Me : I really want to draw again
Also me : But I need something simple, black and white, no beard nor curly hairs, no weird angles I hate drawing fake front view or threequarter view.....
My project a few hours later :
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Keep telling myself I can't draw this angle right... guess I'll never listen....
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To hold or be hold 🥺
I do want to talk about hands ! Lets talk about hands ! Please, there's no such thing as to much talk about hands when it's a kink 🙄😬
I’m always down. But here’s the thing it’s not always sexual. Like sometimes I just like looking at them because they look so soft and perfect to holdddd.
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Me : This blog've been dead for a while, I should do something 'bout that.. make some gif maybe ?
The gif :
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Also me : *now as dead as that blog*
(Laemmle Royal Theatre, photoshot before the Lorelei screening)
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I've already lose all hope to recover from this 🙄🙄🥵
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officialpabloschreiber: No days off. Another Sunday dancing alone...
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Is there any other kind of sexy voice ?
Settle a score for me!
Is a guy with a hoarse, smokey voice sexy or nah?
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You're so right!
I'm gonna buy myself tons of chocolat chips cookies! Then I'm gonna lock myself with all that food, paper and pens, a "do not disturb" sign, and draw my way to happiness for the weekend 🤗
Have a good day everyone! Drink water and remember,beat the shit outta ya intrusive thoughts!💖💖💖💖
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So... I had plenty of work to do today but my stupid brain was in a procrastinating yet creative mood and apparently stuck in Scotland for some reasons.
I wanted to do this one for a long time now... guess it's done, yet I want to do it again...
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It's been a while since last time I used just some black pens and paper... yet I needed to get back to basics.
It's been a while since I had time to draw anything anyway >.<
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 I wasn’t ready for this ! This is just… wooow😳 Girl, now I want both to cry over them two lost idiots, take a deep breath and then a shower… a cold one… then read it again
This was more than perfect, thx you sooooo much for this wonderful piece of talent🤗😍🥰
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Summary: Two broken souls trying to find peace in one another. Pairing: Wyatt Rivers x redhead!reader Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Smut with a side of religious symbolism? A/N: This one was commissioned by the lovely @redhairedmoiraandtheliferuiners​​. Enjoy, hon!! Like what I do? Buy me a coffee! _______________________________________________
Send me a PM me if you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list!
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That last sentence is sadly so true! The rest of it also though
grief policing
The news of Chadwick Boseman’s death is extremely fresh, and yet there is already dust collecting on all posts, righteously schooling other people on how to NOT to grieve him.
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I woke up this morning and thought, Today feels like it'll be a good day.
A minute later, I opened Tumblr and saw Chadwick Boseman has died.
Today and the rest of this damn, godforsaken year can go screw themselves.
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That's the thing with bears.
They can go from childish stuffed Teddy Bear with funny vibe and goofy mood, to grown up fierce grizzly, not only wild and dangerous beasts but also stern and wise respectable creatures...
Anyone else think David can be too serious sometimes?
Idk I was watching his live with Alexander Chaplin (who was a freaking delight) and you can just see like the differences between personalities. No dig at Lily at all when I say this but like she’s also very serious and I think that’s why they click so well. Like they have some cute and funny moments but overall they are very serious people. Like maybe not serious in a stick in the mud thing but it’s always about philosophical topics or world news, so I guess serious in that way? Nothing wrong with it at all, it’s just so vastly different than myself so I had to stop and think about it you know?
Idk man maybe that’s an unpopular opinion. I still love him to death I just didn’t realize how extensive it was until just now so I needed to talk about it lmao
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Officialpabloschreiber: Get outside. Spend time in nature. Bring your kids. Make sure they know how to use portrait mode. #SimpleLife #ChildLabor #NoPainSoVain #Vanitylnsanity
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OMG, I can’t believe I didn’t see this before 😱
this is way more than I deserve sweetie really 🙄
And for the record... none of you is anoying, stop saying that!!!
🌸 - who was your first true love? 
First love : his name was Thomas, it was a summer thing, I was 12 and we were as stupid as young can be, foolish “romantic” kisses on the beach ‘till the summer ends and we both forgot the other one ever existed....
 First celeb crush : Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe ! My aunt used to spend most of her life between London and Paris  for her job and she tried to teach us some English my sisters and I through movies she had on VHS.  I felt for Major Richard Sharpe and even now, I can’t help those shivers down my spine each fucking time I hear Sean Bean’s voice!
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 First true love : Her name’s Naya, she’s a two and half years old black Labrador and she’s my moon and sun and she owns my heart
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🌻 - describe your perfect date 
If on a sunny day : very cliché but a walk in the countryside in a late afternoon sound nice.
 On a rainy day : cosy talk in a coffee shop. A real old fashioned coffee shop, no Starbucks. Bonus point if we head to a book shop or a library after or before that coffee! 
🐠 - tag someone you think deserves the world?
To my own shame, there are way too few people I speak with on tumblr, a mistake I intend to fix as I know many of you should be on the short list here... yet there are two that instantly came to my mind here. @deathonyourtongue​ and @my-rosegold-soul ​, I know this might seems stupid or strange to tag people how tagged me or people who have already been tagged.. yet you do deserve it girls!
🌸 - who was your first true love? 🌻 - describe your perfect date 🐠 - tag someone you think deserves the world?
🌸 - who was your first true love? No lie...it was Kocoum. Lmao
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🌻 - describe your perfect date. I always go back and forth with this. Could be a beach picnic because the beach is my favorite place and you can just chill and eat but also a carnival date is perfection and I want. All the snacks and rides,so fun. I love carnivals. 🥰
🐠 - tag someone you think deserves the world? Literally all my friends ive made on this hell site that make my life worth living?! I can’t chose and tag just one. @superrezzy00 , @deathonyourtongue @tarashari-tfp @mareethequeen basically the people I annoy the most 😘💖
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well... please don’t forget we used to have the other way arround and it worked quite fine too
 The aloof black labrador retriever  and  the  happy golden cat
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Classic Duo: The happy golden retriever and the aloof black cat
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☝️ your own tag
You're not annoying and I accept your love 'cause I'm ahead one of the shitiest week my stupid boss could have organized (or not organized at all, this is the main issue) and I'll need all the love I can get to remind me she's not worthy of stabbing her with my letter opener 🤗🙄
Anyway! Enough about me even though this is my blog lol. I just wanna check up on y’all.
! Hi, how is everyone?? Anything exciting happen or anything made you smile recently??
I hope you all had a good weekend and I hope this week is good to you all! 🥰💖💖
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🤗 thank you, hopefully I'll be strong enough never to smoke again. So far... no real temptation 🤞
About coffee now... selfishly glad to find an other addict ! 😋
The way I like it depends on my mood and tile of the day, really. But mostly...
- morning coffe : black, in a mug (classic size), one tea spoon of honney
- all day long : I hide bottles of rasberry syrup everywhere because that's my poison! I have one at home and one in my loker at work. Just between my "guilty snacks" box and the Hufflepuff mug students gave me last year. Rasberry syrup in latte, and here goes my day.
- in the evening, reading or working on projects all night long and when my focus need a little help : back to black poison but no sweetener this time, no honney, no sugar, but a pinch of cinnamon and/or muscade to spice it up
What's YOUR coffee ?
I'm leaving this here 'cause now I'm curious about everyone's poison too 🤣
"or literally send in anything" This is Anything. Take good care of it, don’t get it wet, don’t expose it to bright light and don't feed it after midnight! Joke aside, here's a confession about me : I did quit smoking after 12 years or so with near 20 cig a day... 6 months clean next week... yet I already know I'll never...NEVER... be able to quit coffee... NEVER EVER ! There's no sobering up from that drug ! One day without coffee is so damn' worst than those month without tobaco !
BRUH THATS GREAT! So proud of you for 6months! 💖💖💖
Also I feel you on the coffee addiction. Coffee is in my veins. I literally just made some iced coffee and I can’t wait to drink it with the cinnamon roll cake I’m gonna make!
What’s your favorite coffee? Like your typical coffee order or the perfect way you make it. Coffee is so specific to everyone I love hearing different ways people drink it
Chit chat Friday.
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