ravenwitch-lilith · 2 months
Lilith smiled. She was a cat with eyes gleaming, mouse completely cornered. This was much bigger than any artifact of light or shadow. It was, in fact, something much greater than any of them. The sorceress' secondary career highlighted her passions.
"Ah, I was hoping you'd ask. The Philosopher's Stone. My leads say it is here, in Swynlake. I'm sure you are aware of its legend?" The question was as much of a test as it was an invitation to Majke to ask. Lilith loved giving a lecture.
Sunday Meeting || Majthorne
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ravenwitch-lilith · 2 months
Lilith hated that Majke seemed to read past her facade. Of course she craved approval and notoriety. She could achieve both under the watchful eye of Belos and the Titan. She wanted to seem above it all, expanding her horizons and taking claim of the glory all in her own name. But it never was, not for Lilith. Truly only she knew how the fame and glory only served to make others proud. The shining witch of shadows served everyone else’s purpose.
“I see.” Lilith parroted in response to Majke. “It seems to run in my family as well…” she said tersely. Reminding herself that Edalyn also had quite the collection, though Lilith would consider it all junk. The elder sister had her eye on a much larger prize.
“Since I am gathering a team, would you be interested in joining the research? There will of course be an extraction phase, but we can see how you like working under me first if you’d like.” She invited, still eyeing Majke’s every mannerism.
Sunday Meeting || Majthorne
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ravenwitch-lilith · 2 months
A flame lit in Lilith's eyes, barely perceptible. She supposed her motives were all aligned with the Emperor and the Coven, but she had been so careful in planning her trials without heed from the Isles. How could Majke of all people worked it out that the ends to her scheme all served a higher purpose? Clever woman.
Lilith played none the wiser, "No, just my own personal project. I intend to ask some of the competitors for assistance with some research soon. Many of them exemplified skills that are very useful in my line of work; magical archaeology, history, et cetera. Do you have any interest in magical relics, Majke?"
The witch sipped her coffee, peering over the rim for the other sorceress' reaction and subsequent answer.
Sunday Meeting || Majthorne
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ravenwitch-lilith · 3 months
Lilith couldn't say she felt the same as Majke on matters of coffee. She couldn't tolerate anything syrupy sweet, in that aspect they are the same. She drew the inferences she could from the smallest of statements and sipped her coffee.
"Mm, most of my students are excelling. Only a choice few are missing their draft submissions on their final projects, but other than that, they are on track." Failing a student wasn't an option for Lilith. If a single student got below exceptional it reflected badly on her. How was she educating those young minds if they had the opportunity to fail?
"As for the tournament, I am happy with how it turned out," save for the embarrassment of her sister winning... "There is a secondary opportunity for those whose skills caught my eye. I've been trying to comb through my notes to narrow down a list."
Sunday Meeting || Majthorne
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ravenwitch-lilith · 3 months
Lilith measured Majke's mild mannerisms. Nothing she conveyed the first time they met matched the sense of confidence she got from the letter, or even here now. She was as calm as waters barely licking up into ripples, but Lilith could feel the dread of something large lurking underneath.
"No, thank you. It isn't very often that I receive letters related to pleasure rather than business. It was a nice surprise." Lilith stood to greet her, "Should we get you caffeinated before we settle in?"
It was not disguised so well that the women were sizing each other up. Lilith was used to the looks, the doubtful and awestruck. What she wasn't used to was not having an immediate read on someone. She supposed she could look up the de Spells, Majke, or Magica... whatever she wanted to go by... but where was the fun in that if she could draw her own inferences from the source herself?
"How do you take it?" Coffee, she meant, but the question could apply to any aspect and Lilith would snap up the answers like a blood hound on a trail.
Sunday Meeting || Majthorne
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ravenwitch-lilith · 4 months
Lilith was intrigued by the woman who would send her a letter in this day and age. She much preferred to write and send correspondence magically, much like she does with the Emperor. So receiving the mail sparked something in the woman.
At least enough to set up the coffee meeting. The woman didn't seem to remarkable upon their first meeting, just a witch working below her skills. A shame, it seemed a lot of sorcerers had elected to not seeking higher status with their power. But it seemed that Majke had lied. She was not Magica.
Perhaps she lied about being a bumbling, talentless, fool as well...
Lilith sat with her black coffee, not as good as apple blood, and waited for the other witch to appear.
Sunday Meeting || Majthorne
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ravenwitch-lilith · 4 months
Sunday Meeting || Majthorne
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ravenwitch-lilith · 4 months
Ms. de Spell,
Thank you for the recognition. Yes, it is my first official dip into the world of sports. With how well it went, I am not sure if it will be my last.
It was my goal to host an event where every competitor had uneven footing that their own personal advantages would assist with. Not only did our Magick competitors succeed because of their gifts, but the Mundus competitors also got to show off their skills that made them just as capable. It was important to me that the tournament was as much a showcase as it was a competition.
I believe I can make room in my schedule for a meeting. How does Sunday sound? I will be in touch.
Lilith Clawthorne
Ms Clawthorne (or Professor, if that is preferred),
. I suppose I would like to congratulate you on this success. Your tournament seems to have drawn a great deal of support. I'm delightfully surprised. Is this your first major foray into competitive magick sports?
(Would one call this a sport, or is a tournament its own class?)
. It certainly warms my heart to see the Magick and Mundus community gather to play on a somewhat even field, or at least voluntarily on an uneven one. Is that appropriate to say?
. In any case, I am pleased for you. It seems you have one more legacy attached to your name.
. Would you consider, when this is over, meeting me for a cup of coffee? I'm sure you currently have your hands completely full with this tournament, not to mention having been inundated with papers and preparation for finals at your university post.
. However, if it does cross your mind to humour me, the offer is there.
[A phone number, scrawled tightly between the letter and signature.]
Majke de Spell.
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ravenwitch-lilith · 5 months
Lilith tried to remain her ever stoic and put together self when Eda praised her. Appearing proud of her work but not smug. She knew her sister was aware of her incessant need to be praised and her visions understood. It was a constant in their dynamic, perhaps it was the crux of the whole damn thing. Lilith's need for greatness overshadowed her affection for Eda.
Except that it wasn't true.
She pretended it was all a game, that Eda was buttering her up for her own gain just as she was to her.
"I certainly tried... Thank you... Edalyn," the witch accepted. "For the most part, the people down here are a bit close minded. However, this town, as I'm sure you've found, is very Magick forward. That's why I chose it. I believed I would get the best turnout for a Magick organized event. But it's open to all, of course. I had to sign a lot of paperwork to get it all above board."
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 5 months
Lilith bristled at the insult to the Emperor.
"The only vapid one is you." She scoffed, Eda would never understand what it was like to be loyal to something, to dedicate one's life to a purpose and not just coast on through.
Lilith side stepped Eda's performance, plucking her skirt away in distaste for her sister. She was always pulling little stunts and tricks like this. She supposed they were the same in terms of showmanship, the Clawthornes loved to make an impression. Lilith liked to think hers had more of an impact, while Edalyn just liked the attention.
Then it hit her as Eda got up from the ground, she needed a spectacle. What better a spectacle than a flamboyant Boiling Islander that could potentially turn into a demonic owl beast before the audience's very eyes?
Lilith turned hack to her sister, "You know what, Edalyn? It'll keep you young."
She offered out the flyer, face up this time.
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 5 months
Lilith's eyes narrowed. Of course Eda sourced her crap from this tiny little nowhere town. She tried to compute in her head about how she'd find ordinary things amongst all the coincidentally magical items that just found there way here.
Her arms came back to her front and crossed, flyers hanging loosely in her grip. "It was probably you, Edalyn."
Her air of superiority solidified around Lilith again as she straightened back up. Even though she couldn't say that people loved her in the way they liked Eda, she lacked the uncontrollable demon owl parts that made intellectuals wary of Edalyn. Anyone who met the beast knew her sister was trouble. Just as anyone who met Lilith was slightly off put by the cold ambition in her eyes. Eda's curse was hardly a secret to her considering the circumstances, so maybe Peter, the poor shmuck, was just once prey.
"Now, if you don't mind telling me why you're really here... I might not report you," she huffed in more idle threats. "I don't believe for one second that you choosing this place for your junk is a coincidence! You always wanted to do what I was doing, but this time you can't!"
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 5 months
Edalyn smiling at her like they were girls again, while it made Lilith feel young, it wasn't always in the best connotation. She had prided herself on the hard work she put into this, the strives she made for the Emperor! Eda would NOT make her feel like it was all a joke!
Lilith huffed and crossed her arms, "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be scamming some unfortunate Islander, selling them useless Mundus junk? You know, you're lucky I don't report you for showing your face around here. It is my duty to the Emperor after all, detaining fugitives..."
It was an empty threat, Edalyn was well aware. Lilith had kept tabs on her very loosely over the years and never once did she reply with candor when the Emperor asked about her little sister. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him and what Eda did was below Lilith's pay grade. At least, that's what Lilith told herself to cope with the moral quandary.
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 6 months
"You compete! The events are listed; there's an obstacle course, an escape room, an abomination fight, and then a bracketed versus system!" She pointed to each on the flyer as she said them.
One thing she noticed was her Emperor's Coven ring, a hint of a glow as she skimmed the page.
"It's pretty straightforward. Do you have aspirations for greatness, young man?"
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 6 months
Lilith still considered Howl a bit of a showboat, but she had seen his skills first hand. She couldn't completely deny them. So she indulged, "Interesting is one word to describe it. It's open to all, Magick or not. Any age above eighteen. Four events."
She wasn't sure how much she wanted to divulge to Pendragon. On one hand, he could be vital in spreading the word. On another, he could spoil the surprises planned... Still she continued vaguely. "You may not need money or glory from this, Howl, but there are other opportunities to have a hand in. We still need coaches and sponsors for the event. And you're quite charismatic, perhaps you could help with broadcasting or commentary?"
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 6 months
Lilith tilted her head in slight confusion. She was well adept in sarcasm, but she wasn't quite sure why this man seemed peeved at the notion of her tournament.
"I suppose so..." Finesse was an important part of the trials ahead. "I took inspiration from the Magick Grand Prix, the first event, oh... I shouldn't tell you this... Oh well. The first event is an obstacle course with magical barriers. That is the event that the Prix inspired, the rest of the details are, of course, confidential. But there are events catering to many different strengths!"
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 6 months
Lilith turned to her former protege and smirked, "The Clawthorne Tournament, Amity."
She was quite pleased that the girl had shown an interest. Her hope was that Amity would win it all, showing the world, again, that Lilith Clawthorne was renowned for a reason. Of course, there would be speculation of nepotism, but Amity could prove herself regardless. Lilith believed.
"I trust that you'll enter," the elder sorceress handed a flyer to the younger. "It would look great on your CV, and I got the idea from your Magick Grand Prix! It's just a little... grander. More... challenging. As the host, I cannot show favoritism, but I know you'd do well."
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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ravenwitch-lilith · 6 months
"You do not need magic to win, dear child." Lilith smiled was warmly as she could manage.
She pushed a flyer into the girl's hand and continued, "It's a tournament created to highlight the skills of Magicks and Mundus alike. Creative problem solving, strength, communication, and cooperation... all skills that you could use to excel! Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't know of any Magicks who have all of those blessed upon them."
She winked.
All is Fair in Love And Tournaments || Open
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