rainyday-imagines · 5 years
What happened?
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A/N: My first request!! Sorry it took me so long! School has been a ThingTM. But! I think I did it! Or I can at least say that I tried. Honestly though I don’t know what this is so...yeah. Have fun I guess. 
Pairing: Adult!Richie x Reader 
Warnings: None? I think? 
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     “Ugh, turn off the light.” Richie mumbled, throwing a pillow over his head. 
     “That’s the sun dipshit.” Y/N responded just as groggy, dragging the blanket down their face. 
     The sun seemed to be blaring especially annoyingly this morning through the curtains in the room. The room that neither seemed to recognize. 
       “Wait, whe-” Y/N started, “Where the fuck are we?” Sitting up seemed to be an especially taxing task this morning. Y/N looked around, taking in the unfamiliar terrain. “Rich. Hey wake up.” Y/N said, nudging him from under the covers. 
       Richie simply continued mumbling, burrowing himself farther. “Richie I swear” Y/N said exasperated. “Ya know what fine.” Y/N said leaning towards the opposite side of the bed. And with a solid kick, Richie was soon sprawled onto the ground, stringing together an endless stream of curses. 
     “What the hell. What does a guy have to do to get a little sleep around here?” Richie said slowly pulling himself up from the floor. Blinking away the sleep, Richie finally took in the room that they were in.       “Did you move? I don’t remember your house looking like a dumpster fire.” He said. 
      “No, asshole. I think we’re in a hotel.” Y/N responded getting up and searching around the room for their phone. While searching, Richie was rubbing his eyes, trying to wake himself up. 
       “Ummm, Y/N?” Richie said pulling his hands away from his face and staring at his hand in confusion. 
     “What Rich? I’m trying to find my phone.” Y/N called over their shoulder. 
     “Do you have anything on your hand? Cause last I remember I didn’t have a wedding band on mine. And if I do usually, have a wife that is, then I’m a terrible husband cause I don’t know who my wife is.” Richie said beginning to ramble. 
     “Richie, Imma need you to shut up for a minute.” Y/N said looking at their own hand and seeing a similar band on their left hand. “Oh my god. Bev and Ben are getting married. We took them to vegas to celebrate. What the fuck happened last night? Where’s everyone else? Oh my god Rich did we get married? I can’t be married! I-I- not like this at least! I mean how did this happen? Like Rich, I love you but, we can’t do this. I think it’s fair to say we’re the two most immature in the group and-oh my god we’re gonna get so much shit for this-” 
     “Okay, now I’m gonna need you to shut up.” Rich interjected, going across the room and putting his hand on your shoulders. “It’s okay alright? Deep breath. And lets be real I’m the immature one of the group not you.” Richie said. “Also wait, did you say you love me?” 
     “Of course I love you idiot. I love you all.” Y/N said quickly. 
     “No, no, no. You said you love me. In a not friend way.” Richie accused. “I can tell cause just before that you were talking about marrying me!.” 
     “Okay yes! I love you! But is now really the time to be discussing this?” Y/N said pacing around the room. 
       “Umm, yes? I mean what else are we gonna do?” Richie said with a shrug.
     As the two continued arguing, the rest of the losers were next door in Bev and Ben’s room enjoying breakfast. 
     “Do you think we should tell them that the wedding wasn’t real?” Mike said staring conflicted at the wall. 
     “It their own fault and I kinda wanna see how long they’ll act married for.” Eddie said inspecting a piece of toast. 
      “I mean he’s not wrong. You’d think they would notice it was a bush that married them and not a actual Elvis impersonator.” Bev said. 
      Just at that point they heard a door slam, a yell and someone running past their window. 
     “Guys, I’m gonna be honest. I don’t think their gonna last.” Stan smirked, watching another body run after the first. 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
If anyone has any requests I would love to get some writing in this week! Send them in!
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
It’s gonna be okay
A/N: I’ve had this idea for like weeks now but, I didn’t have the motivation to write it. So…. here it is! The thing no one asked for! I would also say Richie, Eddie and the Reader were really close as kids.
Pairing: Adult!Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader they’ve been married for a while, kinda Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader, maybe slight Eddie x Richie x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, angst fest,mentions of blood, some fluff.
NOT MY GIF - Credit to the amazing owner! 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
It’s gonna be okay
A/N: I’ve had this idea for like weeks now but, I didn’t have the motivation to write it. So…. here it is! The thing no one asked for! I would also say Richie, Eddie and the Reader were really close as kids.
Pairing: Adult!Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader they’ve been married for a while, kinda Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader, maybe slight Eddie x Richie x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, angst fest,mentions of blood, some fluff.
NOT MY GIF - Credit to the amazing owner! 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
It’s gonna be okay
A/N: I’ve had this idea for like weeks now but, I didn’t have the motivation to write it. So.... here it is! The thing no one asked for! I would also say Richie, Eddie and the Reader were really close as kids.
Pairing: Adult!Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader they’ve been married for a while, kinda Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader, maybe slight Eddie x Richie x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, angst fest,mentions of blood, some fluff.
NOT MY GIF - Credit to the amazing owner! 
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     The quarry was quiet, except for the gentle splashing of water surrounding the Losers, what was left of them anyway. Slowly washing away all memories of the night before. Everyone was off by themselves, trying to piece together everything that had happened but still close enough, closer than they had been before all this. 
     “You know what? Eddie would’ve hated this you guys.” Ben muttered, breaking the silence surrounding them. Your back to the rest of the group, this brought tears to your eyes as you scrubbed at your arms. 
     “What cleaning our selves in dirt water?” Bill slightly chuckled back. 
     “He would be telling us strepticafl-somthin” Bev joined in. 
     “Yeah...but he would’ve made us laugh though.” Mike said, a smile on his face, remembering the joy Eddie had once brought into our lives. The scrubbing becoming more intense as you tried to hold it together. 
     “Oh yeah” 
     “He’d be lookin out for us.” Ben said, more somber. “The way he always was. Ain’t that right Richie?” He called out to Richie who was just staring at your back. 
     It was becoming harder and harder to keep it together. All the memories of the night before flooding back. The water. The cave. The darkness. The nightmares. The fighting. The stabbing. The blood. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. 
      The blood won’t come off. You’ll never see him again. Alone. Without Eddie, what is there to do now? 
      The scrubbing was intense now, your arms were turning red from the irritation. The dirt and the blood wouldn’t come off. You can feel the anxiety rising, only Eddie was able to calm you down. Who’s gonna calm you down now? How can you survive beyond this? 
      “Y/N?” Richie said moving towards you across the murky water. The group turned towards you, sensing your discomfort, your movements becoming more rash in the water. 
      “Y/N, breathe. I need you to breathe with me.” Richie said going to stand in front of you. Trying to take your hand away from your arm. 
     “You’re hurting yourself, stop.” He said, frowning at your state. 
     “I-I can’t get the blood off. Rich, I can’t. He-he’s gone. We left him in the dark. He’s by himself in that fucking house.” You said, hyperventilating, barely getting the words out. 
     “Come here.” Richie said more forcefully pulling you towards him. Putting his arms around you. “Breathe with me. I know.” 
      You continued to cry into his shirt. Richie hearing you mumble about Eddie. The rest of the Losers came over towards the two of you, surrounding you in their warmth. All of them understanding your sadness on some level. 
      Your breathing seemed to finally settle down after what seemed like hours. 
     “Thank you.” You said quietly to the group, as they began to separate. 
     “Come on, lets go back to the hotel.” 
     The hotel was quiet as they all pilled in. They had even managed to drag Mike along with them for at least a drink. The sound of squishing shoes and shuffling feet led them to the bar. 
     Richie following along at the back of the line, watching your back as you moved. 
     “Hey, Y/N. You dropped something.” He said getting down on a knee to pick it up from the foyer of the hotel.
     He held up a ring, in an almost comical way, under different circumstances. You turned and once your eyes saw him, down on one knee you widened your eyes in surprise. 
     “No. I swear I’m not kidding around, you actually dropped this.” He said standing up, holding out a ring. 
     “Oh.” You finished sadly, actually seeing what he was holding. “It’s Eddies’. He had it in his hand when he-” You stopped not able to finish. You reached out to take the ring, looking at in your hand. Remembering pulling you hand away, we you were forced to leave him. 
     “We picked out our rings together; we had them inscribed with the day we met and then the day we got married.” You smiled down at the rings, imaging the day. Eddie was so nervous but, he looked so beautiful up there on the stage, it’s impossible to forget. 
     “Yeah speaking of, why didn’t I get invited to the wedding?” Richie accused, pretending to be hurt. 
     “Of course you got invited dumbass. How could we not invite the third to our trio?” You answered back. Richie actually looked slightly surprised, assuming he actually didn’t get invited. 
     “We got a call- no wait I think it was an email from your publicist. I think you were in Denver that weekend or something.” You said with a smile, looking up at Richie. 
     “Well, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. Maybe I’ll make it to your next one.” He immediately flinched at the harshness of the joke. Sometimes he hated not having a filter. 
     To his surprise, you actually let out a little laugh. 
     “Yeah Rich. Maybe you will.” You said, giving him another smile before turning to join the group in the bar. 
     Richie smiled to himself, watching you go. He went to join the others at the bar and was happily surprised to see them all smiling and talking. 
     You looked around the table, seeing everyone finally at peace. The looming dread no longer hanging on their shoulders. This was something you could get used too, something to grow from. 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
Finally after like 3 weeks! 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
Fare Thee Well
Okay first fic! Here we go! This is based off the song Fare Thee Well (Dink’s Song) by Oscar Issac & Marcus Mumford, I definitely recommend giving it a listen or 10. The beginning is based after Infinity War, probably more so the beginning of Endgame with Nat and Steve. The reader also has wings in this cause I love that aesthetic. Also for one of the lines in the song, I took my own perspective on it, even though that is not at all what it meant but who cares. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Angst 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
Fare Thee Well
Okay first fic! Here we go! This is based off the song Fare Thee Well (Dink’s Song) by Oscar Issac & Marcus Mumford, I definitely recommend giving it a listen or 10. The beginning is based after Infinity War, probably more so the beginning of Endgame with Nat and Steve. The reader also has wings in this cause I love that aesthetic. Also for one of the lines in the song, I took my own perspective on it, even though that is not at all what it meant but who cares. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Angst 
If I had wings like Noah’s dove
I’d fly the river to the one I love
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well
Usually giving off the feeling of weightlessness, the wings on your back felt heavier than ever before. Sitting on the roof of the now almost empty compound, all rooms vacant but yours and Natasha's. The sky reflecting your own demeanor, gray and restless. 
Well, I had a man, who was long and tall
He moved his body like a cannon ball
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well
Memories darted under your eyelids. Happy pictures of clumsy dancing, and messy cooking. Those few minutes of peace and quiet on the couch, with rain lulling the two of you to sleep.The domestically that seemed almost impossible. The wedding, full of love and longing glances. 
I remember one evening in the pouring rain
And in my heart was an aching pain
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well 
Those memories only hold off the nightmares for so long. A few months after the snap, no one knew where you had disappeared to. Worry shown on all faces still in the compound as it was the worst rain New York had faced in a while. Steve eventually showed up, knowing exactly where you had gone. Running deep into the woods, finding the small hidden lake. The lake where he had proposed. Stepping into the clearing, Steve sees you sitting at the waters edge. 
Muddy river runs muddy and wild
You can’t give a bloody for my unborn child
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well 
“Y/N?” Steve called out, trying not to frighten you. He saw your wings flutter from the rain.
“You’re gonna get sick, come on back to the compound sweetheart.” He tries again. He hears you mumble something, and if not for his super hearing he would have thought he heard you wrong.
“What?” He stutters, at a lost of words. 
“I lost the baby” 
Just as sure as the birds flying high above
Life ain’t worth living without the one you love
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well
Five years later, you sit looking towards the sky in hope for some answer in what to do next. 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
Drabble Challenge!
Repost this. Followers/Readers send numbers to your Ask. You write a fic/drabble using that line in your piece. Have fun! Expect a ton of requests!! 
“That’s starting to get annoying”
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“You can’t just sit there all day.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“I need a place to stay.”
“Well, that’s tragic.”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“Dear Diary, …”
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
“I lost our baby.”
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
“I’d kill for a coffee…literally.”
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“What’s the matter, sweetie?”
“You’re Satan.”
“I don’t want to hear your excuse. You can’t just give me wet-willies.”
“I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”
“Did you just hiss at me?”
“Do you really need all that candy?”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I swear, I’m not crazy!!!”
“The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
“No. Regrets.”
“How drunk was I?”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Be you. No one else can.”
“I haven’t slept in ages.”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
“You work for me. You are my slave.”
“Take your medicine.”
“They’re monsters.”
“Welcome to fatherhood.”
“Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?”
“It’s your turn to make dinner.”
“The kids, they ambushed me.”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!”
“Stop being so cute.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“You need to see a doctor.”
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
“I was a joke, baby. I swear.”
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic…”
“Safety first. What are you? FIVE?”
“This is girl talk, so leave.”
“Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
“There’s a herd of them!”
“Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
“They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
“You’re a nerd.”
“I’m late.”
“Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!”
“You smell like a wet dog.”
“I could punch you right now.”
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?”
“Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?”
“Here, take my blanket.”
“I don’t want you to stop.”
“How could I ever forget about you?”
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
“Run for it!”
“We need to talk.”
“Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.”
“I want a pet.”
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
“I’m not wearing a dress.”
“I’m not wearing a tie.”
“Quit beating me up!”
“Please put your penis away.”
“It’s a Texas thing.”
“Don’t argue. Just do it.”
“I hope I’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Hold still.”
“I just ironed these pants!”
“Enough with the sass!”
“Show me what’s behind your back.”
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.”
“Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
“Stay awake.”
“You’re not interested, are you?”
“I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”
“Tell me you need me.”
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
“I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
“It’s Christmas, don’t be mad at me.”
“You’re not going to starve yourself on Thanksgiving.”
“The store ran out of Easter eggs.”
“How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
“You can only suffer through my whining for so long until you get up and make me a sandwich.”
Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!!
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
Who I write for
I have  pretty wide range of interests and fandoms so if you like it so do I probably! This is btw a Reader-insert type blog and I’m also down with poly type things (i.e. Stucky x reader) I live for angst so send in those prompts/requests! Also if you just wanna talk about movies/shows/whatever I would love that! I do like other stuff other than the things I write about. I’ll probably add to this list to cause I most likely forgot someone. 
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Scott Lang, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Peter B. Parker, Carol Danvers, Matt Murdock 
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley
DC: Bruce Wayne, Steve Trevor, Diana Prince, Clark Kent, Jason Todd, Harry Wells (The CW),
Good Omens: Crowley 
New Girl: Nick Miller
Kingsman: Harry Hart
Star Trek: Leonard McCoy, James T. Kirk. 
Baby Driver: Baby, Darling, Buddy
Bones: Vincent Nigel Murray
The Man from U.NC.L.E.: Illya Kuryakin, Napoleon Solo, Gaby 
Haunting of Hill House: Steve Crain, Nellie Craine 
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
I’m starting fresh! I want to practice my writing and I figured this would be a good place to start! Please send in some requests! I’m down for pretty much anything except for smut. I also make a who I write for list and all that too! 
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