regalius · 6 years
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源氏に追われる茨木ちゃんと賢王さま。by Ayase.
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Do not repost and edit without artist’s permission. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.
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regalius · 6 years
:: Host Demon AU
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                Often going by the aliases, Caster or Gorgeous P, he is the mysterious manager of the host club, SANCTUM. While he is an entrepreneur who tries his hand at a little ( or a lot ) of every industry, he only ever shows his face at this establishment. He does not work as a host there, but due to his alias and appearance, some customers mistakenly ask for him. Whether or not he accepts their requests is a matter of his whims. Usually he can be found behind the bar, providing the all important drinks and watching over his staff. There are rules within the establishment that all must obey, and he is the one who makes them. Hosts may seem like flirts and simple enchanters for luring in customers of all genders, however he believes that they ought to be a source of comfort and emotional support. Hence, the host club is not simply a business, but a sanctuary for weary souls.
                He is always looking for potential staff who meet his rather high requirements, as well as individuals who may need their talents. Although host clubs traditionally only have male staff, he is happy to employ those of any gender as hosts in his club. For there are few individuals he would extend the offer, and pleasure, of working for him. Selfishness is human nature, and to survive, one must prioritise one’s self over others. So those who can do that, yet offer a comforting shoulder and some hints of happiness to others are indeed gifted. Once deemed worthy, no matter their backgrounds and circumstances, he would accept those individuals into his club and more. You can also find that he is the financial support ( and brains ) behind several popular establishments including hotels, publishing and production companies. 
                Yet, no matter who you ask, none know his true name. Yes, there are people he trusts with his name, but they know better than to speak it to others. It is both an honour and a burden to know his true identity. Looks can be deceiving so do beware!
His real name is Gilgamesh ( surprise! ), he is a greater demon and a former ruler of the underworld
There are many underworlds and the ‘main’ one referred to by human changes over time His underworld is currently in slumber
Knowing his true name is the equivalent of forming a pact with a demon, it comes at a great cost The basic cost of one pact is for your soul to enter his underworld after you pass
Speaking his true name is initiating a pact ( or another pact if you have one ), and you will be required to ‘make a sacrifice’, so to speak
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regalius · 6 years
HOW LONG HAD IT BEEN SINCE SHE had last seen Gilgamesh? Too long too count and enough to feel irritation bottling inside because of the lack of updates from his side. Gilgamesh had just disappeared on her one day and since then, since ten years ago there had been no news about his whereabouts. Although she was deeply concerned, despite wondering what happened to him, that irritation which she felt bottling inside her chest kept shadowing that concern. It was an understatement to say she was upset about this kind of deal. Yuna believed that their relation was not as superficial as not to tell her at least that he would be away for a long time. Ten years had gone by incredibly fast, countless events occurring in the meanwhile.
If asked how she felt on this matter, perhaps she would say that she felt saddened by his choice not to tell her that he would be away for this long, that Gilgamesh did not trust her enough with this information. Regardless of what happened, Yuna hoped he was alright, that wherever he was everything was going fine with his life. Perhaps upon meeting him again she would not hesitate in showing him how upset she was about this treatment, about how he could have just notified her that he was leaving.  At that point she just hoped they would meet at least accidentally… yet would he recognize her after this long? Should she consider Gilgamesh’ departure as a sign that he did not wish to have anything to do with her anymore?
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To even imagine they would meet again and after this long.. she would think fate was laughing at her. Yet.. something felt odd. There was something which was wrong with him, although she did not know yet. Despite his voice sounding the same as before, she felt that Gilgamesh was not himself. That something was not going exactly well and that this worried her. Despite planning to give him the cold shoulder upon meeting him again ( if such a thing could happen ) the glint in his eyes made her wonder what happened. There was a mix of emotion she could not describe and yet… it did not mean that her irritation was gone. That she was not upset at him for leaving just like that.
If anything, that coldness which she had noticed in his eyes was new… it was something she had not glanced upon since then and yet… she wondered what could have happened for him to look like that. Taking a step ahead, decreasing the distance between them, she raised her hand, carefully placing it on his cheek, as if touching something frail. ❝ ….Although I am really mad at you, I am more worried about your well-being.. is everything alright? You do not look like your normal self.. from what I remember I mean.. ❞ In spite of everything, she did show him a reassuring smile. Even if she was still upset, it did not mean that she would not help if Gilgamesh needed anything.
❝ If you need help with anything, you can tell me. I will help you with whatever I can, you should know that without me saying this. You do not have to carry your burden alone.. I will help you, Gilgamesh. ❞ Because no matter what, she would. Even if she was still upset, Yuna would lend him a hand rather than just ignore his troubles. She could never do that.
             « 神秘 » He dares not to look away from her crimson gaze, finding solace in them ( and in her ) as he regains himself. Looking elsewhere is simply beckoning trouble while his body desires the blood of one Gilgamesh considers a close acquaintance. The atmosphere between them is far from what he remembered, and yet the distance between them had diminished in the blink of an eye, not only physically. He had sensed her initial confusion ( or so he assumed ), and he had expected to pervade this conversation. 
            But instead, the vampire finds himself confused. 
            Why is she not truly angry at him? Why is she worried about him instead? Why does he find himself comforted by her gentle touch upon his cheek? And why does his vampire instincts not lash out?
            Her words continue to echo in Gilgamesh’s mind moments after, still dulled from an unnecessarily long slumber. He had heard them before...but when, where, why?
            ‘...You do not have to carry your burden alone...’
            The answers he seeks slowly but surely come to him, those words enlightening him once more. His mother, a goddess with great wisdom, had offered them to him before during a time of uncertainty. And like they had before, they would soon reveal to him what he needed to do. Simple advice that is like the first light of dawn, golden light signalling the awakening of man.
            Eventually, he speaks, slight hesitation and awkwardness lingering in his tone of voice.
            “...I would like to ask a favour of you, Yuna.”
            Had he ever asked anyone for a favour before?             No, this is a first.              A first, even for a being with several millennia of existence. 
            That realisation is a pleasant surprise that sees the slightest of smiles upon his pale features. How could he forget one of her qualities that he adored most. No more is needed for Gilgamesh to come to his senses, his former and true self restored instantly. He had always been rather good at self-control, so halting his bloodlust temporarily is simple.
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            “Allow me to rephrase that. I require your aid, Yuna.”
            He would give her all the answers she needed ( and perhaps more ), but not as a feral creature. He would as a friend, and a sane king man.
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regalius · 6 years
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ooc :: working on sumerian myth for uni has really made me want to write casgil on tumblr again, so i’ll try to reopen this blog next month! it’s been a long time since i’ve written canon!casgil so it’s going to be a whole new learning experience. i’m really looking forward to interacting with everyone, and i’m so sorry to those i poofed on! ; w ;
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regalius · 6 years
              « 神秘 » Ah.
            Crimson bleeds from his being, staining the amethyst insignia upon his arms. The power he had sealed away granting him a heartbeat once more. Consciousness resurfaces as a blade sinks into his chest. It draws blood, but only the tiniest of drops. For he has no more blood to lose. He begins to register the buzzing of panicked voices and an inability to move. It’s not difficult to deduce the details of his current...predicament. 
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            The world moves in slow motion, as golden lashes part to reveal gold. Gold is thought to be the colour of the sun, but it is by no means merciful. Anger boils within him, yet only his thirst for lifeblood spills out. His bloodlust is raw and suffocating, even for him. Bodies drop around him, and soon he is the only conscious being. Oh how the tables have turned--the thought of a fool. Luckily, his anger is not directed at these morons trying to unravel the secrets of his biology. It is at himself and his own arrogance, the sole reasons why he could have ended up here. 
            Still, with irritation and instinct the only things keeping him conscious, he had no choice but to replenish what he had lost. His bindings are quickly discarded and focus shifts to finding a source of blood. He had no taste for the blood of fools. Despite his dilemma, his pride would not still not allow him to dine on just any being. A quick glance at his surroundings revealed a concerning fact, ten years had passed since his last memory. How slovenly of him to sleep for a decade. He ought to do better to avoid experiencing anymore ‘arrogance-induced naps’.
            Now then, it appears he had no choice to subject an innocent stranger to an ordeal he would not wish upon others. Curse this constitution that did not allow his thirst to be satisfied by any other than those of divine or vampire blood...or those his heart had acknowledged...Anyhow, he needed to make himself presentable, regardless of what society is like now. He doesn’t need a mirror to know that his wounds from the war that had taken his kingdom had reopened. They always do, when his left eye turns a vengeful gold. But his priority now is not to languish about a past long gone, but present time.
            Relying on one’s instinct is ill-advised at times like these, yet he had little choice. He closes his eyes and let his mind find an individual suitable for his purposes. A thought occurs to him. One he instantly wishes he had not conjured from the depths. When he opens his eyes once more, he sees the figure of a woman. A woman he had once been very familiar with.
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            Gilgamesh knows that he had just pronounced the prelude to disaster, if not tragedy. Yet, it’s strange how speaking a single name could vanquish all his frustrations, even if only temporarily. 
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regalius · 6 years
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regalius · 6 years
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It’s summertime!
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regalius · 6 years
❝Ahaha.. hey, if I asked you to buy me a plushiee, would you?❞ It was a simple question. She did not expect Gil to go through it. If anything she would refuse if he did anything.
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               « 神秘 » “Those unrefined objects? Most certainly not.”
              Yet his smirk contradicted his rejection of her indirect request. Perhaps she was simply testing him, but Gilgamesh cared not. Without so much as glancing in her direction, he poured himself a drink as ripples of gold formed a little above Yuna’s head.
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             Something soft hits the crown of her head.                                 …then another.                                                   …and another one almost immediately after.
               It wasn’t long before it was very literally raining cats and dogs (and rabbits, birds, and various other rather round-looking creatures), or at least inanimate and rather fluffy versions of the said creatures. They were undeniably some form of a “plushie”, but their creator (a certain King) would argue otherwise. After all, they were made from the finest of materials and crafted by the hands of the most wondrous of kings artists, or simply the man chuckling into his cup. 
             A short-lived satisfaction that ended the moment he peeked over to catch her reaction. Gilgamesh had always been observant, so the teddy bear with a needle and yarn still clipped onto its side lying just beside Yuna’s left hand. It wasn’t particularly missing any limbs, just any semblance of a tail.
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             Let’s hope she doesn’t see him mentally willing the poor bear back inside the Gate of Babylon. It’s been a while since he had invested time in that hobby so he must’ve forgotten about it. Liking things finished, there’s a good chance this vampire will be knitting again in the very near future.
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regalius · 6 years
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“Rejoice, zasshu!” Mochi!Casgil is here to soothe your soul.
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regalius · 7 years
Offers the Caster a box of chocolates. Box decorated in red and blue. Chocolates decorated with great care as she shyly offered him the gift. She was shocked how many Gilgamesh’s were summoned- none were ‘proto’ yet. “H-Here you go- happy Valentine’s Day!”
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               « キャスター » Amused by this strange girl wishing him ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’, a small laugh slipped from the King’s lips. He was not laughing at her, only the slight stumble in her words. Clearly she had made an effort to speak with him, and present him with a gift of sweetness. Strange, for he had been informed of this day as one of expressing appreciation to friends and various forms of partners. Nonetheless, it was a day for strengthening bonds, and forming a new acquaintance was a part of that too.
              “Ah yes, chocolate seemed to be the favoured treats of this ‘Valentine’s Day’.”
              He accepted her offering, that in itself a form of acknowledgement, and yet golden gates open before the Caster placed a handful of sweets in her still outstretched hand. They too were chocolates ( wrapped in gold ), as well as a few other candies he had on his persons for children. She was no child, however a simple exchange of sweets seemed fair under these circumstances.
              “Come see me, should take a liking to them or otherwise. They hardly compare to the other delicacies Uruk has to offer.”
              An invitation to tea and conversation to she who held quite a few secrets within those sapphire orbs.
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regalius · 7 years
FateGO Valentine 2018 Event: Caster Gilgamesh Dialogue Translation
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Uh? A present? From you, to me?
Keep reading
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regalius · 7 years
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ooc :: i haven’t written any ic things lately, but i will always fawn over cas!gil everytime he appears in canon! he's the 5 star of my heart!! and the most adorkable king!!! --ahem. yes, hello and thanks to everyone who’s still around and new followers! o v o/
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regalius · 7 years
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Can we please talk about how cas!gil loves making up using ( compound ) words:
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Which translates to:
“Be grateful and receive my majesty, which has merged with this water, as one of its benefits!”
「王気」is written as ‘ the aura of a king ’! Definitely not a word used often, if not at all. Nor does it really merge / transfer onto things he touches, but apparently it does!! Also if you read the kanji literally, it says his majesty melted into the water u v u...
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regalius · 7 years
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Cas!Gil: ...Hm. This cannot compare the ( bathhouse ) noble phantasm within my treasury, not in size, grandeur, nor the rarity of the water quality-- However, it is decent, for a bath prepared by a common zasshu. It’s a reward, I will, for now, disregard the impudent act of soaking yourself in the very same water that my body has touched!
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regalius · 7 years
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regalius · 7 years
:: Hiatus mode
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ooc :: unfortunately real-life is really chaotic, and with no end in sight i’m going to put this blog on indefinite hiatus. although my muse hasn’t particularly dwindled, so i will hop on once in a while / work on things at my own pace. this means that reply times will be very slow ( monthly or slower ), i will be more selective with interactions, and plotted threads will get priority! these changes are also in my rules. i’ll throw out a plotting / starter call when i’ve finished with the replies/asks i owe and have more time. 
since i’m here, i’d like thank you to all those i’ve interacted, it’s wonderful to see our muses interacting or just chatting about things! i’m also grateful to all my mutuals, seeing you guys on my dash is an absolute delight, even if we’ve never interacted. and of course, a huge shoutout to all my followers for giving cas!gil and i your time of day!
i wish you guys all the best for 2018, and please remember that each and every one of you are amazing in your own way! fgo part 2 will probably be a wild ride so buckle in for those who’ve hopped on! (ฅ^・ﻌ・^)ฅ✿ 
i’ll still be crying over cas!gil quite active on twitter and discord ( details below ), so if you need anything feel free to hmu there or via IM too!
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please let me know who you are before adding me on discord! 
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regalius · 7 years
i’ll tell you what i want (what i really really want) so tell me what you want (what you really really want) i wanna ah i wanna ah i wanna ah i wanna ah i wanna really really really wanna
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