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this is the dumbest thing i’ve made in a while
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i apologize greatly for not posting anything for actual weeks; i was gonna rp today and post shit because like!! it’s klavier’s birthday (yep! hc klavier’s birthday is march 10th) but i feel so tired i do not think i’ll even tag this post
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Do you think anyone’s tried to pretend to be a witness? “omg guys my boss got arrested!! if it’s a klav case I’m wearing my best clothes 🥺🥺”
lotta hart literally did this in game one case four
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some groundbreaking lore is goin down rn holy shit and i havent said ANYTHING. will post about it whenever it’s over with i promise
also you may be getting.... the written out version of whatever happened in the rp...... as a fun treat :]
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clay would, 100 percent, have a twitter account. But not the way you think, no nonono clay terran is not a twitter user; he just uses it to fuck with all the pissy angry twitter users because he thinks it’s funny
he’s more of a tumblr user than a twitter user. he fucking hates twitter
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naurrr ain’t no way she’s back
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inspired by this post here
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i feel like klavier would be a weezer fan. as cursed as that sounds like he would?? he’d listen to it on his spotify and everyone ignores it and moves on but if you played the first 4 notes of buddy holly he would recognize it in a heartbeat and it scares everyone
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AU Character Introductions
I want to introduce an “in-depth” (and, when i mean in-depth, i mean just a quick overview of the main changes) explaination for the characters! (things will be updated as the AU goes on + some characters may not be different at all from canon, like Vera--rather, post-game Vera)
Apollo Justice
He/They, MLM + Achillean; also gender-questioning he just knows he’s something masc
Officially dating Klavier
Apollo and Trucy know they’re siblings--also knows Lamoir is his mother (it was a very awkward discussion)
He also knows about his biological father, but the details are really vague and he doesn’t know much
Currently lives with Klavier (as of now they are still dating though)
Neurodivergent! i headcanon him as autistic so uhm yea- uses tone indicators too
he is 5′4″
Klavier Gavin
Any pronouns, Genderfluid Bisexual
Offically dating Apollo
Independant music artist! The Gavinniers broke up and, yes, he quit music for a while, but found he couldn’t help but want to make something
His full name is Kantilen Klavier Gavin, but goes by Klavier and only will let a few people (”few people” being Apollo) call him Kantilen
just don’t mention kristoph around him. kristoph was kinda fucked up
damn near 6′0″
His hair is naturally brown and
Uses the term “Frau” to talk to Trucy or any feminine figure, REFUSES TO USE “fraulien” due to it being offensive/outdated
Trucy Wright
She/They/Kadabra + other neopronouns, Demigirl + Catgender and Bisexual
Knows that Apollo is her older half-brother
A little more mischevious, due to Maya being around more and having a little bit of an influence on her
Her middle name is Dinosaur. Trucy Dinosaur Wright. /srs.
probably has adhd and doesn’t even know it
Phoenix Wright
He/Him, Transmasc Bisexual
Married to Edgeworth
Got his badge back after the events of AA4, but doesn’t often have any cases due to people still not entirely trusting him
he just dresses like a hobo because yknow why dress up for work when nobody gives a shit anyways
He’s very relaxed, much like in AA4
Miles Edgeworth
He/Him, MLM
Not too different from his canon, though he is a little more apt to attempt to learn things (such as tone indicators)
Married to Wright
Goes on a lot of business trips, but always does try to make time for Trucy and Phoenix
Absolute ��✧ 𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓇 ✧ (he likes Steel Samurai you don’t understand how much merch he owns)
Clay Terran
He/They/Rocket/Space/Star + other neopronouns, Demiboy and Pansexual
Clay has ADHD you cannot change my mind
He isn’t dead. That’s.. sadly a big change isnt it 💀
Clay has freckles and green eyes!
Probably a himbo. Not like, incredibly stupid but sometimes you wonder...
Highly chaotic and energetic, though can buckle down and be serious when the time comes
He is a Fortnite player and is very good at it
Maya Fey
She/her Girlflux Lesbian
Officially dating Franziska
She and Clay are close friends (they are both chaotic)
Stayed around Wright & Co. longer, worked as an assistant as well as the Kurain Master shit
Not much change from canon except a little more chaotic
Franziska von Karma
She/her Lesbian
Officially dating Maya
Not much change from canon except she will speak German at you if you do it first or you understand and speak German as well (she has gotten into debacles with Klavier and they have yelled at each other in German)
Maya has helped her with her issues with perfection and stuff, though she’s still prickly as hell
Athena Cykes
She/They/Gear/Spark/Pixel + other neopronouns, Genderfae and Bisexual w/ lean towards women
mental illnes???? will have to think more on this
I seriously do not think a lot has changed with Athena, however maybe she was a little bit more honest with her past? idk man
Emma Skye
She/They Bisexual with lean towards women
Possibly a little more of a grumpy insensitive bitch than the canon
Will she ever come back? Who knows
Absolutely fucking hates Klavier. Like there’s no mercy, she’s fine with Apollo and whatever but as soon as Klavier waltzes within a 10 mile radius of her she goes scary goes crazy goes stupid
welcome to lawyer hell
welcome to my personal lawyer hell, my name is gav and i’ll be leading you through this mess of an AU.
First off, I want to start off by saying that this is an Ace Attorney blog and i will not/barely be reblogging anything, unless it’s headcanons I like and wish to perhaps create canon within this universe.
I’d also like you to be aware that: 
i have never played duel destinies, nor watched anything from it. I don’t mind spoilers, despite the fact that I may plan to play it in the future for the sake of characterization and roleplay (mainly for Athena; i refuse to soak in any information of whatever they did to Apollo and Klavier) 
This is mainly based off the wiki and my own interperitation. People like Clay may have personalities that contrast popular belief or what’s given in-game (he still is positive and upbeat and the generic anime-astronaut-supportive-friend-who-💀).
there are mild spoilers regarding some posts and overall universe stuff: If you haven’t finished AA4/DD/Plan to play any of them w/o spoilers, DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER ON THIS BLOG. I will make sure to tag if it’s a spoiler or not
Pretty headcanon-heavy. I think this is self explainatory but yeah
If anything else needs to be added to this particular intro, i will add it later.
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welcome to lawyer hell
welcome to my personal lawyer hell, my name is gav and i’ll be leading you through this mess of an AU.
First off, I want to start off by saying that this is an Ace Attorney blog and i will not/barely be reblogging anything, unless it’s headcanons I like and wish to perhaps create canon within this universe.
I’d also like you to be aware that: 
i have never played duel destinies, nor watched anything from it. I don’t mind spoilers, despite the fact that I may plan to play it in the future for the sake of characterization and roleplay (mainly for Athena; i refuse to soak in any information of whatever they did to Apollo and Klavier) 
This is mainly based off the wiki and my own interperitation. People like Clay may have personalities that contrast popular belief or what’s given in-game (he still is positive and upbeat and the generic anime-astronaut-supportive-friend-who-💀).
there are mild spoilers regarding some posts and overall universe stuff: If you haven’t finished AA4/DD/Plan to play any of them w/o spoilers, DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER ON THIS BLOG. I will make sure to tag if it’s a spoiler or not
Pretty headcanon-heavy. I think this is self explainatory but yeah
If anything else needs to be added to this particular intro, i will add it later.
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