reddie-4-more · 2 months
So, uh, I finally wrote the first chapter of the fanfic "What if Pennywise was a real serial killer and the Losers killed him and had to deal with the trauma".
The story is called "The Inane Banality of Killing a Clown" and the first chapter has just been released.
Hope you'll still be there to read it and let me know what you thought about it.
Take care!
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reddie-4-more · 10 months
It's been quite a while since my last message on this blog (and fandom), but I think I might finally have the inspiration to write again, after my previous aborted attempts.
The core of this fanfic will be "what if Pennywise was just a regular serial killer and the Losers actually killed him to defend themselves when they were teenagers?", and the repercussions of that action into their adulthood.
It will take place 27 years later, on the anniversary of Pennywise's death, and the Losers, who kinda drifted away from each other, will reunite again, after Richie's attempt (and failure) to perform a whole skit about their childhood trauma.
So, it's all about "how those dysfunctional grown-ups cope with the fact that they actually killed someone, and how it impacts each of them".
I'm going to take the time to think about it all a bit more, before writing it, so that I won't get stuck on the first few chapters.
But if you have any opinion about it all, don't hesitate to let me know!
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reddie-4-more · 2 years
Laughing in the face of death: Chapter 1
Hey, everyone.
It’s been a little while since I posted anything in this tag. Life has been quite hectic, and I lost the will and energy to write for a little while. But I’m back now, taking it easy until I find my footing, and I hope you’ll welcome me back in the community as you did before.
I’m back with a new Reddie fanfic, Laughing in the face of death.
I hope you’ll like it.
Here’s the summary:
Eddie thought he would never go back to Derry. All it took was a fucking call, letting him know that his mother was dead, and there he was, trying to sort out his messy feelings, his inheritance, as well as his past. As if it wasn't complicated enough already, Eddie wasn't the only one back in town, after all this time...
Good reading. Don’t hesitate to let me know what you thought about it. Take care!
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reddie-4-more · 2 years
I just saw the movie Cyrano with Peter Dinklage, and hear me out:
Cyrano AU with either Richie as Cyrano, Myra as Christian and Eddie as Roxane. Or Richie as Cyrano, Steve as Christian and Eddie as Roxane (possibly ot3) Richie dealing with high internalized homophobia in the first AU and Myra possibly blackmailing him about it And in the second AU feeling that he's not a "proper" partner for Eddie, and that Steve would be better suited. 
Eddie’s like this highly romantic guy who wants to be wooed, like in the period drama movies and books. He’s probably disillusioned by modern dating standards, and one-night stands, and all, and just wants Love, in the most romantic way. 
I’ll probably start writing it once I have finished my two current fanfics Two worlds, one family and You broke me and left these pieces (although I’m having some doubts about this one, chapters are pretty tough to write and it’s not gaining much traction at the moment).
What do you think about it? Would you prefer the first version or the second?
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reddie-4-more · 2 years
On one hand, I’m happy it might brought some more people to the fandom. On the other hand... I don’t really know? Like what is it going to be about? Why can’t we have more content about the Losers?
*walks in tentatively* um It fandom???? We… a prequel???? How are we feeling about this?
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reddie-4-more · 2 years
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Chapter 2 of You broke me and left these pieces is out!
Eddie Kaspbrak is still haunted by the day he lost his arm. Tortured as a child and left to die, Eddie survived against all odds, and built his empire over the years, crafting and creating the finest prostheses, adored by the richest citizens of the Kingdom of Seraca.
Meanwhile, in the poorest parts of the Undercity, Richie Tozier, aka the Trashmouth, leader of the Losers' gang, is making a chilling discovery, that will soon turn both of their lives upside down...
Almost two months since I last updated that story, I’m sorry for that late update >_<. Life is still pretty hectic as of now, I don’t know when it’ll calm down a little. Hopefully soon. 
I created this moodboard for the story, I hope you like it!
Good reading!
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
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Chapter 6 of Two worlds, one family is out!
Richie Tozier's a mess. There's nothing new about it.
But, as his heart suddenly starts to beat for Eddie Kaspbrak, undiagnosed autistic single father to a nonverbal autistic daughter, Richie realizes that he's going to have to put some order in his life, and to make room for love. Love for the man he always longed for, and love for the child he didn't know he needed...
Written by an autistic author.
Sorry about another late update, life is wild at the moment, I’m just hoping for quieter times to come... 
Good reading!
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
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Chapter 5 of Two worlds, one family is out!
Richie Tozier's a mess. There's nothing new about it.
But, as his heart suddenly starts to beat for Eddie Kaspbrak, undiagnosed autistic single father to a nonverbal autistic daughter, Richie realizes that he's going to have to put some order in his life, and to make room for love. Love for the man he always longed for, and love for the child he didn't know he needed...
Written by an autistic author.
Sorry about the late update, I finally got my inspiration and energy back, though, so I hope you’ll like it!
Good reading!
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
Hi, I’m sorry for those of you who are currently reading “Two worlds, one family”. I’m having trouble finding the energy and inspiration to write, as of now. I tried writing the fifth chapter today, and only found myself struggling to fill a page and deleting it afterward.
My job is extremely taxing, and I have a hard time relaxing and getting into the right “mood” to write. I’ll try again tomorrow and later, but I don’t know exactly when I’ll be out of this predicament... I hope you’ll understand. 
In the meantime, don’t hesitate to let me know what you thought about the story so far. Any kind word would really help, as I’m trying to extract myself from that lack of inspiration and motivation... 
Thanks for your attention. Take care!
0 notes
reddie-4-more · 3 years
You broke me and left these pieces
Chapter 1 of You broke me and left these pieces is out!
Eddie Kaspbrak is still haunted by the day he has lost his arm. Tortured as a child and left to die, Eddie survived against all odds, and built his empire over the years, crafting and creating the finest prostheses, adored by the richest citizens of the Kingdom of Seraca.
Meanwhile, in the poorest parts of the Undercity, Richie Tozier, aka the Trashmouth, leader of the Losers' gang, is making a chilling discovery, that will soon turn both of their lives upside down...
Steampunk AU.
Who thought I’d start to write this story so soon? Not me, at least xD.
It’s the first time I’m venturing into Steampunk territory, so I really hope you’ll enjoy it. I listed my sources of inspiration in the first chapter’s notes.
Good reading!
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
Chapter 4 of Two worlds, one family is out!
Richie Tozier's a mess. There's nothing new about it.
But, as his heart suddenly starts to beat for Eddie Kaspbrak, undiagnosed autistic single father to a nonverbal autistic daughter, Richie realizes that he's going to have to put some order in his life, and to make room for love. Love for the man he always longed for, and love for the child he didn't know he needed...
Written by an autistic author.
I hope you’ll like it!
Good reading!
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
I'm getting some inspiration for a steampunk/magical realism AU.
Where Eddie has had his arm cut brutally by a cult when he was nine or ten, and after being revived by Maturin, he became a "Doctor", creating limbs from gears and stuff like that.
Bill's a detective investigating the disparition and murder of multiple poor children, thinking that it might be connected to his brother's death.
Ben's Eddie's assistant, and Beverly is a priestess using her mysterious singing talent to fill the crystals (this world's source of energy) with power.
(which is the role of the priestesses).
And Richie's Bill's informant in the underworld.
I think Stan might be a therapist/hypnotist and Mike will be a rat tamer in the Underworld and part of Richie's gang.
I'm kinda torn about it, because on one hand, I feel really inspired, but on the other hand, I don't know if I'll be able to write two stories at the same time...
Would you be interested in that kind of story?
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
Is it this one?
I remember reading it a while ago, it was pretty great :D
The best fanfic I’ve EVER read was a Reddie/But I’m A Cheerleader crossover and it was amazing!
If only I could find it again, sigh…
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
I wrote a Valentine day fanfic a while back, if you’re interested c:
If I was to put together a reddie Valentines Day fic rec list like I did for the winter holidays, would anyone have some good fics to rec to the cause?
I tried it last year and no one recommended anything but I thought I’d try again, because why not? lol
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
I’ve been on it for a while, kinda feel like a nice cozy home to get back to :D.
Writers Server for IT/Reddie fandom
Hi everyone!!!
It’s been a while since I mentioned the server that myself, @dangertronic and @the-miracle-is-you created back in 2020
If you’re interested or have any questions, contact me or the other two above for a link to the server!!
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
Chapter 3 of Two worlds, one family is out!
Richie Tozier's a mess. There's nothing new about it.
But, as his heart suddenly starts to beat for Eddie Kaspbrak, undiagnosed autistic single father to a nonverbal autistic daughter, Richie realizes that he's going to have to put some order in his life, and to make room for love. Love for the man he always longed for, and love for the child he didn't know he needed...
Written by an autistic author.
Here's the third chapter! 
Getting very slightly inconsistent with my updates, but I'll try to keep it up to a weekly update for the next chapters. Hope you’ll like it!
Good reading!
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reddie-4-more · 3 years
My Reddie fanfic "Two worlds, one family" might have been hit by the kudos bot this morning (I got 10 to 12 kudos real quick), so I'm being cautious and locking it for guests for the next 48 hours.
If you're a guest reader, you'll be able to access it afterward. I won't update it before that moment, so that all of my readers can read chapter 3 at the same time.
I didn't really know what I should do about it or if I should even mention it, but it didn't sit right with me to just keep it under wraps. I wanted to be honest with you guys.
I'm still not 100 % sure I've been hit, because I merely got 10 to 12 kudos quickly when others got like a 100 kudos real quick when they were hit, but I have this nagging doubt and I'd rather be careful.
I hope you'll be understanding. If you have some love to give, I'd appreciate it, I feel a bit disheartened by the whole thing...
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