renaisguy · 4 days
Forde knows how important restoring the Taguel is to Yarne, and he’ll support him however he needs. Whatever children Yarne has, Forde would raise them will all the love and affection he has, even if they were not his own. But today we’re talking about Forde and Yarne’s precious daughter - Nitta
Nitta was always a curious child, but struggled to understand the differences between manspawn and taguel - when she was 6 she made Forde a pair of bunny ears, because she didn’t understand why he didn’t have his own.
Unlike her brother, this was about as far as she took her artistic potential. She took after Forde in other ways - such as his affinity towards naps. However, her senses stayed alert whilst she was asleep, and as soon as she sensed danger she’d be on her feet, ready to uh, run away!
When she’s not asleep, Nitta is very energetic (which is probably why she needs so many naps). You’ll often see her running around in beast form. Though she’s been taught to be cautious, she’s very friendly with manspawn, and loves playing with the kids from the nearby village. 
(Though as a result of her cautiousness, she finds it difficult to be vulnerable around others, always opting to avoid them rather than have a conversation she’s worried will go even a little badly) 
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renaisguy · 4 days
send me a ♡ and i’ll describe what i think our muses’ child would be like
[ can be in terms of appearance, personality, or both! ]
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renaisguy · 14 days
My mother rejoiced more in my skill with the brush than in my skill with the sword. I never understood why... 
Forde’s father was the greatest paladin in Renais. His skill with the lance and spear were legendary, his chivalry unrivalled. An entire generation of knights looked up to him, striving to be a fraction of the man he was. 
So Forde was told. 
Forde’s father had a deep scar on his shoulder. He never told his sons where he’d received it, but a fellow soldier had. He gained it whilst serving the royal family to serve Renais - personally shielding the king from an attack.
So Forde was told. 
Forde’s father died for a noble cause. The most dangerous assassin in Magvel had made his way into Renais’ capital, dead set (no pun intended) on taking out the royal family. Forde’s father tracked him down single handedly - asking for help would alert the assassin of his mission. He killed the assassin, saving the king once more, but in doing so was mortally wounded. 
So Forde was told. 
Forde’s father loved his family. On his rare visits home he would carry Forde and Franz around, listening to all their stories with a smile. His smile. A great, beaming smile. He would ask his sons to smile, too. Tell them that as long as they smiled, he would be able to smile… 
Or at least, he probably did. Forde couldn’t really remember.
Forde was 11 when his father died, two years after his mother passed from illness. Yet he could remember her face far more clearly. She smiled, Forde was certain of that. She beamed as they cooked together. She grinned when they came home covered in mud. And whenever Forde showed her a drawing of his, she sparkled.
All these years later, he still got told he had his mother’s smile. 
It was that smile of hers that made him want to paint in the first place. To capture a fraction of her happiness on his page, that was what he wished for. When she died, he lost the desire to paint people altogether. That sparkle was gone.
From a young age, it was decided that Forde would become a paladin like his father. It seemed only natural - his talent with a sword was head and shoulders above most his age, it would be a waste not to join the army. Forde was happy with this. What else was he going to do? 
He rose through the ranks quickly, and was assigned to Prince Ephraim’s personal guard. (As much as he hates to admit it, it’s more thanks to Kyle than him. Kyle was always roping him into intense training sessions, mock battles, the like. Looking back, Forde needed this push.) 
Then, well, I’m sure you’ve heard of this part. In the year 803, Grado launched a surprise attack on Renais, and long story short there was a war. In one very strategically sound move, Ephraim decided to attack Fort Renvall with only four men. Princess Eirika’s group got involved, and it was here that Forde was reunited with his brother. 
It was a shock, seeing Franz after so long - he’d gotten taller, for a start. But in the way he carried himself, the way he rode, the way he fought. He was still training, and unconfident in himself, but Forde could see it. There was a passion that Forde had only seen in one man before, the same drive to serve his country that kept their father away from home. 
It was a drive Forde no longer had. 
If he’d ever had it in the first place. 
And then the rest of the war happened. Forde was given a Knight Crest on the journey from Grado’s capital to Jehanna - y’know, that desert nation? Great terrain for a paladin? Then they were in Rausten. Then they were in Darkling Woods. Then they fought a massive demon and that was that. 
Looking back, it wasn’t the fighting he thought about, nor his accomplishments as a paladin. It was the connections he’d made, the smiles around the campfire when he told a stupid story, the sighs when he fell asleep when he wasn’t meant to, the amazement when people he’d known for years found out about his passion for art. 
When the war ended, Forde asked for a holiday. About a week in, he decided he wasn’t going back. He was going to be a full-time painter. (Well, maybe not full-time. Just a few hours a day?) 
He didn’t know where his parents were now, but he hoped they were enjoying a peaceful retirement together. He hoped his father would smile down on him. He knew his mother was. 
She rejoiced more in my skill with the brush than in my skill with the sword. I never understood why... Not until recently, at any rate.
Class Mastered: Paladin
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renaisguy · 15 days
3 tiles forward, 2 to the left… now he looks at the ground, he can see a slight difference on the tiles he’s not meant to stand on. (Or maybe he’s just making that up to feel safer). Either way, he’s by Niamh’s side now, looking over her blueprints. 
“Huh, they’re slightly different from mine.” He hold up his blueprints against hers, and notices that the bottom of her blueprints (aka, where they’re currently standing) are the top of Forde’s. Ahead of them will be a set of narrower tunnels, each with sudden drops, swinging pendulums, rotating platforms, and buttons to temporarily deactivate everything. 
The task will be long, but Forde thinks the instructions are clear on how to set everything up. And with no one else around, he can take as many breaks as he wants. 
“Looks like we’re working on different sections.” He says. “Why don’t I help you finish this area, then you can head out?” This gesture of kindness is strange for Forde, given the extra exertion. But it is necessary - if anything is built between him and the exit he needs to know how to escape. 
“Let’s set out these triggers then.” Checking the blueprints, he picks up some wire, to be laid across the ground at various points. 
“I’m Forde by the way. Nice to meet you.”
Dungeon Builder seeking skilled QA
[July Mission; Lance+1 Prompt]
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renaisguy · 16 days
“I’ll show you my other painting when we return to the academy.” Forde promises with a smile. It was a request he got more and more these days, and he rejoiced at the support.
He places his current sketch on the ground so she can see it, and takes out his paint. “Ah, can you make sure I don’t mix up my painting cup and my drinking cup? I do that embarrassingly often.”
He nods at her words as he mixes the first blue that will make the waterfall. “That’s part of why I paint, so I can share these sights with others… or look back on them myself.” He takes a biscuit for himself.
“I’ve always had others to support me, I can’t imagine what a life of isolation would be like… I’m glad I can be your company today.” He starts to paint, with long, slow strokes. “I’m going to return here next season to paint this view again. It would be lovely if you could accompany me again, if you wanted.”
Tell your Dream to the Waterfall
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renaisguy · 16 days
This job was… interesting. Forde had been told that if he wasn’t going to be training on the weekends, he should do something between his morning and afternoon naps. Forde thought he might as well make some money, and between this relaxing cafe and the Sir Donald’s? It was an easy decision. 
Forde was given an outfit that fit him well. A black and white dress that came down to his knees, a red ribbon for his neck and several other accessories which he put on wrong the first time. 
Oh, and the manager told him to wear his hair down. Said it’d be ‘more appealing’ or something. Forde was not appealed by the amount of times it’d gotten caught in his face whilst serving, but ah well. 
The job was simple enough. Take orders, relay them to the chef, take the orders out. If a customer wanted, he was allowed to stand around and chat, which suited Forde very well. 
Currently, he was taking a ten minute break (that he was very much entitled to, thank you), when a familiar face rushed in. 
“Yarne?” He blinked a couple of times, but there was no mistaking it. “Didn’t know you worked here too.” 
Seems they didn’t make maid outfits in his size… but that felt silly to point out. “Why’d they give you more bunny ears?” He asks, standing to appraise Yarne’s look. He was cute, but whoever gave him this outfit did a horrible job. 
“Oh.” He reaches out to adjust Yarne’s headdress. “I made this mistake too, you’re wearing this backwards… and this ribbon’s a little lopsided.”  It wasn’t much, but it made an impact. “You look good.” He smiles. “I don’t want to keep you but…”
“How do you keep your hair out of your eyes?”
Maid-Made Paradise
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renaisguy · 17 days
Studies at the academy are all about preparing oneself for the future, and this consideration has led to an exercise on…parenting! A lucky few students and professors have been chosen to raise awareness for a monumental new program. Assigned with caring for a magically powered doll that requires rocking, reassuring, and cosseting (that will totally not scream and cry at set intervals through the night) what will you and your aptly dubbed ‘partner’ do to meet the challenge? Or will mommy and daddy fumble the diaper bag completely? [Grants Faith +1]
“Please… please stop crying.”
It’s been not an hour since Forde was handed this doll, but it feels like days have passed. What at first sounded like an easy task, this child has spent at least half of the time crying, and each time it has taken Forde far too long to stop it.
This time, the doll is not crying because it is hungry, nor because it needs burping, nor because it needs changing. Not even a cute and colourful drawing will distract it. This time… Forde doesn’t know what’s wrong, and his arms are tired.
“Sorry, could you take it for a moment?” He passes the doll to his partner before slumping forwards onto the desk with a heavy sigh. The crying does not cease, it burns into his brain.
“Two days…” Forde can already picture how little sleep he’s going to get tonight. “Make sure to nap when you can.” He says to Flayn, whilst he stares blankly at the doll. “Even one day without enough sleep can-” he yawns. “Well, just look at me.”
“My brother used to cry, but I don’t remember it being this bad…”
Baby shoes, never shod
Faith +1
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renaisguy · 17 days
[ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓 ] ― sender paints a picture onto part of receiver’s body ( specify what & where )
dorothea's eyes narrow in concentration as she holds his hand, carefully dragging a small brush across the back of it. a few paint strokes in, she looks up, her mouth twisting uncertainly. “huh. i was going for a daffodil, but…” it hardly looks like it. “think you can give me a few pointers?”
"It's a good start." Forde smiles at the flower on his hand. "Usually when I'm painting, I have the subject in front of me, so doing this from memory, as a first attempt... you've done well."
Forde is reminded of when he started drawing. However rough or indecipherable his charcoal sketches were, his mother would congratulate him, encourage him to continue. It wasn't about being the best, or even being 'good'. It was about creating something you were proud of.
"I think it needs a stem." He says, dipping her paintbrush in a light green paint, guiding her hand in three straight lines to make a couple of leaves as well. "With this, you get a sense of perspective, see? You can tell it's a daffodil now."
He takes Dorothea's hand now. "When I paint, I try to think about the layers of the landscape. What covers what, if that makes sense. So I would start with the stem-" he draws the same three lines on Dorothea's hand, "then the petals-" six yellow strokes, "and finally, the centre-" An orange dot.
He holds his hand next to hers so she can see the comparison. "Also, when I'm using a canvas I let the paint dry between coats, so the colours don't bleed together... but of course I wouldn't keep you for so long."
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renaisguy · 17 days
[ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 ] ― sender wraps a soft blanket around receiver’s shoulders
"I'm more used to painting flowers, but I find sights like these just as beautiful."
Forde wakes at the soft sensation of something covering his shoulders.
Where was he? Ah yes, he was watching the lanterns with Mitama... attempting to capture their majesty on his page... and in taking a moment of rest, he'd fallen asleep under their gentle glow.
He now finds a blanket (dark, and covered in stars) over his shoulders, and smiles up at Mitama. "Thank you."
The last of the lanterns flutter past them, following their friends into the vast sky. Forde stands, wrapping one end of the blanket over Mitama's shoulder. Though they do not shine as bright, the stars join with the lanterns, another fleeting, beautiful moment shared.
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renaisguy · 18 days
🌙  *  ―     𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒  (  prompts for the five senses. add [reversed] to reverse the action. feel free to change wording as needed & add details )
[ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 ] ― sender wraps a soft blanket around receiver’s shoulders [ 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊 ] ― sender and receiver fall into bed together on silk sheets [ 𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐋 ] ― sender pulls receiver’s hair ( gently / hard ) [ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 ] ― sender strokes receiver’s hair [ 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 ] ― sender brushes receiver’s hair [ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓 ] ― sender paints a picture onto part of receiver’s body ( specify what & where ) [ 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄 ] ― sender traces their fingertips over receiver’s body [ 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 ] ― sender traces a scar on receiver’s body [ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 ] ― sender reaches out to hold receiver’s hand [ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 ] ― sender worships receiver’s body
[ 𝐔𝐍𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 ] ― sender feeds receiver something they’ve never tried before ( specify what ) [ 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 ] ― sender feeds receiver something sour ( specify what ) [ 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 ] ― sender feeds receiver something sweet ( specify what ) [ 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐄 ] ― sender feeds receiver something spicy ( specify what ) [ 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender kisses receiver to taste the lingering flavour of what they ate or drank on their lips ( specify what ) [ 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender bites receiver hard enough to draw blood [ 𝐔𝐍𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋 ] ― sender feeds receiver soup when they’ve fallen ill [ 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊 ] ― sender makes receiver a cocktail to try [ 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐇 ] ― sender cooks receiver their favourite meal [ 𝐓𝐑𝐘 ] ―  sender gives receiver a taste of what they’re cooking / baking for their opinion
[ 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃 ] ― sender blindfolds receiver [ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart [ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 ] ― sender notices something different about receiver ( injury / haircut / tattoo / piercing / etc ) [ 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐋 ] ― sender greets receiver in formal partywear ( feel free to add detail ) [ 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐒 ] ― sender takes receiver to see lanterns in the sky [ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ] ― sender and receiver lay under the stars to stargaze [ 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver lock eyes across the room [ 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ] ― sender and receiver see a shadow move out the corner of their eye [ 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 ] ― sender and receive watch as something burns ( candles / a building / a campfire / etc ) [ 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇 ] ― sender takes receiver to the aquarium to watch the sea life [ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊 ] ― sender recognises receiver at a masquerade party
[ 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂 ] ― sender puts on the radio to listen to music with receiver [ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 ] ― sender plays receiver their favourite song on an instrument ( specify what ) [ 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 ] ― sender and receiver are in bed together while rain lashes against the windows / tent / etc [ 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender whispers something in receiver’s ear ( specify what ) [ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ] ― sender asks receiver for a dance upon hearing a song [ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐘 ] ― sender and receiver hear a sound when they should be alone ( footsteps / creaking floorboards / a scream / etc ) [ 𝐇𝐔𝐌 ] ― sender hums a lullaby to lull receiver to sleep [ 𝐌𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐃 ] ― sender comforts a temporally deaf receiver after a loud sound ( gunshot / explosion / etc ) [ 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐌 ] ― sender calms receiver down from a panic attack in a loud place [ 𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐑 ] ― sender and receiver hear a muffled sound from another room / outside ( music / people / creature / etc ) [ 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 ] ― sender hears receiver crying and approaches comfort them
[ 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇 ] ― sender puts a scented bath bomb into receiver’s bath [ 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄 ] ― sender lights a scented candle for receiver [ 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ] ― sender puts perfume / aftershave on receiver’s ( wrist / neck / cheek ) [ 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 ] ― sender inhales receiver’s scent [ 𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐊 ] ― sender is drawn to the kitchen by receiver’s cooking [ 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒 ] ― sender steals an item of receiver’s clothes because it smells like them [ 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender notices receiver smells of their shampoo / shower gel [ 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 ] ― sender gives receiver flowers [ 𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐇 ] ― sender helps clean receiver after a long day / stressful situation [ 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐘 ] ― sender and receiver walk through the sewers to escape capture / avoid detection / chase someone [ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 ] ― sender massages receiver with a scented oil
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renaisguy · 21 days
“I don’t. I’ve only heard them called the Bloomsway blossoms…” The residents of Bloomsway called them ‘the blossoms’, and the church called them ‘invasive flora’. “They aren’t even the blooms that the town was originally named for. They just started growing here five years ago, starting with a single tree in the centre of the flower fields.” 
Clearly, those flower fields were no more, overtaken by these blossoms. Forde knew the monastery had a point, if this was the result after only five years. 
He tries a new approach to colouring - shading each individual flower a vibrant gradient. It’s much closer to capturing the plant’s true beauty, but Forde knows that it will be a lengthy process. 
In the distance, another tree falls. 
“They’re going to burn them.” He says. “I hope I can be around for that too.” They would still look beautiful as they burned. The purples and pinks would fade into the reds and yellows of the flames, and the flowers would continue to shimmer until they were burnt up into a black ash. Perhaps Forde would draw that too. 
He tries a third approach - in which he paints each flower a different colour, so that no adjacent flowers are the same. Yes, he’ll need to mix another shade to complete this task, but the shimmering effect is retained. It should be a relaxing process, if still a melancholy one. 
“Many years ago, I painted my homeland. But when I showed it to my lord, he saw it as a Renais that no longer existed…” He continues. “I’ve always known that might happen again but… it’s strange for a view to be destroyed before the painting is complete.”
an absolute rose
Anniversary 2024 - Axe +1
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renaisguy · 21 days
“Oh for goodness sake, you have to get some exercise.” It was at times like this that Forde felt a semblance of sympathy for everyone who’d had to put up with him in the past. 
Riding horses was one thing, riding wolves was another. But Forde wanted to give it a go at least once while he had the opportunity. However, wolves had different temperaments from horses, and whilst Forde knew exactly how a horse could hurt him, wolves were different. So he’d signed up to train the pups - far less likely to result in severe injury. 
However, the pup he’d been assigned was extremely lazy. According to the regime, they were to have at least two moderate walks per day. Forde was attempting to take her for the morning walk, but not five minutes after they’d started she’d curled up to take a nap. 
“Come on, there are way better nap spots than this… why don’t I show you the good ones?” Somehow, that didn’t work.
There was a bark behind him, and Forde turned to see another pup, slightly smaller than his, latch onto him. His boots were sturdy enough as to not hurt him, and he gave the approaching man a smile. 
“Hello Gerome.” He raised his foot to see the damage… nope, they were still intact. “Don’t worry about it, they’re at that age, aren’t they?” He reached over to pet Gerome’s pup, but withdrew his hand when it barked sharply. 
“I’m doing my best with Salad here.” He indicates the sleeping pup. “But she’s not the most active. Any ideas?” 
trained soldiers vs fluffy bois
[anniversary 2024] riding +1
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renaisguy · 21 days
Forde resists the urge to reach out and pet Yarne as he transforms. He’s just as cool as Forde remembers, and somehow more cute. “Feel free to transform whenever. I will admit I’ve been wondering - is either form more comfortable to be in?” 
Anyway, snacks! “Carrots are good. I can’t remember the last time I just ate them, instead of cooking them in a stew, or something.” He stands, and grabs some money from the desk, as well as his key. “See you in a bit.” 
The door shuts behind him, and he starts towards the market… but stops in his tracks when he processes all of what Yarne just said. 
He has a relaxing voice, huh? That’s a new one. 
He supposes he’ll have to put it to the test. It’d be nice if Yarne could fall asleep before him - then Forde wouldn’t worry about being a bad host. He tries to think of things to talk about as he purchases the snacks, and some juice. 
What did people talk about at sleepovers again? As a kid, whenever he went to Kyle’s they would talk about the best sword techniques, or how messy Forde’s room was. No, those wouldn’t work. 
Girls? Nah. It wasn’t as if Forde had anyone in his life, how boring would that be to listen to? And the thought of Yarne having a girlfriend… wasn’t something Forde wanted to hear about. Not tonight. 
Not that he could explain why. 
When he returns to the room, he tosses the carrots onto the bed, and collapses onto the ground. “Hey, let me have some of that blanket.” 
With a gentle tug, Forde is enveloped in a soft warmth. Almost instantly, he yawns. 
“Sorry…” he mutters. “It’s just so cozy… I wanted to stay up and chat but…” right now it’ll be a miracle if he can keep his eyes open. 
Be Our Guest
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renaisguy · 23 days
It was a relief to know that he was not alone in his feelings. But with that relief came his own guilt, that he was forcing her to put up with his struggles when she already had hers, and an entire country’s, to deal with. 
Her last words are a crashing wave, sweeping that guilt away. “Thank you.” He says, softly. There’s a sincerity in her voice, that makes him truly believe she accepts him, burden or not.
Forde takes several breaths to calm himself, and finds it in himself to face Lianna again. Though the tears still stain his eyes, the small smile he has is equally genuine. “It wasn’t all bad though… I got to meet you. You’re a good friend, Lianna, I’m- I wish you never had to suffer through all that… but I’m glad I got to spend time with you.”
 “If you ever want to talk about this, or anything that troubles you, I’ll be here for you.” Forde knows she’s the sort of person to offer her hand in return. 
Maybe this time, he’ll be able to take it.
Join The Officer's Academy, They Said. It'll Be Fun, They Said || Post-Apollyon Ouranos
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renaisguy · 23 days
“And that’s a beautiful poem...” Forde looks to Mitama’s page, and in much worse handwriting copies the same words onto his. “I might use it as the title of this painting, if you don’t mind.” 
Forde was here on a mission - but not as an axe to destroy the beautiful sight before them. Instead, he was to preserve the memory onto his canvas, at the behest of the town’s elders. What was to become the final piece had already been outlined in charcoal, and now Forde took a spare piece of paper to figure out how to paint the blooms. 
“I wish I could take one, for reference.” As the flowers swayed in the wind, their colour shimmered and changed - from purple to pink to white. “But they’re doing thorough checks. No one is to leave this place with any trace of these trees.” It was already a miracle that Forde had been allowed this close in the first place. 
He tests a large-scale approach, where the colour shifts from left to right across all the trees… but the result didn’t come close to the magnificence that shone before them. In the distance, they hear a man’s shout, and the heavy thud of a tree hitting the earth. 
“I wonder where these trees came from originally…” Forde hoped there was somewhere out there they still bloomed, in a place where no humans existed to hinder them, where they could spread across the land as they pleased. 
He hoped, in other words, that these trees would live on outside of his painting.
an absolute rose
Anniversary 2024 - Axe +1
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renaisguy · 24 days
“Ah-” A piece of Forde’s bread falls into the soup, submerged and impossible to fish out without burning oneself. But that is the only issue Forde has as he eats, which makes this a pretty perfect experience. 
“How do I phrase ‘good soup’ in my report?” Forde wonders out loud. “Something like, ‘Ordelia territory has produced a wide array of quality vegetables, which the people are putting to good use’?” He’ll work on it. “If I give a good report,” he continues, “I’m more likely to get sent on missions like this. Doesn’t that sound nice, going to a festival each month?” 
He listens to Ashe’s story, and nods along. “We were the same. But our biggest festival was in a year where the crops were struggling. It was when the war ended, and my best friend, my brother and I were finally able to return home. The entire village came together to celebrate our victory, and we danced until dawn.” Which was a surprising accomplishment for all of them, for different reasons. “Someone had even written a song about us.” 
He takes his final sip, and sighs. “I wasn’t thinking about it at the time, but it must have taken a lot of effort to put together. I should thank them properly, when I have the chance.”
“Anyway.” His smile returns. “Anything else here catch your eye?”
Destination: Flavortown
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renaisguy · 24 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Ashera
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday (no year): 6th June
Where are you from? What is your time zone? England, GMT
How long is your roleplay experience? I think it must be like 10 years technically
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? Naruto OC roleplay on Google+
How were you introduced to TOA? I played FE4 and the brainworms took over, so I started following the genealogy tag on tumblr. I kept seeing posts about X character being accepted to the officer's academy, so eventually I looked into what that was all about.
Do you have any pets? No.
What is your favourite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) My wardrobe is minmaxed for warm weather, I hate layers and I like having my window open, and having hours and hours of daylight. So summer.
What is your IRL occupation? IT.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Pixel art and cross-stitch, card games, social deduction games, doctor who, long walks.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Zero escape, Aitsf, puyo puyo tetris, balatro, slay the spire, ace attorney, umineko, other vns.
Favourite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Delphox. I like dragon, fire and dark types.
Tell us some fun facts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!)
I like dressing fancy. I regularly go to hang out with my friends wearing floor-length gowns, my grandad's boat cloak, and heels. I have a drag queen friend who sometimes gives me clothes he doesn't want any more, and it's great.
(Apart from the wrinkle where RD is technically my brother's and not mine) I own every FE game that got an English release.
I will always spell things the British way.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? At the time feh was released I was just playing every nintendo mobile game that came out. I thought the characters were cute and I found a second-hand copy of birthright sometime later. I then had to wait until Christmas to play it cause my brother's 3DS was broken.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Beaten: Genealogy, Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, Awakening, Birthright, Conquest, Echoes, 3 Houses, 3 Hopes, Engage Played a decent amount of: FE1, Binding Blade, Path of Radiance, Warriors
First & Favourite Fire Emblem games: First: Heroes/Birthright. Favourite(s): Genealogy, Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn
List your 5 favourite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Laylea, Dew, Forde, Larcei and Jeritza. Maybe. I have too many faves.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! I liked M!Robin's art in heroes and he was the first 5* I summoned. Also I fell in love with Kaden the instant I met him cause he's cute (unfortunately my Corrin was already married)
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Like so many. For brevity I'll give the biggest one from each game: Wolf, Sonya, Arvis, Karel (FE7), Joshua/Cormag, Nasir, Reina, Jeritza, Zelkov. Shout out to Arvis for being the reason I played FE4 to begin with, and Jeritza cause the morning he became playable and bisexual I went insane.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? I prefer to S support a new character each run cause I like filling the support log. The only time I've S supported a character more than once is the bisexual ones in 3H. So instead I'm giving my first and my favourite. Also at this point I've played 3H so much there's only like, 6 characters I haven't S supported. - Awakening: First: Miriel, Favourite: ??? - Fates: First: Jakob, Favourite: Kaden, Reina, Mozu - Three Houses: First: Jeritza, Favourite: Jeritza - Engage: First: Zelkov, Favourite: Zelkov
Favourite Fire Emblem class? Swordmaster
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Mage cause they have cape. I'd have great stats (delusional)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Reason, Axes, Authority. Banes: Heavy Armour, Riding, Faith. Budding talent: Faith.
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) Firene.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Tee-Oh-Ay
Current TOA muses: Forde
Past TOA muses? Larcei, Tine, Dew, Yune, Laylea
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? I had Larcei for over a year and honestly I'm really happy with what I did with her (even if rereading her stuff makes me cringe). So as much as I love her I have no strong reason to pick her up... apart from that swordmaster drabble I never got around to.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) There's overlap between the 'old' and 'new' gens of my muses. There's a hotheaded sword girl, a mage with issues :tm: and a cute blond guy. I think I have an easier time writing characters that have a positive outlook, and say what they mean.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Idk really. I don't think I'm that good at writing sad shit, so muses that have heavier stuff going on I'd struggle with.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I like being a little silly. Some of my favourite posts have been where I've just thought up some nonsense, and allowed myself to write it.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I want Forde to be obliterated emotionally. I do not care if these emotions are positive or negative.
Favourite TOA-related memories? SO many this group is awesome. I loved coming back after some time off and seeing what muses were still around. There's one in particular that Larcei and Forde are both close friends with and it cheeses me so much. Anyway happyland was my favourite event ever thank you mods.
Present or past tense? Present usually, but sometimes I use past don't worry about it.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? The most formatting I do is the occasional italics.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? There is *someone* who's been on my mind... (but really I have no strong muse thoughts at the moment, and I don't think I have the energy to double muse rn)
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