redemption--song · 4 years
Hint-dropping at Jean’s ED
Marco catches Jean singing and compliments him. Jean thanks him half-heartedly, tells Marco he used to be better, but throat ulcers messed up his voice.
Reiner and Jean getting into an argument over Reiner wanting to check out Jean’s hands.
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redemption--song · 4 years
“You know, for a long time I thought Reiner had two cousins?” Marco tells Petra one day. They’ve been discussing __. Marco is ___ and ___, feels like he’s coming closer to answers all the time. “Like years ago, there’d been some conversation or whatever and he’d mentioned that his cousin is super religious.”
“But he’d talk about Jean by name most of the time? His cousin he grew up with, they’re close, he’s a little shit, he’s the best, whatnot. They sounded like two different people.”
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redemption--song · 4 years
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