raven-isms · 7 months
Raven's cock continued to grow, and then became erect as she excitedly tied up Void and pushed her onto the bed.
'Don't worry, you're not going anywhere until I'm empty.' She grinned, and then a moment later her new member entered Void, she was throbbing so much she was almost ready to start cumming already. The vial was some real potent stuff.
Moo-mooshroom and thicc shake!
((Assuming Femvoid))
*Void suddenly grows large tits, horns, and a cow tail, her ass growing as well.* Oh my~ guess I’m a cow now~
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raven-isms · 7 months
Raven grinned, 'It's my preferred natural state.' She said proudly. 'I could not be happier than being big and swollen... Except... being more swollen.' She hummed happily as Cleric kissed her collarbone.
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
'Ooh, now that does sound fun.' Raven cooed. 'I think that'd be worth spooking the horses a little.' She hummed as Cleric teased her overfilled nipples. 'Look at them... so big and swollen... they make my head look small.'
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
Raven hummed happily. 'I love the sound of that. Oh I can't wait for us to both grow heavy with each other's babies...'
Raven downed the vial, and then a second for good measure.
Moments later she began to grow a cock as if by magic.
She glanced around the room and smiled. 'Sure. Let's tie you up, then get you nice and well bred.' She smirked and grabbed some nearby rope.'
Moo-mooshroom and thicc shake!
((Assuming Femvoid))
*Void suddenly grows large tits, horns, and a cow tail, her ass growing as well.* Oh my~ guess I’m a cow now~
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raven-isms · 7 months
'Oh?' Raven smirked. 'What did you have in mind that would spook our poor mounts?'
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
They were an odd sight, on horseback, but no one had expected anything less than this from Raven and Cleric. They were hardly alone too, Scarlett and Tasha were in a very similar situation not far away, although Scarlett's beginner bump was much smaller.
Raven hummed at the affection she was getting. 'Mmmm...' and she moaned softly as her nipples were teased. Milk started to flow from her breasts... like always there was a lot of it...
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
'Not at all. Just came for a visit.' Raven smirked. 'You look jumpy, is everything alright?' Raven took a step back, let Grow lower the knife and then hugged her.
'How's your boy?' She added.
'You're easier to sneak up on than you used to be.' Qrow hears a familiar voice as she settles into one of her many safehouses in Mystral. 'Hello sister.' - @raven-isms
On instinct qrow pulled out a knife as she whipped around in hopes to defend herself should she be attacked, eyes wide with panic for a few moments before her brain caught up to who seemed to have appeared behind her.
Annoyed she sighed deeply and returned the knife from where she pulled it from. "Trying to shave a few years off my life expectancies?" Honestly the elder could have knocked or something, maybe not try to scary her half to death. But than again maybe she was to lose with her guard. None the less she wonder what it is that rae needed with her. Not to say she couldn't give them a bit of local aid, though at the moment might not be easy.
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raven-isms · 7 months
Raven chuckled. 'Will I? Are you worried about how my belly is just so much bigger than even your belly?' She lovingly rubbed Cleric's own belly.
Raven let out a gasp as her swollen breasts were fondled. 'They are...' she bit her lip. 'Don't they look enormous? I'm so heavy and full. Full of children, and full of milk.'
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
'I would love for you to tease me.' Raven grinned. 'Make fun of me for being big, and kind of fat.' She laughed and rubbed her belly, 'don't hold back. You know I've got thick skin.' Raven hummed in delight as their lips locked and their bellies touched.
'Look at us.' She smiled. 'Pregnant, swollen and riding horses.' There was a quick chuckle. 'I could not be happier.'
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
Raven smiled broadly at her. 'Come on Cleric, tease me.' She bit her lip. 'I like it when you tease me about this...' she rubbed her enormously swollen middle pointedly. 'And my obsession with it.'
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
Raven moans happily as her mouth fills with milk. She drinks Void dry eagerly, filling her own belly with Void's milk.
'Tempting, but I'll use my own methods.' Raven smiled. 'Did you know I used this very formula...' she pulled a vial from one of her pockets, 'to put a baby in Summer Rose? Yang and Ruby have a half sister.'
Moo-mooshroom and thicc shake!
((Assuming Femvoid))
*Void suddenly grows large tits, horns, and a cow tail, her ass growing as well.* Oh my~ guess I’m a cow now~
22 notes · View notes
raven-isms · 7 months
'Interesting. Maybe we could explore that too.' Raven cooed.
'I bet you would.' Raven moaned even more lously as Void played with her. Her own hands began exploring Void's breasts and thighs.
Red, white, clear, pink.
Raven groans softly, as out of nowhere she just feels... suddenly so horny.
Then she begins to feel it, the other changes. First her belly bloats out, as if stuffed with cum until she's round and swollen.
Then her breasts, already a considerable size swell and bloat, filling with milk. And as they grow her belly swells out even more, growing larger and larger until her bellybutton pops out.
'Oh, now I know why I'm so horny.' She smiles to herself, admiring her reflection, 'I'm bloated AND pregnant! My two favourite things!'
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raven-isms · 7 months
'I would gladly do that.' Raven grinned and produced a vial from one of her pockets. 'This will allow me to do just that... how much do you want me to fill your womb?' She teased.
'My my... you're a woman of many talents... I'll have to think about how big I want you inside me.' Raven chuckled, then brought Void's breast to her lips. 'I had to ask first.' She said, and then began to suckle Void's milky tits.
Moo-mooshroom and thicc shake!
((Assuming Femvoid))
*Void suddenly grows large tits, horns, and a cow tail, her ass growing as well.* Oh my~ guess I’m a cow now~
22 notes · View notes
raven-isms · 7 months
'Mmm I'll bet it has...' Raven muses. 'I'm not one for bondage, I like to fly free as a bird. However... maybe I could consider tentacles depending on the circumstances.' She smirked. 'What kind of unusual insertions are we talking about?'
Raven moans softly, both from the bite, and Void's finger exploring her ass. 'I love that. I feel the same way.' She grins. 'And I'd love to do that to you, and you to do it to me. I have... a formula that will let me fill you with cum later on if you'd like.' Raven said with a hint of pride.
Red, white, clear, pink.
Raven groans softly, as out of nowhere she just feels... suddenly so horny.
Then she begins to feel it, the other changes. First her belly bloats out, as if stuffed with cum until she's round and swollen.
Then her breasts, already a considerable size swell and bloat, filling with milk. And as they grow her belly swells out even more, growing larger and larger until her bellybutton pops out.
'Oh, now I know why I'm so horny.' She smiles to herself, admiring her reflection, 'I'm bloated AND pregnant! My two favourite things!'
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raven-isms · 7 months
'Sometimes it's a real struggle.' Raven admitted. 'But oh is it worth it.' She veamed. 'Am I now? So if I'm not old... how am I a fine wine?' Raven shot back with a teasing smile.
Cleric walks into the tent, a clear layer of snow on her head and shoulders,”We gonna head out before the snow gets much worse? I grabbed the soundest horses with the softest fate, since I can’t use my shroud..” she pats her belly.
There was barking behind her,”Obelisk! Stop barking!” After she shouts she could hear him stop.
Raven nods, her tent is bare save for a single chair. Her own belly fills her lap, and then some.
'I hope I'm not too heavy for the poor horses.' She sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. 'I'm ready. Let us depart.' She places a hand on Cleric's shoulder. 'Don't feel bad about that Cleric. I'm just glad you're here.' She kissed Cleric on the cheek.
'Hopefully by the time we reach warmer lands... you won't have filled more of our women's bellies with lost souls.' She smiled teasingly. 'There's barely a woman among us who can run and fight now. We need to move swiftly and smartly, and avoid as many fights as we can.'
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raven-isms · 7 months
Raven chuckled. 'And I can't wait to scream it!' She shivered. 'Even more babies? Wow... you're going to spoil me.' She grinned and kissed Void back just as deeply. Giggling as her ass was slapped.
'Well... I love breeding, pregnancy, inflation...' Raven hummed. 'All of which we're already having fun with. 'Anything that makes me blow up, stuffing, bloating... I'm quite open to gaining weight in theory so long as I get bigger.' Raven patted her swollen belly for emphasis. 'Maybe a little teasing too. What about you?'
Red, white, clear, pink.
Raven groans softly, as out of nowhere she just feels... suddenly so horny.
Then she begins to feel it, the other changes. First her belly bloats out, as if stuffed with cum until she's round and swollen.
Then her breasts, already a considerable size swell and bloat, filling with milk. And as they grow her belly swells out even more, growing larger and larger until her bellybutton pops out.
'Oh, now I know why I'm so horny.' She smiles to herself, admiring her reflection, 'I'm bloated AND pregnant! My two favourite things!'
15 notes · View notes
raven-isms · 7 months
'Aren't you milky.' Raven grins in delight. 'Maybe I'll have to have a taste later.' She teases.
The bandit queen bites her lip at Void's suggestion. 'Breeding session...' she purred. 'Now you're talking my language... I'd love to. And... what about you?' She smirked. 'Shall I breed you as well afterwards? I'd love to see you swell up alongside me.' She paused before adding. 'What kinds of cock can I have?'
Moo-mooshroom and thicc shake!
((Assuming Femvoid))
*Void suddenly grows large tits, horns, and a cow tail, her ass growing as well.* Oh my~ guess I’m a cow now~
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