rayrastudies · 4 years
colourful french vocab 🎨
rouge: red
incarnat: blush (bright red) 
cerise: cherry
bordeaux: maroon
écarlate: scarlet 
amarante: amaranthine 
rouge tomate: tomato red
rouge coquelicot: poppy red
bourgogne: burgundy 
grenat: garnet 
rouge brique: brick red
rouge sang: bloodred
rubis: ruby 
vermillion: vermilion 
rouille: rust
🌸 pinks
rose: pink
magenta: magenta 
rose oeillet: carnation pink 
rose tendre: baby pink
corail: coral
rose vif: hot pink
saumon rose: salmon pink
incarnadin: incardine
pêche: peach
rose dragée: candy pink
rose bonbon: candy pink
pelure d’oignon: onion skin
fushia: fushia
coquille d'oeuf: eggshell 
🍊 oranges
orange: orange
orangé: orangey 
orange-rouge: red-orange
orange coucher de soleil: sunset orange
carotte: carrot 
tangerine: tangerine
orange brûlé: burnt orange
cuivre: copper
abricot: apricot
mandarine: mandarin
citrouille: pumpkin
orange sanguine: blood orange
🌞 yellows
jaune: yellow
or: gold
pisselit: dandelion
rayon de soleil: sunglow
gerbe d’or: goldenrod
sable du désert: desert sand
jaune canari: canary yellow
jaune poussin: canary yellow
safran: saffron
jaune banane: banana yellow
doré: golden
blé: wheat
beurre: butter
citron: lemon
jaune moutarde: mustard yellow
jaune paille: straw yellow
sable: sand
soufre: sulfer
🐍 greens 
vert: green
pré de montagne: mountain meadow
vert marin: sea green
trèfle: shamrock
asperge: asparagus
jade: jade 
vert olive: olive green
menthe: mint
émeraude: emerald
kaki: khaki
vert pin: pine green
vert absinthe: absinthe green
vert bouteille: bottle green
vert citron: lime green
chartreuse: chartreuse
vert mousse: moss green
vert pomme: apple green
vert printemps: spring green
vert sauge: sage green
💠 blues
blue ciel: sky blue 
céruléen: cerulean
bleu marine: navy blue 
bleu de oeuf de merle: robin’s egg blue
bleu-vert: blue green
bleuet: cornflower
bleu cadet: cadet bleu 
bleu nuit: midnight blue 
turquoise: turqoise 
indigo: indigo 
bleu pétrole: petrol blue
bleu acier: steel blue 
aigue-marine: aquamarine
azur: azure
bleu roi: royal blue 
cyan: cyan 
cobalt: cobalt  
saphir: sapphire
🔮 purples 
violet: violet
poupre: purple
pervenche: periwinkle
orchidée: orchid
prune: plum
lavande: lavender
améthyste: amethyst 
aubergine: eggplant
héliotrope: heliotrope
mauve: mauve
parme: mauve
violine: dark purple
lilas: lilac
🎥 blacks
noir: black
aile de corbeau: raven’s wing (shiny black)
cassis: blackcurrant
ebène: ebony
noir charbon: coal black
noir de carbone: carbon black
noir d'encre: ink black
charbonneux: sooty
noir de jais: jet black
réglisse: liquorice 
💭 whites
blanc: white
albâtre: alabaster 
ivoire: ivory 
marbre: marble
crème: cream
perle: pearl
gris: grey
argent: silver
ardoise: slate 
argile: clay
gris étain: tin grey
gris fer: iron grey
gris souris: mouse grey 
plomb: lead
tourterelle: turtledove
anthracite: anthracite
taupe: taupe
🐻 browns
brun: brown
acajou: mahogany
brun clair: tan 
havane: Havana brown
sépia: sepia 
ocre: ochre 
tanné: tanned
brou de noix: walnut
sienne: sienna 
alezan: chestnut
châtain: chestnut
terre d’ombre: umber
noisette: hazelnut
cacao: cocoa 
fauve: tawny 
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rayrastudies · 4 years
french — indefinite pronouns
quelque chose – something
quelque part – somewhere
quelqu’un – someone 
quelquefois, parfois – sometimes
n’importe quoi – anything
n’importe où, ailleurs – anywhere
n’importe qui – anyone
n’importe quand – anytime 
tout – everything
partout – everywhere
tout le monde – everyone
toujours, (à) chaque fois – every time, always
rien – nothing
nulle part – nowhere
personne – no one
jamais – never 
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rayrastudies · 4 years
expressions with avoir
avoir faim — to be hungry avoir la dalle — to be hungry avoir soif — to be thirsty avoir sommeil — to be sleepy avoir de la chance — to be lucky avoir chaud — to be hot avoir froid — to be cold avoir mal — to be in pain avoir tort — to be wrong avoir raison — to be right avoir peur de — to be scared of avoir confiance en — to believe in avoir honte — to be ashamed avoir envie de — to want avoir besoin de — to need avoir [x] ans — to be [x] years old avoir l’air — to seem
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rayrastudies · 4 years
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le dessin  drawing la cuisson   cooking la course à pied  running, jogging la natation   swimming la plongée (sous-marine)   scuba diving le patinage   ice skating la randonnée   hiking le cyclisme  cycling, biking le tricot   knitting la couture   sewing la peinture   painting la photographie   photographing, taking photographs la lecture   reading la menuiserie   woodworking, carpentry la poterie   pottery le yoga   yoga la méditation   meditation l’observation des oiseaux   bird-watching la pêche   fishing la chasse   hunting le jardinage   gardening
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rayrastudies · 4 years
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13.07.2017// Another picture from my instagram. Lately I’m feeling much better, still quite anxious but it’s a lot more manageable!
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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02.14.20 | coffee at home (ft. my new mug) & turbulence homework that i can’t figure out! love that for me ✌🏻😩
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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“we’ve all got both light and dark inside us. what matters is the part we choose to act on.” - sirius black
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rayrastudies · 5 years
French Vocab, La lumière
La lumière - light
Éclairer - to light, enlighten, illuminate, clarify
Allumer - to light, illuminate
Éblouir - to dazzle, blind
Éblouissant - dazzling, stunning, blinding
Une sourire éblouissant - a dazzling smile
Briller - to shine, glow, twinkle
Scintiller - to twinkle, sparkle, flicker, shimmer
Un scintillement -  a flicker, sparkle
Rayoner - to radiate, glow, beam
Rayonnant - radiant
Vaciller - to falter, flicker
Étinceller - to sparkle, flash, glitter, gleam
La étincelle -a spark , twinkle
Luire - to glow, shimmer, glisten, gleam
Une lueur -a glow
Lumineux - light, bright, luminous
Éclair lumineux -flash of light
L’éclairage (m) - lighting
La foudre -lightning
Une bougie/une chandelle - a candle
Une lampe -lamp
Les lampadaires des rues -streetlamps
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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𝟣𝟤𝓉𝒽   𝑜 𝒻   𝐹 𝑒 𝒷 𝓇 𝓊 𝒶 𝓇 𝓎  🍊⛅
I am not really okay mentally, so it is hard to study, to focus…and to live. I tried one of these online counselling sites, but when it came to the point in the conversation to actually talk about what’s been bothering me…i quickly realised that i’m not ready to share. I don’t know if there is someone out there who struggles w something like this…and reads this…but if there is, and you maybe know some kind of solution? advice? pls. contact me. It’s been enough. I want to get out of my head all those thoughts that don’t let me live. 
What if all this counts for nothing Everything I thought I’d be? What if by the time I realize It’s too far behind to see?  
On the bright side….thanks for all the love on the best apps post. It feels good that people appreciate my work. thanks for all the lovely people who messaged me, commented, shared and liked <3 love you all. 
edith 💖
ig.: @fivestarstudy_ 
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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The best way to get motivated is to try getting started, right? So grab a coffee and here we go 😌
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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january set-up in progress– i took this photo on the 26th so that’s why some parts aren’t filled out yet! let me know if you’d be interested in seeing the complete version sometime in march haha ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2v36qYE
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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Rainy days call for studying in bed (even though I have a perfectly good and clear desk I could work on...)
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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okay i just got white sheets so time to try the ~crumpled sheets aesthetic~ what do you all think? (and haha sorry you can see the fluff bits from my throw blanket) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/329kbkF
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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cold brisk walks, fresh february snow and gallons of coffee
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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12|10 pink on pink on pink….i had a really good day at uni, having engaging discussion with your peers and teachers is just such a pleasure & makes me grateful to be a student everyday!
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rayrastudies · 5 years
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It’s long overdue but I finally made a bullet journal I’ll be using for a whole year! I’ve been wanting to make one for a long time now but I never got to it, but this year I pushed myself to do it and I’m really happy I did. It’s been really useful so far with helping me stick to my habits (even though some need work lol) and list down my expenses and goals. Since I’m back to school, it’s been harder to find time to journal but I have apps to help me with backlogs whenever I’m able to journal. Hope I’ll be able to maintain this for the whole year!
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