn't know how I felt. He didn't know what he meant to me.
He never had to say that to Giulia. But Alberto can't hear him like that. He was abandoned without notice. Nothing was said to him to give him any indication that he was wanted, and so he always assumes that he isn't.
And so Massimo pauses and does something he rarely does.
He talks.
"I once made my father so angry, he punched a hole through a brick wall."
Alberto looks up at him, breathless. And you can see the ideas forming behind his eyes when he asks "and then what happened?" Wondering; did he hate you? Did he leave you? Did you make one too many mistakes and finally prove just how unlovable you are?
"Well," says Massimo, "we fixed it."
And that's it.
The best line in the short.
You can make any mistake, you can mess up, you can make me angry, but it won't change how I feel about you.
Nothing Alberto does will change the fact that he is Massimo's son.
Anything broken can be fixed, but Alberto and the love he receives is not one of those broken things. Not anymore.
This was such a hugely important because it shows two people adjusting. Massimo needs to learn how to speak, because this new son of his can't hear as clearly the silence that Giulia understand, and Alberto needs to learn that love, real love, is unconditional, and that he's not some broken thing to be collected in a tower. He's a part of a puzzle where he finally, finally, fits.
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
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More doodles 😳
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
okay but hear me out alberto has never used a toilet before what if he ends up like those kids who get stuck in the toilets
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
"help me brother" I CANT
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A doodle that came about when my coworker and I were having a discussion on whether or not sea monsters actually eat fish. We both agreed if might be awkward for Alberto if their species was vegetarian.xP
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rainsplash69 · 3 years
Me throughout the photos: AWWW ❤️ and awwwww 😭
A collection of my Luca sketches! I’ll add more as I go!
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