renmajo · 4 years
Choi San
Friday, March 6, 2016 || 11:30:09 a.m
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"Come on Rosé! The dress looks fine, what's the problem?" San called out annoyingly from behind the velvet red curtains of the Chanel fitting rooms. The strong scent of perfumes filling his nose and the cold atmosphere of the luxurious store kept him company as he waited for his youngest sister to emerge from the fiiting room.
"Look! The bow, it's huge!" Curtains pulling back revealing Rosé in a tule baby pink dress, small floweres stitched on the ends of the skirt for a more luxurious look. San made his way towards her investigating what the problem was before finding nothing. "It look's fine, you can always have someone remove it.”
Rosé let a sigh out in defeat, a pop noise being made by her baby pink lips before nodding in response and disappearing behind the velvet curtains yet again, the clanking of her heels echoed through San's head.
12:22:03 p.m
"Rosé,honey did you get the dress?" The sweet voice of their mother was heard before even receiving a greetings. As much as San cared for his mother, she's been getting on his nerves lately, it wasn't just him that has confessed this, his older brother Seonghwa, and older sister Joy have admitted to the woman reaching their final strings.
Rolling his eye's, San made his way out of the two's conversation and up the large staircase of the owned mansion, located in the country side of New York, far from the loud and chaotic environment of the city, well, that's how San's father would describe it if asked. "It's full of street rat's and non-rich people, especially Brooklyn!"
Especially Brooklyn, he'd always say something about that place. If the six would ever go shopping together, he'd alway's remind them to not go to Brooklyn. Why ? Because they were to good for that crummy place.
"She's in her Rosé mood today, wouldn't bother if I were you." The sudden cocky tone of his sister Joy walking down the stairs, heels clanking up against the wooden steps and a smirk on her face.
"What's up with you?" Eye's rolling yet again as a look of annoyance appeared. If is mother was in her Rosé mood, then his sister was in her One Night Stand mood and he did not like her One Night Stand mood one bit. "Let me guess, you're gonna go get a good fuck out of Jaehyun?"
"Fuck Off San!" Her cocky tone was immediately traded for an embarrassed one, San on the other hand enjoyed watching the smirk get whipped of her overly confident face she wore to proudly. It's not like she was anything anyways, to many night's with sex equals to much confidence in her head.
"You're the one who's going to get fucked, not me" San replied, a loud laugh escaping his pink plump lips before he rushed up the remaining of the stairs and hid in his bedroom, closing the heavy whte wood door, shutting away all his family problems.
"Gosh I fucking hate it here" A loud sigh was thrown into the room's lonesome atmosphere. Placing his own shopping bags by his bed as he headed towards the balcony doors for some fresh air, it helped calm the nerves his family brought.
From having to hide every time one of his father's job request betrayed him, to his alcoholic mother abusing nobody else but him and his sister Chaeyoung, and now, Joy constantly bringing men over for the night. "Just this once, I swear!" were her words she had completely broken to her five other siblings.
"I hate this family. . .well." He whispered to himself the same little sentence he lived by everyday. It wasn't all of his family to be exact, Rosé was ok cause all she does is modeling, she's probably the only child his mother ever had that didn't sign trade there good and perfect life to live an eternal mafia one, and he thanked her for that.
She's to weak and caring for all the murder and blood covered money, modeling was more calmer which kept her away from the house. Hyunjin was ok, along with Seonghwa. All they ever did was get dragged into the whole "It's just family business, nothing will happen to you" bullshit of an excuse from their father.
"I'm just trying to leave this stupid house and move into the city, maybe even brooklyn!" San remember's laughing along with Seonghwa when he had mentioned moving to the exact place his father told him to stay away from, "He wouldn't bother looking for me there, I might just take you and Hyunjin with me but we just have to find somewhere to go."
"San, lunch is ready if you want to come and eat." A knock on the door was followed by the sound of Chaeyoung's voice behind it. A loud groan was heard, he wasn't in the mood for dealing with his parent's nor Joy's cocky attitude at the moment.
"Fuck off!" He yelled to the empty room as if someone was there to hear his cries for help.
01:12:05 p.m
"San honey, how was your day?" The drunken woman asked from the other end of the table, silver fork distantly poking at him while the butter knife weakly layed in her other hand. Seonghwa sparing small glares through the corners of his brown eye's, the brown eye's every one of them shared but his held more of a softer appearance, like as if he was grasping onto the last bit of his sanity.
"Why do you ask? It's not like you care anyways." A scoff coming from his brother's who immediately took it back with clearing their throats, taking a sip from whatever was poured into his glass. "Excuse you son, do not speak to your mother like that." The sudden chilling, cold blooded voice of his father was enough to unfortunately put him back in his place.
He didn't bother apologizing, why should he? His mother didn't deserve his apology, they deserved an apology from them, for ruining their own children's lives, for constantly having those sleepless night's in fear of some backstabbing assistant breaks in and kills one of them.
One thing's for sure, he grew a bit closer to his siblings, being the third oldest didn't come with any benefits besides being caught in between his mother's beatings along with Chaeyoung who was the fourth born.
"Speaking with you now, I have a job for you, San and you too, Seonghwa." Both looking up from their lunch plates to meet the devilish look in the old man's eye's, enough to know what was going to happen.
"A job?" Seonghwa questioned, annoyed little tone laced into his words directed to the man. "Will you give us a moment?" With that, San and Seonghwa watched the rest of their siblings and drunk mother exit the dining room, the maid walking in moment's after to pick up the plates.
"What's this job you speak of, father?" San asked, he felt his hands begin to shake. Fiddling with the silver rings covering his fingers as he awaits for the news nervously, "I need you two, to kill someone for me."
The sound of the heavy silver ring hitting the surface of the floor echoed throughout the room, the room went silent that if you were able to, you'd hear the two males heartbeat increase when their father asked of that. "Y-you what?" Seonghwa spoke, the once annoyed voice was replaced with a rather furious one.
"Kill someone?" San repeated the words that still managed to send chills down his spine. It wasn't San's or Seonghwa's first time, there hands have been covered in more blood than their father's they were practically swimming in it, they've gotten used to it unfortunately. Late hour's, returning home with more trauma on their shoulders with the horrific screams still embedded into their ears.
But just because they've gotten used to it doesn't mean they like it, having to jab a knife or shoot someone was one of the worst experiences of San's life. There were day's were him and Seonghwa would think of running off when they'd have job's far from home but remembered the promise.
"We're running away, the three of us. I don't care if Rosé doesn't want to go or Chae tries to stop us, no! It's only going to be us three, ok?"
The promise that they agreed to not leave without Hyunjin who wasn't assigned to this job. "Who is it this time?" The eldest son rolled his eyes, arm's crossed above his waist. "His name, Im Changkyun. The son of one of the biggest drug dealing businesses, his father was murdered three year's ago and gave everything in his name to that no good son of his."
The manilla folder slapped against the table, "This contains all the information you need to know, from his birthday to the last spot he was seen at. Do not mess this up. . .or that joke of a son won't be the only one with a bullet through his skull."
San felt as if his blood fross, his body covered in goosebumps and his heart took a pause before being dragged out of the room by Seonghwa and led into the other's bedroom. Locking the door shut, Seonghwa paced around with his hands tangled up in between the black hair.
The room fell silent, the older male stopped pacing around, "I have a plan." Suddenly walking towards the tv to turn it off, powering off his cellphone while asking San to do the same, not taking any chances of his father listening into their conversation.
Seonghwa let out a deep sigh before beginning, "Our parents are getting on our final nerves, San. . .we have to get rid of them."
"What do you mean get rid of them?" In this life style, there were two meanings of the words "get rid of them", one being sending them off on some lovely one way vacation so they never comeback, kicking them out of the house even, and two "Get rid of them" He said gesturing him slighting his throat.
Kill Them
"Hwa -"
"We can't do this ourselves though, we need everyone in on this." The sohnd of the tailor made shoes hitting the floor towards the door until San stopped him. "And if one snitches us out, and by one i mean Joy? Then what?"
It was true that oldest sister of the three had a tendency of "accidentally" snitching out their plans such as when they tried running away. "Oh i'm sorry, did i say that out loud?" would be her overused excuse.
"We kill them to? Only fair isn't it?" Such nauseating words said by such a light hearted and sweet person only made San realize he wasn't joking, it was all serious and he had to take it seriously or they all die.
"True." He smiled, shrugging his shoulders before walking out with his brother, he must've known exactly where they were at finding all of them sitting in the living room, "We need to talk." He whispered in hopes to not be heard.
But how wouldn't he? The house was only so quiet you can hear someone's heartbeat. A look of concern was plastered onto their faces but proceeded to follow them back into Seonghwa's room.
It was almost as if they had been planning to do so as well if they didn't hesitate to agree, it didn't even faze them at the words "Were getting rid of them." almost like they were waiting for the last two members of the family to agree with it.
"Took you two long enough to come with that conclusion, don't you think?" Joy replied fixing the black leather gloves that hid her hands perfectly. "We could've gotten rid of them day's ago if you didn't take so long."
"Don't start complaining or i'll back out of it."
Letting out an annoyed sigh before placing her hands on the side's of her sparkly gold Chanel dress, "So whats the plan?"
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